Belgrade, siege of, described by Paoli, 238
Bell, John, his "Travels," 192
Bolingbroke, Lady, her description of Pope, 481 Bolingbroke, Lord, 490, 491, 492, 512, 545; condemned by Johnson, 89, 109; letter to Sir William Wyndham, 445n.
Bolingbroke, second Lord, 264 Bologna sausages, praised by Johnson, 244 Bonhours, Dominique, on beauty, 203
Bell, Mrs., Johnson writes part of Epitaph on, Bonner, Bishop, 19n.
Brumoy, Père, Johnson translates for Mrs. Lenox's English version of, 116 Booksellers, provincial, rare in Johnson's time,
Berwick, Memoirs of the Duke of, 466 Bevill, Rev. Mr., his "Defence of Hammond,"
Johnson's Latin conversation, 323 Boswell, Sir Alexander, 238n. Boswell, Claude Irvine, Lord Balmuto, 389n. Boswell, David, ancestor of J. Boswell, 325 Boswell, Dr., 149; his description of Johnson, 354
Boswell, Mrs., 274, 276, 314, 315, 497; dislikes Johnson, 273; present from Johnson to, 501; illness and death, 437, 579; letter to Johnson, 587; letters to from Johnson, 386, 586
Bicknell, Mr., his "Musical Travels of Joel Boswell, James, his views on biography, 2-5;
Burney, Dr. Charles, 133, 165, 171, 324, 454, 563 praises Johnson's "Preface to Shakespeare, 172; engaged on his "History of Music," 498, 499; his "Travels," praised by Johnson, 597; letters to, from Johnson, 95, 108, 109, 172, 617, 664, 671; from a lady, 190; quoted, 109, 145., 271, 300n., 578
Collyer," Johnson ridiculed in, 105
on the Slave Trade, 433; suffers from hypo- chondria, 16; first interview with Johnson,
"Biographia Britannica," 339; Johnson declines
to edit, 421; quoted, 482n. "Biographia Dramatica," 120n. "Biographical Dictionary," 120n. Birch, Rev. Dr. T., letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, 43; to Johnson, 95; letters to, from Cave, 47, 48, 49; from Johnson, 51, 74,95; from Earl of Orrery, 61; from Bishop War- burton, 2
Birmingham, 5, 22, 27, 30; visited by Johnson 23, 25, 342, 579 Bishop, a liquor, 82 Blackfriars Bridge, 117
Blacklock, Dr. Thomas, 111; Johnson's opinion of his poetry, 160
Blackmore, Sir Richard, his poems, 500; criti- cised by Johnson, 211; Johnson's Life of, quoted, 547
Blackstone, Judge, 19, 505, 561; quoted, 305n. Blackwall, Anthony, 22
Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, 121, 133, 194, 275, 276, 283, 371; his sermons praised by Johnson, 390, 392, 418, 435, 488, 564; attacks Johnson's style, 420; letter to Boswell, 512
Blair, Kev. Robert, "The Grave," a poem, 370 Blake, Admiral, Johnson's Life of, 47 Blanchetti, Marquis and Marchioness, 317 Bland, Richard, of Virginia, 248n.
Blaney, Elizabeth, 6, 669
Blenheim Park, 340
Bocage, 317
Bocardo, 64n.
