Imágenes de páginas


destruction of monasteries, 184accusations of falsehood against the Queen Regent, 185-187-his repetition of current slanders, 187 -self-deception, 188-his views on the relations of Church and State, 189-Mr Mathieson's book, ib.-| Mrs MacCunn's works on 'Knox and Mary Stuart,' 191-humility of Knox, 193-his relations with his mother-in-law, ib.-last hours, 194.

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Knox, Philander, and the American

consular service, 215, 457.

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Kotzebue, A. F. F. von, on the beauty
of Terracina, 215, 383.
Krapp, J. L., his mission work at

Mombasa, 221, 236.

Kraus, F. X., Dante, sein Leben und sein Werk,' 213, 402.


Kromayer, J., Roms Kampf um die Weltherrschaft,' 217, 329, 344. Kruger, Paul, declares war with England, 204, 293-character of his administration of the Transvaal, 209, 437.

Kuhlmann, Baron von, Councillor
of Embassy, his opinion of England,
221, 447.

Knudtzon, J. A., 'Die El-Amarna
Tafeln,' 212, 88 note.
Koch, Dr, his discovery of the Kulm, battle of, 219, 532.
tubercle bacillus, 213, 54.

Koebel, W. H., Argentina, Past and
Present,' 213, 451.

Koeppel, Prof., on the characteristics
of Massinger, 220, 44.



Dietrich, Reformations

pläne,' 220, 116.

Kurbski, M., his first impressions of
Tolstoy, 211, 184.

Kurds, their characteristics, 210, 250
-treatment by the Young Turks,
216, 213.

Kuroki, General, in command of the
Japanese army, 202, 282.

Kohler, Dr J., Zur Urgeschichte der Kuropatkin, General, in command of

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Ehe,' 203, 441.

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the Russian army, 202, 284. Kurth, Godefroi, 'Histoire poêtique des Merovingiens,' 208, 553. Kutzo-Vlachs, 218, 478-their history and origin, 210, 681-dialect, 682 -influence of the Greeks, ib.-their characteristics, 220, 521.

Kuzmin, M., character of his plays,
217, 37.
Kuzmisky, Senator, his report of
the pogrom in Odessa, 205, 600.
Kwannon, the goddess of Mercy,
208, 113.


LABERTHONNIÈRE. Laberthonnière, Abbé L., ‘Le Réalisme Chrétien et l'Idéalisme Grec,' 210, 588.

Labour and Capital, relations between, 215, 574- Solidarity,' 575 et seq. -Colonies, views on, 204, 245— proposed establishment, 209, 407 -Commission, result of, 210, 78Co-partnership Association, 219, 514, 525.

disputes, system of wholesale industrial war, 213, 579—policy of conciliation, 215, 590-compulsory arbitration, 591.

Exchanges, the Central, 204, 240-result of, 210, 569-establishment of, 213, 568.

Organised, and the War, 221, 478—action of the Triple Alliance of Labour, 479-result of the


Labourers, agricultural, decrease in
the number, 202, 260-condition,
218, 496-498, 503, 507-revolt,
498-hours of work, 507—housing,
ib.-amount of wages, 507; 219,
589-scarcity of cottages, 219, 590
-the value of ownership, 611.
Labrador, 216, 400-extent, 401, 412
-formation, 401.

Labruzzi, C., his sketches of the
Alban Hills, 218, 344.
Lacaussade, M., his translation of
'La Ginestra,' 218, 3 note.
Lacombe, Paul, 'Bibliographie des
Travaux de M. Léopold Delisle,'
214, 483.

Ladysmith, siege of, 205, 149, 155.
Lafaye, Georges, ' Les Métamorphoses
d'Ovide,' 210, 455.

poetry, 211, 145-his gift of irony, ib.

meeting of the Trades Unions, 481-Laforgue, Jules, characteristics of his the building strike in London, ib.dock strike at Liverpool, 482-cooperation and loyalty, 483, 484relief of distress caused by the war, 484-resignation of J. R. MacDonald, 485.

party, exaggerated strength of the movement, 204, 582-584-disadvantages, 583-policy, 210, 623; 213, 577-dependent position, 212,

Lagarde, P. A. de, his opinion of St
Paul, 220, 46.

