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casimila. I kneel, I kneel ! Retract thy curse! 0, by my mother's ashes, have pity on thy self-abhorring child! If not for me, yet for my innocent wife, Yet for my country's sake, give my arm strength, Permitting me again to call thee father! Klupai Li. Son, I forgive thee! Take thy father's sword; When thou shalt lift it in thy country's cause, In that same instant doth thy father bless thee! [Krupalli and Casimia embrace; they all retire to the Cavern supporting Kiuprili. Casim in as by accident drops his robe, and Bathony throws it over the body of Pest Alutz: EMeRick (entering). Fools! Cowards! follow—or by Hell I'll make you Find reason to fear Emerick, more than all The mummer-fiends that ever masqueraded As gods or wood-nymphs!— [Then sees the body of Pestalutz, covered by CasiMia's cloak.) Ha! "t is done then! Our necessary villain hath proved faithful, And there lies Casimir, and our last fears! Well!—Aye, well!—— And is it not well? For though grafted on us, And fill'd too with our sap, the deadly power Of the parent poison-tree, lurk'd in its fibres: There was too much of Raab Kiuprili in him: The old enemy look'd at me in his face, E’en when his words did flatter me with duty. [As EMeRick moves towards the body, enter from the Cavern CAsimia and Bathony. old haraoay (pointing to where the noise is, and aside to CAsimia). , This way they come! casimia (aside to BAthony). Hold them in check awhile, The path is narrow! Rudolph will assist thee. emerick (aside, not perceiving CAsimia and BAthony, and looking at the dead body). And ere I ring the alarum of my sorrow, I'll scan that face once more, and murmur—Here Lies Casimir, the last of the Kiuprilis! [Uncovers the face, and starts. Hell! 'tis Pestalutz! casimir (coming forward). Yes, thou ingrate Emerick! "Tis Pestalutz!'t is thy trusty murderer! To quell thee more, see Raab Kiuprili's sword! eMea ick. Curses on it, and thee! Think'st thou that petty omen Dare whisper fear to Emerick's destiny? o Ho! Treason : Treason! casini a. Then have at thee, tyrant! [They fight. EMeRick falls. EME Rick. Betray'd and baffled. By mine own tool!——Oh! casimia (triumphantly). Ilear, hear, my father! Thou shouldst have witness'd thine own deed. O Father! Wake from that envious swoon! The tyrant's fallen! Thy sword hath conquer'd : As I lifted it

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Thy blessing did indeed descend upon me;
Dislodging the dread curse. It flew forth from me
And lighted on the tyrant!

Enter Rudolph, BAthony, and Attendants.

Rudolph and bathony (entering). Friends! friends to Casimir! casiniin. Rejoice, Illyrians! the usurper's fallen. Rudolph. So perish tyrants! so end usurpation' casimila. Bear hence the body, and move slowly on 1 One moment—— Devoted to a joy, that bears no witness, I follow you, and we will greet our countrymen With the two best and fullest gifts of heaven— A tyrant fallen, a patriot chief restored : [Exeunt Casimia into the Cavern. The rest on the opposite side. Scene changes to a splendid Chamber in Casimin's Castle. Confedek Ares discovered.

Fiest confedeh Ate.
It cannot but succeed, friends. From this palace
E’en to the wood, our messengers are posted
With such short interspace, that fast as sound
Can travel to us, we shall learn the event}

Enter another Confederate.

What tidings from Temeswar? -
second confeder ATE.
With one voice
Th' assembled chieftains have deposed the tyrant;
He is proclaim'd the public enemy,
And the protection of the law withdrawn.
Finst confedera Ate.
Just doom for him, who governs without law:
Is it known on whom the sov’reignty will fall!
second confed ERAte.
Nothing is yet decided: but report
Points to Lord Casimir. The grateful memory
Of his renown'd father——

Enter SAnolta.