131; gives Johnson a sketch of his life, 136; anecdote of his childhood. 147n.; goes with Johnson to Greenwich, 156; to Oxford, 188, 336; to the Pantheon, 233; to Bedlam, 312; to Birmingham, 342; to Lichfield, 345; to Bath, 369; to Bristol, 370; to Ashbourne, 404; to Keddleston, 4143; to Derby, 416; to Shefford, 577; goes abroad, 1623 goes to Shakespeare Jubilee, 1963; visits the Thrales at Streatham, 199, 441, 460, presents Paoli to Johnson, 200; witnesses execution at Tyburn, 204; at Newgate, 652; quarrels with Johnson, 210, 487; marries his cousin, 2213; questions Johnson as to his history, 232; goes to Mrs. Abington's benefit, 293; has a room in John- son's house, 313; consults Lord Hailes about the entail, 328; his conversation with Captain Cook, 354; lives with General Paoli, 365; defends liberty of pulpit, 374; sends Johnson Lord Hailes "Annals of Scotland," 398; regrets his censure of "Biographia Britannica,' 421n.; engaged at the Parliamentary Bar, 440; his shorthand, 459; is introduced to Wesley, 508; his illness, 508; procures for Johnson information about Pope, 518; attends meeting of Robin Hood Society, 562, 563; engaged in ludicrous action in Court of Sessions, 576; parts with apprehension from Johnson, 612, 613; makes application to Lord Thurlow on Johnson's behalf, 651; bids farewell to John- son, 656; letters to Dr. Cullen, 625; to Dr. Hope, 625; to Johnson, 163, 180, 193, 221-223, 247, 273, 276, 278, 281, 282, 287, 314, 316, 323, 329, 386, 387, 388, 391, 393,394, 397, 399n., 401-403,435, 437, 438, 462, 496, 500, 508, 509, 515, 517, 523, 525, 618, 620; to Munro, 625; to Dr. Percy, 462; to Pitt, 625n.; letters to, from Dr. Adams, 670, 686n.; from Rev. Mr. Agutter, 689n.; from Dr.
Beattie, 225n.; from Dr. Blair, 5123; from E. Dilly, 395; from Sir W. Forbes, enclosing the Round Robin, 384; from Lord Hailes, 147; from Warren Hastings, 551; from Johnson, 162, 172, 179, 193, 197, 212, 223, 246, 247, 271 -283, 288, 314-316, 324, 326-330, 369, 386, 387, 389, 392-394,398-400, 401-404, 435- 437, 462, 497, 499, 501, 508-510, 516-519, 523, 526, 553, 579,583,585-588, 614, 618, 620, 624, 625, 626, 660, 661, 671, 672; from Langton, 497, 520; from Mickle, 621; from Lord Thur- low, 655; from Rev. Dr. Vyse, 400; his "Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides," 166, 237n. 251, 285.302n., 428, 481n., 497, 591n., 631n., 635n., 679n.; praised by Courtenay, by Mrs. Thrale, 272, 315; quoted, 5, 33, 53, 66, 73г., 117, 146, 156, 607n. his "Thesis in Civil Law, 179; his "Account of Corsica" published, 188; quoted, 197n.; his "Hypochondriac," 204n., 595; his Matrimonial Thought," 212; his Essence of the Douglas cause," 257n.; Journal, 434; quoted, 441; verses to Hon. Miss Monckton, quoted, 568n.; letter to the People of Scotland, 5921., 694
Boswell, Thomas, founder of the family, 325 Boswell, Thomas David, 424n., 525; introduced to Johnson, 523; his account of Johnson's death, 687
Bosville, Mrs., 233
Bouchier, Governor, 560
Bouffier, Claude, 162n.
Boufflers, Madame de, visits Johnson, 215, 323
Boulter, Archbishop, 106
Bouquet, Mr., bookseller, 80
Bourdonne, Madame de, 262n.
Bowles, William, Johnson stays with, 615
Bowyer, William, Life of, 667n.
Boyle, Mr., his "Martyrdom of Theodora," 104 Boydell, Alderman, 282n.
