Imágenes de páginas

His brother, archbishop late of Canterbury",

Sir Thomas Erpingham, fir John Ramfton,

Sir John Norbery, fir Robert Waterton, and Francis.

All thefe, well furnish'd by the duke of Bretagne,
With eight tall fhips, three thousand men of war,
Are making hither with all due expedience,
And shortly mean to touch our northern shore :
Perhaps, they had ere this; but that they stay
The firft departing of the king for Ireland.
If then we shall shake off our flavish yoke,
Imp out our drooping country's broken wing,
Redeem from broking pawn the blemish'd crown,
Wipe off the duft that hides our fcepter's gilt,
And make high majesty look like itself,
Away, with me, in poft to Ravenspurg:
But if you faint, as fearing to do so,
Stay, and be fecret, and myself will go.

was omitted in the copy of 1597, by the negligence of the tranfcriber or compofitor, in which not only Thomas Arundel, but his father, was mentioned; for bis in a subsequent line (His brother) muft refer to the old Earl of Arundel.

Rather than leave a lacuna, I have inferted fuch words as render the paffage intelligible. In Act V. fc. ii. of the play before us, a line of a rhyming couplet was paffed over by the printer of the first folio:

"Ill may'st thou thrive, if thou grant any grace."

It has been recovered from the quarto. In Coriolanus A&t II. fc. ult. a line was in like manner omitted, and it has very properly been supplied. The chriftian name of Sir Thomas Ramfton is changed to Jobn, and the two following perfons are improperly defcribed as knights in all the copies. These perhaps were likewise mistakes of the prefs, but are fcarcely worth correcting. MALONE.

6 archbishop late of Canterbury,] Thomas Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury, brother to the earl of Arundel who was beheaded in this reign, had been banished by the Parliament, and was afterwards deprived by the pope of his fee, at the requeft of the king; whence he is here called, late of Canterbury. STEEVENS.

7 Imp out-] As this expreffion frequently occurs in our author, it may not be amifs to explain the original meaning of it. When the wing-fea thers of a hawk were dropped, or forced out by any accident, it was ufual to supply as many as were deficient. This operation was called, to imp a bawk. Turbervile has a whole chapter on The Way and Manner bowe to ympe a Hawke's feather, how-foever it be broken or broofed. STEEV.

D 3


Refs. To horfe, to horfe! urge doubts to them that fear. Willo. Hold out my horfe, and I will first be there. [Exeunt.


The fame. A Room in the Palace.

Enter Queen, BUSHY, and BAGOT.

Bufby. Madam, your majefty is too much fad:
You promis'd, when you parted with the king,
To lay afide life-harming heaviness,
And entertain a chearful difpofition.

Queen. To please the king, I did; to please myself,
I cannot do it; yet I know no cause

Why I fhould welcome fuch a guest as grief,
Save bidding farewel to fo fweet a guest
As my fweet Richard: Yet again, methinks,
Some unborn forrow, ripe in fortune's womb,
Is coming towards me; and my inward foul
With nothing trembles at fomething it grieves,
More than with parting from my lord the king.

Bushy. Each fubftance of a grief hath twenty fhadows,
Which fhew like grief itself, but are not fo:
For forrow's eye, glazed with blinding tears,
Divides one thing entire to many objects;
Like pérfpectives, which, rightly gaz'd upon,
Shew nothing but confufion; ey'd awry,
Diftinguish form: fo your fweet majefty,


8 With nothing trembles :] I fuppofe it is the unborn forrow which the calls nothing, because it is not yet brought into existence. STEEV. 9 Like perspectives, which, rightly gaz'd upon,

Shew nothing but confufion; ey'd awry,

Diftinguish form:-] This is a fine fimilitude, and the thing meant is this. Amongst mathematical recreations, there is one in optics, in which a figure is drawn, wherein all the rules of perspective are inverted: fo that, if held in the fame pofition with thofe pictures which are drawn according to the rules of perfpective, it can prefent nothing but confufion: and to be feen in form, and under a regular appearance, it must be looked upon from a contrary ftation; or, as Shakspeare lays, ey'd awry. WARBURTON.

Like perspectives, &c.] Dr. Plot's Hiftory of Staffordshire, p. 391, explains this perspective, or odd kind of pictures upon an indented board,


Looking awry upon your lord's departure,

Finds fhapes of grief, more than himself, to wail;
Which look'd on as it is, is nought but shadows
Of what it is not. Then, thrice-gracious queen,

More than your lord's departure weep not; more's not feen:
Or if it be, 'tis with false forrow's eye,

Which, for things true, weeps things imaginary.
Queen. It may be fo, but yet my inward foul
Perfuades me, it is otherwife: Howe'er it be,

I cannot but be fad; fo heavy fad,

As, though, in thinking, on no thought I think',—
Makes me with heavy nothing faint and shrink.

