'Shakespeare, far from fearing, as an inferior artist would have done, the juxtaposition of the familiar and the sublime, the wildest and most fantastic comedy with the loftiest and gravest tragedy, not only made such apparently discordant elements mutually heighten and complete the general effect which he contemplated; but in so doing teaches us that, in human life, the sublime and the ridiculous are side by side, and that the source of laughter is placed close by the fountain of tears.'-THOS. B. SHAW. A PREFACE. S an apology for adding another to the already numerous collections of the Beauties of Shakespeare, the Editor of the present little volume has to state, that he has adopted a plan of arrangement different in several respects from that of others. The Gleanings are selected from the Comedies only, and consist of the most notable and beautiful passages which occur in them; while at the close of each will be found, gathered together under one heading, the Adages, Apothegms, and proverbial expressions occurring throughout the play. A copious index to the whole renders reference easy. 5 |