Imágenes de páginas


Abdollatiph, an Arabian writer, quoted,

Abomination of the Egyptians, what was
the, 109, 118, 162,204.

Aboo-simbul, the temple of, 71, 85.

Abraham, particulars concerning him, 93,

Abydus, the tablet of, 23.

Akerblad's solution of the Rosetta Stone
inscription, 36.

Alexandria, the city of, 146.

Alphabet, the ancient Egyptian, its en-
igmatical character, 55, 58.

Amenophis, 115.

America, the name in Egyptian phone-
tics, 61.

Amosis, his expulsion of the shepherd
kings, 115.

Amosis was the "king that knew not
Joseph," 175.

Animals, the sacred ones of Egypt, 110,

Antoninus, his name upon the zodiac of
Esneh, 49.

Aphophis and Assis, two shepherd kings
of Egypt, 114.

Apis, the sacred bull of Egypt, 205, 227.

Arabia, her intercourse with Egypt, 125.

Arable land, good in Goshen, 167.

Archaeology, Egyptian study of, 19.

Aridity of the Egyptian atmosphere, 70,

Ark of bulrushes, 188.

Army of Egypt, 218.

Arts, the, applied only to the useful, 78,

Arts of design plentifully found on Egyp-
tian tombs, 77.

Asenath, Joseph's wife, 144.

Asphaltum or mineral pitch, used upon
the ark of bulrushes, 189.

Asses, shown by monumental inscrip-
tions, to have been in Egypt, 121.

Astronomy, early taught in Egypt, 20.

Atmosphere in Egypt, state of, 70, 96.

Augustus Caesar, his title found upon the
zodiac of Dendera, 49.

Authenticity of the books of Moses, es-
tablished, 242.

Baker, the office of, at Pharaoh's court,

Baking, well understood by the Egyp-
tians, 223.

Bankes, Mr., deciphers the Philre obelisk
inscription, 45.

Barley in Egypt, when gathered, 199,

Bas-reliefs always accompanied by hie-
roglyphic inscriptions, 75.

Beard, the, not regarded by the Egyp-
tians, 133, 160, 172.

Beni-Hassan, fine grottoes and curious
paintings to be found there, 82.

Bethshemesh, the city of, 80,145, 161.

Bible, evidence for, 19; its authority on
early history, 23 ; why corroborative
testimony to its truth so much sought
for, 87, 88 ; its own testimony valuable,
89, 90; testimony to its truth afforded
by the ancient records of Egypt, 117;
and by recent discoveries, 239, 244;
its truth not dependent on evidence
found by scientific researches, 249.

Blood, water changed into, the plague
of, 201.

Boils, the plague of, 208.

Bondage of the Israelites in Egypt, 174.

Bonomi, his residence among the tombs,

"Book of the Dead," an old literary
work of the Pharaonic times, 20.

Books early possessed by the Egyptians,
19,20; deposited in the tombs to ac-
company the dead, 77.

Bowing, Dr. quoted, 141.

Bracelets worn, 230.

Breastplate, the, described, 236.

Bricks, manner in which they were made,
180; made of stubble, still to be found
in Egypt, 191.

Bruce, letter of, on the passage of the
Red Sea, 219.

Bulrushes, description of the plant so
called, 188; boats of, used at the pre-
sent day in Abyssinia, 188.

Butler, the office of, at Pharaoh's court,

Caillaud, a French traveller in Egypt, 41.
Calf, golden, worshipped by the Israelites,


Cambyses mentioned, 146.
Camel shown to have existed in Egypt,

Canaan, the land of, at an early period

in close relationship with Egypt, 92;

subject to greater dearth than Egypt,


Candlestick, the golden, 231.
Cats considered sacred, 205; anecdote

concerning them related by Diodorus,


Ceremonies of the Hebrew Ritual, 233.
Champollion, his discoveries in Egypt,

20, 39,40, 63, 64, 247.
Chamsin, the, a peculiar and often fatal

wind, ail, 213, 216.
Chronology of the Bible in connection

with the monuments of Egypt, 48, 49,

88, 239.
Chronology of Egypt, little to interest,

and much to be doubtful of, 22.
Cleanliness, the Egyptians scrupulously

addicted to, 203.
Clement of Alexandria, quoted, 20, 50,

66, 134.

