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sun is mounting over the Alps before our window, and is throwing this romantic village into a beautiful picture of light and shade--and hurries us off for our day's journey.

about seven feet in one hundred. Conceive our delight in witnessing this bold undertaking, especially when you consider that the valley itself is one of the most picturesque we have yet seen; Amstag, one o'clock, Valley of the Reuss, sixteen noble mountains; the river winding, now its frightmiles from Hospital.—I am now sitting, faint with ful, and then its gentle, course; ravines intersectheat, at one of the windows of the dining hall of ing the valley, and carrying down the smaller torthe inn, with a burning sun full on the four open rents; meadows and orchards delighting the eye windows of the room;-such is the effect of a de- as we descended lower; a forest of firs, varying scent of two or three thousand feet in this marvel- the scenery for a mile or more; villages, with their lous country-yesterday as cold as Christmas, to- little chapels, now and then appearing: the whole day as hot as Midsummer. But this is nothing; I augmented by one of the finest days nature ever must positively employ half an hour, while dinner presented to man, with a gentle north wind to mois preparing, in giving you some idea, if I can, of the derate the heat. I was grieved to see that in many extraordinary valley through which we have been places the new road was already injured by the passing. It is called, by the inhabitants, Krachen-torrents and falling masses of rocks, so that a conthal, Roaring Valley, on account of the tremendous stant expense will be incurred-but dinner internoise with which the Reuss rushes from rock to rupts my story. rock. It is certainly one of the wonders of Switzerland.

We rode about two miles, on leaving the Hospital, in the wide open valley, without a tree, the Reuss rolling along its course; when we came to a mighty rock, which seemed quite to stop the road. As we approached, we found a tunnel or gallery had been bored through the solid granite, fifteen feet high, twelve broad, and two hundred and twenty long. This is better than the bridge hung with chains, and dangling on the outside of the rock | over the torrent, which was the old road. We now descended by a narrow paved way, ten feet wide, to what it called the Devil's Bridge, thrown over the fall of the Reuss, which here meets with tremendous precipices, and foams as it rushes down them. The bridge seems built in the air, from its elevation and boldness; it is one hundred feet above the river. Its span is seventy-five feet, and the fall of the Reuss under it, in a slanting direction, is at least three hundred feet. The architect is not known; and the extreme frightfulness of the cataract over which it is thrown, has probably led the common people to ascribe it to fairies first, and then to the evil spirit. The scene is, perhaps, unparalleled for sublimity and terror. The road after this continues to descend the valley, like stairs for steepness. It is built against the perpendicular rock, and sustained in many places by arches and walls on the side of frightful gulfs. For a league this miraculous sort of tract extends. During all this time the roaring Reuss continues to roll its agitated torrent. I think this is the most romantic of all the Swiss rivers. It never ceases its rage. From rock to rock, from precipice to precipice, it dashes forward, with a succession of falls; sometimes lost among the masses of stone, then appearing again in redoubled force.

We soon came to Goeschinen, where a new road, passable for carriages, begins, and goes on nearly four leagues, to Amstag, the place where I am now writing. It is a surprising undertaking for a small Swiss canton, (Uri) to have formed a road, twenty-five feet wide, by the labor of several thousand hands in three years; I know nothing in England like it for hardy and dangerous enterprise. It is as smooth as our Bath road; and has been formed by blowing up rocks, dividing places dangerous to travellers, throwing bridges over the torrents, (there are seven or eight) still keeping the inclination so gentle, that it descends only

I resume my letter at Altorf, the capital of the canton of Uri, half-past seven, Tuesday evening, after a ride of three hours and a half. I was speaking of the expense and labor which this new road will require, and which heighten the merit of the enterprise. I should add, that it very much protects passengers from the danger of the avalanches from the mountains, which were often destructive. Such was the terror of them, that formerly travellers were not allowed to speak in certain parts of the road, lest even that slight agitation of the air should occasion a fall of snow.* It further facilitates the immense traffic carried on between Lucern, Milan, and Northern Italy. We met a drove of noble oxen, and many teams of mules laden with casks. Milan is twelve or thirteen days' journey from Hospital. The people in these villages seem to me untidy and poor. The meadows are rich; and they use a high wooden frame for drying hay, which raises the grass above the ground, and makes it in twelve or fourteen hours.

In coming on to Altorf, we stopped at Burglen to visit a chapel built on the spot where William Tell was born. It is decorated with pictures relating to the events of his life. Altorf is a small Catholic town of one thousand six hundred souls. It abounds with monuments of William Tell. The tower, the fountains,-every thing is designed to commemorate him. His history is connected with all the liberty of Switzerland.

