Imágenes de páginas

building, which has the appearance of a church distant plains and mountains of Moab. As I in miniature. The entrance is by a small door, glanced over these devoted waters, the passage to pass through which it is necessary to stoop of Scripture instantaneously came into my mindlow; and, in an instant, the visiter finds himself in Suffering the vengeance of eternal fire! In the a small chamber, not seven feet long, and allow-midst of our enjoyment of scriptural antiquity, we ing just space for two persons to pass each other may not screen from our view the awful memobetween the wall and the tomb. The tomb, as I rials, which ever and anon present themseives: measured it, is six feet and a quarter long, three all the surrounding country seems endeared by wide, and two feet and a quarter high. Many the remembrance of innumerable acts of Divine splendid lamps, diffusing an oppressive heat, were mercy: but what we now see reminds me, that hanging above this venerated spot. The tomb God is a God of judgment; and Scripture leaves itself is white marble, and designates only the the mind in no doubt, as to the present sufferings PLACE where the Lord lay. A priest stood at the and the eternal doom of the inhabitants of this upper part of this small chamber, continually once fertile plain of Jordan. After gazing some sprinkling rose water upon the tomb, which shed minutes on the immense prospect, and vainly a faint perfume around. While we were gazing musing which point in the line of the mountains on this spot, two or three devotees came in, knelt, of Moab (for there are only a few very slightly kissed the marble, crossed themselves many times, elevated points) might be that Pisgah-top from and moved their lips as in prayer. Our singulari- which Moses was permitted to see this land of ty, no doubt, was remarked by them, as we re- promise, we set forward to reach the top of Mount mained standing: but while we have no desire to Olivet. Here is a small village, so inconsiderable offend their feelings, we have also no objection to as not to spoil the aspect of the mountain from their knowing that Protestants regard these cere- Jerusalem. Among these poor buildings is a monies, as being vain in the sight of God, and de- small oratory, in the centre of which is exhibited trimental to the simplicity of the gospel. I feel, the spot, which, as they say, was the last touched moreover, that it would be difficult for me to rise by the foot of our Saviour before the moment of in this place to the spirit of devotion. The ful- His ascension! Let that pass: and let us forget some pageantry of the scene must be first remov- that meddling, microscopic tradition has thus ined: the ground of Mount Calvary, now encumber-truded on the sublimest of all earthly scenes-the ed with convents, churches, and houses, and dis- type of that more awful scene, to be unfolded in guised by splendid altars, gaudy pictures, and questionable relics, must be cleared, and left a simple unadorned spot of nature: less precision in pointing out the scene of each portion of sacred story must be assumed: and, above all, this bustle of ecclesiastical apparatus must utterly vanish; and the dishonoring remembrance be blotted out of the mind, that, to this spot, for so many centuries, ignorance and superstition have sent their millions of votaries, on an unwarranted message. It is this last mentioned circumstance, principally, which has rendered my view of this place often a source of the deepest melancholy.


If, however, the heart desire the solace of some holy reminiscences, these may still be enjoyed, pure and native, as the eye turns toward Mount Olivet. There, no violence, or none that merits notice, has been done to the simplicity of the


the last day, when every eye shall see the Redeemer coming again, in like manner as he was once seen, in yonder very sky above me, ascending into heaven.


