Imágenes de páginas

The doctrine of the acceptance of such heathens as "fear God and work righteousness," might be offensive to those who shut out all heathens, as such from the mercies of God—a tenet, however, which is not necessarily connected with Calvinism; and it ought not to have been objected to by others, unless Mr. Wesley had stated, as some of his opponents understood him to do, that "a heathen might be saved without a Saviour." No such thought was ever entertained by him, as Mr. Fletcher observes in his defence; for he held that whenever a heathen is accepted, it is merely through the merits of Christ, although it is in connection with "his fearing God, and working righteousness." "But how comes he to see that God is to be feared, and that righteousness is his delight? Because a beam of our Sun of righteousness shines in his darkness. All is therefore of grace; the light, the works of righteousness done by that light, and acceptance in consequence of them."*

But when the minutes went on to state that this shows that salvation is by works as a "condition, though not by the merit of works," the highest point of heresy was supposed to be reached. Yet from this charge, though it derived some color from a paradoxical mode of expression not to be commended, Mr. Fletcher brings off his friend unhurt:

"Our church expresses herself more fully on this head in the Homily on Salvation, to which the article refers. 'St. Paul,' says she, 'declares nothing (necessary) on the behalf of man concerning his justification, but only a true and lively faith, and yet (N.B.) that faith does not shut out repentance, hope, love, (of desire when we are coming, love of delight when we are come,) dread, and the fear of God, to be joined with it in every man that is justified; but it shutteth them out from the office of justifying; so that they be all present together in him that is justified, yet they justify not all together.' This is agreeable to St. Peter's doctrine, maintained by Mr. Wesley. Only faith in Christ for Christians, and faith in the light of their dispensation for heathens, is necessary in order to acceptance. But though faith only justifies, yet it is never alone; for repentance, hope, love of desire, and the fear of God, necessarily accompany this faith, if it be living. Our church therefore is not at all against works proceeding from, or accompanying, faith in all its stages. She grants, that whether faith seeks or finds its object, whether it longs for or embraces it, it is still a lively, active, and working grace. She is only against the vain conceit that works have any hand in meriting justification or purchasing salvation, which is what Mr. Wesley likewise strongly opposes.

fully afraid: we are rewarded according to our works,' yea, 'because of our works.' How does this differ from,' for the sake of our works? And how differs this from secundum merita operum, 'as our works deserve? Can you split this hair? I doubt I cannot."

"The outcry of "dreadful heresy" raised against him, particularly on this article, was the more uncandid, because by explaining the phrase secundum merita operum, to mean, as our works deserve, it was clear, especially taking the passage in connection with what he had previously stated, that he understood merit in that loose, and not perhaps always correct, sense in which it had often been used by several of the ancient fathers; and also that he was not speaking of our present justification, but of our final reward. But here Mr. Fletcher shall again be heard::

"If Mr. Wesley meant, that we are saved by the merit of works, and not entirely by that of Christ, you might exclaim against his proposition as erroneous; and I would echo back your exclamation. But as he flatly denies it in those words, 'Not by the merit of works,' and has constantly asserted the contrary for above thirty years, we cannot, without monstrous injustice, fix that sense upon the word merit in this paragraph.

"Divesting himself of bigotry and party spirit, he generously acknowledges truth even when it is held forth by his adversaries: an instance of candor worthy of our imitation! He sees that God offers and gives his children, here on earth, particular rewards for particular instances of obedience. He knows that when a man is saved meritoriously by Christ, and conditionally by (or, if you please, upon the terms of) the work of faith, the patience of hope, and the labor of love, he shall particularly be rewarded in heaven for his works: and he observes, that the Scriptures steadily maintain, we are recompensed according to our works, yea, because of our works.

