What If God...?: Thought-Provoking Reflections About God

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013 M08 4 - 214 páginas
Is God truly love, righteousness and justice? Are scoffers justified in asserting that the God of the Bible is cruel and sadistic? What if God...? provides logical and sensible evidence that the God of the Bible is, indeed, love and righteousness. The book takes the reader on an inspiring journey through the Bible. Each entry begins with the thought-provoking question, "What if God...?" This original and stimulating approach is used to analyze in depth some of God's fundamental traits, and many of His major works, as recorded in the Bible. Special emphasis is given to some of God's actions that have left many believers confused and many scoffers gleeful. The author is confident that at the end of the journey the reader's final verdict will be that God is, indeed, an astonishing Being, and that He is beyond a doubt a loving and just Creator. Michael Caputo Author of the award-winning, God Seen Through the Eyes of the Greatest Minds.

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