Having alighted at this village, we advanced a little way into the adjacent fields; and, sheltering ourselves beside one of the olive trees from the west wind which blew sharply, we enjoyed a fuller prospect of the city, every part of which lies plain before the view from this eminence. The whole of Jerusalem seems like one continuous hill, standing out singly from the midst of the surrounding mountains. To the north, east, and south, it is surrounded by the deep valley, which, in its various parts, has, at different times, borne the names of the brook of Cedron, the valley of Jehoshaphat, Tophet, and Gehinnom. On the west, the ground adjacent to the walls is, comparatively speaking, level ground; but these walls, on the western In pursuance of our plan, we took horses, imme-part, take in a considerable number of habitations diately on leaving the church of the sepulchre, to which did not belong to the city, and did not in visit all the neighborhood of the Mount of Olives. fact exist, in the most ancient times. They inLeaving the city by the gate of Jaffa, we wound clude Bezetha and Mount Calvary. Bezetha was our course round by the north-west angle of the added in the time of Herod and Pilate; and Mount walls, passed the gate of Damascus which is on Calvary, which now groans beneath the weight the north, and then began to descend into the vale of monastic piles, was probably open ground, culof the brook Cedron. The aspect of all this spot tivated for gardens, (John xix. 41,) at the time has been already described. We crossed the when He who suffered WITHOUT THE GATE (Heb. brook, passed the garden of Gethsemane, and be-xiii. 12,) there poured out his soul unto death. It gan to ascend the Mount of Olives somewhat to is not difficult to conceive, observing from this the left of the direct path to its summit. The ad-spot the various undulations and slopes of the vantage gained by this was, that, by reaching a ground, that, when Mount Zion, Acre, and Mount point a little north-west of this summit, we had a Moriah constituted the bulk of the city with a deep more extensive view of the Dead Sea, of the im- and steep valley surrounding the greater part of mense irregular ravine which leads to it com- it, it must have been considered by the people of mencing at the valley of Jehoshaphat, and of the that age as nearly impregnable. It stands beau

tiful for situation!-words which have perpetually soften and elevate the affections. When I reburst from my lips as I have surveyed all the sur-member, in future days, my visit to this unadorned rounding scenery, and this unique, crowning cen- solitude, I would endeavor to associate with it the tre of the whole. It is, indeed, builded as a city, spirit of those words "If ye then be risen with that is compact together. (Ps. cxii. 3.) The kings Christ, seek those things which are above, where of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Set your would not have believed that the adversary and the affections on things above, not on things on the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusa-earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with lem! (Lam. iv. 12. B. C. 588.) This was said Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall nearly two thousand four hundred years ago.-appear, then shall ye also appear with him in And when, 650 years after, Titus besieged and glory.' (Col. iii. 1-4.) Here, therefore, metook this devoted city, he exclaimed, on viewing mory shall exhibit to my mind the scene of the the vast strength of the place, "We have cer- ascension!* tainly had God for our assistant in this war; and it was no other than God, who ejected the Jews out of these fortifications: for what could the hands of men, or any machines, do towards overthrowing these towers?" (Josephus: B. vi. ch. 9.)


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After a short half-hour's ride from the summit of the Mount of Olives, we arrived at the little village which bears the name of Bethany, now a miserable cluster of mud hovels. We were, first, shown the grave of Lazaras. We had to descend many steps to see it, as it is now considerably beneath the ground: it does not correspond with the idea formed in the mind from reading John xi. 38. On going round the village, one ruined house was pointed out, as the site of the house of Mary and Martha.

our carpet under one of the most beautiful and luxuriant olive trees that I ever beheld. The field was full of such trees. I had never, from what I have seen of innumerable olive groves in various countries, conceived it possible for this tree to attain such richness and beauty. The soil all round must be peculiarly adapted to their growth; and their flourishing aspect bespeaks also the hand of careful culture. We were surrounded, during our repast, by the sheik, and other men with the children of the village, who kept a respectful silence while we ate, and afterward thankfully received what we spared for them. Our party was now suddenly broken up by a heavy fall of rain.

We resumed our ride: descending by a rather steep declivity eastward, we lost sight of Jerusalem; and had, on our right, the slope of the mountain, beneath or on the sides of which the direct path leads from Jerusalem to Bethany. To this interesting village we were now directing our steps. It is somewhere on this retired side of We thought to take our repast here; but as Mount Olivet, out of view of the busy city, that I the wind was blowing keenly, and threatened should be inclined to place the scene of the As-rain, we went into the adjacent field, and spread cension; for it is said (Luke xxiv. 50, 51,) that our Lord led His disciples out as far as to Bethany, and then was parted from them, and carried up into heaven. The previous conversation, as related in the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles (ch. i. 6-9,) would, probably, occupy some time while walking toward Bethany; for we must not judge of the length of our Lord's discourses by the brevity with which the evangelists record them. Here, the last sparks of earthly ambition were extinguished in the bosoms of the apostles; and they were prepared to expect that purer fire, which was ere long to burst forth upon the day of Pentecost. Here, their Head was taken from them; and two of the ministering spirits of his train, becoming visible to their eyes, interrupted their mute astonishment, and dismissed thein to their proper stations.* Returning from this place to Jerusalem, the disciples would announce to Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brethren, and all the disciples-" Though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more! It is to the promise of his Spirit that we must now look: that Spirit will be given not many days hence, and will abide with us for ever!"

