Imágenes de páginas

the time till the wagons were ready, I proposed that they should treat us with a war-song, with the promise of some tobacco at the conclusion. This happily had the desired effect, while it embodied the current of their feelings, it acted at the same time like a safety-valve; they stormed and raved, and, to the extent of their lungs, declared


"No white man shall drink our milk,


were rude but sufficient; generally wattled and
plastered with mud, and neatly white-washed, and,
surrounded by a coilection of bee-hive huts, like
an oasis in the desert, stood up the salutary me-
mentos of civilization in a barbarous land. May
their hands be strengthened, and many more la-
borers enter the field! Finding that we were
but a day's ride from the next missionary esta-
blishment "Bunting," the wagons were sent
round as usual, while we crossed the Umtata by

No white man shall eat the bread of our children, a shorter route, and, entering the Amaponda

country, reached the station on that evening, and
were kindly welcomed by Mr. Satchell, Wesleyan
missionary. During our progress through the
Amakosa tribes the greatest vigilance was ne-
cessary to prevent the loose articles about the
wagons from being stolen, and so quiet and un-
expected were their approaches on these occa

This complimentary couplet was so often and so vehemently repeated, that ample time was afforded for inspanning the oxen of both wagons, and on the first glimpse of the tobacco their ire was so much subdued that they sullenly said that we might pass, but we were the last that should.-sions, that on awaking at day-light I have freDuring all this time the crowd had been increasing, and when we crossed the river there could not have been less than two or three hundred men, besides women; it was one of those merciful escapes in which the hand of a gracious God is so eminently conspicuous, and for which we have great and lasting cause to be thankful.

During our progress through the Amakosa tribes we occasionally stopped at the traders' stations, wretched mud-built hovels, and in so filthy a state, that my surprise is that any of the inmates ever escaped the most malignant fevers. Contented with two rooms, they inhabited one while the other (the partition of which as though purposely constructed to admit the effluvia, did not reach within several feet of the roof,) was piled nearly to the rafters with a collection of hides and horns, the former in all the intermediate stages from the green to the pickled. Such an odoriferous mélange of garbage, fat, and filth was perhaps never before compacted into so small a compass, yet were these people seemingly happy, and sipped their tea and their coffee, and offered the same to every stranger that passed, with as much frankness and disregard to their olfactory nerves as though the walls were of cedar and their floors carpeted with lavender and roses. Nothing so soon dissipates a romantic dream as one of these charnel-houses, and never shall I forget the sudden check which was given to the current of my thoughts induced by the beauty of the scenery, through which I was riding one lovely evening, by the shout of a wild looking Kafir woman emerging from the bushes with a pair of bullock's horns extended in each hand, eagerly offering them for sale. On learning that I was not a trader, she reluctantly returned to her hut disappointed, and doubtless despising me in her heart.

Both at Butterworth and Morley, two of the Wesleyan missionary stations through which we passed, we were received with great kindness by the missionaries, Messrs. Ayliffe and Palmer, and Education was evitheir respective families. dently progressing, and Scriptural knowledge gradually but steadily imparting that light and life which is the attribute of Him alone who hath said, "My word which goeth forth out of my mouth shall not return unto me void; but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it." Their buildings

quently espied a Kafir leaving his lurking place
beside the wagon, and that in a spot purposely
selected as the furthest from all habitations.--
Happily these precautions were now needless;
no nightly watch is required among the Amapon-
das, and had all our valuables been showed on the
ground, not one of them would probably have
Although we had already
changed its owner.
met with what, in Europe, would not improperly
be termed difficulties, still, until entering this
mountainous district, we were comparatively un-
initiated into the toils and troubles of African
wagon travelling, no less than three days having
been occupied in towing our heavy "omniums"
to the heights of the Umzimvoobo, a distance,
which, by a shorter route, I was enabled to ride
in a few hours. Here another more formidable
difficulty presented itself; the river, about the
size of the Thames at Kew, was full, and for some
days had been impassable, and as this was the
rainy season, we were given to understand that
we were likely to be impeded for some time on
the banks of two other large rivers on the way to
Port Natal. Already tired of the slow progress
we were making, and anxious to obviate, if possi-
ble, these protracted delays, I resolved to pack a
sufficient number of oxen, and proceed with them
on horseback, leaving the wagons to follow as
they could. For this purpose I returned to Bunt-
ing, but although hide sacks were prepared, noses
bored, and oxen practised, all was unavailing, for
on setting out from the bivouac still upon the
Umzimvoobo heights, and certainly overlooking
one of the most enchanting views I have ever be-
held, many of the burdens were ejected within a
few hundred yards of the spot, and, for want of
proper pack-saddles, it became evident that no-
thing but damage could be effected by this means.
As the river was still high horses were substituted
for oxen, and in a couple of days more every pre-
paration was completed. In one of these ride:
backwards and forwards to the Umzimvoobo 1
met with a curious rencontre. It had been re
ported in the morning that Faku, the ruling chie
of the Amapondas, was going out to war, and
when on the heights about two miles from his
residence, a large body of armed people appeared
to occupy the very ridge over which I had to pass.
The sun had set, and it was too dark to ascertain
their actual numbers or movements, but from tl