Climate of Egypt, the, 68, 70, 96.
Cloth manufactured by the Egyptians in

the early ages, 232.
Coffins never much used in Egypt, 173.

Commercial intercourse with Canaan and
Arabia, 92, 125.

Copts, the, and Coptic language proved
the original of Egypt, 29; Coptic al-
phabet, the, used in translations from
the hieroglyphics, 58.

Crocodile, the word phonetically written..

Crocodile, the, worshipped in Egypt, 205.

Dancing, customary in Egypt, 221, 228.

Darkness, the plague of, 213.

Dead, great respect shown to the, 75.

Deliverance, the, of the Israelites, 191.

Delta, the, of the Nile, 97,99.

Demotic writing explained, 35, 67.

Dendera, the temple of, 48, 83.

Denon, quoted, 211, 213.

De Sacy, his attempt to decipher the
Rosetta stone inscription, 36.

"Description de 1'Egypt," the, a work
of great importance, 30, 33.

Despotism, the characteristic of Oriental
governments, 137.

Determinatives used extensively on the
monuments, 62; explained, 63.

Devices and inscriptions in Egypt, 26.

Diodorus Siculus, quoted, 24, 26, 172,

Discoveries, Egyptian, tend to confirm,
and not destroy the Bible truth, 239-

Dough, unleavened, 223.

Drawing, the Egyptians not proficients
in the art of, 80.

Dreams, the butler's and baker's ex-
plained by Joseph, 131; Pharaoh's in-
terpreted by Joseph, 131; remarks
concerning them, 134.

Dress, Oriental, observations on, 141,

Eating with strangers, not customary in
Egypt, 153; the Oriental manner of,

Edfou, temple of, 85.

Egypt, interest excited by, 17; ancient
division of, 91 ; her condition at the
time of Abraham, 94; her testimony
as regards the sacred history, 18, 19,
239, 240, 244.

Egyptologists, the school of, 26; their
opinions on the Egyptian chronology,

Embalming the dead, great attention

paid to, 75, 170, 173.
Embroidery familiar to the Egyptians,

Enchorial writing explained, 17, 67.
Ephod, the, described, 936.
Eratosthenes, an abbreviator of Manetho,

Esneh, the temple of, 48, 84.
Eudoxus, allusion to, 146.
Eunuchs in Egypt, 127.
Eusebius, quoted, 22.
Every-day life in ancient Egypt, our

knowledge of, increased, 78.
Exode of the Children of Israel, 216.

Famine in Egypt and Canaan, 150.

Fellahs, the, a degraded caste in Egypt,
186 ; accompany the Israelites in their
exode, 216.

Fertility of the land of Egypt, 103.

First-born, death of the, 215.

Flax, the period when it ripens, 199,209.

Flies, the plague of, 203.

Fogs, extremely rare in Egypt, 213.

Food, want of, experienced by the Israel-
ites, 223.

Frogs, the plague of, 202.

Garments, Oriental and Egyptian, 141,

Geology and the Bible, 89, 239.
Gerf Hossain, ruins of, 85.
Ghizeh, pyramids of, described, 81.
Girgeh, the acacia groves of, 82.
Gnats, or lice, the plague of, 203.
Golden chain, a mark of honor, 141.
Golden calf, the, set up by the Israelites,

Goshen, the land of, given to Jacob and

his family, 161 ; where situated, 164,

Granary, monumental representation of,

Greek characters introduced into the

Egyptian writing, 57.

Hagar probably given to Abraham by

Pharaoh, 122.
Hail, the plague of, 208.
Harem, the, of Pharaoh, 106.
Hebrews, see Israelites.
Hebron, its antiquity, 100.
Heeren- quoted, 110, 145.
Heliopolis, the city of, 80, 145.

Hengstenberg, his objections to Manetho,
23, 113; his answer to Von Bohlen's
objections on Scripture, 120; quoted,
136, 141,165.

Herodotus, bis account of Egypt, 24;
quoted, 171, 172.

Hieratic writings, illustrated and ex-
plained, 20, 66.

Hieroglyphics, study of considered neces-
sary, 20; the characters numerous on
the monuments of Egypt, 26, 27, 30,
35; the writing illustrated and ex-
plained, 51-66.

