Imágenes de páginas

Chrift, and from love to his name. We plead noti for waste or profufion, but, on the contrary, incul-. cate frugality, with the view of promoting a more enlarged benevolence. Let not charity, however, be a mere pretence: let it appear in liberal exertions. There is a fenfe, in which we may fay to every individual among us, You carry the bag, and are intrufted with your Lord's money. Prefume not to fpend the whole upon yourfelves, nor yet refuse to apply it to the proper ufes. Remember the injunc-. tion of your Mafter," that you fhould give fomething for the poor*.” Ah! in how many ways may you prove unfaithful ftewards! Though you deteft robbery, yet are there no juft claims, which you. withhold? Or do you not resemble the traitor, by acting from far different motives in fecret, than thofe. which you profefs before the world?

Judas, probably, practifed much caution and re ferve in his behaviour, that he might conceal his real: character. One fin may prevent or counteract another. A covetous man, merely through parfimony, abstains from that kind of fenfuality, which is expenfive; and a hypocrite, through fear of detection, ftudies to avoid open and grofs immoralities. Such an one must throw off the mafk, before he can affociate with the profligate and profane. To maintain his reputation for fanctity, he will conform to many religious obfervances, which he diflikes, and put himfelf under painful reftraints. In this refpect Judas acted his part fo well, that he escaped the fufpicion of his brethren the Apoftles. Alas! we apprehend, that fome among ourselves may affume and retain the garb of piety, with no better difpofition. Yet we allow, that we are not warranted in drawing any unfavourable conclufions againft individuals, in whom no inconfiftency appears. Nay,

*John xiii. 29.


we should cherish the most charitable hopes of each other, as far and as long as we can. But though there may be much infincerity, which is not difcoall things are naked and opened

vered among men, unto the eyes of Him, with whom we have to do *."

Our Lord, being perfectly aware of the character of Judas, more than once def.ribed his cafe, reproved him for his bale defigns, and warned him of his danger. This very circumttance aggravates his guilt; as he finned not in ignorance, but again folemn admonitions. When many difciples withdrew, and it feemed dubious whether even the Apoles would remain, Jefus exclaimed, "Have not I chofen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?" And this, the Evangelift obferves, he spake of Judas Ifcariot, who had then, probably, formed the fcheme of betraying his Master +.

At the laft fupper, when Jefus washed the feet of his difciples, he declared in the hearing of them all, that there was one of unfound character in their company: "Yo are clean," said he, "but not all: for he knew who should betray him." And again he affirmed, "I fpeak not of you all; I know whom I have chofen: but that the fcripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me, hath lift up his heel against me." Then, with expreflions of deep diftrefs, he repeated the warning, that there was treachery among them, and' that he thould foon be delivered to his enemies through the bafe perfidy of one, who fat with him at the table S. His information became ftill more particular, and his reference to Judas too clear to be doubted. At the fame time, he added a tremendous denunciation of divine vengeance againt the wretch, who fhould dare to perpetrate fo horrible a crime.

Heb. iv. 13. John vi. 70, 71. xiii. 1o, 11, 18. § Matt. xxvi. 20-29. Mar. xiv. 17-25. Luke xxii. 14-23. John xiii. 21-26.


Judas was not ignorant from the firft, that he was the perfon meant; for the diabolical plan had been previously laid, and he waited only for an opportunity to carry it into effect.. But did not his Lord's admonitions terrify and confound him? Did they not, at leaft, divert him from his purpofe? Could he be fo obdurate, as to perfift in his refolution, and, with his eyes open, rush on to everlasting deftruction? Ah! what defperate hardness of heart; what extreme madness was here! The traitor, as if he were unmoved, and unconfcious of thofe defigns which were imputed to him, dared to afk, "Mafter,. is it I?" and immediately Jefus replied, that he was the very man. Yet even this, it should feem, produced no alteration.

