Imágenes de páginas

or rather terrace, for we have a wall and iron railing which supports the ground of which it is composed; and this railing prevents our falling down thirty or forty feet into the next terrace-garden, which is immediately below us towards the lake. It is now six in the morning: the three windows of our saloon are open; the sun is mounting over the hills on the other side of the lake, and shedding a lovely tint on every object. Our kind fellow-traveller and my eldest son are going with me, in a car, to Geneva, (thirty miles) that I may not lose a moment in seeing after the translation of Scott.

like sometimes assumes one disguise and some-
times another; but it is only a disguise-the dis-
like as to vital godliness itself.
What is now op-
posed in England as Calvinism, was opposed in
the preceding age under other names; and will
be opposed in the next age under names still vary-
ing with the fashion of the day.

Nyon, on the road to Geneva, 21 miles, 1 o'clock, Thursday. We are sitting in a garden, at a most beautiful spot on the lake, which, with its deepblue waters is rippling before us. We set off in our car at seven this morning, my son driving, and my friend and I going inside. The day is hot, but beautiful. We have driven most of the way through vineyards, which have little or no fence to them. The grapes are now large, and in some few spots ripe; but the vintage will not take place for a month. We passed through Morges and Rolle, two lovely towns, situated each on a bay of the lake, and affording, as you approach them, a charming view.

You know that I have been some time engaged in assisting to have this admirable practical comment on the Scriptures translated into French.The whole body of French Protestant Theology affords no one plain, spiritual, solid exposition of the Holy Scriptures. With immense difficulty I have found a translator well skilled in English, accustomed to literary occupation, master of a good style, and of the same sentiments with my We are now at Nyon, the spot where Cæsar, author. He has nearly translated the Gospel of after defeating the Helvetii, founded the first RoSt. Matthew. The warm approbation of the de- man colony, fifty-six years before the birth of our sign from all quarters exceedingly encourages me Lord. All here is fertility, industry, and fruitfulto go on; and the tendency to error and excess ness. This lake of Geneva is diversified by peramongst some pious persons here, makes it more petual bays, towns, chateaux, vineyards, orchards, and more important. Still I feel a great doubt country-houses. I observe, in the towns, that the whether so large a work will succeed, in the pre-shopkeepers, in their signs, give not merely a sinsent state of things, on the continent. At the utmost, I only expect it may conspire, with other more efficient and adequate measures, to aid the revival of religion. May God order, direct, and bless!

I approach Geneva (for which I am now setting off) with feelings of peculiar veneration. The name of Calvin stands high amongst the Reformers, divines, and scholars of the sixteenth century. There is no man to whom I owe so much as a commentator. The reproaches cast so liberally on what is called Calvinism in England, are, for the most part, (as moderate men of all parties now agree in allowing) either the effect of pure ignorance, or of dislike to spiritual religion. The excesses and daring spirit of too many modern religionists, have no warrant in the writings of Calvin. A more sober, practical, holy writer, generally speaking, does not exist. There was, undoubtedly, something harsh in his character; he carried his acuteness too far in his system of divinity, so as to overstep, in my judgment, the exact moderation of the Sacred Writings; and in his scheme of church government, he followed, not the Episcopalian, but the Presbyterian model. His virtues bordered on severity. But, after all these deductions, he was amongst the very first men of his own or any age; and the objections raised against his writings in modern times, have little or nothing to do with his failings, but might be almost as well raised against what the Scriptures state of the fall of man, of salvation by grace, of justification by faith, of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, and of holy obedience as the fruit of love.* In fact, these are the things in which true religion consists; and, therefore, they are distasteful to the pride and sensuality of fallen man. This dis

* I place the preamble of his will at the end of this letter.

gle figure, as in England; as of a man, a boot, a bottle, a hat, &c.; but a long board filled with all the figures of different sorts of boots, bottles, hats, which they happen to sell; so that you have quite an historical painting-in wretched style of course.