In these reflections, and on this sequestered spot, I feel a more pure delight, than I could possibly attain in the tumultuous throng of worshippers, who crowd the church of the sepulchre. Here, silence and retirement, and the dreary grandeur of the mountains before me, and the mild glory of the heavens above, all conspire to

est path; that, probably, described by St. Luke We set off to return to Jerusalem, by the nearin the gospel, chapter xix. verses 28-44. The round the side of the mountain, and come almost scene seems, in fact, to verify itself: as you wind suddenly in view of the city, it needs no guide to say, "This must have been the spot, where, as

*The remarks of bishop Hall, in his Contemplations on the Resurrection, may very properly be introduced in this place. "There may be a kind of carnality in spiritual actions. If, O Saviour, we have heretofore known thee after the flesh, henceforth know we thee so no more. That thou livedst here, in this shape, that color, this stature, that habit, I should be glad to know; nothing that conthou satest; here thou layest; here, and thus, thou cerns thee can be unuseful. Could I say 'Here wert crucified; here, buried; here, settest thy last

*Mount Olivet is a term which applies to an ex-foot;' I should, with much contentment, see and tensive region of eminences all round, and not to any one point only; on the same principle as that noticed under the head of Nazareth. The specified distance, therefore-a Sabbath day's journey-is applicable to many spots of this place.

recount these memorials of thy presence: but, if I shall so fasten my thoughts upon these, as not to look higher, to the spiritual part of thine achievements, to the power and issue of thy resurrection, I am never the better." Bp. Hall's Works, vol. II. p. 511.

our Saviour came near to Jerusalem, he beheld the city, and wept over it!"

We were soon thoroughly wetted by the rain; but, as it began afterward to intermit a little, we were induced to pursue our original intention of going completely through the valley surrounding the city.


wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortest me. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation."

On the other side of the projecting hill, after passing under ground two or three hundred feet or thereabouts, (for I do not pretend to speak with exactness,) these waters re-appear: and here they are drawn off to irrigate a lovely spot, consisting of gardens and small fields, reaching from this point of the acclivity down to the dell beneath; I only further noticed of the view eastward, where the brook Cedron, from the north, and the that, though the rocky country toward the Dead valley of Hinnom, from the south, unite in one: Sea, both northward and southward of the valley forming from thence the valley of Jehoshaphat. of Jehoshaphat, must evidently have been at all These gardens are, in summer, often frequented times very unproductive of corn, yet it possesses by the Turks, whom cool streams and the sight of the two qualities essential to the accomplishment verdure invite hither to repose themselves; not of Jacob's benediction to Judah. I was led to without the soothing fumes of the pipe. The sithis remark by passing through some well-culti-tuation of this spot appears to be that alluded to vated vineyards, the produce of which furnishes in Nehemiah iii. 15, and in 2 Kings xxv. 4, 5. Jerusalem with excellent wines. Along the sides of these hills, also, we continually see flocks and herds the sheep and goats in the immediate vicinity of the city have a very picturesque appearance, as they are slowly driven into Jerusalem just before sunset, after which the gates are shut; and from their milk a great part of the support of the inhabitants is derived. Thus, when this seemingly unpromising soil was cultivated in perfection, it would answer exactly to the promise given to the tribe of Judah-"Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes: his eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk."* (Gen. xlix. 11, 12.)

Descending into the vale of Cedron, and crossing the brook, at this time dry, we made our course again westward, that we might pass by the east and south side of the city, and enter at the western or Jaffa gate, from which we had originally set out. We passed by the Jewish burying-ground, south-east of the city.


A little further we came to the Pool of Siloam, whose waters go softly: they have a current; but it is almost imperceptible. I alighted to descend more than twenty steps, and taste the waters of this fountain, at which, in ancient times, the Jews were wont to celebrate a festival, singing the twelfth chapter of Isaiah. May they, once again, sing aloud on this spot-"O Lord, though thou

Jebus, afterward called Jerusalem, properly belonged to the tribe of Benjamin; and the lot of Judah began on the south side of the valley of Hinnom. (Joshua xv. 8, and xviii. 16, 28.) But as this character of the soil applies equally to the country south of Jerusalem, and consequently illustrates exactly the blessing pronounced on Judah, the author does not withhold it, although it was originally suggested by scenery strictly belonging to the tribe of Benjamin.