Bradley, in Derbyshire, visited by Johnson, 22 Braithwaite, Mr., of the Post Office, 632
Bramhall, Bishop, on "Liberty and Necessity,"
Buchanan, George, Johnson admires his poems, 157, 205, 597
Buckingham, Duchess of, 447 Budgell, Eustace, 257, 369 Budworth, Rev. Mr., 22n. Bulse, Indian measure of diamonds, 495 Bunbury, Henry, 140 Bunbury, Sir Charles, 165, 275, 291, 505n; pall- bearer at Johnson's funeral, 688 Bunyan, John, admired by Johnson, 260 Burgoyne, General, his surrender at Saratoga, 495 Burke, Edmund, 115, 164, 177, 221, 238, 2541., 261, 268, 302n., 369, 383, 455, 473, 475, 502, 503, 536, 548, 556, 558, 564, 630, 658; in praise of Johnson, 24, 376; Johnson's views on, 154, 219, 340, 450n.; witness at Baretti's trial, 206; Gold- smith's view of his oratory, 270; writes Round Robin, 385; his equable disposition, 428; his witticisms, 481, 554; his argument on happiness, 642; his speech parodied by Johnson, 648; his defence of Johnson, 648: differs from Johnson on Baretti's case, 650; compares Johnson to Ap- pius, 670n.; at Johnson's sick bed, 683; pall- bearer at Johnson's funeral, 688; his "Vindica- tion of Natural Society," 159n.; his essay on the Sublime and Beautiful, 203; his speech on American Taxation, 282; his "Letter to the Sheriff of Bristol," criticised by Johnson, 426 Burke, Richard, 165, 667; his death, 6ron.; his argument with Johnson, 654
Burnet, Bishop, "History of his own Times,"
criticised by Johnson, 250
Burney, Dr. Charles, the younger, 674 Burney, Frances, 519, 520, 630, 664; takes tea with Johnson, 612; quoted, 676
Burney, Mrs., 169n., 605, 606; her illness, 664
Brighthelmstone, Johnson visits, 196, 389, 435, Burrows, Rev. Dr., his sermon, 503
Bristol, Johnson visits, 370
Brocklesby, Dr., 593, 614, 619, 622, 625, 629; his generosity to Johnson, 656, 680; his account of Johnson's death, 686; letter to Johnson, 615n., letters to, from Johnson, 615, 661-664
Brooke, Henry, author of "The Fool of Quality and "Gustavus Vasa," 44n.; Johnson's essay on the latter, 44
Brooks's Club, origin of, 360n. Broome, Life of, by Johnson, 545 Brown, Capability, 340, 511 Browne, Isaac Hawkins, 299, 629
Browne, Rev. Dr. John, of Cambridge, 218
Brown, Rev. Robert, of Utrecht, 174, 467
Brown, Tom, teaches Johnson, 8
Browne, Sir Thomas, 19n., 469; influence on Johnson's style, 73; his "Christian Morals," edited by Johnson, with life prefixed, 102
Bruce, James, criticised by Johnson, 297 Bruce, Robert, 273n.
Brydone, Patrick, "A tour through Sicily and
Malta," 301, 348, 495
Buchan, Earl of, 236
Burrowes, Rev. Robert, his "Essay on the style of Dr. Samuel Johnson." 675
Burton, Robert, at Oxford, 14; his "Anatomy of Melancholy" praised by Johnson, 215, 337
Bute, Earl of, 125, 129, 292n., 304, 305, 383; Johnson's opinion of, 349; letters from Johnson to, 126, 127
Butler, Samuel, 261; Johnson's opinion of "Hudibras," 310; quoted, 639
Butter, Dr., of Derby, 351, 412, 416, 680 Byng, Admiral, 218; defended by Johnson, 105; his Epitaph quoted, 105
Byng, Hon. John, his letter to Malone, 687
CADELL, Mr., 331, 486
Caesar, Julius, Bacon's remark on, 4 Caledonian Mercury, The, quoted, 576 Callimachus, Johnson's opinion of, 527 Cambridge, visited by Johnson, 167 Cambridge, Richard Owen, 307, 451; com municates particulars about Johnson, 600; hi death, 601n.
Camden, Lord, 290; his judgment on Dougl Cause, 257n.; anecdote of, 476
Camden, William, his "Remains," 473, 608 Cameron, Dr. Archibald, execution of, 46 Campbell, Archibald, his "Lexiphanes," satire on Johnson, 188
Campbell, Hon. Archibald, non-juring bishop,
251; praised by Johnson, 635
Campbell, Sir Archibald, 374
Campbell, Rev. Dr., of St. Andrew's, 121 Campbell, Dr. John, 190, 289; Johnson's opinion of, 141, 251, 339, 448
Campbell, Rev. John, of Kippen, letter to Boswell, 182n.
