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Some of the metals, namely, iron, bismuth, and | trating the particles of matter, and increasing their antimony, possess, in common with water, and solutions of crystallizable salts, the property of expanding at the moment of their becoming solid. To this property, in iron, we are indebted for the sharp impression it receives from the mould in which it is cast. Antimony, in combination with other metals, is employed with a similar result, for printing-types. The impressions on the current coin of the realm, whether copper, silver, or gold, are all produced by stamping. Many articles of plate and ornamental jewellery are also stamped. The precious metals, both pure and alloyed, contract in passing from the fluid to the solid state. If they were cast in moulds, they would receive impressions that would be indistinct and imperfect.

Aëriform bodies differ essentially from solids and liquids, not only in their rate of expansibility, but also in not being subject to the same irregularities. Whatever may be the character of an aëriform body, whether it be a vapour, or a gas, simple or compound, all are obedient to the same law as respects the influence of heat, and all expand, in an equal degree, by the addition of equal quantities of that subtile element.

If we take a large flaccid bladder, containing a few cubic inches of air, and tie it securely, on placing the bladder in boiling water, we shall observe a vast increase in the bulk of the contained air. By holding the bladder a few minutes before a fire, it will become still more distended. Here is an instance of the expansion of an aëriform body. If the bladder be placed, in its expanded state, in cold water, it will be restored to its former dimensions; the air imparting to the water the heat which had been temporarily united with it.


dimensions, or by diffusing itself among them and
separating them to greater distances. Whichever
may be the exact mode of operation, heat has to
contend with a more powerful antagonist force in
solids, than in liquids. That there exists among the
particles of liquid bodies, a slight attractive force, is
evident from their uniting readily in drops. As,
however, they possess this property, in a degree very
inferior to solids, and as their particles have greater
freedom of motion among themselves, we may
perceive the reason of their yielding more freely to
very slight impulses of heat. To aëriform bodies,
considerable quantities of heat are essentially neces-
sary. Their very existence, either as vapours, or
gases, depends on its presence. In some cases, the
heat, thus combined, may be separated, and the
vapours, or gases, become liquids or solids; as in the
transition of water from the state of steam to that of
ice. In other cases, it is impossible, by any means
at present known to us, to abstract from a gaseous
body, the heat with which it is combined, in quanti-
ties sufficient to produce any change in its character.
Of this we have an instance in atmospheric air.
Aëriform bodies, by their intimate union with heat,
and by containing in, or among, a given number of
their particles, a greater proportion of it than either
solids or liquids, are, therefore, of all bodies with
which we are acquainted, in the most favourable
circumstances for receiving additional supplies of this
penetrating and powerful agent, as well as for
betokening its entrance by a simultaneous enlarge-
ment of their dimensions.
R. R.

THERE is a branch of useful training, which cannot be too


thheedfully regarded; I mean, the education that children give themselves. Their observation is ever alive and awake, to the circumstances which pass around them; and, from the circumstances thus observed, they are continually drawing their own conclusions. These observations and conclusions have a powerful influence in forming the characters of youth. What is imparted in the way of direct instruction, they are apt to consider as official; they receive it, often, with downright suspicion; generally, perhaps, with a sort of undefined qualification and reserve. It is otherwise with what children discover for themselves. matter of self-acquisition, this is treasured up, and reasoned upon; it penetrates the mind, and influences the conduct, beyond all the formal lectures that ever were delivered. Whether it be for good, or whether it be for evil, the education of the child is principally derived from its own observation of the actions, the words, the voice, the looks, of those with whom it lives. The fact is unquestionably so; and since the fact is so, it is impossible, surely, that the friends of youth can be too circumspect in the youthful presence, to avoid every, the least appearance of evil. This great moral truth was keenly felt, and powerfully inculcated, even in the heathen world. But the reverence for youth of Christian parents, ought to reach immeasurably further. It is not enough that they set no bad example; it is indispensable, that they show forth a good one, It is not enough that they seem virtuous; it is indispensable that they be so.