hurried manner in which they were at this moment joined by another party rapidly descending a neighboring hill, there was every reason to suppose that they were either on the eve of a battle, or in actual conflict.

the 14th of January he accompanied me to the opposite bank of the Umzimvoobo, now fordable, where for the present we parted, much to my regret; and with five horses, three packed, the other two for myself and my interpreter, and two natives, Being only attended by a native servant, II set forward to traverse a country uninhabited thought it would be but prudent to edge off a little for nearly one hundred and eighty miles. Alfrom the path before we came upon them, in order though our progress was more rapid than by the to avoid passing too near; but, unable to explain former mode, it soon became evident that the my wishes in time, I rode on, well knowing the ill small quantity of provisions which could be careffects of even the appearance of hesitation in a ried upon the pack-horses, one of which was laden time of danger. It was an animating sight; we with a bell-tent, would not suffice even for our repassed within a few paces of the principal war- duced party. I therefore determined to push forriors, who stood out before the main body, leaning ward with my interpreter to a small village, deupon their shields, decorated with their plumes scribed to be but a short distance on the other and war dresses. Many were seated round fires side of the Umzimcoolu, and within a day's jour kindled in the centre, near which a herd of cattle ney on horsback from the spot where we then were collected, evidently a recent capture. Not were. The wagon track, they said, would direct; a word was uttered as we passed, but many wo- and as it generally followed the line of coast, ocmen on the outskirts of the party were observed casionally descending to the beach, there could in groups seated among the thorn bushes, whis- be little danger of losing the way. All this seem. pering to each other, as though anxiously await- ed so far feasible; and as the account of Caliing the result. chana, one of my servants, was corroborated by two natives, whom we met about this time on their way from Port Natal to the Amaponda country, I set out as light as possible on Monday the 20th, but a more disagreeable journey I never had. The first difficulty was to find the continuation of the road, (if such a few wagon tracks might be termed) after descending to the beach, where all traces of wheels were of course entirely obliterated, and which was no easy matter, where hip

On my return, the following day, I found Faku sitting in great state under the shade of shields held up to protect his head from the sun. An immense concourse was assembled, all seated on the ground while an interesting trial was going on; the accused, a tall and athletic man, with a dignified appearance, whom I afterwards understood was a "rain maker," standing before them on his personal defence. I reined in my horse, and for a few minutes stopped to observe this truly cha-popotami paths worn through the sand-hills, and racteristic scene, being much struck with the tangled vegetation, were not only numerous, but coolness and manly bearing of the defendant, who frequently more inviting than the overgreen avestill proceeded in his harangue. On this Faku nues we should have threaded. On one of these rose from the assembly, and coming up, I dis- occasions, as it might be expected, we did not mounted to receive his usual congratulation, a discover the error until, guided by the huge teshake of the hand, with which he now always nants of these jungles, we found ourselves in the obliges his white friends. He was attired in a very heart of a morass, and, strange to say, at the handsome leopard skin mantle, in this country the same instant, although widely apart, both horses insignia of rank, which so remarkably became his sunk to their haunches. In both instances it was tall and commanding person, that when he turned a work of labor to set them again upon their feet; from me to resume his seat among the councillors, but my poor mare was so completely embedded, he looked the very beau ideal of an African chief. that it was only by the process of mining, and that It appeared that the "rain maker" in question with our hands, and eventually applying leather had been sadly rebellious; and in consequence of thongs to each fetlock, and heaving each limb his customary presents in cattle having for some separately out by main force, that she was at time been withheld, had plainly declared his in-length extricated from a spot where she had left tention of restraining the clouds, and therely preventing the rain from falling. For this high misdemeanor the armed party which I fell in with yesterday had been ordered to secure his person, and sieze upon his cattle; and he was now permitted to plead his own cause-the issue of which would be either life or death. I have since understood that he was acquitted. It is a singular coincidence, that this affair took place but a few days subsequent to a conversation which I had with Faku on that very subject, which was elicited by his asking me to procure rain. On that occasion he also gave me what no doubt he deemed very wholesome advice, informing me that the Zoolus were "an angry people-that they would kill me -and that I had better not enter their country." Mr. Berken having finally determened to extend his journey to Port Natal, now kindly proposed taking charge of the wagons, and bringing them on as fast as the rivers, &c., would admit. On