We met on our way to-day many peasants laden with wood for the valley of Ursern, where Hospital is. As no trees grow there, all their wood (coals are unknown) is brought up three leagues. On our road, also, we met our friend and companion, who, after spending his Sunday at Stantz, came to Altorf last night, and was going to visit the Vale of the Reuss; we are now at the same hotel. He reports that he remained at Stantz on Saturday, not because he was weary of the mountain road, but because his horse and boy were equally bad, so bad that he despaired of reaching Lucern by their means. He thinks the new road which I have so much commended, takes off in some places, from the picturesque beauty of the scenery, as he beheld it four years since.

I am sorry to see from the Swiss Journals that the devastation occasioned by the avalanches this winter (1824) has been particularly great. The valleys of Gauli, Gadmen, and Guttanen, are stated to have suffered severely.

Switz, the capital of the canton of that name, (and | that almost every traveller ascends it. It is not from which the whole of the country is called,) Wed- the road to any town, as the other Alps I have nesday, quarter before 10.-We set off this morn- crossed are, but an insulated spot, which has being a quarter before six, and saw the melancholy come celebrated from the comparative easiness of effects of a fire at Altorf, in 1799. The ruined the approach. The moment a fine day appears, houses remained yet unrepaired. We came to all the world hurry forwards to the only inn and Flüelen in an hour, and there embarked on the only house on the extreme summit of this vast elelake of Lucern for Brunnen. The passage of two vation. hours was exquisite, from the noble and grand The scene at the table-d'hôte is comic beyond character of the scenery of the lake. We stop- description. We were between five and six hours ped a moment at the spot where William Tell coming up the mountain, in many parts by stairs escaped from the boat in which they were convey-so steep, that we ascended at a rate of forty feet ing him to prison, and where a chapel is now in a hundred. The heat added to the fatigue; built. but the extraordinary scene, now we are at the I promised to tell you something about this ex-top, surpasses all my conceptions, even of what traordinary man. It was in November, 1307, that the Austrian bailiff Gesier, having placed his hat upon a pole, at Altorf, and ordered every one who passed to salute it, William Tell nobly refused. He was condemned, as you may remember, to shoot at an apple placed on the head of his son. He struck off the apple; but Gesler, observing a second arrow in the hand of Tell, asked him what he meant to do with it: "It was destined for you," replied he, "if I had killed my child." He was seized instantly, chained, and thrown into a boat which was to convey the governor back to his castle at Küssnacht. A storm fell on the lake. In imminent danger of perishing, they released Tell from his chains, and suffered him to take the guidance of the vessel. The hero leaped on shore upon the rock where the chapel now stands; outstripped Gesler; waited for him in a hollow path, and transfixed him with an narrow. The Linden tree, at Altorf, against which the child stood, remained till 1567, two hundred years after the death of Tell, which happened in 1356. His family was not extinct until the year 1720. A chapel stands on the spot, at Grutli, where the confederation oath was taken, in January 1308. Thus was the foundation of liberty and knowledge, of national virtue and piety, laid in Switzerland. The Refor-going to their chambers, (for these wooden houses mation two centuries after, so far as it extended, completed the deliverance.

We landed at Brunnen at nine, and came on to Switz. The lake we have crossed is, perhaps, the finest in Switzerland-eight leagues long, four and a half wide, bordering on the four forest cantons, Switz, Uri, Underwald, and Lucern. Between Brunnen and Switz, we passed the bridge, covered as usual, of Ibach, where the battle took place between Suwarrow and Massena, in 1799.

Twelve o'clock.-I never dined better in my life at eleven o'clock, than I have here: we are now going to ascend mount Righi. This town of Switz is in a garden of natural beauties. The vast rocks behind it are like giant sentinels to guard it.

Wednesday evening, top of Mount Righi.-I must write a line to you to-night, though in a salle-à-manger crowded with French, German, Swiss, English, all talking together, in a hotel on the summit of the Righi, six thousand one hundred and fifty-six feet above the sea, and four thousand five hundred above Switz. The peculiarity of this mountain is not so much its great height, as the accessible and yet commanding point in which it terminates, which gives it, when the weather is clear, one of the noblest and most extensive views in the world: the consequence is,

Switzerland could produce. The eye has an unimpeded view all around. It is a sort of natural panorama. The main disadvantage (which yet adds, perhaps, to the interest of the excursion) is the uncertainty of finding a bright, unclouded sky at this great elevation: either the valleys or the tops of the mountains are commonly obscured with a dark mantle of clouds. As we were at supper, we were hurried out to ascend a wooden platform, forty or fifty feet high, raised on the edge of the precipice, to behold a gathering storm. We were astonished at the sublime sight. One quarter of the horizon was illuminated with the setting sun in the softest beauty, whilst in another quarter the most gloomy storm shrouded with all its horrors the tops of the adjoining mountains, and was approaching the Righi-but I must absolutely stop.