The rate of expansion of aëriform bodies, is (one four hundred and eightieth) of their volume, for every degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer: 480 cubic inches of air, or gas, at 32°, becoming 481 at 33°; 482 at 34°; 483 at 35°; and so on for every additional degree of heat. To this susceptibility of change, by every variation of temperature, we owe much of our health and comfort in the open air, as well as in our private dwellings. The currents that prevail out of doors, and the ventilation that goes on silently within, are alike dependent on the changes to which air is subjected by the presence or the absence of certain quantities of heat. Air, as it becomes heated, ascends, a colder and heavier column flowing in to supply its place. On this principle it is, that the fire burns in a grate, and smoke issues at the top of a chimney, that the stratum of air near the ceiling of a room, or public edifice, when it is ineffectively ventilated, is unfit for respiration, and that when the door of a heated room is open, a current of cold air sets inwards at the bottom, whilst a corresponding current of warm air sets outwards near the top. As air expands so readily, by a slight increase of temperature, it is a dangerous practice to place fermented liquors, as ale or porter, in stone or glass bottles, near a fire. Serious accidents ha been occasioned by the bursting of bottles thus incautiously exposed to heat.

The Christian parent ought to be a living exemplification of Christianity. His house, his habits, his family, his associates, his pursuits, his recreations, ought all to be so regulated, as to evince that religion is, indeed, the parent of order, the inspirer of good sense, the well-spring of good humour, the teacher of good manners, and the perennial source of happiness and peace. Accustomed to live and breathe in such a holy atmosphere, it is morally impossible that a child can materially go wrong. And this, in the valuable branch of a Christian education.-BISHOP highest sense of the word, is incomparably the most JEBB.

We know no more of the forms or sizes of the ultimate particles of matter, than we do of the true nature of heat; but we think it is not difficult to understand why liquids expand more than solids, and aëriform bodies more than liquids. In solid bodies, there exists a certain attractive force, by which their particles are held together, and which is directly opposed to the expansive energies of heat. We may Do not depreciate any pursuit which leads men to conreasonably infer that heat operates, either by pee-template the works of their Creator.-SOUTHEY,






THE Hind and the Roe, the Hart and the Antelope, have always been held in the highest estimation by the Orientals, for the voluptuous beauty of their eyes, the delicate elegance of their form, and their graceful agility of action. In the Sacred Writings, therefore, as well as in other literary compositions of the East, we frequently meet with direct references, or incidental allusions, to their qualities and habits.

The Hart, which is the Stag or male Deer, is one of
those innocent and peaceable animals, that seem
made to embellish the forest, and animate the soli-
tudes of nature. The easy elegance of his form, the
lightness of his motions, those large branches that
seem made rather for the ornament of his head than
its defence; the size, the strength, and the swiftness
of this beautiful creature, all sufficiently rank him
among the first of quadrupeds, among the most
noted objects of human curiosity.

The size of the Deer's antlers is in proportion to
its age, and they are shed every year: in full-grown
animals they are very large, and give an expansion
and beauty to the head which is remarkably striking.
The growth and extension of these appendages to
the head, are affected by several external circum-
stances; and Buffon thinks it possible to retard their
growth entirely, by greatly retrenching their food.
As a proof of this, we may adduce the fact of the
difference between a Stag bred in fertile pastures and
undisturbed by the hunter, and one often pursued
and ill-nourished. The former has his head ex-
panded, his antlers numerous, and his branches
thick; the latter has but few antlers, and the expan-
The beauty and size of their
sion is but little.
horns, therefore, mark their strength and vigour;
such of them as are sickly, or have been wounded,
never shooting out that magnificent profusion so
much admired in this animal. Thus the horns may,
in every respect, be resembled to a vegetable sub-
stance, grafted upon the head of an animal. Like

a vegetable they grow from the extremities; like a
vegetable, they are for a while covered with a bark
which nourishes them; like a vegetable, they have
their annual productions and decay.

The Hart is a ruminating animal, and divides the
hoof; it was therefore permitted for food under the
to the Israelites, the mountainous tracts of Lebanon,
Mosaic law; which was, doubtless, a great advantage
Gilead, and Carmel, abounding with Deer, and thus
Naturally of a hot and arid constitution, the Hart
supplying them with a rich provision of food.
suffers much from thirst in the Oriental regions. He
therefore seeks the fountain or the stream with
intense desire, particularly when his natural thirst
has been aggravated by the pursuit of the hunter.
Panting and braying, with eagerness he precipitates
the burning fever which consumes his vitals, in its
himself into the river, that he may quench at once
cooling waters. No circumstance can display more
forcibly the ardent breathings of Divine love in the
soul of a true believer; and the holy Psalmist has
availed himself of it with admirable propriety and
effect, in the description of his religious feelings,
when exiled from the house of God. As the hart
panteth after the water-brooks, so panteth my soul after
thee, O God.

The Deer seems to resemble the Goat, in being remarkably sure-footed, and delighting in elevated situations. To this it adds extraordinary swiftness, The Hind or female Stag, is a lovely creature, and S. and will bound, with agility, more than fifty feet. of an elegant shape: she is more feeble than the Hart, and is destitute of horns.