a perfect cast of her own dimensions. But still we were off the road-the night was approaching, and by wandering further we might only increase the difficulty; as soon, therefore, as we had reached a situation which might safely be called terra firma, I selected the most eligible bush, and knee-haltering the horses, prepared for our nightly bivouac, when just at this time, to my great relief, the road was discovered at no great distance. The night proved rainy, and I rose completely drenched. We had already passed several rivers, and on the following day reached the banks of one, which, from its size and rapidity, there could be no doubt was the Umzimcoolu. Finding it im passable at the mouth, I rode round, guided by a footpath, to an upper ford, about three miles distant, but even then, appeared no possibility of getting across. Returning to the former station we both endeavored, by wading among the rocks and sand banks, to discover a passage, but without

success. A very reduced allowance of biscuit and cheese, with a little brandy, had been my only fare since leaving the baggage, and even this was now entirely expended; however we slept well under the shade of some strelitza trees (very similar to wild banana) having shared the last morsel of cheese to the very rind, which constituted our frugal supper.

lead the traveller who reposes the least confidence in their information. So far from reaching the wished for village at the distance of an hour or two from the Umzimcoolu, as represented, it took us nearly a day and a half hard travelling, but the wind was so high, and the rain so constant, that our progress was greatly impeded. In order to save time, both the tent and the fagged horse Scarcely had daylight appeared the next morn- which carried it, were left on the road; indeed, ing, than every expedient was resorted to for the the rain had beat in through the canvas so unsupply of our wants. The hook of my horse's sparingly the preceding night, that we felt the less curb chain was bent and sharpened; strands of reluctant to part with so uncertain a shelter. rope were unlaid for a fishing line, the ground was During the whole of this night, (the 23rd,) the ransacked for worms and the rocks for muscles to rain never once intermitted, and even the trees, be employed as bait-but one of the latter only under which we were bivouaced, only added to was found, and either scared by or despising our our discomfort. No fire could possibly be kindled novel fishing tackle, not one of the finny tribe-a little brown sugar, the only supply that recould be induced to bite. Equally unhappy were mained, was all that we had tasted for two days, all our endeavors to waylay the hippopotami, wet and hungry, and without a dry thread to whose provoking traces were so fresh when we awoke, that, from the marks they had left in the sand, they could not have passed many yards from our retreat. Even the birds deserted us, and all that my interpreter could procure with his gun was three sand larks, which I did not taste. The next morning, the 22nd, it occurred to me that it would be advisable to ascertain once more the state of the river at the upper ford; and with this intention, I mounted my horse, but, on approaching the spot, I can hardly express my joy and surprise at perceiving Solomon, the Bechuana lad, perched like a monkey upon the back of one of the baggage horses, and midway in the stream urging the animal to the opposite bank. On perceiving that the river was fordable, I merely directed them to await my return, and rode back with all speed to communicate the joyful news, and offer a prayer of thanks to the Author of all our mercies. It was long before we were all across my poor mare sank in a quicksand when about half way, and, being too weak to extricate herself, was obliged to be shot to avoid the inevitable fate of drowning, on the rise of the tide which flows above this point; and before we could proceed beyond the thick belt of high reeds which margins the stream on both sides, so heavy a shower descended; that in a few minutes we were thoroughly wet.