"The former of these assertions is plain from the parable of the talents, and from these words of our Lord, Matt. xvi. 27, The Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father, and reward every man according to his works;' unbelievers according to the various degrees of demerit belonging to their evil works; (for some of them shall comparatively be beaten with few stripes;') and believers according to the various degrees of excellence found in their good works; 'for as one star differeth from another star in glory, so also is the resurrection of the 'righteous 'dead."

"If we detach from the word merit the idea of "If any still urge, 'I do not love the word condi-'obligation on God's part to bestow any thing upon tion,' I reply it is no wonder; since thousands so creatures, who have a thousand times forfeited their hate the thing, that they even choose to go to hell, comforts and existence'-if we take it in the sense rather than perform it. But let an old worthy di- we fix to it in a hundred cases; for instance this: vine, approved by all but Crisp's disciples, tell you A master may reward his scholars according to what we mean by condition: An antecedent condi- the merit of their exercises, or he may not: for the tion (says Mr. Flavel, in his Discourse of Errors) merit of the best exercise can never bind him to besignifies no more than an act of ours, which, though stow a premium for it, unless he has promised it of it be neither perfect in any degree, nor in the least his own accord-if we take, I say, the word merit meritorious of the benefit conferred, nor performed in this simple sense, it may be joined to the word in our own natural strength, is yet, according to the good works, and bear an evangelical meaning. constitution of the covenant, required of us, in order to the blessings consequent thereupon, by virtue of the promise; and consequently, benefits and mercies granted in this order are and must be suspended by the donor, till it be performed.' Such a condition we affirm faith to be, with all that faith necessarily implies."+

The greatest stone of stumbling was, however, the remarks on merit:

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"To be convinced of it, candid reader, consider, with Mr. Wesley, that 'God accepts and rewards no work but so far as it proceeds from his own grace through the Beloved.' Forget not that Christ's Spirit is the savor of each believer's salt, and that he puts excellence into the good works of his people, or else they could not be good. Remember, he is as much concerned in the good tempers, words, and actions, of his living members, as a tree is concern

'As to merit itself, of which we have been so dread-ed in the sap, leaves, and fruit of the branches it

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bears, John xv. 5. Consider, I say, all this, and tell us whether it can reflect dishonor upon Christ and

mer; and to prevent all future misconstruction, he and the conference issued the following "Declaration," to which was appended a note from Mr. Shirley, acknowledging his mistake as to the meaning of the minutes:

BRISTOL, August 9, 1771.

his grace, to affirm, that as his personal merit-the | and therefore to employ new modes of speaking, merit of his holy life and painful death-opens the though for a temporary purpose, was not without kingdom of heaven to all believers;' so the merit of danger, although they were capable of an innocent exthose works which he enables his members to do,planation. Even Mr. Fletcher confesses that the miwill determine the peculiar degrees of glory gracious-nutes wore "a new aspect;" and that at first they ly allotted to each of them."*" appeared to him" unguarded, if not erroneous." Mr. Mr. Fletcher came forward to defend his vene-Wesley showed his candor in admitting the forrable friend, on account of the great uproar which the Calvinistic party had raised against him upon the publication of these minutes. The countess of Huntingdon had taken serious alarm and offence; and the Rev. Walter Shirley, her brother and chaplain, had written a circular letter to all the serious clergy, and several others, inviting them to go in a body to the ensuing conference, and "insist upon a formal recantation of the said minutes, and, in case of refusal, to sign and publish their protest against them." Mr. Shirley and a few others accordingly attended the Bristol conference, where, says Mr. Wesley, "We had more preachers than usual in consequence of Mr. Shirley's circular letter. At ten on Thursday morning he came, with nine or ten of his friends: we conversed freely for about two hours; and I believe they were satisfied, that we were not such dreadful heretics' as they imagined, but were tolerably sound in the faith."