[Scripture Natural History.]

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ON our return to MULL, we found the harbour of Tobermory
in considerable bustle. It is the port of embarkation for
the emigrants from the western Highlands and islands.
Four vessels, laden with them, now lay here; one bound
for Quebec, and the other for Nova Scotia. One contained
200 persons, from the Long Island, emigrating in conse-
quence of a difference with their landlord. They had
received no assistance in the prosecution of their under-
taking, from any quarter; were in high spirits, and much
encouraged by the accounts which they had received from
their friends who had preceded them. Near Tobermory
we met a man from Ballochroy, in Mull, proceeding to
embark with his wife and three children. By the sale of
their house, two cows, a horse, and the rest of their little
property, they had realized a capital of £40; and, as the
whole expense of their voyage to Cape Breton, amounted
to £9. for the passage, and £4. 10s. for provisions, they
calculated on a surplus sufficient to enable them to locate
themselves prosperously on their arrival. The former
absurd or useless regulations, which rendered the convey-
ance of emigrants expensive and almost impracticable,
have been abolished. Among other provisions, it was
required that each individual should be supplied with a
large allowance of meat during the voyage, calculated on
military rations; a diet almost unknown to most of the
natives of these regions: and pork was particularly specified,
though as much abhorred by Highlanders as by Jews.
There is no doubt but that the prevailing prejudice against
emigration, conspired, with motives of humanity, to induce
the Society, from which these regulations emanated, to
suggest them to government.

The obstacles to Emigration have been now, in a great
measure, removed: the emigrants are healthy on their
voyage: generally carry out sufficient capital to enable them
to settle: are located, on their arrival, whether in Canada
or in the United States, usually among their own kindred
or former neighbours, who have paved the way for them
there: or enjoy the benefit of arrangements framed for
their accommodation by government or by societies. In
general they succeed well; but it is remarked that their
habitual indolence, though yielding to the temporary pres-
sure of necessity, too frequently returns, when that stimu-
lant no longer operates. Our American colonies afford a
bright prospect to the industrious settler. The advantages
of emigration must, however, be considered not only in
reference to the individuals, but in a national point of view.
Emigration has been, during a considerable period, a
resource of the population of Scotland, as of all poor
countries. In former times, among the Scotch, it was
confined almost entirely to military service; and they
supplied troops to several foreign states, and contributed to
some of the most important victories which have influenced
the fate of Europe. Many of the noble families of Sweden
have descended from, and bear the name of, their Scottish
ancestors, who fought under Gustavus Adolphus. War
constituted almost the sole employment, and offered the
sole inducements, to the Highland clansmen: for them the
speculations of more peaceful adventure possessed no charm.
Lord Selkirk mentions that a temporary emigration, from
Inverness-shire to Georgia, in 1722, was produced by
tempting prospects of advantage; but that forty years
elapsed before it was followed by another.

The time to which emigration, for the purpose of settling, must be referred, is that of the breaking up of the ancient Highland system, during the early and middle period of the last century. The chiefs, whose power depended on the number of their clansmen and retainers, and who were indemnified for the expense of maintaining them, partly by low rents and partly by military service, found themselves transformed, by the operation of law, into mere landlords; and compelled to adopt a new mode of living, and more productive management of their estates. The transition, retarded by the force of ancient habits, by the ties of relationship and of clanship, by humanity, as well as by indolence, pride, and prejudice, occupied a considerable period; involving the enlargement of farms, the introduc

tion of sheep, and the diminution of farm-servants, useless
retainers, and unprofitable stock: and unavoidably caused
the ejection of a large body of people from their former
modes of employment and of living. For these it became
necessary to provide. Emigration immediately presented
tion, has been adopted at intervals, in almost all parts of
itself as an obvious resource; and, from the period in ques-
the Highlands and islands, till almost every district has
created a corresponding colony on the other side of the

Its effect, in retarding the progressive increase of the
Selkirk observes, in 1805, in his letter on emigration,
population, has been, however, little perceptible. Lord
that the population had materially increased, both in the
Long Island, which had contributed the largest portion in
4000 persons had proceeded to America, and about double
the number to the Low Countries, between 1772 and 1791;
proportion to its people, and in Sky, from whence about
and Sky has continued since to be overburdened with
people! The commencement of this very emigration was
witnessed by Dr. Johnson, and suggested the following
Mr. Malthus has since enrolled among the fundamental
remarks, indicating his ignorance of a principle which
truths of political science.

