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of its situation, was then admirably adapted for such a purpose, to himself and his followers, for the celebration of the offices of religion. Divine service having been previously performed within its walls, the church was re-consecrated, and dedicated by St. Augustine to the Virgin Mary. The mission of Augustine seems for some time to have proceeded slowly: Eadbald, the son of Ethelbert, on succeeding to the throne, relapsed into Paganism. He was, however, soon re-converted, when, as some atonement for his errors, he founded a college for twenty-four priests within the castle, as an appendage to the Church. But these ecclesiastics did not long retain possession; for in 690, Withred, King of Kent, removed the foundation to a new structure, which he had erected for the purpose in the adjacent town; considering that religious pursuits jarred with the din and confusion of military life. It is probable that the college in the castle was demolished at the same period, as no trace of its existence remains, nor has it ever been alluded to in any of the subsequent accounts of the place. Three chaplains, who wore the prebendal costume, in virtue of the rank and antiquity of the establishment, continued, however, to be attached to the church, and officiated until the period of the Reformation, when their number was reduced to one. Since 1690, principally in consequence of the dilapidated state of the structure, religious service has been wholly discontinued there.

It is impossible to behold the aged and time-worn ruins of this little Christian temple, surrounded as it is with all the "pomp and circumstance" of military power and defence, without feelings at once forcible and affecting. Whilst contemplating its shattered wall and crumbling tower, fast falling to decay, under the influence of the great destroyer, Time, we are led back to reflect on the circumstances

of its erection, till our mind becomes fixed on the great Author of our blessed Religion; and whilst we have outward demonstration before us of the truth of the preacher's saying, "That one generation passeth away, and another generation cometh, but all is vanity" in this lower world, we are the more forcibly struck with the importance of securing that better world which is promised to the faithful.

Of the existing state of the church, our engraving furnishes an accurate illustration. Its design was cruciform; the tower, which was originally higher than at present, is supported by four arches, of lofty proportion; the pilasters on their. north and south sides consist of squared stone, with a bead embracing the front of an elliptic arch. The latter is of a much more recent date than the other arches, which, including their pilasters, are composed of tiles, in the method practised by the Romans. The roof of the building, which extends to a length of about sixty feet, is entirely destroyed. The tower is quadrangular, each side measuring about twenty-eight feet.

The most cursory observer of this structure must remark that it has undergone, at various periods, extensive changes. The original roof appears to have been flat; on its removal, the windows of the church were greatly enlarged and elevated, the roof being rendered loftier. Subsequently, a still more ele vated roof, although more horizontal in its plan than the preceding, was raised, which remained until the last century. Various marks may be traced on the south-west side of the turret, which denote these changes, and it has been observed by an accurate topographer, that the triple columns in the angles of the tower, and the voussures extending from their capitals, also prove that part of the alterations were effected subsequently to the introduction of Gothic architecture into this country.



IN the city of Isfahan lived Ahmed, the cobbler, an honest and industrious man, whose wish was to pass through life quietly: but he had married a handsome wife, who was far from being contented with his humble sphere. Sittâra, such was her name, was ever forming foolish schemes of riches and grandeur; and though Ahmed never encouraged them, she continued to persuade herself that she was certainly destined to great fortune.

One evening, while in this temper of mind, she went to the Hemmâm, where she saw a lady retiring dressed in a magnificent robe, covered with jewels, and surrounded by slaves. On making inquiry, she learned it was the wife of the chief astrologer to the king. With this information she returned home. Her husband met her at the door, but was received with a frown; nor could all his caresses for several hours obtain a smile or a word: at length, she said; "Cease your caresses, unless you are ready to give me a proof that you really love me."

"What proof," exclaimed poor Ahmed, can you desire, which I will not give?" "Give over cobbling," said she, "turn astrologer; your fortune will be made, and I shall be happy."

"Astrologer," cried Ahmed; "have you forgotten who I am, that you want me to engage in a profession which requires so much skill and knowledge?”

"I neither think nor care about your qualifications," said the wife: "all I know is, that if you do not turn astrologer, I will be divorced from you.'

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The cobbler remonstrated, but in vain. The figure of the astrologer's wife had taken possession of Sittâra's imagination. She dreamt of nothing else. What could poor Ahmed do? He was dotingly fond of his wife; so he sold his little stock, and bought an astrolabe, an almanack, and a table of the signs of the zodiac. He then went to the market-place, crying, "I am an astrologer; I know the sun, the moon, the stars; I can calculate nativities; I can foretell every thing that is to happen."

