Imágenes de páginas

digne, worthy; grand, great; jeune, young; joli, pretty; mauvais, bad; méchant, wicked; meilleur, better; moindre, less; petit, little; saint, holy; tel, such; tout, all; vieux, old; vilain, ugly.

The meaning of some adjectives, however, differs according to their position before or after the noun; as,

Un honnête homme, an honest man. Un homme honnête, a polite man. Un grand homme, a man of great Un homme grand, a tall man.


Un brave homme, a worthy man.

See APPENDICE, Place de l'adjectif.

Un homme brave, a brave man.


A young man. (An) important news. A good study. An agreeable

nouvelle f.

étude f.

jeune agréable amusement. A valuable collection of old manuscripts. A cultivated


précieux — - f.

manuscrits m.

cultivé (65) country is always admired. (The) idleness is fatal to (the) campagne f. est toujours admiré

health. The Italian language is easy. italien langue f.


santé f.
were numerous. I have a good share.


paresse f.

The gods of the pagans

étaient nombreux
meadow. The Greek language is studied.
prairie f.

bold and ferocious. hardi féroce




There is a beautiful

part f.

[blocks in formation]


The manners of those good countrymen are mœurs f. pl. ces

[blocks in formation]

paysans sont

They are (of the) deceitful promises.
Ce sont
trompeur promesse f.

speech. They are troublesome. The discours m. Ils sont importun

Fear the avenging thunderbolt. That is your Craignez vengeur foudre f.

C'est votre

favourite reading. This is for the public good. Have you a good favori lecture f. C'est pour bien m. Avez-vous


plume f.

The enchanting style of Bernardin de St. Pierre. The
enchanteur -m.

enchanting voice of that actress.
enchanteur voix f. cette actrice
of Homer. The general officers of the army.
général officiers

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The soul is immortal. (The) ancient history is ancien histoire f.


Those boys are docile and

âme f. A new coat. neuf habit

The grass is thick.
L'herbe f. épais




[blocks in formation]

man history.

main histoire f.


A protecting


The paint is peinture f.

An interesting intéressant

remarquable événements m. pl.

of the Ro


A plain, simple, and natural style. An ingenuous



m. ingénu

candour, an amiable simplicity, and a lively artlessness are the dour f. aimable simplicité f.


charme m.

of (the) youth.
jeunesse f.

piquant naïveté f. sont

67. Formation of the Degrees of Comparison.

There are three degrees of comparison :

1. The Positive, or the adjective itself.
2. The Comparative, expressed by plus,
more, or moins, less,

3. The Superlative, expressed by le, la,
or les plus, the most,

or le, la, les moins,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Le plus sage, wisest. Le moins instruit, the least learned.

le, la, or les is not used

NOTE. In the superlative degree the article when a possessive pronoun precedes the noun, as mon plus cher ami, my dearest friend.

NOTE. The French have no terminations similar to the er and est used to express the English comparative and superlative.

68. The following are irregular :

Le meilleur, the best.

Pire (or plus mauvais), Le pire (or le plus mau

Bon, good;
Mauvais, bad;

Meilleur, better;

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

69. The comparative of these adjectives must not be mistaken for the comparative of the following adverbs :

Bien, well; Mieux, better;

Le mieux, the best.

Mal, badly; Pis*, or plus mal, worse; Le pis, or le plus mal, the

[blocks in formation]

Londres est la plus belle des villes. Le meilleur ami. La plus belle comparaison. Mes plus jolies fleurs. Son meilleur

* Pis is also used as a comparative adjective, C'est bien pis, it is much worse. Il n'y a rien de pis que cela, there is nothing worse than that.

ouvrage. La plus jeune de mes sœurs. mes frères. Un meilleur raisonnement.


Le moins sage de Il raisonne mieux.

Rich, richer, richest. A pretty village, a prettier village, the joli ―m.


prettiest village. Amiable, less amiable, the least amiable. Small,


smaller, smallest. A good drawing, a better drawing. He draws dessin m. Il dessine

well his brother draws better.




70. In a comparison of superiority, plus, more, is placed before the adjective, and que, than, after it.

more than

Il est plus savant que moi.
He is more learned than I.


71. In a comparison of inferiority, moins, less, is placed before the adjective, and que, than, after it.




Il est moins riche que vous.
He is less rich than you.


72. In a comparison of equality, aussi, as, in affirmative, or si, so, in negative, phrases, is placed before the adjective, and que, as, after it.

[blocks in formation]

si .........que.

[blocks in formation]

La tulipe est aussi
The tulip is as

belle que la rose. beautiful as the rose.

La tulipe n'est pas si belle que la rose.
The tulip is not so beautiful as the rose.

NOTE. Aussi is also used occasionally in negative sentences.

Read, translate, and parse:

Homère me paraît plus sublime que tous les autres poëtes

épiques. La rose est plus belle que la violette. L'automne est moins varié que le printemps. Vous êtes moins instruit que votre frère. Il est aussi savant que moi. Il n'est pas si âgé que votre sœur.


Nothing is more agreeable to the mind than the light of (the) Rien n'est agréable


lumière f.

truth. William is less attentive than his brother. He is as rich vérité f. Guillaume

attentif son

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riche as they. He is not so rich as they. (The) shipwreck and (the)

eux Il n'est pas


naufrage m.

death are less fatal than the pleasures which attack (the) virtue. mort f. sont funeste plaisirs qui attaquent

vertu f.

My dear friend, be as good and as benevolent as your father.
bienveillant votre



Numeral adjectives indicate a reference to numbers. They are of two sorts, the cardinal and the ordinal.

The cardinal are the numbers which indicate quantity without marking the order, and the ordinal are the numbers which serve to indicate the order in which things may be arranged.

From the cardinal and ordinal numbers are derived other numeral expressions, understood by their denominations of collective, fractional and proportional numbers.

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