About six miles before we came to Geneva, we passed through the beautiful village of Coppet, celebrated as the residence of M. Neckar, and of his still more distinguished daughter, Madame de Staël. I much wished to have called at the chateau, to which I had been invited by the kindness of the present possessor, the Baron de Staël; but I found it was impossible. You will be charmed to hear that the Baron with his noble and amiable sister, are blessings to the neighborhood. Their benevolence and piety are such, that they acquaint themselves with the circumstances of all the poor families around them, and administer relief to their bodies and minds. It is quite delightful to think, that the descendants of one of the most able statesmen of France, and of perhaps the most brilliant writer of her age, should be devoting all their talents to the diffusion of the truest philosophy, the illumination and moral elevation of their fellowcreatures, by the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and of the blessings of real Christianity as purchased by our Lord and Saviour. It was with extreme regret I found myself unable even to make a short stay in this attractive spot.

Geneva, Thursday night, nine o'clock.-We arrived here about six, after a very hot, dusty, disagreeable journey in point of fatigue; our little low car placed us, as we approached the city, in the midst of the dust; and we met a continued succession of carriages. The country continued sweet and beautiful. The view of the cathedral, and other buildings of the city, from the hill, is very fine, chiefly from the circumstance of its being placed at the extremity of the lake, just where its waters flow out and form the Rhone. This

Friday, half-past nine.-I have sent to the post, and received your welcome letter of July the 29th; many, many thanks for all your intelligence. Í have written a note to Cologne to recover your first. Present my kindest love to our friends of the Church Missionary Society; tell them to be of "good cheer in the name of the Lord:" these sad deaths amongst the missionaries, of which your letter gave me the account, are the way to life. Johnson and Palmer are names dear to the churches of Africa. I knew them both. Johnson attended me for some time before he went to Africa, to receive such advice and instruction as I could give him. The surprising success of his labors has often filled my heart with gratitude.* His simplicity and devotedness were seldom equalled.

noble river, which I saw springing from the glacier, between the Grimsel and the Furca, and which was then a stream of mere turbid snowwater, enters the lake of Geneva at Boverat, nearly of the same muddy white color; but when it flows out and enters France, it is of the clearest deep-blue color, pure to the bottom. It seems to be nearly as wide here, as the Thames at London. As it rolls on to Lyon, it receives several rivers as large as itself, till at last, in its approach to the Mediterranean, it surprasses, in volume and rapidity, the Rhine. It is, altogether, one of the noblest rivers of Europe. It rushes through Geneva, in two or three large streams from the lake; and convenient bridges are thrown over them. Geneva is very ancient; it is mentioned by Cæsar as the last town of the Allobroges, and the nearest to the borders of Helvetia. It now con- Palmer was also a man of peculiar faith and tains twenty-five thousand souls, in about one thou-love. He had won my heart. In early life he sand houses, which gives a much larger proportion | had been in the army. In the retreat of Sir John for each house than any other place I am ac- Moore to Corunna he was quite a boy, and would quainted with. The houses are accordingly very high-five or six stories. Many of the streets have a peculiarly awkward appearance from the roofs, at this extreme height, jutting out over the streets ten or twelve feet, and being propped up by poles, or wooden pillars, fixed on the ground below, and then secured midway by cross-beams. Nothing can be so awkward; and what increases the awkwardness is, that small rows of shops run opposite the houses between the foot-way and the street itself. It resembles somewhat our ancient city of Chester. The town is famed for education, talent, industry, and commerce. Watchmaking is particularly followed. Numbers of English are here, and in the neighboring villages, and countryhouses, and their opinions and example have the greatest weight. I wish I could report that the tendency of them was uniformly good.

At the table-d'hôte, at supper, we had the mortification to find that the new steam-vessel sailed from Lausanne to-day, and brought nearly one hundred passengers, without heat, dust, &c., in six hours, what took us nearly twelve; nay, that the air was so fresh on the lake, that many persons put on their great-coats. We were the more vexed, because we had inquired about the boat, and were misinformed. The fact is, the steamboat is so violently opposed by voituriers and innkeepers' servants, that there is no learning the truth concerning it. It is a ten or twelve horsepower, built by a Scotch engineer, with a crew of Italians; burns wood; goes the tour of the towns on the lake once a week; and answers uncommonly well, having fifty or sixty passengers most days. I wrote a note to my translator last night, and am to see him this morning.

