Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

lo, lvd, luz.


lk, lks, lkt, lkts.

lp, lpt, lps, lpst.

It, lts, list.

If, If's, Ift.

ls, Ist.

lth, lths.

lch, lcht.

md, mdst.


mp, mps, mpt, mpts.

bu-lge, bu-lg'd.

whe-lm, whe-lm'd, whe-lms.


she-lve, she-lv'd, she-lves.

si-lk, si-lks, mu-let, mu-lets.
he-lp, he-lp'd, he-lps, he-lp'st.
ha-lt, ha-lts, ha-lt'st.

gu-lf, gu-lfs, de-lft-ware.
fa-lse, fa-ll'st.

hea-lth, hea-lths.

fi-lch, fi-lch'd.

ento-mb'd, ento-mb'dst.


i-mp, i-mps, atte-mpt, atte-mpts.
ny-mph, ny-mphs.


se-nd, se-nds, se-nd'st.

ngd, ngdst, ngz, ngth, ha-ng'd, ha-ng'dst, ha-ngs,

mf, mfs.


nd, ndz, ndst.

nj, njd.

ra-nge, ra-nged.

[blocks in formation]

rb, rbst, rbd, rbdst, rbz. ba-rb, ba-rb’st, ba-rb’'d, ba-rb’dst, ba-rbs.

[blocks in formation]

hu-rl, hu-rl'st, hu-rld, hu-rldst, hu-rls.

wa-rm, wa-rm'st, wa-rm'd, wa-rm'dst, wa-rms, wa-rmth.

rn, rnst, rnd, rndst, bu-rn, bu-rn'st, bu-rn'd, bu-rn'dst, bu-rnt,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

zl, zlst, zld, zldst, zlz. muz-zle, muz-zl'st, muz-zl'd, muz-zl'dst,

[blocks in formation]

zn, znst, znd, zndst, pri-son, impri-son'st, impri-son'd, impri


THď, THZ, Tнst.

son'dst, pri-sons.

wrea-th'd, wrea-ths, wrea-th'st.

kl, klst, kld, kldst, klz. truc-kle, truc-kl'st, truc-kl'd, truc-kl’dst,


kn, knst, knd, kndst, blac-ken, blac-ken'st, blac-ken'd, blacken'dst, blac-kens.


[blocks in formation]

pl, plst, pld, pldst, plz. pl-uck, rip-ple, rip-pl'st, rip-pľ'd, rip-pľ'dst,

[blocks in formation]

fl, fist, fld, fidst, filz. fl-ame, tri-fle, tri-fl'st, tri-fl'd, tri-fl’dst, tri-fles.


ft, fts, fist.

fs, fst.

fth, fths.

sl, slst, sld, sidst, slz.


sn, snz.

sk, skt, sks, skst, skr.

sp, spt, sps, spr, spl. st, sts, str.


wa-ft, wa-fts, wa-ft'st.

lau-ghs, lau-gh'st.

fi-fth, fi-fths.

sl-ay, ne-stle, ne-stl'st, ne-stl'd, ne-stl'dst,



sn-ail, ba-sin, ba-sins.

sk-ip, ma-sk, ma-sk'd, ma-sks, ma-sk'st, scr-ew.
sp-ot, ra-sp, ra-sp'd, ra-sps, spr-ing, spl-ash.
st-ay, bu-st, bu-sts, str-eet.

thm, thmz, thr, tht, ths. logari-thm, logari-thms, through, smi-th'd,

[blocks in formation]

The following sentences, in most of which some of these combinations occur, and all of which present some difficulties to the untutored organs of speech, may be practiced to advantage. He whose articulation is already perfect will find little occasion to delay on them: he who finds any difficulty should not, till this is removed, pass to another section.

1. The evening was fine, and the full orbed moon shone with uncommon splendor.

2. And oft false sounds sunk near him.

3. Who ever imagined such an ocean to exist?

Who ever imagined such a notion to exist?

4. The man of talents struggles through difficulties severe. 5. The youth, hates study.

6. It was the act of all the acts of government the most objectionable.

[merged small][ocr errors]

9. He was amiable, respectable, formidable, unbearable, intolerable, unmanageable, terrible.

10. And there the finest streams through tangled forests


11. Can you say crackers, crime, cruelty, crutches?

12. It was the severest storm of the season, but the masts stood through the gale.

13. The severest storm that lasts till morn.

14. Thou prob'st my wound instead of healing it. 15. The steadfast stranger in the forest strayed. 16. He was branded as a traitor.

17. The wild beasts straggled through the vale.

18. The word burgh signifies a town or city that sends a member or members to parliament.

19. That morning, thou that slumber'dst not before, Nor sleptst, great ocean, laidst thy waves at rest, And hush'dst thy mighty minstrelsy.

20. He watch'd and wept, he felt and prayed for all. 21. They weary wandered over wastes and deserts. Į They weary wandered over waste sand deserts. S 22. Fall'n, fall'n, fall'n, fall'n, fall'n from his high


23. When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw, The line, too, labors, and the words move slow.

24. Thou found'st me poor at first and keep'st me so. 25. From thy throne in the sky, thou look'st and laugh'st at the storm, and guid'st the bolt of Jove.

26. Do you mean plain or playing cards?
27. The seas shall waste, the skies in smoke decay,
Rocks fall to dust, and mountains melt away;

But fixed his word, his saving power remains:

Thy realm for ever lasts, thy own Messiah reigns. 28. Those who lie entombed in the public monuments. 29. Then shrieked the timid and stood still the brave. 30. Nipt in the bud.

31. What thou wouldst highly, thou wouldst holily. 32. The hidden ocean showed itself anew,

And barren wastes still stole upon the view.

33. Think'st thou so meanly of my Phocion? 34. He never winced, for it hurt not him.

35. He begged pardon for having troubled the house so long.

36. 'Twas twilight, for the sunless day went down,
Over the waste of waters, like a veil

Which, if withdrawn, would but disclose the frown
Of one who hates us.

37. The wolf, whose howl's his watch.
38. They next reef'd the top-sails.
39. Thou wagg'st thy tongue in vain.

40. The word filch is of doubtful derivation.
41. I do not flinch from the argument.
42. Where does the river Elbe arise?
43. His deeds speak his praise.

44. And first one universal shriek there rushed,
Louder than the loud ocean, like a crash
Of echoing thunder; and then-all was hushed,
Save the wild wind and the remorseless dash
Of billows: but at intervals there gushed,
Accompanied with a convulsive splash,

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