Campbell, Mungo, case of, 427
Campbell, Dr. Thomas, 298, 300, 303, 395, his "Diary of a Visit to England" quoted, 28n., 106; his "Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland," 299
Candide, compared with Rasselas, 114, 495 Canus, Melchior, of Toledo, 318
Cardross, Lord, see Buchan, Earl of Careless, Mrs., Johnson's first love, 344, 345 Carleton, Captain, his "Memoirs," 654 Carlisle, Frederick, fifth Earl of, his poems
criticised by Johnson, 570, 619, 620
Carmichael, Miss, 440
Carter, Dr. Nicholas, 37n.
Carter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 80, 153n., 563, 630; account of, 37n.; advised by Johnson, 40; writes in the "Rambler," 66; her early rising, 418; letter from Dr. Birch to, 43
Carteret, Lord, see Granville, Lord
Catcot, George, 371 Catiline, Sallust on, 4
Cator, Mr., 646
Catullus, quoted, 595
Cave, Miss, 25n.
Cave, Edward, 34, 35, 47, 51, 5312., 69, 480; Johnson's first publisher, 30; begins Gentle- man's Magazine, 33; sees a ghost, 237; Johnson's opinion of, 684; his letters to Dr. Birch, 44, 48, 49; letters from Johnson to, 25, 31. 37, 38, 42, 43, 50; Johnson's life of, 85
Cavendish Debates, 648n. Caxton, William, 453 Cecil, Colonel, 239
Cervantes, 311
Chalmers, George, 48n.
Chamberlayne, Rev. Mr., 636
Chambers, Catherine, 113, 114, 187
Chambers, Ephraim, his "Proposal" for the Dictionary, 72
Chambers, Sir Robert, 111, 124, 164, 271, 274, 277, 360, 552, 658; his intimacy with Johnson, 181; Vinerian Professor, 1883; draws Langton's will, 270; his marriage, 275; letter to, from Johnson, 91
Chambers, Sir William, his "Chinese Archi- tecture" praised by Johnson, 598 Chamier, Mr., 164, 301n., 437,452 "Champion, The," quoted, 54 Chapone, Mrs., writes for the "Rambler," 66; letter from Johnson to, 620 Charlemont, James, first Earl of, 164, 259, 494, 556, 557
Charles I., 250, 310, 311
Charles II., 81, 150, 187, 310, 311; defended by Johnson, 299
Charles V., witty saying of, 2013; censured by
Lord Kames, 450
Charles Edward, Prince, 94n., 146
Charles XII. of Sweden, 457; Johnson's lines on. 64
Charlotte, Queen, 222 Charterhouse, the, 61, 526
Chatham, Earl of, 217, 2547., 256, 290; Johnson's opinion of, 495; first speech in House of Lords, 647
Chatsworth, visited by Johnson, 663 Chatterton, T., the "Rowley Poems," 371, 581 Chelsea College, 194
Chesterfield, Philip, fourth Earl of, 28n., 48, 94n. 299, 379, 506, 556; "Plan" of Dictionary addressed to, 60; his insolence, 85, 593; his eulogy of the "Dictionary" in the "World," 85; his epigram on Sir Thomas Robinson 148n.; his pronunciation, 230; Johnson's opinion of him, 88, 250, 653; letter from Johnson to, 86; Dilly's edition of his miscellaneous works, 493; his "Letters," criticised by Johnson, 88, 295, 372; Literary Property of letters con- tested, 89; quoted, ro
Chesterfield, Philip, fifth Earl of, at Dodd's trial, 406
Cheyne, Dr. George, "The English Malady,"
China, wall of, 458 Cheynel, Johnson's Life of, 75 Choïsi, Abbé, 486 Cholmondeley, George James, anecdote of, 658 Cholmondeley, Hon. Mrs., 217, 454, 455, 479 Christian, Rev. Mr., of Docking, 191 Churchill, Rev. C., 133, 143n., 451; satirizes Johnson in "The Ghost," 137; his poems criti- cised by Johnson, 141; his "Prophecy of Fam- ine," 142; his "Rosciad," 186n., 195n.; quoted, 38, 107, 166, 440
Churton, Rev. Ralph, 269n.; his views on a pas- sage in the burial service, 608n.; on Boswell's Life of Johnson, 641n.