change, I was apprehensive of the consequences of sleeping in such a condition, and although obliged often to beat my body to prevent being overcome by sleep, I succeeded in my endeavor to keep erect upon my feet until the morning, and, although still raining, I must own I never hailed the first streaks of early day with a greater feeling of delight. In crossing a small rocky stream the next morning, one of the horses was swept down into a deep place, and nearly drowned before the pack could be removed; we soon after reached the village, and our wants were readily supplied with Indian corn, and native bread made from the same grain. The next large river, the Uncamas, being reported at this time as high and rapid, I purchased two head of cattle, and, with the skins sewn together with sinew and extended over a light wooden frame composed of rough poles, constructed a very respectable looking canoe, with which we started on the 28th, the frame borne on the heads of four men hired for the purpose, and the covering placed upon the back of one of the horses; two men had been previously despatched for the horse and tent, but had not returned at the time of our departure, and I was unwilling to delay another day on that account. It was about sunset when we reached the river, the canoe, however, was soon equipped and launched, the hide having been first well soaked in order to Nothing could have been more providential fill up the seams. As none of the party were in than my visiting the upper ford at the time I did; the slightest degree acquainted with the managehad it been but a quarter of an hour earlier they ment of a boat, and the whole thing even to me would not have arrived-had it been as much was an experiment, I merely took a few necessary later, both would have passed, and they would articles, and shoved off alone, unwilling to risk have proceeded, as they said, straight for Port any thing until the merits of my new vessel had Natal, concluding that we were still in advance. been properly tried. Although the paddles were That we also might have found our way to Port of the roughest description, I gained the landing Natal is not improbable, had we not been famish-place on the opposite side without difficulty, and, ed by the way. My mare I had always regarded as a dernier resort, but we could have carried little of the meat, and even under the most favorable circumstances, our sufferings might have been extreme before we had gained an inhabited spot. It has been a lesson to me ever since never to take the advice of a native-their descriptions of localities are always vague-they cannot calculate distances, and they are so little acquainted with the average speed of horses, which they invariably exaggerate, that nine times out of ten they will most innocently and undesignedly mis

depositing my cargo, started again in the hope of conveying the remainder across, but here it became necessary to ascend the stream, which all my labor could not effect, and after toiling for a considerable time, I was at last obliged to give it up, and make again for the opening in the reeds which I had just left, and which I gained partly by the assistance of a native who accompanied us from the village, for the purpose of conveying the baggage across upon reeds, should every other method fail. The fact was, the current had swept me past the landing-place, and although I had