Lagden, Sir G., his history of Basu-
toland, 212, 125 note.
Lagrange, Father J. M.,

'Historical Criticism and the Old Testament,' 206, 173.

587-formation, 213, 167, 174— La Hogue, battle of, 203, 629.

total number, 174 programme,

176 character of the members, Laing, D.,

580-their opposition to the In

The Works of John

Knox,' 205, 170.

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surance Bill, 215, 557-grievances, Lake, K., The Earlier Epistles of St

217, 567-loss of influence, 568.

Paul,' 220, 45.



Lamaism theology, 203, 202-a combination of Vishnu and Sivaism, 208 similarity to the Roman Catholic Church, 214-sacerdotalism, 216-services, 218-character. 219-a division of Buddhism, 207, 372.

Lamb, Lady Caroline, her relations with Lord Byron, 212, 16.

Charles, his resemblance to Canon Ainger, 202, 191-his popularity, 204, 163-E. V. Lucas' edition of his life, 164, 167, 177his offer of marriage to Miss Kelly, 164, 178-his sister Mary, 165-opinion of Coleridge's poetry, 166-compared with Hazlitt, 168, 180-his criticism of Shakespeare, 173-176- Rosamund Gray,' 176'Detached Thoughts on Books and Reading,' 179-his criticism of poetry, 181-passion for pictures, 182-tribute to Wordsworth, 184 -on the condition of the child chimney-sweeper, 205, 34-on Sir J. Reynolds's Ugolino,' 211, 408his description of a poor relation, 216, 306.

Mary, friendship with her brother, 204, 165-wit and wisdom, ib.-visit to Cambridge, 166. Lamballe, Princesse de, her execution, 211, 59.

Lampeduza, the island, 202, 351. Lampros, Sp. P., 'Medieval History of Athens,' and other works edited by, 206, 97; 207, 402.

Lamy, M., his criticisms of 'Histoire ancienne de l'Église,' 221, 18, 21-23. Lancashire, statistics on the number of school-places, 204, 606.

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tions of Ancient Rome,' 106"Wanderings in the Roman Campagna,' 218, 330.

Land Acts, Irish, 204, 297; 205, 576, 584; 211, 620, 624-628.

Campaigns, The Two, 219, 582-Tables I-VII, 583-586-decline of the rural population, 587-pressure of foreign competition, ib.— causes of unremunerative agricul ture, 588-need for capital, ib.low rate of wages, 589-position of the labourer, ib.-scarcity of houses, 590-the break-up of large landed estates, 591-policy of statesmen, 592-the Government scheme, 593 -result of the secret enquiry, 594 -creation of Wages Boards, 595597-of Land Courts, 597-602-the Unionist policy, 603-614-restoration of confidence, 605-the sale of farms, ib.-system of purchase, 606 -extension of small holdings, 608 -result of the Radical plan, 609of the Unionist plan, 610-the reconstruction of village life, 611result of ownership, 612-provision of allotments, ib.-powers of the Parish Councils, 613.

the, and Co-operative Credit Societies, 214, 299. See Co-operative.

Courts, proposed establishment, 219, 597-602.

ownership versus tenancy, 218, 493-changes caused by the enclosure system, 494, 501.

Policy of the Government, 207, 222-Small Holdings Bill for England and Scotland, ib.-definition of a small holding, 223-terms of purchase, 224-powers of the Crofters' and Congested Districts Commissioners, 225-method of obtaining, 226-result of the Small Holdings Act, ib.-recommendations of the Committee, 227-229

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Lane, William, his work for Labour in Australia, 206, 322. Lane-Poole, Stanley, 'Moors Spain,' extract from, 211, 488'India in the Seventeenth Century,' 212, 456-'The Author of Vathek," 213, 377--'Swift's Correspondence,' 218, 49.

Lanessan, M. de, his article on the recent history of the French fleet, 209, 486.