Busby. 'Tis nothing but conceit 2, my gracious lady.
Queen. "Tis nothing lefs: conceit is ftill deriv'd
From fome fore-father grief; mine is not so;
For nothing hath begot my fomething grief;
Or fomething hath the nothing that I grieve 3:


which, if beheld directly, you only perceive a confufed piece of work; but if obliquely, you fee the intended perfon's picture;" which, he was told, was made thus. "The board being indented, [or furrowed with a ploughplane,] the print or painting was cut into parallel pieces equal to the depth and number of the indentures on the board, and they were pasted on the flats that ftrike the eye beholding it obliquely, fo that the edges of the parallel pieces of the print or painting exactly joining on the edges of the indentures, the work was done." TOLLET.

So in Hentzner, 1598. Royal Palace, Whitehall. "Edwardi VI. Angliæ regis effigies, primo intuitu monftrofum quid repræfentans, fed fi quis effigiem recta intueatur, tum vera depræhenditur."


As, though, on thinking, on no thought I think,-] We should read: As though in thinking; that is, though mufing, I bave no diftine idea of calamity. The involuntary and unaccountable depreffion of the mind, which every one has fometime felt, is here very forcibly defcribed.


2 'Tis nothing but conceit,] Conceit is here, as in K. Henry VIII. and many other places, ufed for a fanciful conception. MALONE. 3 For nothing bath begot my fomething grief;

Or fomething bath the nothing that I grieve:] With thefe lines I know not well what can be done. The queen's reafoning, as it now ftands, is this: My trouble is not conceit, for conceit is fill derived from fome antecedent caule, fome fore-father grief; but with me the cafe is, that either my real grief bath no real caufe, or fome real caufe bath produced a fancied grief. That is, my grief is not conceit, because it either

D 4


'Tis in reverfion that I do poffefs * ;

But what it is, that is not yet known; what
I cannot name; 'tis nameless woe, I wot.
Enter GREEN.

Green. God fave your majefty !-and well met, gen


I hope, the king is not yet fhip'd for Ireland,

Queen. Why hop'ft thou fo? 'tis better hope, he is;
For his defigns crave hafte, his hafte good hope;
Then wherefore doft thou hope, he is not fhip'd?
Green. That he, our hope, might have retir'd his

And driven into defpair an enemy's hope,
Who ftrongly hath fet footing in this land:
The banish'd Bolingbroke repeals himself,
And with uplifted arms is fafe arriv'd
At Ravenfpurg.

Queen. Now God in heaven forbid!

Green. O, madam, 'tis too true: and that is worse,The lord Northumberland, his young fon Henry Percy, The lords of Rofs, Beaumond, and Willoughby, With all their powerful friends, are fled to him.

Bushy. Why have you not proclaim'd Northumberland,

has not a caufe like conceit, or it has a caufe like conceit. This can hardly stand. Let us try again, and read thus:

For nothing bath begot my fomething grief;

Not fomething bath the nothing that I grieve:

That is, my grief is not conceit; conceit is an imaginary uneasiness from fome paft occurrence. But, on the contrary, here is real grief without a real caufe; not a real caufe with a fanciful forrow. This, I think, must be the meaning; harsh at the beft, yet better than contradiction or abfurdity. JOHNSON.

4 'Tis in reverfion that I do poffefs;] As the grief the queen felt was for fome event which had not yet come to pafs, or at least yet come to her knowledge, fhe expreffes this by faying that the grief fhe then actually poflefled was still in reverfion, as the had no right to feel the grief until the event should happen which was to occafion it. MASON.



might have retir'd his power,] Might have drawn it back. A French fente. JOHNSON.

So, in The Rape of Lucrece:

"Each one, by him enforc'd, retires his ward." MALONE,


And all the rest of the revolting faction


Green. We have: whereupon the earl of Worcester Hath broke his ftaff, refign'd his stewardship,

And all the houshold fervants fled with him

To Bolingbroke.

Queen. So, Green, thou art the midwife to my woe, And Bolingbroke my forrow's difmal heir❝ :

Now hath my foul brought forth her prodigy;
And I, a gafping new-deliver'd mother,
Have woe to woe, forrow to forrow join'd.
Busby. Defpair not, madam.

Queen. Who fhall hinder me?

I will defpair, and be at enmity
With cozening hope; he is a flatterer,
A parafite, a keeper-back of death,
Who gently would diffolve the bands of life,
Which falfe hope lingers in extremity.

Enter YORK.

Green. Here comes the duke of York.
Queen. With figns of war about his aged neck;
O, full of careful business are his looks!—
Uncle, for God's fake, fpeak comfortable words.
York. Should I do fo, I fhould bely my thoughts:
Comfort's in heaven; and we are on the earth,
Where nothing lives, but croffes, care, and grief.
Your husband he is gone to fave far off,

Whilft others come to make him lose at home:
Here am I left to underprop his land;

Who, weak with age, cannot fupport myself:-
Now comes the fick hour that his furfeit made;

And Bolingbroke my forrow's difmal beir] The Queen had faid before that "fome unborn forrow, ripe in fortune's womb, was coming towards her;" fhe talks afterwards of her unknown griefs "being begotten;" the calls Green "the midwife of her woe;" and then means to fay, in the fame metaphorical jargon, that the arrival of Bolingbroke was the difmal offspring that her foreboding forrow was big of; which the expreffes by calling him her "forrow's difmal heir," and explains more fully and intelligibly in the next line,

Now hath my foul brought forth her prodigy. MASON.


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