After the taking of the strong hold of Zion by David, who was of the tribe of Judah, and the removal of the Ark to Jerusalem, this city seems to have become, in some sense, the property of that tribe; although the right of Benjamin seems never to have been wholly lost sight of. (See 1 Chron. ix. 3. Nehem. xi. 1—4.)

Just over against the pool of Siloam, near the bottom of the valley, and on the slope of a lofty mountain on the opposite side is a village which they call Siloa; it has a miserable aspect; many of the habitations being no better than excavations from the rock, and the rest very meanly built houses. I counted, including both kinds, about fifty: the population inhabiting them could not exceed two hundred.


Continuing our route on the southern side of the city, we next entered the valley of Hinnom; a deep ravine, closed in on the right by the steep acclivity of Mount Zion, and on the left by a line of cliffs more or less elevated. From some point in these cliffs, tradition relates that the apostate betrayer of our Lord sought his desperate end: and the position of the trees, which, in various parts, overhang the brow of the cliff, accords with the common opinion of the manner of his death. In some parts of this ravine, the city is not visible: the reason is, that there is a considerable portion of Mount Zion toward the south-east, which is at present not inclosed within the walls of the city. This outer part is occupied, by the burying-place of the Christians, by an Armenian convent as abovementioned without the walls, and by a very small Turkish village: the rest of this portion of Mount Zion is arable land, laid out in fields; most remarkably exhibiting, at the present day, the fulfilment of the prophecy uttered first by Micah. (chap. iii. 12;) and afterward quoted by Jeremiah (chap. xxvi. 18.) Zion shall be ploughed as a field.

We returned, by the Jaffa gate, about three o'clock in the afternoon, to our convent. The view of the city on approaching it from the west,

* Bishop Lowth (Notes on Isaiah, chap. xii.) relates this custom. "On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the Jews fetched water, in a golden pitcher, from the fountain of Siloah, springing at the foot of Mount Zion, without the city: they brought it through the Water-Gate into the temple; and poured it, mixed with wine, on the sacrifice as it lay on the altar, with great rejoicing.-Our Saviour applied the ceremony, and the intention of it, to Himself; and to the effusion of the Holy Spirit, promised, and to be given, by Him."

In the afternoon, we had a call from Ysa Petros. We arranged to have service, the next day, in Italian; that he might unite with us, before my departure, in religious worship.

from Jaffa, is exceedingly poor. On coming within sight of it, nothing appears to the eye but a fore-ground, running nearly level up to the walls; and these walls are not distinguished by any appearance of boldness or elegance, but only In the evening the Reverend Mr. Lewis arrived serve to hide the city from the view. The coun- by way of Ramla. He has spent many days at try all around, at this part, is rocky and rugged. Damascus, Safet, and Tiberias; and gives an inThis excursion, being in several respects per-teresting account of the distribution of the Scripfectly new, was to me most refreshing and de- tures among Jews and Christians in the variou lightful; and amply compensated for the incon- places on his tour. venience which we had suffered during the latter part of it, from frequent and heavy showers of rain.



Sunday, Dec. 14, 1823.-In the morning, Mr. Fisk, Mr. Lewis, Pappas Ysa Petros, and inyself united in divine service, in Italian. This is my last of four Sabbaths spent in the holy city.

There is something very peculiar in the aspect

I have not mentioned the different burial grounds which we have observed: they are all separate, and are as follows. The Christians bury their dead on Mount Zion: the Turks have a burying-city to vend their trinkets. There is, at Bethlehem, ground between the Damascus gate, and the gate going out near the mosque of Omar; another also about a quarter of a mile from the Jaffa gate, on the wayside going to the monastery of the Holy Cross: the Jews have their burying-ground on the north side of the valley of Jehoshaphat, over against where the temple anciently stood. It is the idea of many, that the scene of the day of judgment will here take place, according to a well known interpretation of Joel iii. 11-17; and these children of Abraham seem to have chosen this spot for the repose of their mortal remains, to be ready to raise at the voice of the Judge, and receive the promised favor to their people. The scenery on this side of Jerusalem is peculiarly bold, and well suited to inspire feelings of sublimity and awe.