"WHEREAS the doctrinal points in the minutes of a conference held in London, August 7, 1770, have been understood to favor 'justification by works: now the Rev. John Wesley and others, assembled in conference, do declare, that we had no such meaning; and that we abhor the doctrine of 'justification by works,' as a most perilous and abominable doctrine. And as the said minutes are not sufficiently guarded in the way they are expressed, we hereby solemnly declare, in the sight of God, that we have no trust or confidence but in the alone merits of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for justification or salvation, either in life, death, or the day of judgMr.ment. And though no one is a real Christian believer (and consequently cannot be saved) who doeth not good works, where there is time and opportunity; yet our works have no part in meriting or purchasing our justification, from first to last, either in whole or in part.

The meeting was creditable to each party. Wesley acknowledged that the minutes were "not sufficiently guarded." This must be felt by all; they were out of his usual manner of expressing himself, and he had said the same truths often in a clearer, and safer, and even stronger manner. He certainly did not mean to alter his previous opinions, or formally to adopt other terms in which to express them;

Fletcher's Works.



"Signed by the Rev. Mr. Wesley, and fifty-three preachers."+"

whether Lady Huntingdon's letter and mine to Mr. This affair is capable of more illustration than it has Wesley had been read to the conference. Being answerreceived from Mr. Wesley's biographers hitherto. Mr. ed in the negative, I begged leave to read the copies of Shirley's circular letter was naturally resented by Mr. them, which was granted. I then said that I hoped the Wesley, as being published before any explanations re- submission made was satisfactory to the gentlemen of specting the minutes had been asked from him their au- the conference. This was admitted; but then it was thor; and also from its assuming that Mr. S. and the urged, that as the offence given by the circular letter had clergy who might obey his summons, had the right to been very public, so ought the letter of submission. I come into the conference, and to demand a recantation. therefore readily consented to the publication of it, and Mr. Shirley, therefore, soon found, that he must ap- have now fulfilled my promise. Mr. Wesley then stood proach in a more brotherly manner, or that Mr. Wesley up; the purport of his speech was a sketch of his minisand the conference would have no intercourse with try from his first setting out to the present time; with a him. This led Lady Huntingdon and Mr. Shirley to view (as I understood) to prove that he had ever mainaddress explanatory letters to Mr. Wesley. "As the tained justification by faith, and that there was nothing method of proceeding, as well as the terms in which we in the minutes contrary thereunto. He complained of ill nad delivered ourselves," says Mr. Shirley, was ob- treatment from many persons, that he apprehended had jected to by many as by no means proper, and in sub- been under obligations to him; and said that the premission to the precept,Give no offence to Jew or Gen- sent opposition was not to the minutes, but to himself tile, or to the church of God,' Lady Huntingdon and I personally.-In answer I assured them in the most sowrote the following letters, which were delivered to Mr. lemn manner, that, with respect to myself, my opposiWesley the evening before the conference met.", Lady tion was not to Mr. Wesley, or any particular person, Huntingdon says, As you and your friends, and many but to the doctrines themselves.-And they were pleased others, have objected to the mode of the application to thus far to give me credit.-I then proceeded to speak you in conference, as an arbitrary way of proceeding, to the point; informed them of the great and general we wish to retract what a more deliberate consideration offence the minutes had given; that I had numerous might have prevented," &c. Mr. Shirley's letter ac- protests and testimonies against them sent me from knowledges that the circular was too hastily drawn Scotland, and from various parts of these kingdoms; up and improperly expressed; and therefore, for the of that it must seem very extraordinary indeed, if so many fensive expressions in it we desire we may be hereby men of sense and learning should be mistaken, and that understood to make every suitable submission to you." there was nothing really offensive in the plain natuthis explanation, Mr. Shirley and his friends were ral import of the minutes; that I believed they theminrited by Mr. Wesley, to come to the conference on selves (whatever meaning they might have intended) the third day of its sitting. Mr. Shirley's published nar- would allow that the more obvious meaning was reprerative thus proceeds-"To say the truth, I was pleased hensible; and, therefore, I recommended to them, nay, that the invitation came from Mr. Wesley, without any I begged, and entreated for the Lord's sake, that they application made on our parts, that there might not be would go as far as they could with a good conscience, left the least room for censuring our proceedings as vio-in giving the world satisfaction. I said I hoped they lent. On that day, therefore, I went thither, accompanied with the Rev. Mr. Glascot, the Rev. Mr. Owen, (two ministers officiating in Lady Huntingdon's chapels.) John Lloyd, Esq. of Bath; Mr. James Ireland, merchant of Bristol; Mr. Winter, and two students be longing to Lady Huntingdon's college.

