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And when men, made in the image of the Almighty, devote their magnificent powers to proving that they are the offspring of apes and tadpoles, it may be questioned whether the subject has not ceased to be solemn, except as an illustration of the fatuity of men who plainly show their fallen state by the still lower alliances which they seek.

The world by wisdom knew not God. Great Egypt built pyramids and worshiped cats! Polished Greece erected magnificent temples where they might adore idols, and had thousands of prostitutes in their courts to facilitate their devotions. Mighty Rome, with thirty thousand gods in her Pantheon, built her Coliseum where ninety thousand of her citizens could sit and see hundreds of gladiators butcher and hack each other in pieces for their amusement. And the skeptical scientist of the nineteenth century, having turned his back upon that God who only hath immortality, and that Christ who has brought life and incorruption to light in the gospel, says to the monkey, Thou art my father; and to the tadpole and the moner, Thou art my sister and my mother! Athens wrote upon her altar, Agnosto Theo, but still worshiped "the Unknown God;" the modern skeptic, equally and more culpably ignorant, still writes himself an agnostic, but is proud of his ignorance, and refuses to adore the Great Unseen.

According to natural law, all variations of species tend to revert to their original types. Plants, developed by cultivation, if left to themselves speedily deteriorate. Human beings, deprived of opportunities for culture, quickly become degenerate. It does not require long ages to reduce a people to a lower level. In India, human infants, stolen and nurtured by wolves, develop only brutal instincts; and children, though of the highest birth, with such environment do not rise above a brutal condition.

Nor are the beneficial changes in the character of the human family accomplished through the slow and tedious processes of progression. Nations do not civilize themselves; some external force or impulse must change the course and current of their lives, to bring them to a higher plane. There are savages on earth to-day, after all the ages of progression, which are as brutal and barbarous in their instincts as were the inhabitants of proud, imperial Rome. But let the mis sionary, Bible in hand, reach their shores and preach to them the gospel of God, and a change comes, so sudden, radical, and permanent, that the fierce and blood-thirsty savages cast aside their idols and turn to the Lord, and the whole condition of society becomes so altered in a single life-time, that they gratefully inscribe upon the


The natural law of the reversion of variations to their original types, become of importance in estimating the future of mankind. If we deduce our origin from the monkey, the mollusk, the moner and the mud, then after all our boasting and progression, we may expect to go back the way we came, and retrace our steps through monkey, mollusk and moner, till we finally reach the mud again. But if we can lay claim to a divine origin, and if man is but a lost prodigal, wandering from his Father's house, we may hope, through the mercy of God who sends the words of salvation to the erring, that somewho seek alliance not with the beasts that perish, but with the living Creator-may yet regain the high estate from which mankind has fallen, and rise even higher than man has ever been before, until at last they stand in the image of God, equal with the angels, and children of God, being children of the resurrection. And if those who have sought alliance with God become godlike, being made partakers of the same divine nature, while those who have turned their faces towards the brutes should "as natural brute beasts" "utterly perish in their own corruption" would not this be a notable instance of "the survival of the fittest?"

It is in the hope of turning some benighted soul back from groping in primeval mud, to the knowledge of God and the eternal life that is in his Son, that these pages are sent forth; with the prayer that they may enlighten those who sit in darkness, and confirm the wavering faith of unwary souls who, through "the oppositions of science falsely so called," have been shaken from their steadfastness, and bewildered with false theories and doubts that they know not how to solve.

The time for quietness and apathy is past. Iniquity comes in like a flood. Lax thinking leads to lax living, and indifference only encourages the assaults of the ignorant and presumptuous, while it perplexes and disheartens the timid and the untaught. Truth will outride the storm. The old anchor yet holds. That Word which has outlived so many assaults and assailants, yet abides the test-the anvil stands fast when all the hammers are worn out; and though the grass withereth, and the flower fadeth, yet "the word of our God shall stand for ever."

Boston, Oct., 1884.




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Herbert Spencer's cold gas theory-the reverse of La Place's red-hot nebulæ.

Spencer begins with inconceivable cold, condenses the world by heating it,

finishing by burning the world, and landing saints, sinners and all in a uni-

versal hell, five hundred times as hot as the lake of fire and brimstone. The

world no huge perpetual-motion machine. Impossibility of creating force. Chemi-

cal perpetual motion. Machinery does not generate power. The correlation of

forces. No gravitation, and so no beginning of motion, in a full universe. No

perpetual motion possible in a universe only partly filled with matter. Pp. 38-54


Primary homogeneous matter, the basis of the Nebular Theory of star-building. Once

no one could prove that such matter did not exist. If it existed it would be

useless for the purpose; but no such matter exists in heaven or on earth. All

known matter is compound, and so not eternal. Herschel's nebulæ are com-

posite. The invention of the spectroscope. The materials of the stars now

revealed. The various orders of spectra. The discoveries of Huggins and

Rutherfurd explode the first foundations of the Nebular Hypothesis. Moses

made no such scientific blunders in his account of creation. Why not? Dr.

Raymond: Seven world-problems which no man has ever solved. Prof. Maxwell:

The ultimate molecules of matter are manufactured articles. Dr. Siemens: A

self creating world is a scientific absurdity. "In the beginning God created

the heaven and the earth."

Pp. 55-77


Geology begins where astronomy leaves off. Its pedigree. Born in the East.
Chinese Geology. Hindoo Geologic theories. The egg of Brahm. The seven

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Six objections. 1. It is not proven.

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Pp. 213-218

1. There has not been the infinite time which the theory of Darwinism demands

for evolution and development. 2. The order in which living forms have ap-

peared contradicts Darwin's theory. New forms appear abruptly instead of

gradually. 3. The higher orders often appear before the lower, the larger be-

fore the smaller. 4. There are four fatal gaps in the gradation of species,

which no man can pass. First, between dead and living matter. Second, be-

tween vegetables and animals. Third, between the different animal species.

Fourth, between unreasoning brutes and rational human beings. No theory of

evolution can cross these chasms. Darwin undertakes it, but the timbers of

his bridge are too short.

Pp. 227-237


It is not a productive force. It cannot accomplish those variations which occur in

opposition to the physical forces. It cannot produce unprofitable variations,

which are adverse to the interests of their possessors. It cannot produce

anticipatory organs. The simpler living forms still exist, and have not been

crowded out of being by the superior types. Variations are not minute and

gradual, but often great and sudden. Variation does not act with the uniformity

of a natural law. Minute variations in millions of different creatures would

not uniformly coincide, and thus form races and generations substantially

alike. Accidental variations could not produce the minute and ingenious

adaptations of nature, as seen in the eye. Plan and purpose must have pre-

ceeded variation. The struggle for existence is not a source of elevation; it

issues only in degradation. Hunger brutalizes men. Famine develops canni-

Pp. 238-260


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