Hail to Sarolta! sArtolt A. Confederate friends; I bring to you a joy Worthy our noble cause! Kiuprili lives, And from his obscure exile, hath return'd To bless our country. More and greater tidings Might I disclose; but that a woman's voice Would mar the wonderous tale. Wait we for him, The partner of the glory—Raab Kiuprili; For he alone is worthy to announce it. [Shouts of a Kiuprili, Kiuprilion and “The Tyrant's

fallen 'm without. Then enter Kiupanlı, Casawre.

Rudolph, Bathony, and Attendants, after the

clamour has subsided.

RAAB Ki Upalli.

Spare yet your joy, my friends! A higher waits you
Behold your Queen!

Enter from opposite side, ZapolyA and Andakas royalty attired, with Glycine.

confedera Ares. Connes she from heaven to bless us * othea confederates. it is! it is! ZAPoly A.

Heaven's work of grace is full! Kiuprili, thou art safe to AAB ki upri Li.

Royal Zapolya!

To the heavenly powers, pay we our duty first;
Who not alone preserved thee, but for thee
And for our country, the one precious branch
Of Andreas' royal house. O countrymen,
Behold your King! And thank our country's genius,
That the same means which have preserved our sove-
Have likewise reared him worthier of the throne
By virtue than by birth. The undoubted proofs
Pledged by his royal mother, and this old man
(whose name henceforth be dear to all Illyrians),
We haste to lay before the assembled council.
Hail Andreas! Hail, Illyria's rightful king!
Supported thus, O friends!'t were cowardice
Unworthy of a royal birth, to shrink
From the appointed charge. Yet, while we wait
The awful sanction of convened Illyria,
In this brief while, O let me feel myself
The child, the friend, the debtor!—Heroic mother!—
But what can breath add to that sacred name?
Kuprisis gift of Providence, to teach us
That loyalty is but the public form
Of the sublimest friendship, let my youth
Climb round thee, as the vine around its elm :
Thou my support and 1 thy faithful fruitage.
My heart is full, and these poor words express not
They are but an art to check its overswelling.
buthory' shrink not from my filial arms!
Now, and from henceforth thou shalt not forbid me
To call thee father! And dare I forget

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The powerful intercession of thy virtue,
Lady Sarolta? Still acknowledge me
Thy faithful soldier!—But what invocation
Shall my full soul address to thee, Glycine?
Thou sword, that leap'st forth from a bed of roses!
Thou falcon-hearted dove?
ZA PolyA.

Hear that from me, son!
For ere she lived, her father saved thy life,
Thine, and thy fugitive mother's!


Chef Ragozzi! O shame upon my head! I would have given her To a base slave! ZAPOLY.A. Heaven overruled thy purpose, And sent an angel (Pointing to SAnolta) to thy house to guard her Thou precious bark! freighted with all our treasures! [To Andreas. The sports of tempests, and yet ne'er the victim, How many may claim salvage in thee! (Pointing to Glycine.) Take her, son' A queen that brings with her a richer dowry Than orient kings can give SARd.T.A. A banquet waits!— On this auspicious day, for some few hours I claim to be your hostess. Scenes so awful With flashing light, force wisdom on us all! Een women at the distaff hence may see, That bad men may rebel, but ne'er be free; May whisper, when the waves of faction foam, None love their country, but who love their home; For freedom can with those alone abide, Who wear the golden chain, with honest pride, Of love and duty, at their own fire-side: While mad ambition ever doth caress Its own sure fate, in its own restlessness!

grije piccolomini; or, the jfirst Ajārt of QQiallettgtein. A DRAMA. o

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was not prevented by absolute differences of idiom ; but I am conscious, that in two or three short passages I have been guilty of dilating the original; and, from anxiety to give the full meaning, have weakened the force. In the metre I have availed myself of no other liberties than those which Schiller had permitted to himself, except the occasional breaking-up of the line by the substitution of a trochee for an iambic; of which liberty so frequent in our tragedies, I find no instance in these dramas. S. T. Colekidck.