History of early Egypt, information con-
cerning the, 21, 22, 24.

Homophones, mode of selecting them
illustrated, 61.

Horapollo, his work on the hieroglyphics,
27; not sustained by ancient monu-
ments, 55.

Horses, abundant in Egypt, but not com-
mon to the Jews in their early history,

Hyksos, or shepherd kings, 111.

Infidelity silenced by the research of
science, 194.

Inkstand found inscribed on monuments
at a very early date, 20.

Inscriptions on the tombs and temples,

Intolerance of the Egyptian priests, 146.

Inundation of the Nile, 69, 70, 97, 151.

Ishmaelites, see Midianites.

Israelites, opprobrium attempted to be
cast upon them, 116; bondage of, in
Egypt, 174; their labors not confined
to Goshen, 185; their deliverance
from bondage, 191; their departure
from Egypt, 117, 165, 216; their
wanderings in the wilderness, 222.

Jacob, his arrival in Egypt, 157; his
death, 169.

Jannes and Jambres, 196.

Jebusites, Scripture account of them con-
firmed, 161.

Joseph, sold into Egypt, 124; imprisoned,
131; interprets Pharaoh's dreams, 133;
made overseer of Pharaoh's house and
elevated to office and honor, 128,137;
his marriage, 144; entertains his bre-
thren, 153 ; his death, 173.

Josephus, quoted, 22.

Jowett, quoted, 135.

Karnac, 83.

Kircher, Father, his learned work on
Egyptian hieroglyphics, 28.

Language, ancient Egyptian, inquiries
concerning the, 29 ; peculiarity therein
similar to the Chinese, 64; and to the
Hebrew in the uncertainty of its vow-
els, 58.

Leather, an important branch of Egyp-
tian industry, 231.

Lepsius, quoted, 20.

Lice or gnats, the plague of, 203.

Linen or cotton, knowledge the Egyp-
tians had concerning, 140.

Locusts, the plague of, 210.

London, the name in Egyptian phonet-
ics, 61.

Luxor, the obelisk and ruins of, 71,73,83.

Magicians and magical arts in Egypt,

Makrizi on famines in Egypt, 150.

Manetho, his fragment of Egyptian his-
tory, 22, 111, 114, 174,217.

Manna given to the Israelites, 223.

Manners and customs, ceremonial, of the
Jews and Egyptians, strong resem-
blance between, 237.

Medicine, its knowledge early possessed
in Egypt, 20 ; the science of, much in-
terest to be gleaned therein from
Egypt, 170.

Memphis, the temple of, 81.

Menes, the first Egyptian monarch, 99.

Metallurgy, the Egyptians well skilled
in, 227, 230.

Mexican marriage, hieroglyphic repre-
sentation of, 51, 52.

Michaelis, on the land of Goshen, 168;
on the passage of the Red Sea, 219.

Midianite merchantmen, 124.

Military force of Egypt, powerful, 218.

Miriam, her triumphal dancing, 221.

Mirrors, brazen, an article of the Egyp-
tian toilet, 231.

Mizraim, 92.

Money, none coined in early history,

Monumental confirmation of sacred his-
tory, 244.

Morals, laxity of, among the ancient
Egyptians, 130.

Moses, in the ark of bulrushes, 188 ; his
miracles in Egypt, 192; as an histo-

rian, 90; his veracity, 164: familiar
acquaintance with Egyptian usages
confirmed, 172, 201; well skilled in
scientific knowledge, 228; undoubt-
edly the author of the Pentateuch,

Mosquitoes, both troublesome and abund-
ant in Egypt, 203.

Mourning for the dead, 171.

Mummies, very numerous in Egypt, 76.

Murrain of cattle, the plague of, 207.

Names of persons frequently changed in
the East, 144.

Napoleon, his expedition into Egypt, 30.

Necklace of gold, see Golden chain.

Niebuhr, on the passage of the Red Sea

Nile, river and valley of the, 68; a voy-
age up the, 80.

Nilometer at Elephantine, still in exist-
ence, 97.

Numerals, hieroglyphics, 65.

Obelisks of Luxor, 71, 73, 83; Philae

41, 45; Osirtasen, 145.
On, the city of, 80, 145, 167.
Oppression of the Israelites productive

of ultimate ruin to the early fame of

Egypt, 21.
Osiris, his burial places, 83.
Osirtasen, the obelisk of, 145.
Overseer or steward, described, 129.
Oxen in Egypt, 121.