Friday morning, seven o'clock.-I am now writing in my room at my inn at Geneva, five stories high, with three windows overlooking the Rhone and the lake, and a view of the town and rising hills on the opposite shore. By being at this height, I am lifted up out of the smells, closeness, and heat of the streets at this hot season; and therefore ascend my eighty weary stairs, and cross the eight landing-places, contentedly.

have perished, if an officer had not rolled him in a blanket and thrown him on horseback behind him, and thus rescued him. He was at the battle of Waterloo; I remember the vivid description he gave me of that dreadful field. He described to me the majestic figure of Lord Wellington as he hastened on his fine charger, with his telescope in his hand, and his loose Spanish cloak floating behind him, to different parts of the line. At the close of the war, he devoted himself to another and a higher service; on that service he had just entered, when it pleased God thus to call him to himself, with his wife and infant child. How inscrutable are the ways of Providence. Johnson was removed in the midst of his eminent success; Palmer in the dawn of future promise. Johnson from the four or five hundred converts, and the seventeen hundred hearers whom he had been the means of collecting around him; Palmer from the crowded population of Free Town, where a wide field of probable usefulness was opening before him. The loss of two such men is a heavy stroke, and was meant to be felt; but may that God who has inflicted it, sanctify, support, overrule, comfort! The more my own health has failed, the more do I learn to feel for my friends in England under sickness and sufferings. I am myself, indeed, wonderfully better: I eat, sleep, and bear fatigue well; still I am not without feelings of weakness at times-and as life flows on, I see eternity more vividly before me.

The news has just arrived here that the Pope is dead, at the age of eighty-two or eighty-three. There is said to be a current prophecy at Rome, that whatever Pope shall reign twenty-four years, he will be the last. This Pope has reigned nearly twenty-four years. Would to God he may be the last!

One o'clock.-I have been three or four hours

with my chief translator. He is evidently an amiable, pious, sensible, scholarlike young man; but dejected, feeble in health, and of a tender, and perhaps somewhat scrupulous, mind.


*He left a congregation of 1700 people at Regent, a town near Sierra Leone, and schools of above 1000 children. The communicants were 450, all conThis obstruction is, I understand, about to be verted Negroes, who had been liberated from slave gradually removed.


Matthew is translated in the rough, and part of Swiss say, each such day is a ton of gold in ripening it is copied. I have been able to contradict a re- the vintage. In the evening I walked with my old port which has been prevalent here, that I was Lausanne friend to a beautiful hill, called The actually dead. My friends were solemnly as-Signal; it presents a panoramic view of the sured of the fact the other day; I believe they town, lake, and adjoining country. The ascent are now convinced that the report was prema- is by a lovely winding path in the midst of meature. dows and vineyards.

Lausanne, Saturday, August 30.-I spent the evening, yesterday, with my translator at Geneva; saw what he had done in the translation, and fixed a meeting with some friends on the same business for next week. I met in the course of the evening several persons of much piety and tenderness of spirit. Afterwards I walked about many parts of the city, which is surrounded with a beautiful country. A new wooden bridge, suspended by iron wires, twisted together like cords, and carried over three stone gates or arches, is very curious. It leads across the fortifications and fosse, to a lovely point for seeing Mont Blanc, which, however, the cloudy weather forbade us to behold.

In the evening my friend and companion, with my son, drove out to Ferney, where Voltaire lived. The portraits of Milton and Sir Isaac Newton are in his room; his tomb was destroyed by the Austrians; but he ordered a bust to be erected at Ferney, fifty years after his death-1828. The mischief which he did to Switzerland, and especially to Geneva, is not to be described. A previous decline in spiritual religion, and in the great doctrines of their reformers, had disposed the Genevese to receive the poison of his writings and example. He boasted that the magistrates and clergy dined commonly with him; that all honest men were Deists, though some few Calvinists, out of a city of twenty-four thousand free-thinkers, remained; and that he should soon gain over the whole place. Howard, our celebrated philanthropist, said, in 1770, that he then found that "the principles of one of the vilest of men (so he describes Voltaire) had greatly debased the ancient purity and splendor of Geneva." The fact is, that some even of the ministers of religion corresponded with Voltaire, and allowed him to jest with Christianity in his letters to them. They were not ashamed also to be present at his private theatre, with all its corruptions and profaneness. The consequences need not be stated.

When speaking on this subject, it is impossible not to lament, that the Christianity which Voltaire beheld, whether in France or in Geneva, was not calculated to give him a right impression of its high and holy tendency. Gross superstition, and a careless Protestantism, almost equally concealed from him the commanding grace and blessedness which the doctrine of a divine Saviour, and the rnle of Christian holiness, are designed to convey. The extreme profligacy of the French court, under the regency, and throughout the reign of Louis XV. must have aided also in maturing his infidel and demoralizing principles.

