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nearly as the measure of its whole circumfe rence, they go round the fun, and defcribe an annual circle. In this manner, the line of the first circle is continually changing;but, it appears that, on the whole, it will neither enlarge nor diminish.

Ancient aftronomers were of the opinion, that the planets mutually governed the earth, &c. and when their change of relative fituation is confidered, in the view of their being conductors to each other of the vital spirit of the creation, this opinion will not be thought undeferving of attention.

And, from the analogy of the cafe, we may conclude that an operation takes place in each of these spheres or globes, from the expanding motion, fimilar to that defcribed of the earth; and that the defcription of the formation of the earth given by Mofes, ap: plies, for fubflance, to all the planets; and therefore it is, that he fo evidently intends the great circle of all thefe fpheres, as the line from whence the waters divided from the waters, and the firmament expanded.

Though the frame of the world was finifhed by thefe four creative operations, still we look for refults;-for as the first operation led to a second, and thefe together produced a third, and thefe alfo a fourth, each one in glory rifing above the other, fome peculiar refult must be expected from the whole, unfolding more expresfly the great defign of the Creator, in the exhibition of the glory of Chrift; this will be the formation of the inhabitants of the fea and air, and of the

earth; all which operation will, naturally, terminate in one moft perfect work; and which, according to the divine theory, is that of forming a head to the body, or one capacitated to have dominion over the fish of the Jea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Movements of the electric fluid are properly called winds-they are doubtlefs the philofophy of winds; and the four distinct movements we have described, are thought to be meant by the four winds, named in Hebrew kadim, tzaphon, darom, and rouach-hajam, which, in the fcripture, are represented to be principal agents throughout the world, both in the work of creation and providence.

Daniel describes the unnatural creatures, the monsters of the earth, as being raised up by the four winds, ftriving together. May it not then be concluded, that the natural creatures, with man at their head, in all their perfection and moft beautiful order were raifed up, according to the divine will, by four winds harmonizing together. May this be doubted, when, in the new creation or refurrection from the dead, as defcribed, Ezek. xxxvii. 9. this moft wonderful operation is afcribed to fuch an agency? Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon thefe flain, that they may live.

Our ears witness to the fact, that a peculiar effect is produced by four particular winds-for fuch are the four parts of mufic. Adifcord of four diftinct founds, which we

know are winds or motions of the air, is horrible to the fenfes; but an accord is a delicious entertainment. This, if I may express my own fenfation, is an harmony of harmony; for, as from two according founds. there refults an harmony, which is a diftinct found, and may be called an harmony of accord or agreement; fo, from four, there is a fecondary refult, which may be perceived to be the fame in ratio, or the progress of the fame theory, and may be called a fecond harmony, or an harmony of harmony.

That this fecond harmony exifts in the fame theory, or triple ratio, we have all along contemplated, is evident; for the harmony of the perfect accord, is the first note of another octave, to which, let the according note be added, which makes the four parts, and the harmony will again refult.This therefore, all this, is in nature the most wonderful divine emblem; and, undoubtedly, for this reafon, making melody or according founds, is an inftituted service of God.

By the grofs corruptions and perverfions which, at the prefent time, are prevalent in pfalmody, both in the compofitions and performances, but chiefly in the latter, this refult of an harmony in founds, with all its wonderful effects, is in a great measure loft; for by the numerous and unnatural tranfitions of the notes, the rapid and clustering numbers of the movement, and the frequent fugeing of the parts, befides numerous other faults in the compofitions of tunes, very lit

tle room is found for the admiffion of harmony; and in the performances of mufic, by not giving a proper weight and command to the first and governing part, by overstraining the chords, and by not having the voices either agreeably toned, or properly tuned; and to complete the mifchief, by filling and even oppreffing the ear with found, which is called filling the houfe, no fuch thing as harmony can exilt, and if it could, there is no room in the ear for it to be perceived.-Such, at prefent, is the common ftate of pfalmody that, thereby it might be confidered a sort of accident for even an attentive person to difcover that harmony is a property of founds. Thus, an inflitution, defigned for an emblem of the world of truth and harmony, is perverted into an emblem of folly and discord.

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I am fenfible that many queftions relative to this view of the frame of the creation, are here left unanswered.-It was only here defigned to point out in what general directions, it is conceived, that the whole might be traced out to be formed by the various progreffions of one moving fluid; as really as the various courses and windings of a river may be traced out to be formed by one stream of waters, When I say the whole might be traced out, I must be understood to mean the frame of the world; for what the creation is, more than its difpofition answerable to the will of God, I prefume not to enquire.

My only object in fuggefling this theory of nature, is to bring into view the frame of the heavens and earth, as being originally


constituted of water and by water, according to the fcriptures; and what may be the ers of that wonderful agent in nature, which is so often alluded to in the fcriptures, as being the voice of the Lord, and fignal of the divine prefence, which is full of majesty, and which, to us, is most apparent in the clouds,

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Section 2. The original Perfection of the


Whatever is properly built upon a foundation muft neceffarily harmonize with it; and whatever properly belongs to a head muft neceffarily agree to it.-That which does not harmonize and agree cannot properly be confidered as belonging to a foun dation and head; the doctrine, therefore, of the original re&itude and perfection of all worlds, refults neceffarily from the truth of Christ, confidered in the preceding Section, viz. that he is the perfect Foundation and Head of the whole Creation.

But this doctrine of Chrift's being confti. tuted the Foundation and Head of the whole created Univerfe, is fupported in the fullest manner by the divine record,-In the begin ning God created the heavens and the earth, Gen. i. 1.-All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made, John i. 3.-By him were all things cre ated that are in heaven, and that are in earth wifible and invifible; whether they be thrones,

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