Righi, five o'clock, Thursday morning.-I was compelled to break off last night by the excessive noise in the dining hall: I had half a dozen people talking to me at once, and therefore was soon wearied out, and retired to rest. My friend and I were crowded into a small room, the feet of our beds touching each other; presently the house became more noisy than ever with the company

shake at every step,) and soon after, the storm which was lowering in the evening, began to descend-the lightning, thunder, and rain were tremendous; I really thought the house would have fallen. It is now five in the morning, and the rain and the brouillard completely obscure the whole scene; nevertheless all the house is in motion, and families are going down the hill. Fifty-one persons slept here last night-twenty-four gentry; twenty-seven servants and guides; in the course of yesterday, there had been fifty-two gentry.The house is very small. I find a New Testament of the Bible Society in this Catholic solitude, with an inscription to state that it was left by Messrs. Treuttell and Wurtz, "for the use of Christians whom the bad weather might prevent from seeing and admiring the great work of the creation, and adoring the Creator, by mounting towards him by the help of his works." In the strangers' book I was startled to see the name of his present majesty, George IV., who assuredly never ascended this mountain.

When the weather is fine, fourteen lakes are visible here, and the sun rising upon the range of the Alps is magnificent. They may be traced from the Glarnish on the east, to the Oberland Bernois on the southwest; whilst on the north,

your eye may range from the lake of Constance | safety, returned to deliver the rest of his family. to that of Neufchâtel. All Switzerland, to the He searched amongst the sad remains of his east and north, is open before you; and much house; a foot appeared above the ruins; he apfurther, into Suabia. The only hill we could dis-proached, he recognised a part of his wife's dress; tinguish last night was Mount Pilate, which is he uttered the most piercing lamentations, which called properly Mons Pileatus, or Mountain with reached the ears of the servant and Marianne, who a Cap, because a cloud generally rests on its ex-instantly redoubled their cries. The father knew treme top, even in the finest weather. The com- his child's voice, and rescued her with only a mon people say that Pontius Pilate came here broken limb. The maid was afterwards taken out, and threw himself down the precipice in despair, scarcely alive. They both recovered. for having condemned our Saviour.

It is remarkable, that in this very neighborhood, an entire street of Zug, with a part of the towers and walls of the town, sunk, without a moment's warning, into the lake, in the year 1435. Sixty persons then perished. The infant son of the keeper of the archives, Adelrich Wikard, who was found floating in his cradle on the waters, was rescued, and became afterwards the father of a family which deserved well of the state.

As the morning is so unfavorable, and breakfast is not ready, I must tell you a sad story.-As we ascended the Righi yesterday, we passed over the melancholy ruins of the village of Goldau. In 1806 an immense mass of earth from the Rossberg, gradually loosened by two or three months' rain, fell down with scarcely a moment's warning: it was the 2d of September; four villages, of which Goldau was the chief, lay at the foot of the mountain. O God, how unfathomable are thy judgments! All was buried in an instant-two churches, one thus is it that thou alarmest a sleeping world, and hundred and eleven houses, two hundred barns, callest man to prepare for sudden death, and sud&c., and four hundred persons, with three hun- den judgment; whilst the grace of thy Gospel sets dred and twenty-five head of cattle, were over-before them a dying Saviour, whose redemption whelmed; and a new ruinous mountain, one hun-no falling rocks nor sudden destruction can overdred and fifty feet high, was formed by the vast whelm; nay, which will appear most glorious mass. The loss was estimated at three million "when the heavens being on fire shall be dissolveight hundred and forty thousand livres of France. ed, and the earth shall melt with fervent heat!" Those who had been aware of the dangerous state of the mountain, and the probability of some disaster, were not warned in time. Two old inhabitants who had predicted the calamity, when some one rushed into their cottage, and told them the rock was actually falling, disbelieved the message, and were lost. A party of ten persons had been two months waiting for fine weather to visit Mount Righi. They set off for Switz the day of the catastrophe; five of them staid a moment behind the rest, to take some provisions; the instant the others entered Goldau, the enormous ruin car-rebound many hundred feet up the opposite hill, ried them away.