This morning at six, my friend and I returned to Lausanne, in the steam-boat, leaving my son to drive home the car. Instead of eleven hours of sun, dust, and fatigue, we had six hours of cool, agreeable, tranquil passage over the lake. We reached Lausanne at twelve o'clock; and I found my dear family all well, and most happy in their nice lodgings. The heat is very great. The

Sunday morning, August 31st, Lausanne, eleven o'clock.-I have been already twice to church: at half-past six, the parish church near us was filled with people; and I heard a pretty good discourse from that admirable text, "As Moses lif ed up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." John, iii. 14, 15. The fault of the sermon was, the being too superficial, too general, too declamatory. At nine, I went to the cathedral, to hear the first preacher in the canton. He is a doctor of divinity, of great respectability, and of a venerable appearance, about sixty-five years of age. The service began by a young student of the college ascending the pulpit, and reading, rather carelessly, three chapters of the Bible, whilst the congregation was assembling. He then read the Ten Commandments, and the summary of them given by our Saviour. Upon this he left the pulpit, and the preacher mounted it, who began by giving out two verses of a hymn. An organ led the immense congregation, whilst a chanteur, a sort of clerk, standing up in the middle of a pew (the congregation, I am sorry to say, sit in singing,) sung with a very loud and distinct voice. Then the preacher read an excellent, but brief confession of sin, and some prayers. The whole of this part of the service was good; but, as I thought, vastly inferior to the simple and edifying liturgy of our own church.

He next delivered a discourse of twenty-five minutes, from 1 Cor. xi. 26.-" As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come." His divisions were clear and appropriate. First, Ye show forth the merit and propitiation of the death of Christ; secondly, Ye show forth the infinite love of Christ in that death, and the obligation we are under of loving each other; thirdly, Ye show forth your belief in the future coming of your Lord, and the fulfilment of all his promises. The whole was admirably good; striking, solid, elevated, instructive, evangelical-perhaps it wanted something as to the application to the heart and conscience towards the close. After the sermon, the reverend preacher read a prayer for all states of men; the creed; and a concluding prayer. The clerk very much offended me by sitting with his hat on during the service. The cathedral is a fine old large building.

Nine at night. I resume. The venerable professor's sermon at the cathedral this morning was so good, that I lament to hear his doctrine is not equally so at all times, and above all, that he joins in a persecution of a few very pious, though possibly not altogether discreet, persons who have lately appeared in the canton. What an inconsistent thing is human nature! Here, in this small republic, which boasts of its freedom, almost inquisitorial powers are assumed by the magistrates and clergy. This is exactly what I feared

when speaking of Bern. As soon as any person gives offence, the magistrates make no scruple of banishing him at once. They allow no dissidents from the establishment; not a soul. A minister who is suspended cannot preach at all. Now, at Geneva, non-conforming ministers, and meeting-houses are tolerated, at least for the present. And yet at Geneva, the church has openly denied the faith, whilst at Lausanne, the main features of orthodoxy are strongly insisted on: all these things furnish much matter for reflection.

with the same mercy and loving-kindness, bore with my many faults and sins, for which I deserved to be rejected and cast off by him; but also that he hath exercised such gentleness and kindness towards me, as to deign to make use of me in preaching and promulgating the truth of his Gospel. And I testify and profess that it is my wish and intention to spend what may remain of my life in that same faith and religion which he delivered to me by his Gospel, nor to have any other hope or refuge for salvation than his gracious adoption; on which only my salvation rests. And I embrace with my whole soul the mercy which he has vouchsafed me for the sake of Jesus Christ, by making propitiation for my sins by the merit of his death and passion; so that satisfaction might be made for all my sins and transgressions, and the memorial of them be blotted out. I testify also and profess that I humbly beg of him that he will so wash and purify me by the blood of that supreme Redeemer, poured out for the sins of the human race (effuso pro humani generis peccatis,) that I may be permitted to stand before his tribunal in the image of the Redeemer himself. Also I profess that I have diligently laboured, according to the measure of grace and loving-kindness which God has bestowed on me, purely and simply to preach his word both in my sermons and in my writings and commentaries, and faithfully interpret his Holy Scriptures. I testify also At half-past eleven, this morning, we went to and profess that in all the contentions and debates the English service, and heard an excellent ser- which I have had with the enemies of the Gospel, mon from an English clergyman, who was passing | I have made use of no tricks nor sophistical and through the town. At two, I heard a fourth ser- bad methods, but have acted candidly and sinmon, pretty good, from a professor of the cathe-cerely in defending the truth. dral-But I am weary, and must again say, adieu.