Cibber, Colley, 57n., 85, 456; Johnson's epigram on, 47, 135; his opinion of, 135, 204, 299, 618; Poet Laureate, 60n.; his recollection of Dryden, 380; consults Johnson, 425; his "Provoked Husband," 189; his "Nonjuror," 292; quoted, 207, 630
Cibber, Theophilus, "Lives of the Poets," 363 Clare, Lord, see Nugent, Robert
Clarendon, Lord, his " History," 99n.; his MSS. presented to the University of Oxford, 330; criticised by Johnson, 454; his account of Villiers' Ghost, 493; his character of Falk- land, 691n
Clarendon Press, 330, 337 Clark, Mr., of Edinburgh, his pamphlet answered by Johnson, 622
Clark, Alderman Richard, letter from Johnson to, 624
Clarke, Rev. Dr., 62n., 134, 209, 686; his ser-
City, 559; the Eumelian, 678; the Essex Head, 15n., 622, 623n., 624, 662; the King's Head, 62,
Cobb, Mrs., 317, 347, 516
Cock Lane Ghost, 458; Johnson's account of, 137, 138
Cohausen, J. H., his "Hermippus Redivivus," 141, 332
Col, Island of, visited by Johnson, 272, 285; the Crouch, Mrs., 613 Laird of, 285
Colchester, visited by Johnson, 160 Collins, W., 91, 92; his character, written by Johnson, 128
Colman, George, the elder, 68, 165, 189n., 291, 390, 480, 530, 533; ; pall-bearer at Johnson's funeral, 688; his "Jealous Wife," 122; his "Odes to Obscurity and Oblivion," 297; his "Letter from Lexiphanes," quoted, 676
Colman, George, the younger, his "Random Records," quoted, 372n.
Colson, Rev. John, letter from Walmsley, 30 Combabus, story of, 446n.
"Comus" Johnson's Prologue to, 75 Confession of Faith of Assembly of Divines at Westminster (Erse), 277
Congreve, Rev. Charles, Johnson's schoolfellow, 9; Johnson laments his condition, 344, 351 Congreve, W., his "Mourning Bride, praised, by Johnson, 202, 205; his verdict on the "Beggar's Opera," 31on.; stays at Ilam, 426; quoted, 130n., 256; Johnson's Life of, quoted,
"Considerations on dispute between Crousaz and Warburton" by Johnson, 50
Cook, Captain, 354; his "Voyages to the South Sea," 644
Cooksey, R., Essay on Life of Lord Somers, 291n.
Cooper, John Gilbert, 527; nicknamed by John- son, 218; anecdote of, 410
Coriat, Tom, his travels, 236
Cork, Countess of (Miss Monckton), 568 Cork and Orrery, Earl of, 99; writes in "The World," 85n.; Johnson's opinion of, 218, 424
Cotterell, the Misses, 80, 124, 128 Coughlan, Anne, wife of Hon. Thomas Hervey, 183n.
Courtenay, John, 165, 473; on the "Beggar's Opera," 309n.; his "Poetical Review of John- son," 2911., 649n.; quoted, 15, 59n., 73, 105, 115, 673n.
