Clustering, which mark the mansion of my friend, Is soften'd, and made worthy to indulge Love, and the thoughts that yearn for human-kind. Nether Stowey, April 28th, 1798. FIRE, FAMINE, AND SLAUGHTER. A WAR ECLOGUE. WITH AN APOLOGETIC PREFACE. The Scene a desolated Tract in La Vendée. FAMINE is discovered lying on the ground; to her enter FIRE and SLAUGHTER. FAMINE. SISTERS! sisters! who sent you here? Letters four do form his name. FAMINE. Thanks, sister, thanks! the men have bled, FAMINE. The same! the same! Letters four do form his name. FIRE. Sisters! I from Ireland came! I triumph'd o'er the setting sun! On as I strode with my huge strides, I flung back my head and I held my sides, It was so rare a piece of fun To see the swelter'd cattle run With uncouth gallop through the night, By the light of his own blazing cot The house-stream met the flame and hiss'd, And who sent you? BOTH. FIRE. Letters four do form his name. ALL. He let us loose, and cried Halloo! How shall we yield him honor due? FAMINE. Wisdom comes with lack of food. I'll gnaw, I'll gnaw the multitude, Till the cup of rage o'erbrim: They shall seize him and his brood SLAUGHTER. They shall tear him limb from limb! FIRE. O thankless beldames and untrue! For him who did so much for you? An eight years' work?-Away! away! 1796. RECANTATION ILLUSTRATED IN THE STORY OF THE MAD OX. An Ox, long fed with musty hay, And work'd with yoke and chain, Was turn'd out on an April day, The grass was fine, the sun was bright, "Stop, neighbors! stop! why these alarms? The Ox is only glad." But still they pour from cots and farmsHalloo! the parish is up in arms (A hoaring hunt has always charms), Halloo! the Ox is mad. "You'd have him gore the parish-priest, You Fiend!"-The sage his warnings ceased, Old Lewis, 't was his evil day, The frighted beast ran on-but here, The frighted beast ran through the town, Bull-dog, Parson, Shopman, Clown, Should you a rat to madness tease, Why even a rat might plague you: There's no philosopher but sees That rage and fear are one diseaseThough that may burn and this may freeze They're both alike the ague. And so this Ox, in frantic mood, Faced round like any BullThe mob turn'd tail, and he pursued, Till they with fright and fear were stew'd, And not a chick of all this brood But had his belly-full. Old Nick's astride the beast, 't'is clear- But all agree he'd disappear, Achilles was a warrior fleet, The Trojans he could worryOur parson too was swift of feet, But show'd it chiefly in retreat! The victor Ox scour'd down the street, The mob fled hurry-skurry. Through gardens, lanes, and fields new-plow'd, That had more wrath than courage. According to the superstition of the West Countries, if you meet the Devil, you may either cut him in half with a straw, or you may cause him instantly to disappear by spitting over his horns. Alas! to mend the breaches wide But here once more to view did pop The man that kept his senses. And now he cried-" Stop, neighbors! stop! The Ox is mad! I would not swop, No, not a school-boy's farthing top For all the parish fences. "The Ox is mad! Ho! Dick, Bob, Mat! "A lying dog! just now he said, As thus I sat in careless chat, With the morning's wet newspaper, And so my Muse perforce drew bit, And in he rush'd and panted: : "Well, have you heard?" -"No! not a whit." "What! han't you heard?"-Come, out with it!" "That Tierney votes for Mister Pitt, And Sheridan's recanted." II. LOVE POEMS. Quas humilis tenero stylus olim effudit in ævo. Pectore nunc gelido calidos miseremur amantes, Petrarch. INTRODUCTION TO THE TALE OF THE DARK LADIE. The following Poem is intended as the introduction to a somewhat longer one. The use of the old Ballad word Ladie for Lady, is the only piece of obsoleteness in it; and as it is professedly a tale of ancient times, I trust that the affectionate lovers of venerable antiquity [as Camden says] will grant me their pardon, and perhaps may be induced to admit a force and propriety in it, A heavier objection may be adduced against the author, that in these times of fear and expectation, when novelties explode around us in all directions, he should presume to offer to the public a silly tale of old-fashioned love: and five years ago, I own I should have allowed and felt the force of this objection. But, alas! explosion has succeeded explosion so rapidly, that novelty itself ceases to appear new; and it is possible that now even a simple story,wholly uninspired with politics or personality, may find some attention amid the bubbub of revolutions, as to those who have remained