Perhaps one may say, that indifference naturally leans towards toleration; and proud nominal orthodoxy towards persecution. Indifference inclines towards toleration, because it undervalues the importance of all religious sentiments; and because it is aware it needs for itself the forbearance it claims for others. But orthodoxy, when separated from the true spirit of the Gospel, is often self-righteous, bigoted, proud-proud of talents, proud of what it thinks the correct form of truth, proud of holding others in subjection, proud of crushing opposition, proud of erecting itself as a Pope in its own circle; it therefore leans towards persecution. These incidental evils do not at all lessen the immense importance of truth; in fact, they are not evils belonging to truth, but to the want of a practical, affectionate, humble apprehension of it, in all its extent.

Believe me your affectionate,

D. W.

"But, wo is me! all my labor and zeal (if they deserve the name) have been so remiss and languid, that I confess that innumerable things have been wanting to the right discharge of my office, and that unless the unbounded loving-kindness of P. S. We think of taking a tour to Chamou-God had aided me, all my labor would have been ny and the Great St. Bernard next week, after my meeting at Geneva; leaving Mrs. W. in this beautiful house, where we have one of the finest, softest views in Switzerland.


I subjoin, as a specimen of Calvin's theological views, as well as of his spirit and character, the preamble to his last will, dictated just before his death in May, 1564.

"In the name of the Lord, Amen. I, John Calvin, minister of the word of God in the church of Geneva, being so oppressed and afflicted with various diseases, that I am fully induced to think that the Lord God has determined shortly to take me out of this world, have ordered to be made and written my testament and my last will in the form that follows:

useless and vain. Yea, moreover I acknowledge that unless the same loving-kindness had helped me, the gifts and blessings of my mind which he vouchsafed to me would have more and more brought me in guilty, before his tribunal, of sin and negligence. On which account, I testify and profess that I have no other hope of salvation except this one, that God, as he is the Father of mercies, will show himself a Father to me who acknowledge myself a miserable sinner.”


Since my return to England, I find an Arreté has actually been published at Lausanne, in the precise language that persecutors have almost universally adopted since Louis the Fourteenth's revocation of the edict of Nantes. It forbids all private religious meetings; and directs magistrates to dissolve such meetings by force. Every person found guilty of being present at these meetings is to be punished with fines, imprisonments, &c.

"First of all I give thanks to God that he had mercy on me (whom he created and placed in this world,) and not only delivered me from the profound darkness of idolatry in which I was sunk, and brought me into the light of his Gospel, and And is it in Switzerland-Switzerland, the made me a partaker of the doctrine of salvation, nurse of the Reformation-Switzerland, the counof which I was most unworthy; and not only, try of Zuingle and Ecolampadius, and Beza—

nées sont expressément défendues, commes contraires à l'ordre public et à la paix religieuse.

"Art. 2. Les Juges de paix et les municipalités specialement charges de faire dissoudre immediatement toute assemblee ou reunion de ce genre, et cela par les moyens que la loi met à leur disposition pour le maintien de l'ordre public.

“Les Juges de paix et les municipalites feront sans delai rapport au conseil d'etat des mesures qu'ils auront prises en execution du present article, et des circonstances qui auront provoque des mesures.

Switzerland, the last favorite refuge of religious liberty in Europe, that this has taken place? Who can too strongly express his detestation of such intolerant and unchristian measures? For the calumniated persons, who are the objects of it, are acknowledged on all hands to be peaceable members of the republic, unexceptionable in their moral conduct, and pious and devoted Christians. What trifling faults they may have committed, or what errors even they may have fallen into, I do not know, nor will I trouble myself to inquire; it is enough for me to know that such infirmities and foibles, supposing them to exist, are no palliation whatever of the abominable guilt of perse-assemblees prohibees, qui n'aura pas obei de suite cution. But so it is. The clergy, when they re- à l'ordre de se separer et sera convaincue d'avoir, fuse to accept of divine grace, have always been par sa resistance, mais l'autorite dans le cas d'emthe worst of enemies to real spiritual religion. ployer la force, sera poursuivie pour être punie All experience declares this, and especially the conformement à l'article 53 du Code correctionel history of the sufferings of Christ our Lord. (trois jours de prisons) sans prejudice des peines plus grâves auxquelles les suites de cette resistance pourraient donner lieu.