"Some method to stop this epidemic desire of wandering, which spreads its contagion from valley to valley, deserves to be sought with great diligence. In more fruitful countries, the removal of one only makes room for the succession of another: but in the Hebrides, the loss of an inhabitant leaves a lasting vacuity; for nobody born in any other and an island once depopulated will remain a desert, as part of the world, will choose this country for his residence; long as the present facility of travel gives every one who The influence of the change of system on population, is discontented and unsettled, the choice of his abode." may be further illustrated by the following quotation from Lord Selkirk's work.

"There is no part of the Highlands where the change in the system of management has advanced so far towards maturity as in Argyleshire. In Dr. John Smith's Survey we find this remark: The state of population in this of that Country, drawn up for the Board of Agriculture, be seen in the statistical table. Although many parishes county, as it stood in 1755, and as it stands at present, may have greatly decreased in their number of inhabitants, owing to the prevalence of the sheep-system, yet upon the ago. This is owing to the greater population of the town whole the number is greater now than it was forty years doubled their joint numbers in that period; so that, if of Cambleton, and village of Oban, which have more than county will be found to have decreased considerably.' these are left out of the reckoning, the population in the

"The fact is curious and valuable: the population of Argyleshire has not diminished on the whole, yet the value of produce which is now sent away to feed the inhabitants of a distant part of the kingdom, is much greater than formerly."

The unquestionable result of the substitution of order, economy, and judicious and well-regulated employment of the resources of the Highlands, for the vicious system which it superseded, and the consequent augmentation of been, notwithstanding the partial diminution of the popuwealth, comfort, civilization, and moral improvement, has lation in some few districts, the material increase of its total amount, which may be proved by reference to the been necessary, is a question involving several considestatistical tables. Whether emigration to foreign parts has rations. Johnson observed to Boswell, upon hearing read a letter written by Sir Hector Maclean, from Georgia, of Coll, dissuading him from letting his people go there, where he was employed in settling a colony, to the Laird on the assurance that there would soon be an opportunity of employing them better at home; that "the lairds, inSubsequent experience has most fully proved the truth of The progressive developement of the stead of improving their country, diminished their people." resources of the country has since afforded employment this observation.

and subsistence to a population, compared with which the emigrants form but an infinitely small fraction.

Lord Selkirk himself, an active and intrepid personal promoter of emigration, but recommending it with no empirical partiality, deemed it subordinate to the primary object of improving the agriculture and the fisheries; yet he did not apparently foresee the very ample extension of the latter, which has since contributed so much to the wealth of the Northern Highlands, and of Scotland in general. The complaints of excessive population in Scotland, during the last century, were really as inapplicable as to England, in the reign of Henry VII., when a similar change of system occurred; or to Ireland, when that fertile country was thinly peopled and wretchedly cultivated. Emigration was, indeed, materially checked by the demands for labour and capital, produced by the increasing attention to domestic improvement.


is an accumulation of paupers. The removal of the super fluous population becomes, sooner or later, necessary, how ever distressing to the feelings of the proprietor, and oppressive to the people: and emigration may be often resorted to under such circumstances as a happy resource, where the landlord is ready to contribute his assistance to the purpose.

Of the beneficial result of such an arrangement, a recent emigration from the Isle of Rum, effected by the joint efforts of landlord and tenants, affords a striking instance. I am indebted for the account of it, to a gentleman who was personally engaged in it. The people of this island were an indolent race of gentlemen; some of whom had held commissions in the Fencible Regiments; fishing for their amusement, living on good mutton, lying in bed in rainy, and on the grass in fine weather, and paying little or no rent. At the time of their emigration, they owed The late Duke of Sutherland employed the whole of the Coll, their landlord, upwards of 2000l., which he could have population which he ejected from their glens, profitably and recovered by the sale of their stock, which amounted to happily on his coast, which previously supplied only a few double that sum. But he not only declined this mode of cottagers with subsistence. Several other proprietors have indemnifying himself, but contributed 6007. towards the acted similarly. Emigration was also directed to the Low-emigration of the poorer class. The island has since yielded lands of Scotland by the growth of manufactures, of towns, a rental of 800%. and improving agriculture, though the Highlanders could be brought little to the actual employment of the loom; and, during the war, it was stopped by the demands of the military service. Yet, as the developement of the means of employment could not invariably coincide with the progress of the change of system, and the situation of estates sometimes precluded the transfer of the tenants from one part of them to another, emigration proved eminently advantageous in preventing an accumulation of poverty, misery, and crime, and the general prevalence of those disorders which occurred in particular districts, and which, had the transition been effected simultaneously in all parts of the country, instead of diffusing itself gradually during two thirds of a century, might have involved the kingdom in another rebellion.