Saturday, Dec. 13, 1823.-The day being very stormy, we were obliged to keep at home; which I much regretted, as it abridged my opportunity of seeing the Jewish synagogues, as we had appointed to do to-day. I had intended moreover, at all events, going to Bethlehem to-day, if the weather should permit: but in this also, I was disappointed. The reason of this delay in visiting the place of the nativity, was, that for several days there has been a bad understanding between the government of Jerusalem and the men of Bethlehem. These men are remarkable for their high and independent spirit; and have manifested a resolution not to stoop to the oppressive measurcs of the new governor. The Turkish soldiers quartered upon them having probably behaved with insolence, the Bethlehemites expelled them; and these have been, we hear, sent back with no honor to Damascus: a reinforcement has arrived, and was yesterday sent to Bethlehem. In case of my going, I should have thrown aside my Oriental dress, and have dressed as an Englishman; which would have, at once declared me neutral in the existing quarrels of the country. I still cherish the thought of going thither on Monday.*

* One of the consequences of the present war, between the governor of Jerusalem and the men of Bethlehem is, that these men cannot come to the

a considerable manufacture of articles in mother-ofpearl, scollop-shells, &c. on which they engrave, in a rude style, pictures of Scripture history, especially the Crucifixion, and figures of the Virgin Mary formerly have been, a great source of trade to these and the saints. Beads, crosses, &c. are, or rather unpolished artisans: these articles, after having been duly blest by the bishops, and attested as coming from the holy city, were exported to Europe, where they brought, from superstitious devotees, no small gain unto the craftsmen. One or two poor women have, however, ventured by stealth, with these articles, into the city; from whom I purchased a few trifles, in consideration of their present poverty. One article which they exhibited was a model in wood, inlaid with ivory, of the chapel built over the holy sepulchre. Of the various trinkets which they

showed, no one served better than this to illustrate the expression translated in our English version, silver shrines for Diana. (Acts xix. 24.) The original is ναους αργυρους" and means silver models of the temple of Diana. Whether made very small, or entirely wrought in silver-or, if larger, inlaid or washed with silver-it is of little moment. In all the Levant, and in Roman Catholic countries, the Isaiah (See chapters xl. 19, 20, xli. 6, 7. xliv. 12-17. pagan traffic, so inimitably described by the prophet xlvi. 6,) continues in full activity: nor will they be persuaded that this is idolatrous, because the seventh general council has declared it to be lawful, and anathematized all those who think the contrary.

Very shortly after the author left Jerusalem, the matter at issue between the governor of Jerusalem and the men of Bethlehem came to a trial. The governor having interested in his service as many of the neighboring Arab sheiks as he could, went out with his forces, and was met in battle by the Bethlehemites. The men of Bethlehem obtained modation: they were to pay a sum of money to the some advantages, which led to a temporary accomgovernor; and he, on the other hand, was not to quarter soldiers on the town, which had been the principal point at issue. The Bethlehemites, however, fearing a surprise, still continued under arms; and the governor threatened them, that the Pacha himself of Damascus should come with all his forces and compel them to admit a Turkish garrison: but the words of the men of Bethlehem were ceded the battle. A few days before, the governor's fiercer than his. A wanton piece of barbarity preparty found a poor old man of Bethlehem laboring in the fields, and shot him; and fixed his head over the gate of Jerusalem, as if to whet their appetite for carnage.