gained the reeds near the bank, still the water was and one of the canoe-bearers as a guide, 1 prodeep, and it was necessary to tow up the canoe, ceeded without delay to Port Natal, in the hope partly by their stems and partly by wading, before of procuring another horse, and sending back I could effect a landing. Had there been people supplies for the party. On that evening, the 29th, sufficient for the operation, the communication about sunset, I reached Port Natal, and was might even now have been kept up by carrying kindly received by Mr. Collis, the principal trader, the canoe round to a spot higher up the stream, and on the following afternoon my interpreter and thence crossing diagonally to the station joined me, but with no very agreeable news. where the party still remained. But as I had the Either the men had been alarmed, or the horses only good swimmer of the party with me, and all became unmanageable in the water-probably the rest were alarmed by the numbers of alliga- from both causes, two pack horses had broken tors which infest this river, nothing more could be loose, and were represented as having been cardone than to haul her up to the top of the bank. ried rapidly down by the current, where, from the Having no provisions with me, excepting a little peculiar nature of the banks, there can be little damaged sugar, urged by the qualms of hunger I hope of their extricating themselves until swept at length persuaded my companion to entrust him- into the sea. I felt thankful that no human life self again to the watery element in quest of a had been lost, which, from the gravity of the anloaf of bread. It was now quite dark, and he had nouncement, I had reason to apprehend. Withbeen so long absent, that I feared some accident out waiting for the men who were left to scarch had happened to him, or that, tired of these aqua- for the horses, I procured a wagon, and, with a tic excursions at so unseasonable an hour, he had sufficient supply of provisions, continued my jourvery quietly left me to make the best of my ad- ney on the 31st. But we had not proceeded vanced position. In truth it was no enviable one. more than ten miles, before we were again stopI was standing in a gap among reeds considerably ped by the Umgani, a river of some size, but inabove my head, among which on both sides of ferior to the two last, which had impeded our prome, and certainly from the loudness of their snort-gress, each of which are equal in width to the ing and hard breathing, not many yards distant, Umzimvoobo. The water was not then rising, the hippopotami were so thick that I stood with and as the following day was Sunday, there was my paddle uplifted, every instant expecting a rush every expectation that it would abate sufficiently to be made. Willing to ascertain my probable to admit of the wagon's crossing; in this, howfate, I called out to the people on the opposite ever, we were mistaken. On Sunday afternoon bank, to inform me whether or not I was to ex- it was again on the ascendant; and as but a few pect an attack from these unwelcome visiters, but inches more would render it impassable even for to this anxious inquiry no reply reached my ears.* horses, I felt the necessity of either immediately At length my swimming friend appeared, but with-effecting the passage, or waiting an indefinite out the expected loaf; all had been disposed of time until it became practicable. Although rebefore his arrival. My canister of sugar was luctant to infringe upon the sacred hours of this again resorted to, and with the zest of a school-day, it appeared to be one of those urgent cases boy; I first rewarded the native for his trouble in which the duty was obvious; by the assistance, with a little of the saccharine paste, for such was therefore, of Mr. Stubbs (a hunter,) who knew its present consistency, and then scooped out a the river, and the natives of a neighboring vilportion for my supper. Although no longer an- lage, who conveyed the baggage across on their noyed by hippopotami, I soon felt far more sen-heads, I quitted the wagon, and slept in one of sibly disturbed by an insignificant animal which the huts, about three quarters of a mile distant. here abounds in millions. For some time I at-The next morning, February 2nd, I set out, actempted to sleep in the canoe, but the mosquitos companied by my interpreter, and three natives were too active to render that possible; a grove carrying the baggage, to traverse an uninhabited of trees higher up was then tried, but even there district of about seventy miles to the Tugala, no respite was to be found-at last, driven from which we reached on the following evening, havplace to place, I sank down exhausted upon the ing slept in the open air about mid-way on the wet grass at a distance from the bushes, and there preceding night. Long before we reached the without a covering contrived to sleep until the river, the hills in the Zoolu country were visible, morning. Our river guide was now in active and I never shall forget the interest with which operation, and with much ingenuity he soon con- I perceived the first curl of smoke rising from a structed a sort of reed pontoon on which the bag-distant village in that direction. Many were the gage was placed, and swimming with one hand, reflections which at that moment passed my mind, and urging forward his bundle of reeds with the and the nearer we approached the more anxious other, he conveyed in this manner the whole of became to cross the narrow boundary, and feel the articles across, of course the greater part of that I was standing upon Zoolu ground, and in them dripping wet. The form is not unlike that the midst of a people I had been so desirous to visit. of a boat, the two short sticks are for the purpose of attaching the articles to be conveyed, and to enable the person swimming at the side to prevent it from rolling over.

As soon as my horse had been conveyed across,

* I have since understood that they will attack even on shore, but that very rarely, and generally in self-defence.


On this side of the river, now considered the southern limit of that country, there are, indeed, a few scattered villages of a Zoolu tribe, called, in derision by their late sovereign (Charka,) Amanpaci, (literally wolf people,) on account of their alleged ill conduct in one of his campaigns; but the entire population does not exceed three or four hundred, residing near the banks and in the neighborhood of the ford.