It is astonishing and terrific as you ride over the place where Goldau stood; the ruins are above one hundred feet deep; the adjoining lake of Lowertz was filled up for fifty feet. Many persons beheld the ruin from the top of the Righi; and were compelled to witness the destruction of their own lands and houses, without the possibility of giving any aid. Only a few bodies and mangled limbs have been dug up after seventeen years. Such was the tremendous impetus of the falling rock, that prodigious masses were carried by the

Righi, 10 o'clock.-The morning is actually clearing up.

i. e. perhaps three or four leagues from the sumA physician from the neighboring village of mit whence they fell. Such a scene I never witArth, Dr. Zay, has published an account of the nessed. Still, the love of their native spot is so calamity. During the whole day the air was deeply fixed in the Swiss, that two or three new darkened with clouds of rock and earth. Entire houses are beginning to rise in the midst of the forests, and large blocks of the mountain, were ruins. One of the churches has been rebuilt; the borne through the air as swiftly as an arrow.-grass is now hiding by degrees the frightful specHouses, cattle, men, all were dragged along, and tacle, and even some strips of meadows are formseemed to fly in the midst of the heavens. Seve-ing here and there. ral females and children were almost miraculously preserved. Two women were forced into a pit fifteen feet deep, and thus escaped. A maid servant, Jeanne Ulrich, with Marianne, a little girl five years old, were overwhelmed. The maid was torn from the child, and hung suspended among beams of wood and ruins, which crushed her on all sides. Her eyes were filled with blood. She thought the last day was come, and betook herself to prayer. She heard the cries of the child. Two hours passed; a neighboring church clock struck, but no help arrived. The cries of the child became fainter and fainter, and at last ceased.The girl, thinking she was dead, made desperate efforts to liberate herself, and at last freed her legs from the mass of ruins. Soon the little Marianne began again to cry; she had fallen asleep, and on waking renewed her lamentations. Two hours more elapsed, when the child's parent, Viguet, who had carried his two sons to a place of

Eleven o'clock.-No: all our hopes are disappointed; the valley is filled with clouds; fogs are rising and covering every thing with one mantle of deep and impenetrable obscurity. Thus we shall be compelled to leave this queen of mountains without seeing all its magnificence of prospect. I may as well tell you, before I lay by my letter, that in coming up yesterday, we visited the convent of St. Mary in the Snow, four thousand two hundred feet above the sea, where a small convent of Capuchin friars, for receiving strangers, is supported. The little church adjoining is curiously adorned; and in the small village two inns have been built within three years.

In the strangers' book on Mount Righi, I find so many fictions, that I have now no difficulty in accounting for the insertion of the name of the king; but I have called in all the people of the

house and examined them, and they stoutly affirm that our king was here, and wrote with his own hand his name and date, October, 1816, and that he came with three ladies and four gentlemen in | his suite. Such is the vanity of these good people! Perhaps I cannot employ myself better than by going on to say, that the keeping of a strangers' book is one of those foreign customs which one cannot but approve of. It is, perhaps, a little galling at first to an Englishman, to be obliged to put down his name, age, country, family, time of arrival, place of destination, motives of journey, &c., as soon as he drives into a town. But the pleasure is so great to see what countrymen or friends are before you on the road, and to look back and read the names of travellers in past years, that you are soon delighted with the plan. In frontier towns the book is often under the regulation of the police; but in small towns in the interior, and places of fashionable resort, as the fall of the Rhine, Mount Righi, &c., it partakes more of the nature of an album, in which travellers write down any sentiments they please, together with their names. Sometimes an opinion is given of the country they have passed through, or advice as to inns and roads; at other times a short poetical effusion is inserted, or a stroke of wit and drollery. You meet occasionally with very admirable thoughts, and bursts of real genius. My friend transcribed a striking copy of verses. It is curious even to look over the hand-writing of celebrated individuals. The strangers' book, further, enables you to compare the number of travellers from different countries. I counted once or twice, and found the English four or five times as numerous as those of any other nation. It is much to be regretted, that the unpardonable license of a few persons, I am afraid chiefly Englishmen, is rapidly tending to put an end to this innocent and gratifying custom, or at least to the confining of it to the dry record of the police towns.