of this day in these parts. We have never as yet had, indeed, occasion to say, that the adversaries mock at our Sabbaths: but the sensation, arisMonday, Dec. 15, 1823.-Yesterday, beyond all ing from seeing, that to the Mohammedans and expectation, after two days of stormy weather apJews this is a day of work, and that to the bulk parently likely to last, the sky cleared up, and I of professing Christians it is, alas! a day of more had resolved, should this day prove equally fair, than usual mirth, visiting, and feasting, abates to take my departure. Accordingly, with one of much of that spirit of sacred sympathy which the brightest mornings that ever greeted a pilDavid so touchingly describes-I went up with the grim's eye, I gave the word to move. At an early MULTITUDE of them that kept holy day. I was glad with me to take leave, and staid some time. The hour, Pappas Ysa and the Abyssinian priest were when they said, Let us go into the house of the Lord! On this very spot, did David once delight in these Greek deacon, Cæsarius, called also in haste, to Sabbatic hours! But what would he think, were say farewell: he is, himself, under orders this day his spirit to descend from its eternal rest, to see to go with a party of the monks to the convent of his strong hold of Zion dismantled; and his Mar Saba, there probably to spend the Christmas brethren, for whose peace he prayed, broken in festival. Various delays arose in fact, in this pieces by the oppressor? Were Solomon again country a good departure is always worth half-ato walk this earth, and view his unrivalled temple day's journey. I had only, besides my own and supplanted by the mosque of Omar; or could my servant's horse, a mule's load of baggage, a Isaiah know that his evangelic raptures are still guide on horseback, and a muleteer on an ass: unrevealed to multitudes on this holy hill of Zion, yet, with this simple equipage, after having acand that the watchmen who should have kept tually taken leave of my brethren and passed two their stand day and night upon the walls of Jeru- or three streets, I discovered serious impositions salem have long since held their peace and sunk which the guide wished to pass upon me, and was into almost pagan stupor; or could the first apos-obliged to return and have, as usual, a conflict tles look round, and ask in this place, Who are they that have kept the faith?what would be the emotions of their re-embodied spirits! We, so greatly their inferiors-not so devout, nor fervent, nor conversant with divine mysteries as they-yet feel amazed and utterly down-cast, when we contemplate so many visible marks of departed glory.

If, however, the work now beginning here, be (as we would humbly trust it is) right in principle, and the workmen right in heart, we must not despise the day of small things. Two ministers of the church of England, one to the Jews and another to the Gentiles, and a minister from the distant shores of the new world, uniting in prayer with a native minister of the gospel in Jerusalem, form but a small assembly; but it is such a congregation as I once never thought to see. May our prayers for an increase of laborers be accepted and answered, by the Lord of the Sabbath, exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think!

Our worship, besides the devotional part, consisted in my discoursing on the closing verses of the fifth chapter of the second epistle to the Corinthians: after which Mr. Fisk took up the service; and, with much feeling, discoursed from the ninth chapter of Daniel; applying it, in a very striking manner, to the present circumstances of the suffering oriental churches.

with that perverse thing-Arab temper. On these occasions, I have observed that it is only necessary to be in the right, and to show yourself decided and calm; upon which, after a few malignant evolutions, the evil spirit becomes submissive, and even tractable. Thus it was with my guide, on the present occasion: finding himself detected, he hastened to repair his error; and, with redoubled vehemence, laid both hands upon his green turban to assure me with their usual oath, "Upon my head," that he would serve me faithfully. (See Matthew v. 36.) This is the commonest oath of the country, "On my head."*

At length all parties being brought round to good humor, and Mohammed the guide the more so for having been completely conquered, we made a second more successful departure.


At half past eleven o'clock, we passed the Damascus gate of the city; and, in half an hour, reached the top of the hill, from which I had caught the first view of Jerusalem on my arrival,

* Another most common oath with the Arabs is W'Allah; an appeal to the Sacred Name. Occasionally they strengthen this by Wen-Nabi, "By the Prophet." The remark, an oath for confirmation is an end of all strife, is often curiously exemplitions. After wrangling a long while, with a vehefied by the Arabs, in their most common transacmence and a pertinacity, which seems to shut out all hope of conciliation, they will (if suffered by the traveller to take their own time) suddenly come In the evening, my American brother and my to terms: their chief, who has watched the furious self spent an hour, as we had been used to do on debate, and in good part fomented it, marks the authe close of our Sabbaths, in mutually making spicious moment, clenches the question: gives the such friendly remarks as might be personally use-signal W'Allah, and at once all is settled; every ful to us in our common work. As this was our last conference, I am induced to put on record the topic concerning which we then conversed and prayed "How best to secure the advantages, and avoid the evils, which may result from our studying the characters and consequently perceiving the faults of Christian brethren?"

man proceeds to his post, whether it be loading or unloading animals, or setting off on a journey, &c. sulted the traveller to his face, will then come smilThe man, who has a minute before defied and ining and fawning about him, with an officiousness still more disgusting than his previous rudeness. It is best, on these occasions, not to contend; neither to rage, nor laugh, with them. (See Prov. xxix. 9.)

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