An old Gothic chamber in the Council House at Pilse", decorated with colours and other War Insignia.

o Illo with Butlem and Isolani.

illo. Ye have come late—but ye are come! The distance, Count Isolan, excuses your delay. 1so L.A.N.I. Add this too, that we come not empty-handed. At Donauwerto it was reported to us, A Swedish caravan was on its way Transporting a rich cargo of provision, Almost six hundred waggons. This my Croats Plunged down upon and seized, this weighty prize!—— We bring it hither—— illo. Just in time to banquet The illustrious company assembled here. butt, eR. 'T is all alive! a stirring scene here! isol. An I. Ay! The very churches are all full of soldiers. [Casts his eye round. And in the Council-house too, I observe, You're settled, quite at home! Well, well! we soldiers Must shift and suit us in what way we can. it. Lo. We have the colonels here of thirty regiments. You'll find Count Tertsky here, and Tiefenbach, Kolatto, Goetz, Maradas, Hinnersan, The Piccolonnini, both son and father—— You'll meet with many an unexpected greeting From many an old friend and acquaintance. Only Galas is wanting still, and Altringer. BurLea. Expect not Galas. illo (hesitating). How so? Do you know—— isolani (interrupting him). Max. Piccolomini here?–0 bring me to him. I see him yet ("t is now ten years ago, We were engaged with Mansfeld hard by Dessau), I see the youth, in my mind's eye I see him, Leap his black war-horse from the bridge adown, And tward his father, then in extreme peril, Beat up against the strong tide of the Elbe. The down was scarce upon his chin! I hear He has made good the promise of his youth, And the full hero now is finish'd in him. i L. Lo. You'll see him yet ere evening. He conducts The Duchess Friedland hither, and the Princess” From Carnthen. We expect them here at noon.

' A town about 12 German miles N. E. of Ulm. * The Dukes in Germany being always reigning powers, sons and daughters are entitled Princes and Princesses.


Both wife and daughter does the Duke call hither?
He crowds in visitants from all sides.

So much the better! I had framed my mind
To hear of nought but warlike circumstance,
Of marches, and attacks, and batteries:
And lo! the Duke provides, that something too
of gentler sort, and lovely, should be present
To feast our eyes.

illo (who. has been standing in the attitude of meditation, to Burlea, whom he leads a little on one side). And how came you to know That the Count Galasjoins us not? auti. E. R. Because He importuned me to remain behind. illo (with warmth).

And you?—You hold out firmly

Noble Butler! Butleh. After the obligation which the Duke liad laid so newly on me—— illo. I had forgotten A pleasant duty—Major General, I wish you joy! lso L.A.N. i. what, you mean, of his regiment? I hear, too, that to make the gift still sweeter, The Duke has given him the very same In which he first saw service, and since then, Work'd himself, step by step, through each preferment, From the ranks upwards. And verily, it gives A precedent of hope, a spur of action To the whole corps, if once in their remembrance An old deserving soldier makes his way. but LER. I am perplex'd and doubtful, whether or no dare accept this your congratulation. | The Emperor has not yet confirm d the appointment. iso LAN I. Seize it, friend! Seize it! The hand which in that post Placed you, is strong enough to keep you there, Spite of the Emperor and his Ministers? 1 LL0. Ay, if we would but so consider it'— If we would all of us consider it so! The Emperor bives us nothing; from the Duke Comes all—whate'er we hope, whate'er we have. isolani (to Illo). My noble brother! did I tell you how | The Duke will satisfy my creditors? | Will be himself my banker for the future, ; Make me once more a creditable man — | And this is now the third time, think of that! This kingly-minded man has rescued me From absolute ruin, and restored my honour. illo. O that his power but kept pace with his wishes' why, friend; he'd give the whole world to his soldiers.

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[Grasping his hand with affection. No more! Yonder I see our worthy friend approaching With the Lieutenant-General, Piccolonini. burles (shaking his head significantly). I fear we shall not go hence as we came.