Righi, twelve o'clock.-We are in as miserable a plight as ever poor creatures were: a dreadful wet day-shut up in a close room, as in a prison -scarcely able to breathe-five or six leagues to reach Lucern-no prospect-nothing but rain and fog. Some of the party are endeavoring to throw a ring, suspended by a cord from the ceiling, upon a hook fixed at a suitable distance in the wall of the room-a trait of genuine ennui.

I feel, as it were, quite uncomfortable, lest I should have failed in giving them a faithful impression of the Gospel of Christ; and yet, if these young Russians have heard me, so may others from other lands. What a responsible office is that of the sacred ministry! What diligence, what solicitude, what uprightness, what simplicity in following the Holy Scriptures, what humility and fervor in imploring the grace of the sacred Comforter, does it require?

Lucern, Friday morning, seven o'clock.-We arrived here last night; the weather a little cleared up after dinner yesterday at the Righi, and at two we mounted our beasts to descend; three hours brought us to Küssnacht, a town on the lake of Lucern; and three hours more to this town. The weather was rainy, but still tolerable. The views of the surrounding country, as we came down, were lovely: we had the lakes of Lucern and Zug full before us. The road from Küssnacht was positively through a garden, by the side of the lake, with just those gentle rises which gave us the sweetest views imaginable.

We have now finished our Oberland tour of two hundred and forty-nine miles; only it happens, that we are landed at a town nearly seventy miles from Bern, and have thus two days' journey to reach my dear family. We visited yesterday a third chapel of William Tell, built by the government, on the spot where he slew Gesler the Austrian governor. So that there is a tower, as I have before mentioned, at Altorf, on the place where William Tell's child stood with the apple on his head; a fountain where the father stood; a chapel on the site of his house at Burglen; a second where he escaped from the boat conducting him to prison; a third where he slew the oppressor of his country; and another where the oath of confederation was taken at Grutli-at this last place, an English wag has written on the wall, "Cato street conspirators!" Thus is the love of liberty nourished in the breasts of this fine people: Catholics and Protestants seem the same in this respect. There is a public spirit, a hardy courage, a patriotism, an independence of mind, about the Swiss, connected with a ready subjection to lawful authority, and a sense of moral and religious obligation, which are the true foundations of national prosperity. Their adherence to all their ancient usages, even in their dress, is observable; each canton has its costume. At Switz, the women have caps with two high white frills, plaited, and standing nearly erect on their heads, like two butterfly's wings; quite different from the Bernois, yet equally fantastical and inconvenient.

For my own part, I have been amusing myself with talking with two Italian gentlemen-well informed admirers of England-discontented with their existing government-ready for change -with no great attachment to Popery; really this is the case with all the foreigners we meet. Tyranny, in a day of general information, galls the This Oberland country has, on the whole, filled mind, and defeats, and must defeat, its own pur-me with wonder, astonishment, and gratitude. pose. I endeavor to give the best advice I can; dwelling chiefly on the importance of the Scriptures, and the elevating nature of true Christianity. I have been deeply interested also, with two students from St. Petersburgh-amiable, scholar-like young men ; they spent last winter in England. I shall not soon forget their surprise, when they happened to discover who I was. They had frequently heard me preach in London. The meeting thus with occasional auditors, on a sudden, in the heart of Switzerland, appals me.

"How glorious, O God, are thy works, and thy thoughts are very deep." O that, in this glorious creation, man did but love and obey Thee as he ought!

Lucern, where we now are, is the capital of the canton, and romantically situated on the northwest banks of the lake of four cantons. It is just in the heart of Switzerland. It is one thousand three hundred and twenty feet above the sea. The fine river Reuss crosses it, over which there are three bridges. The name is probably derived

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from the Latin word, Lucerna, a lamp or light- | images of the Virgin re-awakened that pain of house; as the most ancient building is the great mind which the Protestant cantons had soothed. tower where the light was formerly suspended; A noble monument just erected to the Swiss repossibly in the time of the Romans. It contains six giment, who perished at Paris, in defending Louis thousand souls. It is the great mart of commerce XVI., August 10, 1792, very much interested us; between Switzerland and northern Italy, the road it is a lion, 28 feet long, cut out in the rock, and over St. Gothard beginning at Altorf, the other the names of the officers inscribed beneath. side the lake. The Catholic religion is here The three covered bridges in the town are survalent; so that all up mount Righi we found sta-prising structures; the first, that of the Court, is tions and crucifixes for pilgrims. Many of the one thousand four hundred feet long; the second, priests are said to be men of piety and informa- one thousand one hundred; in the spaces between tion, and to have been on the point of embracing the beams of the first there are two hundred and Protestantism a few years back. Some political thirty-eight paintings from the Old and New Tesevents unhappily interfered to delay the execution tament; and of the second, one hundred and fiftyof this good design.


