Whereto thy tongue a party-verdict gave4; Gaunt. Things fweet to tafte, prove in digeftion four. You urg'd me as a judge; but I had rather, You would have bid me argue like father :- To fmooth his fault I should have been more mild: K. Rich. Coufin farewel :-and, uncle, bid him so; [Flourish, Exeunt K. RICHARD and Train. Aum. Coufin, farewel: what prefence must not know, From where you do remain, let paper show. Mar. My lord, no leave take I; for I will ride, As far as land will let me, by your fide. Gaunt. O, to what purpose doft thou hoard thy words, That:thou return'ft no greeting to thy friends? Boling. I have too few to take my leave of you, When the tongue's office fhould be prodigal To breathe the abundant dolour of the heart. Gaunt. Thy grief is but thy abfence for a time. Boling. Joy abfent, grief is prefent for that time. Gaunt. What is fix winters? they are quickly gone. Boling. To men in joy; but grief makes one hour ten. Gaunt. Call it a travel that thou tak'ft for pleasure. Boling. My heart will figh, when I mifcall it fo, Which finds it an enforced pilgrimage. Gaunt. The fullen paffage of thy weary steps Efteem a foil, wherein thou art to fet The precious jewel of thy home-return. Boling. Nay, rather, every tedious fride I make ➡a party-verdict gave ;] i. e. you had yourself a part or share in the verdict that I pronounced. MALONE. 5 A partial Bander-] That is, the reproach of partiality. This is a just picture of the struggle between principle and affection. JOHNSON. 5 Will Will but remember me, what a deal of world I wander from the jewels that I love. Gaunt. All places that the eye of heaven vifits, There is no virtue like neceffity. Think not, the king did banish thee; To lie that way thou go'ft, not whence thou com'ft : The grafs whereon thou tread'ft, the prefence ftrew'd'; For gnarling forrow hath lefs power to bite Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, - 6 — Arew'd;] i. e. with rufhes. See Hentzner's account of the presence-chamber, in the palace at Greenwich, in 1598. Itinerar. P. 135. MALONE. 7 a delightful measure-] See Vol. II. p. 405, n. 4. MALONE. 80, who can bold a fire in his band, &c.] Fire is here, as in many other places, used as a diffyllable. MALONE. It has been remarked, that there is a paffage refembling this in Tully's Fifth Book of Tufculan Questions. Speaking of Epicurus, he fays: "Sed unâ fe dicit recordatione acquiefcere præteritarum voluptatum: ut fi quis æftuans, cum vim caloris non facile patiatur, recordari velit fe aliquando in Arpinati noftro gelidis fluminibus circumfufum fuiffe. Non enim video, quomodo fedare poffint mala præfentia præteritæ voluptates.” The Tufculan Questions of Cicero had been translated early enough for Shakspeare to have feen them. STEEVENS. By bare imagination of a feaft? Gaunt. Come, come, my fon, I'll bring thee on thy way: Had I thy youth, and caufe, I would not stay. Boling. Then, England's ground, farewel; fweet foil, adieu; My mother, and my nurse, that bears me yet! Though banish'd, yet a true-born Englishman. [Exeunt. The fame. A Room in the King's Castle. K. Rich. We did obferve.-Coufin Aumerle, K. Rich. And, fay, what store of parting tears were fhed? Aum. 'Faith, none by me': except the north-eaft wind, Which then blew bitterly against our faces, Awak'd the fleeping rheum; and fo, by chance, K.Rich. What faid our coufin, when you parted with him? 9 yet a true-born Englishman.] Here the first act ought to end, that between the first and fecond acts there may be time for John of Gaunt to accompany his fon, return, and fall fick. Then the first scene of the fecond act begins with a natural converfation, interrupted by a meffage from John of Gaunt, by which the king is called to vifit him, which vifit is paid in the following fcene. As the play is now divided, more time pafies between the two laft fcenes of the first act, than between the first act and the fecond. JoHNSON. -none by me :] The old copies read-for me. editor of the fecond folio. MALONE. Corrected by the Aum. Aum. Farewel: And for my heart disdained that my tongue Should fo prophane the word, that taught me craft That words feem'd buried in my forrow's grave. He should have had a volume of farewels; K. Rich. He is our coufin, coufin; but 'tis doubt, What reverence he did throw away on flaves; And he our fubjects' next degree in hope 3. Green. Well, he is gone; and with him go these thoughts. Now for the rebels, which stand out in Ireland ;Expedient manage must be made, my liege; Ere further leifure yield them further means, For their advantage, and your highness' lofs. K. Rich. We will ourself in perfon to this war. And, for our coffers-with too great a court, And liberal largefs,-are grown fomewhat light, 2-Bagot here, and Greene,] The old copies read-bere Bagot. The tranfpofition was made in a quarto of no value, printed in 1634. MALONE. 3 And be our subjects' next degree in hope.] Spes altera Romæ. Virg. 4 Expedient-] is expeditious. STEEVENS. MALONE. We We are enforc'd to farm our royal realm; The revenue whereof shall furnish us For our affairs in hand: If that come short, Our fubftitutes at home fhall have blank charters; Enter BUSHY. K. Rich. Bufhy, what news? Bufhy. Old John of Gaunt is grievous fick, my lord; Suddenly taken; and hath fent post-hafte, To entreat your majesty to vifit him. K. Rich. Where lies he? Bushy. At Ely-house. K. Rich. Now put it, heaven, in his phyfician's mind, To help him to his grave immediately! The lining of his coffers fhall make coats Pray God, we may make hafte, and come too late! ACT II. SCENE I. London. A Room in Ely-house. [Exeunt. GAUNT on a couch; the duke of YORK and others ftanding by him. Gaunt. Will the king come? that I may breathe my last In wholesome counfel to his unftay'd youth. York. Vex not yourself, nor ftrive not with your breath; For all in vain comes counsel to his ear. Gaunt. O, but, they fay, the tongues of dying men Enforce attention, like deep harmony: Where words are scarce, they are seldom spent in vain ; For they breathe truth, that breathe their words in pain. 5 - the duke of York—] was Edmund, fon of Edward III. WALPOLE. H: |