Paintings found upon the walls of tombs,
76; the Egyptians not far advanced
in the art of, 78; a celebrated one
found representing the Hebrews mak-
ing brick, 180.

Palace temples, numerous in Egypt, 73.

Pastoral life, why an abomination in Jo-
seph's time, and not when Abraham
visited Egypt, 109, 118.

Pasture ground, good, in Goshen, 167.

Pentateuch, its history verified by later
facts, 164; its author shown to be
Moses, 241.

Pharaoh, the general import of the title,

Pharaoh Necho and Pharaoh Hophra
real personages, 249.

Philai, the obelisk of, 41, 42, 45.

Phonetics, Egyptian, explained, 56, 57.

Physicians, numerous and skilful in the

days of Joseph, 169.
Pictorial character of ancient writing,

Pillar of Fire, evidence of the, gathered

from profane testimony, 220.
Plagues of Egypt, the, 193, 198, 215.
Plato, allusion to, 146.
Plenty, the seven years of, in Egypt, il-
lustrated from monumental inscriptions,

Polygamy allowed by the Egyptian law,

Potiphar, his office at Pharaoh's court,


Potipherah, priest of On, 145.
Precious stones, 230.
Priests, the, of Egypt, 136,145; Hebrew,

their ministry, dress and habits similar

to the Egyptian priests, 234.
Psylli, the, celebrated for their power

over serpents, 195.
Ptolemy Philadelphus, 116.
Pyramids of Ghizeh, 81.

Quails given to the Israelites for food, 225.

Rain and rain clouds in Abyssinia, 151;

in Lower Egypt very rare, 68.
Rameses the Great, 166.
Red Sea, passage of the, 218.
Rehoboam, his submission to Shishak,


Ring, see Signet ring.
Ritual, the, an old literary work of the

Pharaonic times, 20.
Ritual, the Hebrew, in what manner

framed, 233.
Rod of Moses, the, turned into a serpent,

Rosetta stone, the, important discovery

of, 30, 32, 35.

Roschere, the tomb of, 180,187.
Rosellini, quoted, 129, 161,180.

Sarah, the wife of Abraham, 93, 103,

Sarcophagi, sculptured over with figures

and incriptions, 76.
Scripture, testimony of Egypt regarding

the, 19, 239, 244; see Bible.
Sculpture, the art of very defective, 78.
Serpents, power possessed by man over

them, 194; Serpent charmers, 194,


Servants, meaning of the word as used

in Scripture, 102.

Servitude, domestic, in Egypt, 101.
Sethos and his conquests, 114.
Shaving the beard, remarks concerning,

Sheep, numerous flocks of, kept near

Memphis, 121.
Shepherd kings, whether known by the

title of Pharaoh, 119; when expelled,

Shepherds, why an abomination to the

Egyptians, 109, 118,162.
Shishak invades Judea, 244.
Signet ring, possession of, denoting au-
thority, 138, 230.
Singing, much practised at the feasts,


Sky of Egypt, clear and transparent, 213.
Slavery, existing from the very earliest

time known, 101,126; the manner of

treating slaves, 126, 187.
Social life, habits of, in ancient Egypt,


Soil of Egypt, how originally formed, 97.
Steward, the office of, 129,137.
Strabo, quoted, 146.
Straw employed in the making of bricks,

Stubble given to the Israelites to increase

their labor, 191.
Suffee, a Persian king, 144.
Syene, the southern limit of Egypt, 85.
Symbolical writing, 53.
Syncellus, 22.

Tabernacle, making of the, 229.
Tambourines used by the Egyptian dan-
cers, 221.

Tanis, the same as Zoan, 100.
Taskmasters set over the Israelites, 177.
Temples in Egypt, their excellent state

of preservation, 71; several mentioned,

Testimony in general, remarks on, 86.
Thebes, its great interest, 83; the hall

of the temple of, 73.
Thunder and lightning, the plague of,


Timbrels used in dancing, 221.
Tombs, the, of Egypt, evidence of her

former grandeur, 75-77; of Roscherfi,

Topographical description of Egypt, 68.

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