In these free states, a reformation may be effected with comparative ease, if once the minds of the leading magistrates and clergy are duly informed and impressed with divine truth. They depend on no foreign potentate. A majority of the senate determines all questions. What they once resolve on, they never want courage to perform. It was thus that the reformed doctrines were received at Zurich, Bern, &c. in the sixteenth century. The German language prevails through the Oberland; so that I have had no great means of gaining information on the general state of morals and religion. I can speak indeed of particular facts which fall under my own observation; but when I come to reflections on a whole canton, I remember the diffidence which becomes a stranger on such subjects. Still, I cannot but avow, that the general appearance of these Catholic cantons is strongly against them; whilst in Bern all is industry and cleanliness, and not a beggar to be seen.

four from the lives of the heroes and saints of

Switzerland. A third bridge has thirty-six pic-
tures from Holbein's Dance of Death. The river
Reuss is here of a deep blue-green color, very
rapid, and so clear that you may count the stones
We ascended two hills which
at the bottom.
commanded magnificent views of the town, the
lake, the adjoining hills, and distant Alps: per-
fectly enchanting.

Zofingen, Saturday morning.-It was eleven o'clock before we were in bed last night; the fact is, we spent all the morning in seeing Lucern, and had a journey of six hours and a half to take after three o'clock, in order to reach Bern by Saturday night. I have only further to say about Lucern, that the views from the bridges and the neighboring hills are some of the very finest in Switzerland. Zurich and Lucern are the most enchanting towns we have seen. The road hither ran by the side of the lake of Sempach; but by seven the evening came on, and we could see little of the prospect; a fine moon-light, however, aided us. At the town of Sursee, whilst we were taking some refreshment, I saw a portrait of Père Girard his scholar: I sent for the boy in. He had been of Fribourg. The son of the aubergiste had been

Zofingen, thirty miles from Lucern, half-past nine, Friday night.—While supper is preparing, I will write something of the occurrences of a most delightful day. After breakfast this morning, we went to see a model of Lucern and the neighbor-five years at school-seemed a fine, clever lad ing country, on a scale of about thirteen inches to a league. It was most gratifying to trace out part of the tour we had just made. Our attendant pointed out the model of one Alp, the Titlis, on which the ice lies one hundred and seventy-five feet thick in summer. General Pfyffer spent his life in traversing the mountains, and executing this model. A portrait of him, in his travelling dress, adorns the room; and his camp-seat, of a most simple but admirable contrivance, was shown


We next visited the arsenal, and saw the sword of Zuingle, the Reformer, (for he was compelled, by the law of the republic, to bear arms, and he fell on the field of Capelle, in 1531)

and then the Jesuits' church and the cathedral,

where the tawdry ornaments and superstitious

I cannot but just add here, that undoubtedly there was too much of secular politics mixed up with the higher principles of the Swiss Reformers. An interference with the temporal governments proved one very lamentable impediment to the advance of the Reformation. The character of Luther stands pre-eminent, above all the Reformers, in this respect. His wisdom, spirituality of mind, subjection to "the powers that be, as ordained of God," and moderation on doubtful points, (except in the sacramentarian controversy,) placed him on an elevation, to which I am not aware that any of his contemporaries can

spoke in the highest terms of M. Girard. He tells me, M. G. had five classes, and four or five hundred children, at Fribourg; and that he gave lectures on the catechism, and taught the children the New Testament. He was, in truth, too good for the Papists;-they raised an opposition-the Jesuits aided-and Père Girard's whole establishsent his son fifty-five miles to this good schoolment is now broken up. This aubergiste had master. These individual cases of piety and zeal continually occur. The intrepidity and faith of such men are of a character which we have little conception of in England, surrounded by ProtestSurely charity should peculiarly rejoice in such ant connections and protected by Protestant laws. triumphs of the grace of God, in the midst of the corruptions of Popery.

be raised. Religion was with him a matter of the heart, and the reformed doctrines the consolation of his aroused and most tender conscience; and all this in a very peculiar degree. Others may have had more learning, as Melancthon; or more acuteness, as Calvin or Zuingle; but for deep, affecting views of religion, superiority to secular politics, and experience of inward temptations, united with magnanimity of mind, and uncommon powers of eloquence, none can be compared, I think, with Martin Luther.

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