"I shall only give you a brief detail of what passed, and rather the substance of what was spoken, than the exact words; omitting likewise many things of no great weight or consequence.

"After Mr. Wesley had prayed, I desired to know

would not take offence, (for I did not mean to give it,)
at my proposing to them a declaration which I had
drawn up, wishing that something at least analogous
to it might be agreed to. I then took the liberty to read
it; and Mr. Wesley, after he had made some (not very
material) alterations in it, readily consented to sign it;
in which he was followed by fifty-three of the preachers
in connection with him; there being only one or two
that were against it.
"Thus was this most important matter settled. But
one of the preachers (namely, Mr. Thomas Olivers)

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August 10, 1771."

Mr. Fletcher had entitled his defence of Mr. Wesley, "The first check to Antinomianism:" but he did not content himself with evangelizing the apparently legal minutes, and defending the doctrinal consistency and orthodoxy of Mr. Wesley. He incidentally discussed various other points of quinquarticular controversy; and he, as well as Mr. Wesley, was quickly assailed by a number of replies not couched in the most courteous style. Mr. Fletcher's skill and admirable temper so fully fitted him to conduct the dispute which had arisen, that Mr. Wesley left the contest chiefly to him, and calmly pursued his labors; and the whole issued in a series of publications, from the pen of the Vicar of Madeley, which, as a whole, can scarcely be too highly praised or valued. While the language endures, they will effectually operate as checks to Antinomianism in every subtle form which it may assume; and present the pure and beautiful system of evangelical truth, as well guarded on the other hand against Pelagian self-sufficiency. The Rev.


kept us a long time in debate; strenuously opposed the declaration; and to the last would not consent to sign He maintained that our second justification (that is, at the day of judgment) is by works; and he saw very clearly that for one that holds that tenet solemnly 'to declare in the sight of God that he has no trust or confidence but in the alone merits of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for justification or salvation, either in life, death, or the day of judgment,' would be acting neither a consistent, nor an upright part; for all the subtilties of metaphysical distinction can never reconcile tenets so diametrically opposite as these. But, blessed be God, Mr. Wesley, and fifty-three of his preachers, do not agree with Mr. Olivers in this material article; for it appears from their subscribing the declaration, that they do not niaintain a second justification by works. After the declaration had been agreed to, it was required of me, on my part, that I would make some public acknowledgment that I had mistaken the meaning of the minutes. Here I hesitated a little; for though was desirous to do every thing (consistently with truth and a good conscience) for the establishment of peace and Christian fellowship; yet I was very unwilling to give any thing under my hand that might seem to countenance the minutes in their obvious sense. But then, when I was asked by one of the preachers whether I did not believe Mr. Wesley to be an honest man; I was distressed on the other hand, lest, by refusing what was desired. I should seem to infer a doubt to Mr. Wesley's disadvantage. Having confidence, therefore, in Mr. Wesley's integrity, who had declared he had no such meaning in the minutes, as was favorable to justification by works; and, considering that every man is the best judge of his own meaning, and has a right, so far, to our credit, and that, though nothing else could, yet the declaration did convince me, they had some other meaning than what appeared:-I say, (these things considered, I promised them satisfaction in this particular; and, a few days afterwards, sent Mr. Wesley the following message, with which he was very well pleased: [Then follows Mr. Shirley's note, as given above.] Thus far all was well. The foundation was secured. And, with respect to lesser matters of difference, we might well bear with one another; and if either party should see occasion to oppose the other's peculiar opinion, it might be done without vehemence, and without using any reproachful terms. The whole was conducted with great decency on all sides. We concluded

