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Oh! I could talk to thee for ever;

For ever fix and gaze on thofe dear eyes;
For every glance they fend, darts through my

8. How like a fawning publican he looks!
Fhate him, for he is a Chriftian;
But more, for that in low simplicity

He lends out money gratis, and brings down
The rate of ufance here with us in Venice.
If I can catch him once upon the hip,

I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.
He hates our facred nation; and he rails,



Ev'n there where merchants most do congregate,
On me, my bargains, and my well-won thrift,
Which he calls ufury. Curfed be my tribe

If I forgive him!

Merch. of Venices

9. As, in a theatre, the eyes of men, After a well-grac'd actor leaves the stage, Are idly bent on him that enters next, Thinking his prattle to be tedious;

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Even fo, or with much more contempt, men's eyes
Did feowl on Richard. No man cried, God fave him
No joyful tongue gave him his welcome home;
But duft was thrown upon his facred head;
Which, with fuch gentle forrow, he fhook off,
(His face ftill combating with tears and fimiles,
The badges of his grief and patience),

That had not God, for fome ftrong purpose, steel'a
The hearts of men, they muft perforce have melted,
And barbarifm itself have pitied him. Richard II

10. Hear me, rafh man; on thy allegiance hear me.-◄ Since thou haft ftriven to make us break our vow, (Which nor our nature nor our place can bear) We banish thee for ever from our fight

And kingdom. If, when three days are expir'd,
Thy hated trunk be found in our dominions,
That moment is thy death.-Away!

By Jupiter this fhall not be revok'd.

Trag. of Lear.

II. If it will feed nothing elfe, it will feed my revenge. He hath difgraced me, and hindered me of half

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a million, laughed at my loffes, mocked at my gains, fcorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies. And what's his reafen? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimenfions, fenfes, affections, paffions? Is he not fed with the fame food, hurt with the fame weapons, fubject to the fame difeafes, healed by the fame means, warmed and cooled by the fame fummer and winter, as a Chriftian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poifon us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, fhall we not revenge? If we are like you in the reft, we will refemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Chriftian, what is his humility? revenge. If a Chriftian, wrong a Jew, what fhould his fufferance be by Chriftian example? why, revenge. The villany you teach me, I will execute; and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

Merch, of Venise..

12. Ye amaranths! ye rofes, like the morn!
Sweet myrtles, and ye golden orange groves!
Joy-giving, love-infpiring, holy bow'r!
Know, in thy fragrant bofom thou receiv'ft-
A murd❜rer! Oh, I shall stain thy lilies,
And horrour will ufurp the feat of bliss.
-Ha! fhe fleeps

The day's uncommon heat has overcome her.
Then take, my longing eyes, your laft full gaze.
Oh, what a fight is here! how dreadful fair!-
Who would not think that being innocent!-
Where fhall I ftrike?-Who ftrikes her, ftrikes himfelf-
My own life-blood will iffue at her wound.-
But fee, fhe fmiles!I never shall smile more—
It ftrongly tempts me to a parting kifs

Ha! fimile again!-She dreams of him fhe loves.-
Curfe on her charms !-I'll ftab her through them all.







Of the PARTS of SPEECH..

N the English language there are nine different kinds of words or parts of fpeech, viz. Noun, Pronoun, Ads noun, Verb, Participle, Adverb, Frepofition, Interjection, Conjunction..


A noun or fubftantive is the name of any object, or of any perfon, place, or thing; as, Thomas, London, house.. Nouns have number and gender.

There are two numbers, the fingular and plural.—The fingular denotes one object; as, book. The plural denotesmore than one; as, books..

There are alfo two genders, the mafculine and feminine. -The mafculine denotes a male; as, boy. The feminine denotes a female; as, girl.-Nouns fignifying either male or female, are faid to be of the common gender; as, fervant, child. Thofe fignifying neither male nor female, are faid to be of the neuter gender; as, church,,


Nouns are likewife proper and appellative.-Proper nouns belong to individuals only; as, John, Tweed. Ap pellative nouns belong to all of a kind; as, man, river. Nouns denoting poffeffion, are called poffeffive nouns as, William's hat, the city's rights..