A crowd soon gathered round him. What, friend Ahmed," said one, "have you worked till your head is turned?" "Are you tired of looking down at your last," cried another, "that you are now looking up at the planets?" and a thousand other jokes assailed his ears.


The king's jeweller, having lost the richest ruby belonging to the crown, looked forward to death as inevitable. In this state he reached the crowd, and asked what was the matter. Ahmed, the cobbler," said one, " is become an astrologer." The jeweller no sooner heard this, than he went up to Ahmed, and said, If you understand your art, you must be able to discover the king's ruby. Do so, and I will give you two hundred pieces of gold. But if you fail, I will take measures to have you put to death as an impostor."

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Poor Ahmed was thunderstruck, He stood long without being able to move, grieving that the wife whom he so loved, had, by her envy and selfishness, brought him to such a fearful alternative; at length he exclaimed aloud, "Oh woman, woman, thou art more baneful to the happiness of man than the poisonous dragon of the desert."

The ruby had been secreted by the jeweller's wife, who, disquieted by those alarms which ever attend guilt, had sent one of her female slaves to watch her husband. This slave, when she heard Ahmed compare a woman to a poisonous dragon, was satisfied that he must know every thing. She ran to her mistress, and cried, you are discovered,


my dear mistress, by a vile astrologer." She then related what she had seen and heard.

The jeweller's wife went in search of the astrologer, and throwing herself at his feet, cried, "Spare my honour and my life, and I will confess all."

"What can you have to confess to me?" exclaimed Ahmed, in amazement.

"Oh! nothing with which you are not already acquainted. I stole the ruby to punish my husband, who uses me cruelly, and I thought to obtain riches for myself, and to have him put to death. I beg only for mercy, and will do whatever you command."

Ahmed assumed much solemnity, and said, "Woman, it is fortunate for thee that thou hast come to confess and to beg for mercy. Return to thy house, put the ruby under thy husband's pillow, and thy guilt shall never be suspected." Ahmed followed her home, and told the jeweller that the ruby was lying under the pillow of his couch. The jeweller thought Ahmed must be crazy, but he ran to his couch and found the ruby in the place described. He came back to Ahmed, called him the preserver of his life, and gave him the two hundred pieces of gold, declaring he was the first astrologer of the age.

These praises conveyed no joy to the poor cobbler, who returned home more thankful for his preservation, than elated by his good fortune. His wife ran up to him, and exclaimed, "Well, my dear astrologer! what success?" "There," said Ahmed very gravely, "are two hundred pieces of gold! I hope you will be satisfied now, and not ask me again to hazard my life." Sittâra, however, saw nothing but the gold which would enable her to vie with the chief astrologer's wife. "Courage, my dear husband," she said, "this is only your first labour in your noble profession. Go on, and we shall become rich and happy." In vain Ahmed remonstrated. She accused him of not loving her, and ended with her usual threat of leaving him. Ahmed's heart melted, and he agreed to make another trial. Accordingly, next morning, he sallied forth, exclaiming, as before. A crowd again gathered round him, but it was now with wonder, not ridicule; for the voice of fame had converted the poor cobbler into the most learned astrologer of Isfahan.

While every body was gazing at him, a lady passed by veiled, having just lost at the Hemmâm a valuable necklace and ear-rings. She was in great alarm, but being told the story of the famous astrologer, she went up to Ahmed, saying, "Find my jewels, and I will give you fiity pieces of gold." The poor cobbler was confounded, and looked down, thinking only how to escape a public exposure of his ignorance. The lady had, in the crowd, torn the lower part of her veil. He noticed this, and wishing to inform her of it in a delicate manner, he whispered, "Lady, look down at the rent." Ahmed's speech brought at once to her mind how her loss could have occurred, and she exclaimed with delight, "Stay here, thou great astrologer, I will return immediately with the reward thou so well deservest." She did so, carrying in one hand the jewels, and in the other a pu

There is gold for thee," she said, "thou wo man, to whom all the secrets of nature a When thou desiredst me to look at the lected the rent near the bottom of bath-room, where I had hid ther home in peace, and it is all owi

Ahmed returned to his he Providence for his prese never again to temp renewed her entreati husband continue hi

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About this time the king's treasury was robbed of | but it was determined to send two men the next forty chests of gold and jewels. The officers of night, at the same hour. They reached the house state used all diligence to find the thieves, but in just as Ahmed received the second date, and heard vain. The king sent for his astrologer, and declared him exclaim, To-night there are two of them." that if the robbers were not detected by a stated The astonished thieves fled, and told their still intime, he, as well as the principal ministers, should be credulous comrades what they had heard. Three put to death. Only one day remained. All their men were consequently sent the third night, four the search had proved fruitless, when the astrologer was fourth, and so on. On the last they all went; and advised to send for the cobbler, who had become so Ahmed exclaimed aloud, "The number is complete! famous for his discoveries. "You see the effects of To-night the whole forty are here." your ambition," said Ahmed to his wife; "the king's astrologer has heard of my presumption, and will have me executed as an impostor."

