it best may be protected—come what will | Of these monks' morals' RAAB kiuphill (aside). Ha! the elder Brutus Made his soul iron, though his sons repented. They boasted not their baseness. [Starts, and draws his suord. Infamous changeling! stecant this instant, and swear loyalty, And strict obedience to thy sovereign's will; Or, by the spirit of departed Andreas, Thou diest [Chiefs, etc. rush to interpose; during the tumult enter EME kick, alarmed. EMER Ick. Call out the guard! Ragozzi! seize the assassin.-Kiuprili” Ha!——[With lowered voice, at the same time with one hand making signs to the guard to retire.—— Pass on, friends' to the palace. [Music recommences.—The Procession passes into the Palace.—During which time Exteaick and Krupkill regard each other stedfastly. evi Etal cro. What! Raab Kiuprilin What! a father's sword Against his own son's breast? e AAh Kiu Phill. T would best excuse him, Were he thy son, Prince Emerick. I abjure him. EME nick. This is my thanks, then, that I have commenced A reign to which the free voice of the nobles Hath calld me, and the people, by regards of love and grace to Raab Kiuprili's house? RAAB rotu Paill. What right hadst thou, Prince Emerick, to bestow them.” two prick. By what right dares Kiuprili question me? R.A.A.B. Kiu Ph ill. By a right common to all loyal subjects— To me a duty." As the realm's co-regent, Appointed by our sovereign's last free act, Writ by himself— [Grasping the Patent. emealck (With a contemptuous sneer). Aye!—Writ in a delirium ! R.A.A.d ki Uphili. | likewise ask, by whose authority By whose authority dared the general leave RAA in Kiu phili. 99 ext Erick. | A sovereign's ear ill brooks a subject's questioning | Yet for thy past well-doing—and because "T is hard to erase at once the fond belief Long cherish'd, that Illyria had in thee | No dreaming priest's slave, but a Roman lover Of her true weal and freedom—and for this, too, That, hoping to call forth to the broad day-light And fostering breeze of glory all deservings, | I still had placed thee foremost. aa Ab Kluppill. Prince' I listen. eMedick. | Unwillingly I tell thee, that Zapolya, Madden'd with grief, her erring hopes proved idle— CAsiatin. Sire! speak the whole truth! Say, her frauds detected : eMeralck. According to the sworn attests in council | Of her physician—— RAAB Kiuphili (aside). Yes! the Jew, Barzoni : E.M. E. Rick. Under the imminent risk of death she lies, Or irrecoverable loss of reason, If known friend's face or voice renew the frenzy. casimia (to Kiuphili). Trust me, my lord ' a woman's trick has duped you— Us too—but most of all, the sainted Andreas. Even for his own fair fame, his grace prays hourly Eor her recovery, that (the States convened) l She may take council of her friends. EM epick. - i Right, Casimir' Receive my pledge, lord general. It shall stand In her own will to appear and voice her claims; Or (which in truth I hold the wiser course) With all the past passed by, as family quarrels, Let the Queen Dowager, with unblench'd honours, Resume her state, our first Illyrian matron. it AA b klu Phili. Prince Emerick' you speak fairly, and your pledge too Is such, as well would suit an honest meaning. cAslati R. My lord' you scarce know half his grace's goodness. The wealthy heiress, high-born fair Sarolta, Bred in the convent of our noble ladies, Her relative, the venerable abbess, Hath, at his grace's urgence, wood and won for me. he Me Rick. Long may the race, and long may that name flourish, which your heroic deeds, brave chief, have render'd Dear and illustrious to all true Illyrians! naab kiuphili (sternly). The longest line, that ever tracing herald Or found or feign'd, placed by a begs;ar's soul, * Hath but a mushroom's date in the comparison And with the soul, the conscience is co-eval, Yea, the soul's essence. rai En ick. Conscience, good iny lord, is but the pulse of reason. Is it conscience, That a free nation should be handed down, Like the dull clods beneath our feet, by chance And the blind law of lineage That whether infant, Or man matured, a wise man or an idiot, What further pledge or proof desires Kimprilio Hero or natural coward, shall have guidance Then, with your assent—— The unquiet silence of a stern Resolve, Throttling the impatient voice. I have heard thee, Prince' And I have watch'd thee, too; but have small faith in A plausible tale told with a litting eve. | Evenics turns as about to call for the Guard. In the next moment I am in thy power, Stir but a step, or make one sign —I swear by this good sword, Thou diest that instant. * Metalck. ila, ha!