Augustus Toplady, Mr. (afterward Sir Richard) Hill, and his brother, the Rev. Rowland Hill, with the Rev. John Berridge, were his principal antagonists; but his learning, his acuteness, his brilliant talent at illustrating an argument, and, above all, the hallowed spirit in which he conducted the controversy, gave him a mighty superiority over his opponents; and although there will be a difference of opinion, according to the systems which different readers have adopted, as to the side on which the victory of argument remains, there can be none as to which bore away the prize of temper. Amidst the scurrilities and vulgar abuse of Mr. Toplady, otherwise an able writer, and a man of learning, and the coarse virulence or buffoonery of the Hills and Berridge,t it is refreshing to remark, in the writings of "the saintly Fletcher," so fine a union of strength and meekness; an edge so keen, and yet so smooth, and a heart kept in such perfect charity with his assailants, and so intent upon establishing truth, not for victory, but for salvation.

In this dispute, Mr. Wesley wrote but little, and that chiefly in defence of his own consistency, in reply to Mr. Hill. His pamphlets also are models of temper, logical and calm, but occasionally powerfully reproving; not so much as feeling that he had received abuse and insult, as holding it his duty to bring the aggressor to a due sense of his own misdoings. The conclusion of his first reply to Mr. Hill is a strong illustration:

"Having now answered the queries you proposed, suffer me, sir, to propose one to you; the same which a gentleman of your own opinion proposed to me some years since:-"Sir, how is it that as soon

with prayer, and with the warmest indications of mutual peace and love. For my own part, believe me. I was perfectly sincere; and thought this one of the happiest and most honorable days of my life."

The whole conduct of Mr. Shirley, in this affair, affords a pleasing contrast to that of the Hills, Toplady, and others, who soon rushed hot and reckless into the controversy. Mr. Shirley, it is true, complains, that, after this adjustment, Mr. Fletcher should have so severely attacked him in his five letters; but he appears never to have departed from the meekness of a Christian, and the manners of a gentleman.

It ought to be observed, that Mr. Fletcher's writings ing the views of Mr. Wesley, and the body of Methoare not to be considered, in every particular, as expressdists; and that, though greatly admired among us, they are not reckoned among the standards of our doctrines.


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+ The titles of several of the pieces written by Toplady and others, such as An old Fox tarred and feathered:" "The Serpent and the Fox;" "Pope John," &c.; are sufficient evidences of the temper and manner of this band of controversialists. In what the Rev. Rowland Hill calls Some Gentle Strictures" on a sermon by Mr. Wesley, preached on laying the foundation-stone of the city road chapel, Mr. Wesley is subjected to certain not very gentle objurgations, which it would be too sickening a task to copy or to read. The Gospel Magazine, so called, was equally unmeasured in its abuse, and as vulgar; but to do justice to all parties, the Calvinists even of that day disapproved of this publication, and it was given up. Even Mr. Rowland Hill appears to have incurred the displeasure of some of his brethren; for in a second edition of his "Gentle Strictures," he explains himself-awkwardly enough, certainly that when he called Mr. Wesley "wretch," and "miscreant," they must remember that "wretch" means "an unhappy person" and "miscreant," 'one whose belief is wrong!" We have happily no recent instances of equally unbrotherly and unchristian temper in connection with this controversy, except in the bitter and unsanctified spirit of Bogue and Bennett's History of the Dissenters. The two doctors, however, were in the habit of declining the merit of the passages on Methodism, in favor of each other; and to which of them the honor of the authorship is due, has never yet, I believe, been ascertained."Where there is shame," says Dr. Johnson, may in time be virtue."