On entering the palace, he was surprised to see the chief astrologer come forward to receive him, and not less so to hear himself thus addressed: "The ways of heaven, most learned Ahmed, are unsearchable; the high are often cast down, and the low are lifted up; it is my turn now to be depressed by fate, it is thine to be exalted by fortune.' This speech was interrupted by a messenger from the king, who desired the attendance of Ahmed. When he came into the king's presence, he bent his body to the ground, and wished his majesty long life and prosperity. "Tell me, Ahmed," said the king, "who has stolen my treasure?" "There were forty thieves concerned," answered Ahmed. "Who were they," said the king, " and what have they done with my gold and jewels?" "These questions," said Ahmed, I cannot now answer; but I hope to satisfy your majesty, if you will grant me forty days to make my calculations." "I do so," said the king, "but when they are past, if my treasure is not found, your life shall pay the forfeit."

Ahmed returned to his house well pleased, for he resolved to fly from a city where his fame was likely to be his ruin. On imparting this resolution to his wife, she said to him with scorn, "Hear me, Ahmed! I am determined thou shalt not escape; and shouldst thou attempt to run away, I will inform the king's officers, and have thee put to death, even before the forty days are expired. Thou knowest me too well to doubt my keeping my word. So take courage, and endeavour to make thy fortune." The poor cobbler was dismayed at this speech. "Well," said he, "your will shall be obeyed. You know I am no scholar, and have little skill in reckoning; so there are forty dates: give me one of them every night after I have said my prayers, that I may put them in a jar, and by counting them, may always see how many are gone of the few days which I have to live."


Meanwhile, the thieves had received accurate information of every measure taken to discover them. One of them was among the crowd when the king sent for Ahmed, and hearing that he had declared their exact number, he ran to his comrades and exclaimed, "We are all found out! Ahmed has told the king that there are forty of us." "There needed no astrologer to tell that," said the captain. "Forty chests having been stolen, he naturally guessed that there must be forty thieves that is all: still it is prudent to watch him. One of us must go to-night to the terrace of his house, and listen to his conversation with his wife: he will, no doubt, tell her what success he has had in his endeavours to detect us." Soon after nightfall, one of the thieves repaired to the terrace, just as the cobbler had finished his prayers, and his wife was giving him the first date. "Ah!" said Ahmed, as he took it, "there is one of the forty." The thief, hearing these words, hastened to the gang and told them, that the moment he took his post, Ahmed said to his wife, that one of them was there. The spy's tale was not believed,

All doubts were now removed. Even the captain yielded, and declared that it was hopeless to clude a man thus gifted. He therefore advised that they should make a friend of the cobbler, by bribing him with a share of the booty. His advice was approved of; and an hour before dawn, they knocked at Ahmed's door. The poor man jumped out of bed, and supposing the soldiers were come to lead him to execution, cried out, "I know what you are come for. It is an unjust and wicked deed."

"Most wonderful man!" said the captain, we are convinced that thou knowest why we are come. Here are two thousand pieces of gold, which we will give thee, provided thou wilt say nothing more about the matter." "Say nothing about it!" said Ahmed. "Do you think it possible I can suffer such gross wrong and injustice, without making it known to all the world?" "Have mercy on us! exclaimed the thieves, " only spare our lives, and we will restore the royal treasure."

The cobbler started, rubbed his eyes, and being satisfied that he was awake, and that the thieves were really before him, he said in a solemn tone, "Guilty men! ye are persuaded ye cannot escape from my penetration, which knows the position of every star in the heavens. Your repentance has saved you. But ye must restore all that ye have stolen. Go straightway, carry the forty chests exactly as ye found them, and bury them a foot deep, under the southern wall of the old ruined Hemmâm. If ye do this punctually, your lives are spared: if ye fail, destruction will fall upon you and your families."

The thieves promised obedience and departed. About two hours after, the royal guard came, and desired Ahmed to follow them. Without imparting to his wife what had occurred, he bade her farewell affectionately, and she exhorted him to be of good cheer.