Variation of the NoUN.

1. With respect to number.-Book books, plum plums,, mountain mountains. Horfe horfes, prince princes, cage:


cages, prize prizes, crutch crutches, bufh bushes, witnefs witneffes, fox foxes. Calf calves, half halves, leaf leaves, fheaf fheaves, felf felves, fhelf fhelves, loaf loaves, knife knives, life lives, wife wives, thief thieves, wolf wolves, staff staves. Chief chiefs, grief griefs, roof roofs, proof proofs, hoof hoofs, fcarf fcarfs, wharf wharfs, dwarf dwarfs, fife fifes. City cities, merey mercies, ftory, ftories, academy academies. Boy boys, joy joys, day days, way ways. Man men, woman women, child chil dren, brother brethren or brothers, foot feet, tooth teeth, ex oxen, mouse mice, die dice, goofe geefe, penny pence.

2. With respect to gender.-Bachelor maid or virgin, boar fow, boy girl, bridegroom bride; brother fifter,. buck doe, bull cow, cock hen, drake duck, drone bee, earl countefs, father mother, friar nun, gander goose, grandfather grandmother, hero heroine, horfe mare, hufband wife, king queen, lad lafs, lord lady, man woman, nephew niece, ram ewe, fon daughter, fultan ful tana, ftag hind, fteer heifer, uncle aunt, widower widow. Abbot abbefs, actor actress, baron baronefs, chanter chantrefs, count countefs, emperor emprefs, governor governess, heir heirefs, hunter huntress, lion fionefs, marquis marchionefs, mafter miftrefs, mayor mayorefs, patron patronefs, prieft priestefs, prince princefs, prior priorefs, poet poetefs, prophet prophetefs, fhepherd fhepherdefs, fuiter fuitrefs, tiger tigrefs, traitor traitress, vifceunt viscountess, votary votarefs. Admi- niftrator adminiftratrix, executor executrix, teftator teftatrix. Male-child female-child, man-fervant maidfervant, cock-fparrow hen-fparrow.


A Pronoun is a word ufed inftead of a noun; as, I,

Pronouns, like nouns, have number and gender.-They have also perfon and state.

There are three perfons; the firft, fecond and third. -The firft denotes the perfon or perfons Speaking; as, I, we. The fecond denotes the perfon or perfons fpoken to; : as, thou, you. The third denotes the perfon or perfons Spoken of; as, he, they.

There are two ftates, the foregoing and fellowing.—The


foregoing commonly goes before the verb ;. the following tands after it; as, I love her.

Pronouns denoting poffefion, are called poffefive pro nouns; as, my, mines thy, thine.

Variation of the PRONOUN.

Perf. Foregoing flate.

Following fate.

1.. I,



Thou or you,

Thee or you,

He, the, it.

Him, her, it.



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An Adnoun, or Adjective, is a word added to a ǹourt, to denote fome quality, property, or circumftance of it; as, a wife man, a round table.

Adnouns exprefs degrees of comparison.

There are three degrees of comparison; the pofitive, comparative, and fuperlative. The pofitive implies no direct comparison, but fimply affirms; as, John is wife. The comparative denotes greater or less in comparison ; as James is wifer, or lefs wife. The fuperlative denotes greateft or leaft in comparison; as, George is wifeft or leaft wife. Some adnouns fhow the extent of the noun's fignifieation; as, a, an, and the.-These are commonly called. Articles.

Variation of the ADNOUN.

1. With respect to comparison.- Wife, wifer or more wife, wifeft or most wile *; hard, harder or more hard,


* When the fignification decreafes, the Comparative may be less wife, and the Superlative least wife; and fo of the reft,

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