—Well, Sir!—Conclude your homily. RAAs kit Pauli (in a somewhat suppressed voice.) A tale which, whether true or false, comes guarded \gainst all means of proof, detects itself. The Queen mew'd up —this too from anxious care And love brought forth of a sudden, a twin birth With thy discovery of her plot to rob thee of a rightful throne!—Mark how the scorpion, false hood, Coils round in its own perplexity, and fixes its sting in its own head : exterick. Aye! to the mark: RAA b Krupnitt (aloud) : [he and EM Erick standing at equi-distance from the Palace and the Guard-House. Hadst thou believed thine own tale, hadst thou fancied Thyself the rightful successor of Andreas, woulds thou have pilfer'd from our school-boys' themes These shallow sophisms of a popular choice O most of all, most miserable nation, Ext. Erick. I have faith That thou both think'st and hopest it. Fair Zapolya, A provident ladyR--a ri upratlı. Wretch, beneath all answer: eMera Ick. offers at once the royal bed and throne! R.A.A.B. Kiu Phill. To be a kingdom's bulwark, a king's glory, Yet loved by both, and trusted, and trust-worthy, ls more than to be king; but see! thy rage Fights with thy fear. I will relieve thee! Ho! [To the Guard. * Menick. Not for thv sword, but to entrap thee, ruffian! Thus long I have listen’d—Guard—ho! from the Pa- scene cha nges to another view, namely, the back of the Palace—a Wooded Park, and Mountains. Enter ZAPolyA, with an Infant in her arms. i zA pot. Y.A. chief RAGozzi. Sure heaven befriends us. Well! he hath escaped 0 rare tune of a tyrant's promises That can enchant the serpent treachery From forth its lurking-hole in the heart. • Ragozzi! a 0 brave Ragozzi! Count! Commander! What not?. And all this too for nothing! a poor nothing! Merely to play the underling in the murder Of my best friend Kiuprili. His own son—monstrous! Tyrant! I owe thee thanks, and in good hour Will I repay thee, for that thou thought'st me too A serviceable villain. Could I now But gain some sure intelligence of the queen : Heaven bless and guard her! zapolyA (coming fearfully forward). Art thou not Ragozzio chef R.A. Gozzi. The Queen! Now then the miracle is full! I see heaven's wisdom is an over-match For the devil's cunning. This way, madam, haste! z A poly A. stay! Oh, no! Forgive me if I wrong thee! This is thy sovereign's child; Oh, pity us, And be not treacherous! chry RAgozzi (raising her). Madam : For mercy's sake! z A poly A. But tyrants have an hundred eyes and arms! ch Er to AGOZZ i. Take courage, madam ' 'T' were too horrible, (I can not do"t to swear 1 'm not a monster!— Scarce had I barr'd the door on Raab Kiuprili– zApo L.Y.A. Kiuprili! How? chef RAGozzi. There is not time to tell it, The tyrant calld me to him, praised my zeal (And be assured I overtopt his cunning And seemed right zealous). But time wastes: In fine, Bids me dispatch my trustiest friends, as couriers With letters to the army. The thought at once Flash'd on me. I disguised iny prisoner– ZA Po LY.A. What! Raab Kiuprili chief fragozzi. Yes! my noble general! I sent him off, with Emerick's own pacquet, Haste, and post haste—Prepared to follow him—— z Apo LY.A. Ah, how? Is it joy or fear! My limbs seem sinking!– chef RAGozzi (supporting her). Heaven still befriends us. I have left my charger, A gentle beast and fleet, and my boy's mule, One that can shoot a precipice like a bird, Just where the wood begins to climb the mountains. The course we'll thread will mock the tyrant's guesses, Or scare the followers. Ere we reach the main road, The Lord Kiuprili will have sent a troop On pain of death, my Lord! am I commanded To stop all ingress to the palace. ria Arı Kı UPRILI. Thou! chef in A Gozzi. No place, no name, no rank excepted— RAAB K1 UPR II.i. Thou ! cher na Gozzi. This life of mine, o take it, Lord Kiuprilio I give it as a weapon to thy hands, Mine own no longer. Guardian of Illyria, Useless to thce "t is worthless to myself. Thou art the framer of my nobler being: Nor does there live one virtue in my soul, One honourable hope, but calls thee father. Yet ere thou dost resolve, know that yon palace | Is guarded from within, that each access l, throng'd by arm'd conspirators, watch'd by ruffians Pamper'd with gifts, and hot upon the spoil which that false promiser still trails before them. I ask hut this one boon—reserve my life | Till I can lose it for the realm and thee! naab Ritzphili. My heart is rent asunder, O my country, () fallen Illyria stand I here spell-bound? And shrugs and wrinkled brow, he smiles and whispers! Did my King love me? Did I earn his love? |