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as a man comes to the knowledge of THE TRUTH, it | Methodist preachers and societies have been in no spoils his temper? That it does so I had observed danger; so powerful and complete was its effect upover and over, as well as Mr. J. had. But how on them. At no conference, since that of 1770, has can we account for it? Has the truth (so Mr. J. it been necessary again to ask, "wherein have we termed what many love to term the doctrine of free leaned too much to Calvinism?" There has been grace) a natural tendency to spoil the temper? To indeed, not in the body, but in some of its ministers inspire pride, haughtiness, superciliousness? To occasionally, a leaning to what is worse than Calmake a man wiser in his own eyes than seven men vinism-to a sapless, legal, and philosophizing thethat can render a reason? Does it naturally turn ology. The influence of the opinions of the majoa man into a cynic, a bear, a Toplady? Does it at rity of the preachers has always, however, counteronce set him free from all the restraints of good acted this; and the true balance between the exnature, decency, and good manners? Cannot a tremes of each system, as set up in the doctrinal man hold distinguishing grace, as it is called, but writings of Mr. Wesley, has been of late years bethe must distinguish himself for passion, sourness, ter preserved than formerly. Those writings are, bitterness? Must a man, as soon as he looks upon indeed, more read and better appreciated in the himself to be an absolute favorite of heaven, look connection, than at some former periods; and perupon all that oppose him as Diabolonians, as pre-haps at the present time they exert a more powerful destinated dogs of hell? Truly, the melancholy in- influence than they ever did over the theological stance now before us would almost induce us to views of both preachers and people. To this the think so. For who was of a more amiable temper admirably complete, correct, and elegant edition of than Mr. Hill, a few years ago? When I first con- Mr. Wesley's works, lately put forth by the labor versed with him in London, I thought I had seldom and judgment of the Rev. Thomas Jackson, will seen a man of fortune who appeared to be of a more still further contribute. Numerous valuable pieces humble, modest, gentle, friendly disposition. And on different subjects, which had been quite lost to yet this same Mr. H., when he has once been the public, have been recovered; and others, but grounded in the knowledge of THE TRUTH, is of a very partially known, have been collected. temper as totally different from this, as light is from darkness! He is now haughty, supercilious, dis-the societies continued to spread and flourish under daining his opponents as unworthy to be set with the dogs of his flock! He is violent, impetuous, bitter of spirit! In a word, the author of the review!

In the midst of all these controversies and cares,

the influence of the zeal and piety of the preachers, animated by the ceaseless activity and regular visits of Mr. Wesley, who, though now upwards of seventy years of age, seemed to possess his natural "O, sir, what a commendation is this of your strength unabated. His thoughts were, however, doctrine? Look at Mr. Hill the Arminian! The frequently turning with anxiety to some arrangeloving, amiable, generous, friendly man. Look at ment for the government of the connection after his Mr. Hill the Calvinist! Is it the same person? this death; and not being satisfied that the plan he had spiteful, morose, touchy man? Alas! what has the sketched out a few years before would provide for knowledge of THE TRUTH done? What a deplora- a case of so much consequence, he directed his atble change has it made? Sir, I love you still, though tention to Mr. Fletcher, and warmly invited him to I cannot esteem you, as I did once. Let me entreat come forth into the work, and to allow himself to be you, if not for the honor of God, yet for the honor introduced by him to the societies and preachers as of your cause, avoid, for the time to come, all an- their future head. Earnestly as this was pressed, ger, all spite, all sourness and bitterness, all con- Mr. Fletcher could not be induced to undertake a temptuous usage of your opponents, not inferior to task to which, in his humility, he thought himself you, unless in fortune. O, put on again bowels of inadequate. This seems to have been his only obmercies, kindness, gentleness, long suffering; en-jection; but had he accepted the offer, the plan deavoring to hold, even with them that differ from in opinion, the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace!"