a long time by the falls of Niagara, the lowest whispering becomes distinct ly audible. S. T. C Dec. 21, 1799. O LEAVE the lily on its stem; O leave the rose upon the spray; O leave the elder bloom, fair maids! And listen to my lay. A cypress and a myrtle-bough This morn around my harp you twined Because it fashion'd mournfully Its murmurs in the wind. And now a Tale of Love and Woe, A woful Tale of Love I sing ; Hark, gentle maidens, hark! it sighs And trembles on the string. But most, my own dear Genevieve, It sighs and trembles most for thee! O come, and hear what cruel, wrongs Befell the Dark Ladie. Few Sorrows hath she of her own, My hope, my joy, my Genevieve! She loves me best, whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stir this mortal frame, All are but ministers of Love, And feed his sacred flame. Oh! ever in my waking dreams, The moonshine, stealing o'er the scene, Had blended with the lights of eve And she was there, my hope, my joy, My own dear Genevieve! She lean'd against the armed man, The statue of the armed knight, She stood and listen'd to my harp, Amid the ling'ring light. I play'd a sad and doleful air. She listen'd with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest graco, For well she knew, I could not choose But gaze upon her face. I told her of the Knight that wore Upon his shield a burning brand; And how for ten long years he woo'd The Ladie of the Land: I told her how he pined: and ah! She listen'd with a flitting blush; With downcast eyes, and modest grace ; And she forgave me, that I gazed Too fondly on her face! But when I told the cruel scorn That crazed this bold and lonely Knight, And how he roam'd the mountain-woods, Nor rested day or night; And how he cross'd the woodman's paths, Through briers and swampy mosses beat; How boughs rebounding scourged his limbs, And low stubs gored his feet; That sometimes from the savage den, And sometimes from the darksome shade, And sometimes starting up at once In green and sunny glade ; There came and look'd him in the face And how, unknowing what he did, And how she wept, and clasp'd his knees; And how she tended him in vain And meekly strove to expiate The scorn that crazed his brain: And how she nursed him in a cave; His dying words-but when I reach'd All impulses of soul and sense Had thrill'd my guiltless Genevieve; The music and the doleful tale, The rich and balmy eve; And hopes and fears that kindle hope, She wept with pity and delight, She blush'd with love and maiden-shame; I saw her bosom heave and swell, Her wet cheek glow'd: she stept aside, She half inclosed me with her arms, She press'd me with a meek embrace; And bending back her head, look'd up, And gazed upon my face. "T was partly love, and partly fear, I calm'd her fears, and she was calm, My bright and beauteous bride. And now once more a tale of woe, A woeful tale of love I sing: For thee, my Genevieve! it sighs, And trembles on the string. When last I sang the cruel scorn That crazed this bold and lonely Knight, And how he roam'd the mountain-woods Nor rested day or night; I promised thee a sister tale Of man's perfidious cruelty: Come, then, and hear what cruel wrong Befell the Dark Ladie. LEWTI, OR THE CIRCASSIAN AT midnight by the stream I roved, The moon was high, the moonlight gleam But the rock shone brighter far, I saw a cloud of palest hue, Onward to the moon it pass'd; Till it reach'd the moon at last: And with such joy I find my Lewti: And even so my pale wan cheek Drinks in as deep a flush of beauty! Nay, treacherous image! leave my mind, If Lewti never will be kind. The little cloud-it floats away, Away it goes away so soon? And now 't is whiter than before! When, Lewti! on my couch I lie, A dying man for love of thee. Nay, treacherous image! leave my mindAnd yet thou didst not look unkind. I saw a vapor in the sky, Perhaps the breezes that can fly Hush! my heedless feet from under They plunge into the gentle river. I know the place where Lewti lies, Voice of the Night! had I the power That leafy labyrinth to thread, And creep, like thee, with soundless tread, I then might view her bosom white Heaving lovely to my sight, As these two swans together heave Oh! that she saw me in a dream, 1795. THE PICTURE, OR THE LOVER'S THROUGH Weeds and thorns, and matted underwood O'er rocks, or bare or mossy, with wild foot Here Wisdom might resort, and here Remorse; But hence, fond wretch! breathe not contagio here! No myrtle-walks are these: these are no groves This is my hour of triumph! I can now Close by this river, in this silent shade, |