His impious effrontery will appear the more aftonifhing, if we allow, what is highly probable, that. Judas, as well as the reft, partook of the Eucharift, or the folemn ordinance of the Lord's fupper *. But,, being aware of the extent of human depravity, we cease to wonder at any enormity. Rather, we are. amazed at the forbearance of our God, who could. fuffer one of fo abandoned a difpofition to trifle with. and profane his moft facred inftitutions. Similar cafes occur among ourselves: nor can they be entirely prevented by any exertions of ecclefiaftical dif cipline. The Lord permits hypocrites to proceed. to fuch lengths, for the difplay of his own juftice. in the final iffue. With hearts full of all unrighteoufnefs, they may frequent his house and table: but at laft they will have to render an awful account of thefe their religious performances, and "receive the greater damnation +."

If they be plainly warned by their friends or minifters, this, alfo, will aggravate their guilt, and conftitute a heavy charge against them at the day of

See Luke xxii. 20, 21. † Matt. xxiii. 14,


judgment. Ọ that they would liften to the reprefentations and entreaties of their faithful monitors; that they would pause, and confider the event, and not perfevere in defiance of everlasting perdition! It is a favourable fign, when men examine themselves, and pray earnestly to be delivered from all duplicity of mind and perfidious conduct. Then are they least likely to fin or to perifh as the traitor did.

Our Lord having frequently declared the approach of his own death, Judas probably began to fear, that all his schemes and expectations of worldly advancement would be defeated, and wished to obtain the best compenfation poffible for his disappointment. The infamous wretch, therefore, entered into a contract with the Jewish rulers, to betray his Mafter into their hands for a trifling fum; and from that time he fought an opportunity of doing it in a private manner*. It is faid, that he was inftigated by the Devil; but this is not to be confidered as any excufe. Satan, doubtlefs, takes advantage of our evil inclinations; and he may be permitted to affift us in contriving and executing our projects: yet the guilt is entirely our own. As it was Judas's plan and defire to procure money, Satan fuggefted this method of gratifying his wishes, and continued to urge him to it, till the iniquitous purpose was accomplished.

After the folemn admonitions of Chrift, Judas, inftead of relenting, gave himself up, without referve, to the influence of the accurfed fiend; and, perhaps indignant on being fufpected and discovered, he proceeded immediately to perpetrate his bafe defignt. According to the plot, which had been laid, he confented to conduct an armed band of ruffians, in order to apprehend his Mafter t. He knew the

* Matt. xxvi. 14-16. Mar. xiv. 10, 11. + John xiii. 27-30. Matt. xxvi. 47-5e. Luke xxii. 47-54. John xviii. 2-12.

Luke xxii. 3-6.
Mar. xiv. 43—46.


garden, where Jefus had been accustomed to retire for devotion, and where he himself, probably, had frequently joined with him in prayer. O how different the end, for which he now repaired to Gethfemane! He undertook to be a guide and affiftant to thofe, who were filled with murderous rage against his Lord. With this intent he went up to Jefus, and, pretending reverence and love, faluted him. That was the appointed fignal for feizing him and thus, by the aid of a perfidious Apoftie, the Saviour was betrayed into the hands of wicked men to be crucified and flain.

We view the tranfation with amazement and horror. The fin of the traitor is marked with peculiar aggravations. We are ready to afk, Is this the treatment, which the benevolent and holy Jefus deferved? Or fhall we wonder at the oppofition of the ignorant and openly profane, when one of his moft intimate affociates rifes up againft him? Da not the former profeflions of Judas, and the facred function he fuftained, render his conduct the more deteftable? Can we conceive a more confummate hypocrite, or a baser act of treachery? How pungent the reproof, addreffed to him, "Betrayeft thou the Son of man with a kifs ?" Convinced as thou art of his high character, how canft thou favour the defigns of his enemies? Or why doft thou affume the mafk of friendship, in order to practife thy villany? What is the advantage propofed? Is Jefus to be bartered away for thirty pieces of filver, the price of a common flave? And is eternal life to be given up for fo mein a confideration?

There are many ways, in which we ourselves may act the fame diabolical part. While we pretend a high regard for Chrift, we may expofe his caufe to contempt, embolden blafphemers to vent their impiety, and even teach them to do it with fuccefs. But has he merited fuch a return for all his kindness?


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