The chief of this small clan, Mambayendi, made misunderstanding to exist; accordingly, much his appearance the next morning, but not even his against the inclination of my party as also of the authority, nor the more direct assistance of some villagers, who, by exaggerating the distance and European hunters, who, with their wagons, were the difficulties of walking in the dark, dissuaded me stationed here at the time, could avail in convey- from proceeding until the morning, I immediately ing the two horses across the swollen stream, now set out, and reached the town (Clomanthleen Inthat its height, and which had already been unford- lopi) before the Indoona (Nongalaza) had retired. able for a considerable time. Happily for me, two He was seated on the ground, in front of his hut, of the hunting party were still on the opposite side, and in the middle of a half circle of the principal where a rudely constructed skin canoe was haul- people, all decorated with thick brass rings round ed up for their convenience, among the reeds. their throats, and a few also on the right arm. He This, after a certain expenditure of breath and received me with great civility, appeared surpristrial of lungs, was at last forthcoming, and sculled ed at my travelling so late, and ordered a bundle across; by this means, in two trips, myself, my or two of imphi (a spurious sugar cane, much culinterpreter, and a native named Umpondombeeni tivated throughout the country,) to be placed beordered by Mambayendi to accompany me, one fore us for present consumption. My want of proper saddle and bridle, and a certain proportion of bag- attendants seemed to excite their curiosity, which gage, were conveyed across. After performing the state of the rivers sufficiently explained, and, thus much, the exertion was found too great to after a long conversation in the open air, in which bring over a party of baggage-bearers who were it was recommended that I should remain until their to have accompanied me: and as for the horses, sovereign Dingarn had been apprised of my arrival, the very attempt would in all probability have cost we were shown to our huts, which were larger the lives of the boatmen, so that this was at once and neater that any I had yet seen. During my abandoned. Indeed, when I consider the rapidity stay here, the whole regiment, for this is one of the of the stream-the number of alligators-and the eskands or barrack towns, were often assembled construction of the canoe, in shape like a reversed without the fence, to practise their songs and tortoise-shell, and scarcely two inches from the dances preparatory to exhibiting in their turn bewater at the gunwale, with the extraordinary re- fore Dingarn, at his residence, Unkunginglove. volutions which we made during the traget, that As these, with the various evolutions, were exactly we ourselves were landed in safety was a provi- similar to those which I afterwards witnessed on an dential circumstance, and which at one time I larger scale, although there could not have been scarcely thought possible. But I forgot all, in find- less than eight or nine hundred men present, I ing myself on Zoolu ground, and thanked my God shall postpone the description, as also of the infor having thus far prospered my way. On reach-termediate country to the capital, which will be ing a village about one mile and a half distant, more circumstantially described hereafter in the where we slept, I made every endeavor through the journal. When about half way, a petty chief arnumzana (head man) to procure baggage-bearers rived with orders to conduct me to the capital, and for the journey; but although I had been informed to kill a beast for us at the first place where he on the other side that here they could more readily should meet us. Dingarn had expressed his debe hired, there seemed little prospect of success. sire that I should proceed, saying, that "I was his The views from this side are beautiful-both are white man, and must make haste." I shall now hilly; but on that we had just left the mimosas proceed at once to my first view of Unkunginglove and other trees are very luxuriant, while this is on the afternoon of the 10th. This was obtained comparatively bare, and when seen in connexion from a rocky hill, covered with aloes and mimosas, with the river, which winds among rocky banks, intermixed with several large cauliflower-shaped the prospect is very striking. It was late the next euphorbia trees, growing to the height of sixty or morning (the 5th) before we could move forward, seventy feet. Having descended to a beautiful and then only with temporary bearers, to a neigh- spot, a continuation of the same ridge to which I boring village, and one horse, which happening had pushed forward, for the sake of quietly enjoyto be on this side, I hired for the remainder of the ing a scene, to me so fraught with interest, I disjourney. When we reached the next village, the mounted under a wooded knoll, whence the circular same difficulty respecting the transport of the bag- fence of the town appeared like a distant racegage again occurred, and finding the matter hope- course on the left, while a range of rugged mounless among these petty numzanas, I sent, as recom-tains, one remarkably table-topped, rising towards mended by the headman here, for the necessary the north, hemmed in the prospect on the opposite permission to the Indoona of a large military town side. Near this point the road branched off, one not far distant, without whose sanction, it appear-path leading to the principal gate of the town, and ed, these inferior chiefs were reluctant to take the other to the Issicordlo, or king's quarter, but the responsibility of assisting me with men. The sun had nearly set, when the messenger returned to inform me that a sufficient number of men would be appointed, but that the Indoona had expressed his surprise that I had not first applied to him.

which I had not perceived among the trees. As no voices were heard, and after waiting an ample time no traces of the party could be seen, I concluded that they must have passed unperceived, and accordingly made the best of my way by the only well-worn path that I could discern, and Circumstanced as I now was, a perfect stranger which I could distinctly trace to the very fence of in a strange country, with only two attendants, the town. On reaching a shallow stream, which my interpreter, and a Zoolu, of whom as yet II forded, I suddenly found myself surrounded by knew nothing, I considered it would be the height thirty or forty women, who, laughting and shoutof imprudence to allow even the appearance of a ing as they went, accompanied me as I proceeded

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