His arm, and where they can, to clip his pinions.
Then these new dainty requisitions! these,
Which this same Questenberg brings hither!—
But Lea.
These requisitions of the Emperor,
I too have heard about them; but I hope
The Duke will not draw back a single inch!
Not from his right most surely, unless first
—From office!
nutler (shocked and confused).
Know you aught then? You alarm me.
isolani (at the same time with Butler, and in a hurrying
We should be ruin'd, every one of us!

S C E N e ii. Enter Ocravio Piccolomini and QUESTENBEng.

octavio (still in the distance). Ay, ay! more still! Still more new visitors' Acknowledge, friend! that never was a camp, which held at once so many heads of heroes. [Approaching nearer.

Welcome, Count Isolani!

isot. Ani.

My noble brother,

Even now am I arrived; it had been else my duty—

octavio. And Colonel Butler—trust me, I rejoice Thus to renew acquaintance with a man Whose worth and services I know and honour. See, see, my friend! There might we place at once before our eyes The sum of war's whole trade and mystery[to Questenberg, presenting Butler and Isolani at the

same time to him. These two the total sum—Strength and Dispatch. questenberg (to Octavio).

And lo! betwixt them both experienced Prudence! octavio (presenting Quest expeng to But lea and

Isola Ni). The Chamberlain and War-commissioner Questenberg, The bearer of the Emperor's behests, The long-tried friend and patron of all soldiers, We honour in this noble visitor. [Universal silence.

illo (moving towards Questenberg). 'T is not the first time, noble Minister, You have shown our camp this honour. quest ENDERG.

Once before 1 stood before these colours. illo. Perchance too you remember where that was. It was at Zdain” in Moravia, where

spoken with a oncer. * A town not far from the Mine-mountains, on the high road

| from viezna to Prague.

You did present yourself upon the part Of the Emperor, to supplicate our Duke That he would straight assume the chief command. Quest ENnerg. To supplicate? Nay, noble General! So far extended neither my commission (At least to my own knowledge) nor my zeal. illo. Well, well, then—to compel him, if you chuse. I can remember me right well, Count Tilly Had suffer'd total rout upon the Lech. Bavaria lay all open to the enemy, Whom there was nothing to delay from pressing Onwards into the very heart of Austria. At that time you and Werdenberg appear'd Before our General, storming him with prayers, And menacing the Emperor's displeasure, Unless he took compassion on this wretchedness. isolani (steps up to them). Yes, yes, 'tis comprehensible enough, wherefore with your commission of to-day | You were not all too willing to remember Your former one. | Questenbrag. Why not, Count Isolan? No contradiction sure exists between them. It was the urgent business of that time To snatch Bavaria from her enemy's hand; And my commission of to-day instructs me To free her from her good friends and protectors. illo. A worthy office! After with our blood We have wrested this Bohemia from the Saxon, To be swept out of it is all our thanks, The sole reward of all our hard-won victories. - Qu Esrenberg. Unless that wretched land be doomed to suffer Only a change of evils, it must be Freed from the scourge alike of friend and foe. i Llo. What? T was a favourable year; the boors Can answer fresh demands already. Quest ENBERG. Nay, If you discourse of herds and meadow-grounds— Isolaxi. The war maintains the war. Are the boors ruin'd, The Emperor gains so many more new soldiers. Quest EN Beng. And is the poorer by even so many subjects. isol. An 1. Poh! We are all his subjects. Quest Exe ERG. Yet with a difference, General! The one fill with profitable industry the purse, The others are well skill'd to empty it. The sword has made the Emperor poor; the plough Must reinvigorate his resources. isol.A.N.I. - Sure! Times are not yet so bad. Methinks I see [Examining with his eye the dress and ornaments of Questonneng. Good store of gold that still renains uncoin'd.