A reward suited to their merits awaited Ahmed and his wife. The good man stood with a cheerful countenance before the king, who, on his arrival, immediately said, "Ahmed, thy looks are promising; hast thou discovered my treasure?" "Does your majesty require the thieves, or the treasure? The stars will only grant one or the other," said Ahmed; "I can deliver up either, not both." "I should be sorry not to punish the thieves," answered the king: "but if it must be so, I choose the treasure." "And you give the thieves a full and free pardon?" do, provided I find my treasure untouched." "Then," said Ahmed, "if your majesty will follow me, the treasure shall be restored."

" I

The king and all his nobles followed the cobbler to the ruins of the old Hemmâm. There, casting his eyes toward Heaven, Ahmed muttered some sounds, which were supposed by the spectators to be magical conjurations, but which were, in reality, the prayers and thanksgivings of a sincere and pious heart for a wonderful deliverance. He then pointed to the wall, and requested his majesty would order his attendants to dig there. The work was hardly begun, when the forty chests were found with the treasurer's seal still unbroken,

The king's joy knew no bounds: he immediately appointed Ahmed his chief astrologer, assigned to him an apartment in the palace, and declared that he should marry his only daughter. The young princess was not dissatisfied with her father's choice; for her mind was stored with virtue, and she had learnt to value the talents which she believed Ahmed to possess. The royal will was carried into execution as soon as formed, and the change did not alter the character of Ahmed. As he had been meek and humble in adversity, he was modest and gentle in prosperity. Conscious of his own ignorance, he continued to ascribe his good fortune solely to the favour of Providence. He became daily more attached to the beautiful and virtuous princess whom he had married; and he could not help contrasting her character with that of his former wife, whom he had ceased to love, and of whose unreasonable and unfeeling vanity he was now fully sensible.

chief astrologer's wife at the Hemmâm; thereby affording a salutary lesson to those who admit envy. into their bosoms, and endeavour to obtain their ends by unreasonable and unjustifiable means.

In the mean time the good cobbler had been nominated vizier; and the same virtue which had obtained him respect in the humblest sphere of life, caused him to be loved and esteemed in the high station to which he was elevated.

[Abridged from Sketches of Persia.]

HAPPY were it for us all, if we bore prosperity as well and
wisely as we endure an adverse fortune.
The reason
wherefore it is not so, I suppose to be, that the same dispo
sition which in the one state ferments into pride, in the
other is refined into fortitude; and that the cares, which
eat the heart, are less injurious to our spiritual nature, than
vanities that inflate it and corrupt it.-SOUTHEY.
EVERY sensual pleasure, and every day of idleness and
useless living, lops off a branch from our short life.-

THE cares, and toils, and necessities, the refreshments and
delights, of common life, are the great teachers of common
sense: nor can there be any effective school of sober reason,
where these are excluded. Whoever, either by elevation
of rank, or peculiarity of habits, lives far removed from this
kind of tuition, rarely makes much proficiency in that
excellent quality of the intellect. A man who has little or
nothing to do with other men, on terms of open and free
equality, needs the native sense of five, to behave himself
with only a fair average of propriety. History of

Sittara saw with despair that her wishes for his advancement had been more than accomplished, but that all her own desires had been entirely frustrated. Her husband was chief astrologer; he was rich enough to enable his wife to surpass all the ladies of Isfahan, whenever she went to the Hemmâm: but he had married a princess, and his former cruel and unprincipled wife was, according to the custom of the country, banished from his house, and condemned to live on whatever pittance she might receive from a man whose love and esteem she had forfeited. These thoughts distracted her, and she now became anxious only for his destruction. An Ir hath been observed by wise and considering men, that opportunity of attempting to indulge her revengeful wealth hath seldom been the portion, and never the mark feelings was not long wanting. Her designs, how-to discover good people; but that Almighty Gon, who ever, were discovered, but her guilt was pardoned. She was left with a mere subsistence, a prey to disappointment; for she continued to the last to sigh for that splendour she had seen displayed by the

disposeth all things wisely, hath of his abundant goodness hath enriched with the greater blessings of knowledge and denied it (He only knows why) to many, whose minds he virtue, as the fairer testimonies of his love to mankind.IZAAK WALTON.


THE CRATER ON THE PEAK OF TENERIFFE. See page 131. LONDON Published by JOHN WILLIAM PARKER, WEST STRAND; and sold by all Booksellers.

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