I subjoin a copy of the Arrêté, as a most curious document, and a sad specimen of what a Protestant government is capable of enacting:—

"Le Conseil d'Etat du Canton de Vaud.

"Vu les rapports parvenus depuis quelques années, sur les principes et la conduite d'une nouvelle secte en matiere de religion, vulgairement appelee des Momiers, qui s'est introduite dans le canton; ainsi que sur les assemblees ou reunions de cette secte qui, dans certains lieux, se tiennent aux mêmes heures que le service du culte public; "Considérant que si l'autorite n'a pas à s'occuper de ce qui concerne les opinions religieuses des individus, en tant qu'elles n'influent pas sur l'ordre publique, il est neanmoins de son devoir d'intervenir, lorsque ces opinions se manifestent par des actes exterieures qui tendent à troubler cet ordre public;

"Considerant que la nouvelle secte dont il s'agit, a donne, lieu sur divers points du Canton á des desordres plus ou moins grâves, qui, s'ils n'etaient arrêtes dans leur première cause, pourraient avoir par leur developpement ulterieur de facheux resultats;

"Considerant que ces sectaires ont declare par l'intermediaire de ceux qui s'annoncent comme leurs chefs ou directeurs, qu'ils se separent de l'eglise Nationale et se rendent independans des institutions et ordonnances qui la regissent, pour former une eglise nouvelle ;

"Considerant que les actes qui se font dans leur assemblees constitueraient ainsi un veritable culte, etranger à la religion de l'état ;

"Considérant que les principes erronnés ou exagérés professés dans les dites assemblées et hautement avoues soit par les sectaires, soit par ceux qui se présentent comme leurs Chefs, sont absolument subversifs de l'ordre social, tant sous le point de vue de l'union dans les familles, que sous celui des rapports qui dérivent des institutions civiles et religieuses;

“Considérant, enfin que les dits sectaires se placent, par leurs discours, leurs démarches, et leurs actes de proselytisme, dans un état d'aggression ouverte contre l'eglise nationale;

"Ouï le departement de l'interieur



"Article 1. Les Assemblées ci-dessus mention

"Art. 3. Toute personne réunie à une de ces

"Art. 4. Seront poursuivis pour être punis conformement à l'article 58 du Code correctionel (600 livres d'amende, ou dix ans de prisons) suivant le prescript de l'article 11 de la loi du 2 Juin, 1810, tous les individus dont les demarches tendraient a gagner des proselytes à une secte contraire à la paix religieuse et à l'ordre public. Tout individus qui fournirait un emplacement quelconque pour y tenir des assemblees prohibees, sera envisage, comme complice et poursuivi comme tel.

"Art. 5. Seront egalement poursuivis, pour être punis des peines mentionnees à l'article precedent tous les individus reconnus pour avoir provoque ou dirige une assemblee prohibee, ou pour avoir fonctionne en qualite de Chefs, ou de Directeurs, ou de tout autre manière semblable.

Art. 6. Le present arrêté sera imprime, publie, et affiche. Il sera transmis aux lieutenants du conseil d'etat, aux Juges de paix, et aux municipalites charges de veiller et de tenir la main à son execution.

"Donne sous le sceau du Conseil d'Etat à Lausanne le 15 Janvier, 1824. "Suivent les signatures et le sceau."

Thus is the Inquisition of Spain transferred to Protestant Switzerland; and the noblest gift of the Reformation, LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE is openly violated.

As this part of the volume is again going through the press, I take the opportunity of giving some further information on the above most distressing subject, partly taken from letters lately received from Switzerland, and partly from other authentic


It is quite lamentable to see to what a length some of the Swiss PROTESTANT governments have actually carried the spirit of persecution. I first give a copy of the law passed at Lausanne last May, four months after the above Arrête, and embodying the enactments of that decree :"Le grand conseil du canton de Vaud, sur la proposition du conseil d'Etat.

"Considerant que quelques personnes exaltees cherchent à introduire et à propager une nouvelle secte religieuse;

March, 1825.

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