OR, WORDS OF THE WISE BEING A THEG BIBL COLLECTION OF THE MOST POINTED SENTENCES, OF THE GREATEST GENIUSES OF ANCIENT AND MODERN TIMES, POETS, ORATORS, STATESMEN, PHILOSOPHERS, AND WARRIORS. To which are added, THOUGHTS FROM THE DIARY OF A YOUNG MAN. The "They are," mucrones verborum, "pointed speeches." BY A. STEINMETZ, ALUMNUS OF USHAW COLLEGE, DURHAM. 1838. LONDON: SHAW AND SONS, 137 & 138, FETTER LANE. MY DEAR BROther, DEPRIVED, by a cruel destiny, of that sweet intercourse of affection, which, springing from the purest source of nature, was increased by a similarity of pursuits, from our earliest days; a similarity of education—I cast my longing eyes over the great Ocean, and feel a joy, in thinking your name, which I may not utter. I contemplate the energies of that intellect which is chained, Prometheus-like, to an island rock, and doomed to "eat up the heart" that would realize the highest hopes of ambition, had fate not otherwise decreed your destiny. As a tribute therefore of reverence to that genius which I respect of love to the heart which I cherish, accept, my dear brother, the little honor of this dedication. I offer to you the first fruits of my industry, because the first offering of the heart should be that of affection. In moments of mental lassitude it will suggest a train of cheering reflection, and fructify that fleeting TIME, whose flow is ushered in with boisterous mirth, but whose ebbing bears away sighs, and tears, and lamentations. |