Court of Session, decision of in the Negro cause, 436
Coverley, Sir Roger de, praised by Johnson,
Cradock, Mr., author of "Zobeide," 366
Crashaw, R., quoted, 473
Craven, Lady, 360
Cruikshanks, Mr., 610; letters from Johnson to, 617, 666
Cullen, Dr., 311; on sleep, 418; his letter to Bos- well, 626; letter to, from Boswell, 625
Cullen, Mr., concerned in Negro cause, 401, 436 Cumberland, William Duke of, 94n., 312, 4521. Cumberland, R., 367n., 674; his "Memoirs," 30n, 227n.; his "Observer," 551; his "Odes, 368
Cumming, a Quaker, 607 Cunningham, Mr., his duel, 607 Cust, Francis Cockayne, 52n., 55
Daline, his History of Sweden, 228 Dalrymple, Sir David, see Hailes, Lord Dalrymple, Sir John, his "Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland" criticised by Johnson,
Dalzel, Professor, on Johnson's knowledge of Greek, 674
Dante, 261; quoted, 443n. Dartineuf, Charles, 339n. Dashwood, Sir Francis, 38n.
Davies, Thomas, 143, 166, 194, 195, 201, 202. 269, 529, 531; introduces Boswell to Johnson, 131; quarrels with Baretti, 248; his un- authorised publication of Johnson's miscel- lanies, 274; misquotes bon mot of Johnson's, 303; describes Johnson's laugh, 314; in bad circumstances, 440; plans benefit at Drury Lane, 450; his "Memoirs of David Garrick, 523; Johnson dines with, 284, 299, 366; John- son's views on, 205, 531; letters from Johnson to, 614, 666
Davies, Mrs., 131, 166
Davison, Secretary, 147n.
Dawkins, his "Jamaica," 575
Dawson, his "Lexicon to the Greek New Testa- ment," 514 Deane, Rev. Mr., his essay "On the future life of Brutes," 191 Death-warrants, 399n.
"Debate on Proposal of Parliament to Crom- well to assume the Title of King" by John
Dennis, John, his "Critical Works" commended by Johnson 367
"Critical Review," The, 119; Johnson's writings Derby, Johnson married at, 27
Derby, Rev. Mr., Johnson writes Dedication for, 396
Derrick, Samuel, 614n.; Johnson on, 129, 132, 155, 599; quoted, 38; anecdote of, 156
Desmoulins, Mrs., 224, 615; supported by Dr. Johnson, 16, 22, 440; her story of Mrs. Johnson's selfishness, 78; her illness, 591, 623; her anecdote of Johnson, 649; at Johnson's death-bed, 687
Devaynes, Mr., apothecary to His Majesty, 629 Devonshire, Duchess of, 501
Devonshire, Duke and Duchess of, entertain Johnson at Chatsworth, 663 Devonshire, William, third Duke of, characterised by Johnson, 426 Diamond, Mr., 79
Diary, Johnson's, quoted, 18, 21, 22, 83, 84, 168, 172, 579, 580, 615, 631; his "Egri Ephemeris,"
Dick, Sir Alexander, Bart., 401; consulted by Johnson, 625; his letter to Johnson, 392
Dictionary of the English Language, by Johnson, 72, 85, 95, 96, 129n., 151, 159, 227, 247, 249, 269, 527; first proposed to Johnson by Dodsley, 59, 513; publication of Plan, 59; its dedi cation to Lord Chesterfield, 60; praised by Lord Orrery, 61; mode of writing, 62; dis- cussed, 97-100; not a financial success, 101; reviewed in the "Bibliothèque des Savans, 108; quoted, 60, 82n., 98, 99, 430n., 490; parody of, quoted, 675
Dictionary, Medicinal, Johnson's Dedication to Dr. Mead, quoted, 51
Dilly, Charles and Edward, 264, 331, 353, 466; Johnson dines with, 298, 377, 465, 495, 496, 508, 565, 631, 652; letters to Charles from Johnson, 509, 623; letter from Edward to Boswell, 395; death of Edward, 510
Dilly, Mr., of Southill, Beds., 86, 264; Johnson stays with, 572
Diogenes Laertius, records saying of Aristotle,
D'Israeli, Isaac, "Calamities and Quarrels of Authors," 35n.