Lang, Andrew, 'The Aborigines of Australia,' 203, 441-' John Knox and the Reformation,' 205, 181, 183-Mystery of Mary Stuart,' Homer and His Age, 209,

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74 The Secret of the Totem,' 207, 174; 215, 108, 109-his 'Life

of Lockhart,' 210, 775 noteGrass of Parnassus,' 215, 29—


'Social Origins,' 100, 108-History of Scotland,' 400-' Myth, Ritual and Religion,' 427, 437— his views on cricket, 217, 509.

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Lang, Andrew, 218, 299—his sketch of the history of St Andrews, ib.'Pickle the Spy,' 300- The Companions of Pickle,' ib.-' Prince Charles Edward,' 301-The King over the Waters,' 302-' History of Scotland,' 303-characteristics of the book, 303-306- The Mystery of Mary Stuart,' 306- The Gowrie Conspiracy,' 307- John Knox and the Reformation,' ib.-The Maid of France,' 308- Custom and Myth,' 309-his early initiation of folklore, ib.-study of Greek literature, 310-influence of Prof. Tylor's works, ib.-his article 'Mythology and Fairy-tales,' 311— Bible reading, ib.-views on primi tive forms of religion, 312-316'Myth, Ritual and Religion,' 316— views on totemism, 316-318-his indulgence in fumisterie, 318translation of the Odyssey, 319'Homer and the Epic,' ib.-'Homer and his Age,' 320-The World of Homer,' 321-Homeric Hymns, ib. -character of his poetry, 323-325

-Helen of Troy,' 325-' Old Friends,' ib.-' The Mark of Cain,' 326-his thirst for reading, and his retentive memory, 327-position as a critic, ib.- 'Letters to Dead Authors,' 328-' History of English Literature,' 329-his biography of Lockhart, ib.

Dr A., his paper on the 'Conversion' of Calvin, 203, 430.

Langham, history of the, 205, 548.

Langlois, C. V., and H. Stein, ‘Les

Archives de l'Histoire de France,' 212, 32.

Language, a conventional element in literary art, 204, 33.




Languages, School of, at Cambridge, Latin, importance of the accent, 215,

204, 505, 517. Lansbury, Mr, on the effects of municipal relief on the unemployed, 202, 634, 642.

Lansdowne, Lord, on the AngloJapanese Agreement, 203, 608, 609 -on the question of privilege in the Houses of Parliament, 211, 256, 259-his proposal for regulating the relations between the Houses, 214, 285-287-his series of Resolutions, 215, 295-Reconstitution Bill, 296-character of his amendment, 303-his impression of George Wyndham, 219, 292result of his measure closing the Indian mints to the free coinage of silver, 485-on the Home Rule Bill, 220, 276-his views on the Amending Bill, 221, 290.

Lanz, Karl, 'Chronik des Edlen En Ramon Muntauer,' edited by, 206, 97.

Lapayrère, Vice-Admiral de, Com

mander-in-Chief of the French Metropolitan Fleet, 221, 577. Larned, Professor J. N., Literature of American History,' edited by, 202, 90.

Laroche, Hector, his translation of the Furioso,' 208, 126.


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Laughlin, J. L., Principles of Money,' 217, 490.

Laughton, Prof. J. K., his naval biographies, 202, 146-introduction to the Armada papers, 156-' The Centenary of Trafalgar,' 203, 611. Laureateship, qualifications for the, 219, 233.

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, on the tariff policy of Canada, 202, 556-on the allegiance of nations to the Sovereign, 206, 8-on the scheme of preferential tariffs, 13-his views on the preferential trade question at the Colonial Conference, 207, 273, 274-his opposition to the title of 'Imperial Council,' 281-on the interval between the meetings, 282 -his proposal of a fast steamship service with the Colonies, 294his administration of Canada, 209, 177, 191-his objections to the proposed Imperial Council of Defence, 215, 280-his proposal of a Commission to visit all Dominions, 284-his views on the privileges of a British subject, 220, 2. Lavalleé, Joseph, 'Le Livre de Chasse,' edited by, 209, 353.

Laveleye, Emile de, 'Le Gouvernment

dans la Démocratie,' 203, 170. Lavisse, E., 'Histoire de France,' edited by, 204, 438; 210, 527; 214, 348.

Law, Trade-Unions and The, 204, 481.

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