This controversy, painful as it was in many respects, and the cause of much unhallowed joy to the profane wits of the day, who were not a little gratified at this exhibition of what they termed "spiritual gladiatorship," has been productive of important consequences in this country. It showed to the pious and moderate Calvinists how well the richest views of evangelical truth could be united with Arminianism; and it effected, by its bold and fearless exhibition of the logical consequences of the doctrines of the decrees, much greater moderation in those who still admitted them, and gave birth to some softened modifications of Calvinism in the age that followed; an effect which has remained to this day. The disputes on these subjects have, since that time, been less frequent, and more temperate; nor have good men so much labored to depart to the greatest distance from each other, as to find a ground on which they could make the nearest approaches. This has been especially the case between the Methodists and the evangelical dissent


Of late a Calvinism of a higher and sterner form has sprung up among a certain sect of the clergy of the church of England; though some of them, whatever their private theory may be, feel that these points are not fit subjects for the edification of their congregations in public discourses. Of Calvinism since the period of this controversy the

would have failed, as Mr. Fletcher was a few years afterwards called into another world. From Mr. Charles Wesley, who had become a family man, and had nearly given up travelling, he had no hope as a successor; and even then a farther settlement would have been necessary, because he could not be expected long to survive his brother. Still therefore this important matter remained undetermined. At the time the overture was made to Mr. Fletcher, the preachers who were fully engaged in the work amounted to one hundred and fifty; and the societies, in Great Britain and Ireland, to upwards of thirty-five thousand, exclusive of the regular hearers. This rapid and constant enlargement of the connection heightened the urgency of the question of its future settlement; and it is pleasing to remark, that Mr. Charles Wesley at length entered into this feeling, and offered his suggestions. In spite of the

In his seventy-second year he thus speaks of himself, "This being my birth day, the first day of my sefind just the same strength as I did thirty years ago? venty-second year, I was considering, how is this that I that my sight is considerably better now, and my nerves firmer than they were then? that I have none of the infirmities of old age, and have lost several I had in my youth? The grand cause is the good pleasure of God, who doeth whatsoever pleaseth him.-The chief means are, 1. My constantly rising at four for about fifty years: of the most healthy exercises in the world; 3. My never 2. My generally preaching at five in the morning, one travelling less, by sea or land, than four thousand five hundred miles in a year."

No doubt the commissioners of his majesty's excise thought that the head of so numerous a people had not forgotten his own interests, and that the interior of his episcopal residence in London was not without superfluities and splendor.

The bishop of Sodor and Man having written a pastoral letter to all the clergy within his diocese, to warn their flocks against Methodism, and exhorting them to present all who attended its meetings, in the spiritual courts, and to repel every Methodist preacher from the sacrament, Mr. Wesley hastened to the island, and in May, 1777, landed at Douglas. La every place he appears to have been cordially received by all ranks; and his prompt visit probably

little misunderstandings which had arisen, he main-
tained a strong interest in a work of which he had
been so eminent an instrument; and this grew upon
him in his latter years. Thus we have seen him
springing into activity upon the sickness of his bro-
ther, before mentioned, and performing for him the
full "work of an evangelist," by travelling in his
place; and, upon Mr. Wesley's recovery, his labors
were afforded locally to the chapels in London and
Bristol, to the great edification of the congregations.
In one of his latest letters to his brother, entering
into the question of a provision for the settlement
of the future government of the connection, he says,
"I served West-street chapel on Friday and Sunday.
Stand to your own proposal: 'Let us agree to difput a stop to this threatened ecclesiastical violence,
fer.' I leave America and Scotland to your latest
thoughts and recognitions; only observing now, that
you are exactly right-keep your authority while
you live; and, after your death, detur digniori, or
rather, dignioribus. You cannot settle the succes-
sion. You cannot divine how God will settle it."

for no farther mention is made of it. The societies
in the island continued to flourish; and, on Mr.
Wesley's second visit, he found a new bishop of a
more liberal character.

