CROLY. He perish'd-but his wreath was won- LINES WRITTEN AT SPITHEAD. HARK to the knell! It comes in the swell Of the stormy ocean wave; 'Tis no earthly sound, But a toll profound From the mariner's deep sea grave. When the billows dash, And the signals flash, And the thunder is on the gale; And the ocean is white In its own wild light, Deadly, and dismal, and pale. When the lightning's blaze Smites the seaman's gaze, And the sea rolls in fire and in foam; And the surges' roar Shakes the rocky shore, We hear the sea-knell come. There 'neath the billow, The sand their pillow, Ten thousand men lie low; And still their dirge Is sung by the surge, When the stormy night-winds blow. Sleep, warriors! sleep On your pillow deep In peace! for no mortal care, No art can deceive, No anguish can heave 189 LEONIDAS. SHOUT for the mighty men Who died along this shore,— Who died within this mountain glen ! Sprang forth, than theirs who won the day Shout for the mighty men, Who on the Persian tents, But there are none to hear; Greece is a hopeless slave. The tree-the rock-the sand- And is thy grandeur done? Mother of men like these! Has not thy outcry gone THE DEATH OF LEONIDAS. It was the wild midnight, The torrent swept the glen, Swift from the deluged ground He spoke no warrior-word,- The fiery element Show'd, with one mighty gleam, Rampart, and flag, and tent, Like the spectres of a dream. All up the mountain side, All down the woody vale, All by the rolling tide Waved the Persian banners pale. And King Leonidas. Among the slumbering band, Sprang foremost from the pass, Like the lightning's living brand. Then double darkness fell, And the forest ceased its moan; But there came a clash of steel, Anon, a trumpet blew, A host glared on the hill,- The air was all a yell, And the earth was all a flame, Where the Spartan's bloody steel On the silken turbans came. And still the Greek rush'd on They found a royal feast, Then sat to the repast The bravest of the brave! They pledged old Sparta's name They took the rose-wreath'd lyres But now the morning star Up rose the glorious rank, To Greece one cup pour'd high,Then, hand in hand, they drank "To Immortality!" Fear on King Xerxes fell, But down swept all his power, They march'd within the tent, To heaven the blaze uproll'd, Their king sat on the throne, Thus fought the Greek of old,— Bring forth the selfsame men? |