"Dissertation on the State of Literature and Authors," by Johnson, 102 Dixie, Sir Wolstan, Johnson disagrees with, 22 Dodd, Rev. Dr. William, 401, 463; history of his crime, 406-410; his execution, 399, 409; John- son's opinion of, 398, 417, 605; his sermons, 450; his poem, Thoughts in Prison," 459; his letters to Johnson, 408, 409 Doddington, Mr., see (Lord Melcombe), 549n. Dodsley, James, 59, 65
Dodsley, Robert, 37, 38, 60, 66n, 80, 88, 95, 106, 114, 339; suggests the "Dictionary" to John- son, 59, 513; buys "Irene," 65; disputes with Goldsmith, 366; "Public Virtue," a poem by, 533; "Cleone," a tragedy by, 112, 534
Dominicetti, Italian quack, 207 Donaldson, Alexander, bookseller, censured by
Donne, Dr., Walton's Life of, 339; praised by
Johnson, 308
Don Quixote, 18n.
Dosa, the brothers, 174n.
Dossie, Mr., Johnson's kindness to, 530
Douglas, his collection of editions of Horace, 632 Douglas, Dr., Bishop of Salisbury, 44, 86n, 165,
194, 195, his history, 39; detects Lauder's forgery, 75; investigates Cock Lane Ghost, 137; anecdote of Johnson by, 146; Johnson dines with, 323; calls on Johnson, 631 Douglas, Dr., his literary fraud, 121 Douglas Estate, litigation concerning the, 257,
Douglas, Mr. and Lady Jane, 257
Douglas, Sir James, 422
Doxy, Miss, Garrick's niece, 517n., 518 Drake, Sir Francis, Johnson's Life of, 47 "Draughts, Introduction to the Game of," John- son's dedication for, 106 Dreghorn, Lord, see Maclaurin, Mr. Drelincourt on Death, 231 Dromore, Bishop of, see Percy, Dr. Drumgold, Colonel, Johnson dines with, 321; praised by Johnson, 322 Drummond, Dr., 387, 504
Drummond of Hawthornden, his "Polemo-Mid- dinia," 465
Drummond, William, 181; letters from Johnson,
Drury Lane Journal, 72 Drury Lane Theatre, 33, 49, 59, 64, 75, 138, 293 Dryden, J., 233, 541; Johnson on, 202, 293, 491; quoted, 217, 254, 262, 543, 642; Johnson's Life of, quoted, 543 Dublin Journal, 227 Dublin Society, 106n.
Dublin, Trinity College, 139; confers Doctor's degree on Johnson, 168; Flood's bequest to,
Dunbar, Dr., of Aberdeen, 524 "Dunciad," The, 49n.
Duncombe, Mr., of Canterbury, praised by John- son, 477
Dundas, Henry, (Lord Melville), 89; his pro- nunciation, 230; counsel for Joseph Knight (the negro), 436
Dunfermline, contested election for, 374 Dunning, John, Lord Ashburton, 164, 402; his accent, 229; compliments Johnson, 447
Dunsinan, Lord, 367 Dunvegan, House of, 315 Du Ros, his "Réflexions Critiques sur la Poésie
et la Peinture," 203
Dury, Major-General Alexander, 111 Dyer, John, "The Fleece," by, 341 Dyer, Samuel, 164, 177n., 530
EASTON MAUDIT, visited by Johnson, 167 Eccles, Rev. Mr., literary fraud by, 121 Eccles, Mr., 143
Ecclesiasticus, quoted, 424
Ecole Militaire, visited by Johnson, 317 Eddystone, Johnson tries to land on, 126 Edial, 33, 223; Johnson's school at, 27 Edinburgh visited by Johnson, 272, 273; Advo- cate's Library at, 69n.; Transactions of Royal
Society of, quoted, 536n.
Edward I., Lord Hailes on, 278 Edwards, fellow-collegian of Johnson's, 472, 561
Edwards, of New England, on Grace, 467, 468
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