- QUEST ENBERG. Thank Heaven! that means have been found out to hide Some little from the fingers of the Croats. ILLø. There! The Stawata and the Martinitz, On whom the Emperor heaps his gifts and graces, To the heart-burning of all good Bohemians— Those minions of court favour, those court harpies, Who fatten on the wrecks of citizens Driven from their house and home—who reap no harvests Save in the general calamity— Who now, with kingly pomp, insult and mock The desolation of their country—these, Let these, and such as these, support the war, The fatal war, which they alone enkindled ! - - But LErt. And those state-parasites, who have their feet So constantly beneath the Emperor's table, Who cannot let a benefice fall, but they Snap at it with dog's hunger—they, forsooth, Would pare the soldier's bread, and cross his reckoning! isol. Ant. My life long will it anger me to think, How when I went to court seven years ago, To see about new horses for our regiment, How from one antechamber to another They dragg'd me on, and left me by the hour To kick my heels among a crowd of simpering Feast-fatten’d slaves, as if I had come thither A mendicant suitor for the crumbs of favour That fall beneath their tables. And, at last, Whom should they send me but a Capuchin! Straight I began to muster up my sins For absolution—but no such luck for me! This was the man, this capuchin, with whom I was to treat concerning the army horses: And I was forced at last to quit the field, The business unaccomplish'd. Afterwards The Duke procured me in three days, what I Could not obtain in thirty at Vienna. QUEST ENSERG. Yes, yes' your travelling bills soon found their way to us: Too well I know we have still accounts to settle. ILL0. War is a violent trade; one cannot always Finish one's work by soft means; every trifle Must not be blacken'd into sacrilege. If we should wait till you, in solemn council, With due deliberation had selected The smallest out of four-and-twenty evils, I faith we should wait long.— * Dash! and through with it !” –That's the better watchword. Then after come what may come. 'T is man's nature To make the best of a bad thing once past. A bitter and perplex'd “what shall I do?. Is worse to man than worst necessity. QUESTENBERG. Ay, doubtless, it is true: the Duke does spare us

QUESTENBERG. His cares and feelings all ranks share alike, Nor will he offer one up to another. isol. A Ni. And therefore thrusts he us into the deserts As beasts of prey, that so he may preserve His dear sheep fattening in his fields at home. Quest ENBERG (with a sneer). Count! this comparison you make, not I. but LER. why, were we all the Court supposes us, ‘T were dangerous, sure, to give us liberty. QUESTEN BERG. You have taken liberty—it was not given you. And therefore it becomes an urgent duty To rein it in with curbs. octavio (interposing and addressing QuestENDERG). My noble friend, This is no more than a remembrancing That you are now in camp, and among warriors. The soldier's boldness constitutes his freedom. Could he act daringly, unless he dared Talk even so? One runs into the other. The boldness of this worthy officer, [Pointing to Burles. Which now has but mistaken in its mark, Preserved, when nought but boldness could preserve it, To the Emperor his capital city, Prague, In a most formidable mutiny Of the whole garrison. [Military music at a distance. Ilah! here they coine! ILLO. The sentries are saluting them: this signal Announces the arrival of the Duchess. octavio (to Questenberg). Then my son Max. too has returned. T was he Fetch'd and attended them from Carn then hither. isola Ni (to Illo). Shall we not go in company to greet them? 1 LLo. Well, let us go.—Ho! Colonel Butler, come. [To Octavio. . You'll not forget, that yet ere noon we meet The noble Envoy at the General's palace. {Exeunt all but QuestENBERG and Octavio.

SCENE ill. QuestENBERG and Octavio.

Questenberg (with signs of aversion and astonishment).
What have I not been forced to hear, Octavio !
What sentiments! what fierce, uncurb’d defiance!
And were this spirit universal—


You are now acquainted with three-fourths of the army.

Where must we seek then for a second host
To have the custody of this? That Illo

Thinks worse, I fear me, than he speaks. And then

| This outler too—he cannot even conceal

The troublesome task of chusing. t; The passionate workings of his ill intentions.

but left.

Quickness of temper—irritated pride;

‘Twas nothing more. I cannot give up Butler.

Yes, the Duke
Cares with a father's feelings for his troops; |
But how the Emperor feels for us, we see.

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