The circumstances of these regions have been now materially altered. The Irish, working for lower wages, have supplanted the natives in the Lowlands; peace has almost put an end to military recruiting; and the consequent redundance of population has been materially augmented by the recent failure of one branch of employment already adverted to, the manufacture of Kelp. The peculiar emergency to which the people are reduced, appears to justify that loud cry for emigration in which landlords and tenants join, blending with the general voice of the nation in its favour. All disinclination to it has ceased. The agent for an estate on the coast, near Sky, assured me that, in a single parish, there were 300 persons anxious to proceed to America; and poverty alone restrains multitudes from embarking. The assistance of government is desired, and the occasion deemed appropriate. But the assumption of permanent distress as the result of this temporary failure of a valuable resource, the only, and still inadmissible ground on which national aid can be solicited, may be fairly questioned.

The precarious, but often ample, profits of the kelp, have counteracted the progress both of agriculture and the fisheries. The maritime farms which yield the kelp in Orkney, and in other parts of Scotland, have been notoriously usually the worst cultivated; and the fisheries, which demand the almost exclusive attention of those employed in them, and which invariably decline, when occupation and subsistence can be procured on shore, have also suffered from the kelp; and the idle lounging habits produced by the mode of employment which it affords, have been prejudicial to industry.

Let the proprietors of the maritime farms bend their attention to the soil and to the sea, profiting by the numerous examples of successful speculation and exertion before their eyes, and they will perhaps discover that temporary distress has been, in this instance, in conformity to the ordinary dispensation of Providence, in eliciting good from evil, productive of substantial benefit both to themselves and to their tenants.

That emigration to America may still continue to be advantageous to Scotland, if pursued with moderation, and without extraneous encouragement, cannot be questioned. Though, on the introduction of sheep, many landlords provided permanently for their ejected tenants, others adopted the temporary expedient of placing them on small allotments, upon which they have multiplied and become burdensome. The usual result of negligence and of mistaken humanity, on the part of the landiord or his agent,

Emigration should be, however, regarded as affecting not merely the interest of landlord and tenant, or of the nation of which they form a part, but that of the new world to the peopling of which it contributes. And may it not be hoped, that the continual supply of families nurtured under the fostering influence of our Constitution in Church and State, professing generally the Protestant faith in its purity, enjoying the benefits of education denied to their forefathers, may tend to the diffusion of order, social happiness, and Christian knowledge, through empires yet unborn? And is the expectation romantic and visionary, or rather, is it not warranted by the enthusiasm which the prospect of the land of his ancestors awakens in the breast of the enlightened American, that the descendants of the Scottish emigrants, retaining their ancient language, literature, songs, and religion, and animated by

The stirring memory of a thousand years,

the land of their fathers, their heroes, and their martyrs, may perpetuate that characteristic hereditary attachment to so exquisitely expressed by the poet.

O Caledonia! stern and wild,
Meet nurse for a poetic child!

Land of brown heath and shaggy wood,
Land of the mountain and the flood,
Land of my sires! what mortal hand
Can e'er untie the filial band

That knits me to thy rugged strand!

Each emigrating family may thus become a link in the mighty chain, which may hereafter bind the old world to the new, in the bonds of mutual good-will and common philanthropy.

The following extract from STEWART'S Sketches, affords a gratifying instance of the perpetuity of Highland attachment, exhibited by some emigrants from the estate of one of his kinsmen, corroborative of these observations.

"It is now upwards of thirty years since the first detachment emigrated; but so far are they from entertaining a spirit of hostility to this country, that they cherish the kindest feelings towards their ancient homes, and the families of their ancient lairds; their new possessions are named after their former farms, and their children and grand-children are named after the sons and daughters of their lairds; and so loyal were they to the king and government of this country, that to avoid serving against them in the late war, several emigrated from the States to Canada, when the young men entered the Royal Militia and Fencibles. Such are the consequences of considerate treatment, and of voluntary emigration."

LEAVING Mull we ascended Loch Sunart to Strontian.
Our rowers, two boys, who supported their parents by their
industry, belonged to a family exhibiting the peculiarity of
appearance which distinguished the Swiss Albinesses who
some years ago visited this country,-white hair and red
ferret eyes.

LOCH SUNART, a narrow arm of the sea, extending twenty
• Esto perpetua.

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