The Foundry having become too small for the comfortable accommodation of the congregation in Thus Charles gave up as hopeless the return to that part of London, and being also gloomy and the church, and suggested the plan which his bro- dilapidated, a new chapel had been erected. "Nother adopted, to devolve the government, not in-vember 1st," says Mr. Wesley, was the day apdeed upon one, but upon many whom he esteemed pointed for opening the new chapel in the city-road. "the worthiest," for age, experience, talent, and It is perfectly neat, but not fine, and contains far moderation. more than the Foundry; I believe, together with the morning chapel, as many as the tabernacle. Many were afraid that the multitudes, crowding from all parts, would have occasioned much distur bance; but they were happily disappointed; there order. I preached on part of Solomon's prayer at was none at all: all was quietness, decency, and the dedication of the temple; and both in the morning and afternoon God was eminently present in the midst of the congregation."*


IN 1775, Mr. Wesley, during a tour in the north of Ireland, had a dangerous sickness occasioned by sleeping on the ground, in an orchard, in the hot weather, which he says he had been "accustomed to do for forty years without ever being injured by it." He was slow to admit that old age had arrived, or he trusted to triumph long over its infirmities. The consequence in this case, however, was that, after manfully struggling with the incipient symptoms of the complaint, and attempting to throw them off by reading, journeying, and preaching, he sunk into a severe fever, from which, after lying insensible for some days, he recovered with extraordinary rapidity: and resumed a service which, extended as it had been through so many years, was not yet to be terminated. Whilst in London the next year, the following incident occurred:

Here the brothers agreed to officiate as often as possible till the congregation should be settled. Two resident clergymen were also employed at this chapel as curates, for reading the full church service, But Mr. Charles Wesley took some little offence at administering the sacraments, and burying the dead. the liberty given to the preachers to officiate in his brother's absence, and when he himself could not supply. His letter of complaint produced, however, no change in his brother's appointments, nor was it An order had been made by the house of lords, likely. Mr. Wesley knew well that his own preach"That the commissioners of his majesty's excise doing at the new chapel, and the ministrations of the write circular letters to all persons whom they have other clergymen, during the hours of service in the reason to suspect to have plate, as also to those who parish church, without a license from the bishop, or have not paid regularly the duty on the same," &c. the acknowledgment of his spiritual jurisdiction, In consequence of this order, the accountant-genetically, as the other. The city-road chapel, with its was just as irregular an affair, considered ecclesiasral for household plate sent Mr. Wesley a copy of establishment of clergy, service in canonical hours, the order, with the following letter:and sacraments, was, in the eye of the law, as much conventicle; though, when tried by a better rule, it as any dissenting place of worship in London, a was eminently, in those days of power and simplicity, "none other than the house of God, and the gate of heaven," to devout worshippers. An influence of a very extraordinary kind often rested upon the vast congregations assembled there; thousands were trained up in it for the kingdom of God; and the society exhibited a greater number of members, perhaps, than any other, except that in Bristol, who, for intelligence, deep experience in the things of God, stability, meekness of spirit, and holiness of life, were at once the ornaments of Methodism, and an influential example to the other societies of the metropolis.


"As the commissioners cannot doubt but you have plate for which you have hitherto neglected to make an entry, they have directed me to send you the above copy of the lords' order, and to inform you, they expect that you forthwith make due entry of all your plate, such entry to bear date from the commencement of the plate duty, or from such time as you have owned, used, had, or kept any quantity of silver plate, chargeable by the act of parliament; as in default hereof, the board will be obliged to signify your refusal to their lordships. "N. B. An immediate answer is desired." Mr. Wesley replied as follows:

SIR, "I have two silver tea-spoons at London, and two at Bristol. This is all the plate which I have at present; and I shall not buy any more while so many around me want bread.

"I am, sir,

"Your most humble servant,

In 1778, Mr. Wesley began to publish a periodical work, which he entitled, "The Arminian Magazine; consisting of extracts and original treatises on universal redemption." He needed a medium through which he could reply to the numerous at

* Journal.

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