American Novels, 43; Hawthorne, 45; Mrs. Stowe, 53; Elizabeth Wetherell, 54; Longfellow, 57. Arago, François, 246; his education and election to science, 247; sets out to measure the arch of a ter- restial meridian, 248; his adventures and suffer- ings, 248, 249; elected member of the Institute, 250; lectures on Astronomy, 251; Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 252; Artesian wells at Grenelle, 253; his oratorical powers, ib.; ap- pointed Director of the Observatory, 254; visit to Edinburgh, ib.; his republican predilections, 254, 255; conduct in the Provisional Government, 255; refuses the oath of allegiance, his letter, 256; fu- neral obsequies, éloge of M. Flourens, 258, 259; his optical discoveries, 261; the undulatory and the emission theories, 262; his discoveries in mag- netism, 263; who invented the electric telegraph? 264; his numerous unpublished theories, 266; summary of his character, 266, 267; attack upon his character by the Quarterly Review, 268. Astronomical Society, institution of, 130. Augsburg Confession, renewal of at Berlin in 1853,
Austria, position of, in the war in the East, 283; Russo-Greek Church, 293.
Bacon, Lord, his project for a Philosophical Society,
Bähr's edition of Herodotus, 208. Barral, J. A., his éloge on F. Arago, 246. Biblical Exegesis, neglect of, at the English Univer- sities, 171; divinity examinations, 171, 172; im- portance of exegetical studies, 173; German works on biblical literature, 174; disadvantages insepara- rable from translations, 175, 176; recent contribu- tions to the science by Hare, Trench, Stanley, Al- ford, Conybeare, and Howson, 176; prospects of biblical literature, 180.
Bodenstedt, Frederick, notice of his "Morning Land,”
Botanical Geography, 269; constituent branches of natural history, 270; artificial and natural systems of plants, 271, 272; geographical and physical dis- tribution of plants, 273; distribution of British plants, 274; division into types, 275; geographical centres from which plants have been diffused, 277; objections to the doctrine of primary centres of dis- tribution, 278, 279; the creation of many individu- als of a species, 280.
Boyle, Hon. Robert, his merits as an experimental philosopher, 120, 123.
British Association for the Advancement of Science,
Burlamachi, singular family of, 39. Byzantium, Russian invasions of, 135.
Candlemaking and Christianity, 85; commercial history of Price's Patent Candle Company, 86; |
moral history, Belmont schools, 87; James Wil- son and Thomas Arnold, 88; educational report of the Company, 89; benevolence repaid in hard cash, 90; success leads to increased beneficence, 91, 92; the change in the labour market, 93; Bel- mont tracts, 94.
Celtic national music, 188. Charles II., his connexion with the Royal Society, 120, 121, 123, 124.
Church government in Germany, 233; consistorial, ib.; synodal, 235. Classical learning, a preparation suitable for a great destiny, 248.
Collier, J. Payne, his notes and emendations of Shakespeare, 155, 165.
Consistorial system of church government, 233. Constant, Benjamin, the friend and ally of Madame de Staël for twenty years, 18; his character, 20. Conybeare and Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 171; general design of the work, 176; style and manner of Mr. Howson's portion, 177; Mr. Conybeare's contributions, 179; specimens of his new translations, ib.; general merits of the work, 181, 182.
Dahlmann's biography of Herodotus, 208. Diodati, family of, note, 39. Domestic service-Nelly Armstrong, 95; too little attention paid to the subject of domestic service, ib.; advantages and disadvantages of service near home, 96; dreary kitchen life, 99; instinctive longings for companionship, ib.; want of confidence be- tween different classes of society, 101; familiarity with servants, 102; duties of employers, ib.; dan- gerous attractiveness of maid servants, 104; no followers allowed," 106; training schools for ser- vants, 108; comforts of domestic service, 109; want of family sympathy, 110; unhappy effects of class prejudice, 111.
Electric Telegraph first suggested by C. M. of Ren- frew, 264, 265.
Eynard, Charles, notice of his "Lucques et les Bur- lamachi," 39.
Farini, Signor, opinions of, on the secular rule of the Popes, 27.
Flamstead, John, account of his appointment as "As- tronomical Observator," and the institution of the Greenwhich Observatory, 122.
Forbes, Prof. Ed., on the dispersion of plants, 277. Flourens, M., his éloge on F. Arago, 246.
Geological Society, institution of, 130. German Protestantism, struggles and tendencies of, 227; religious statistics of Berlin and other great cities, 227, 228; revival of doctrine in the univer-
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