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He was born in the south of France in 1510. The earnestness of his character grew with his years; and with all the passion of an artist he devoted himself to his work. Chancing to see a Faience cup, an Italian kind of pottery greatly prized, he was seized with a passion to discover the secret of white enamel, and for sixteen years devoted his life to this one single object.

Through poverty and reproaches and neglect, he worked all those long years. At length his enthusiasm was rewarded by the discovery of what he sought. Suddenly he became famous in France. His beautiful and delicate work was sought by the queen and the nobles, and himself lodged near the palace, and protected by a special order.

He had need of this especial protection, for he was a Huguenot-a Protestant attached to his religion with all the fervour with which he was devoted to his art. And he lived in those evil days when Catherine de Medici was queen.

But the luxurious court could not spare the devout potter. The lovely cups and vases which his skilful fingers fashioned, with their graceful forms and tender and pure colours; the beautiful and costly things, so precious to the eye and grateful to the pride of the queen, made the life of the workman valuable. So Palissy lived safe near the palace.

He was sometimes able, though very feebly, to share this protection with his friends.

For Philibert Hamelin, the Reformer of Saintonge,' once and again he pleaded, and not without effect. He himself relates how he went to the magistrates, telling them they had imprisoned a prophet or angel of

God, sent to proclaim His word and sentence of condemnation against men, in these last days, assuring them that I had known Philibert Hamelin for eleven years, and that he was a man of so holy a life that other men seemed to me but devils in comparison.'

And, although such intercession did not win Hamelin's release, it softened his imprisonment and exempted him from many of the hardships to which the other prisoners on the same charge of heresy were subjected. But not long afterwards he was martyred for his faith at Bordeaux.

Palissy lived on near the palace, worshipping God according to his own conscience, and busy day after day with his beautiful pottery. From the dreadful massacre of St. Bartholomew, he was exempted by name. Paris was full of protestants who had come to the marriage of Henry of Navarre. Queen Catherine de Medici invited them from all parts of France with special marks of favour, and promises of welcome and pardon. Henry of Navarre was the champion of the protestants, their peculiar friend. So from all the provinces they came, joyfully and fearlessly, to do honour to his marriage day. And, while the feasting and rejoicing was still at its height, the soldiers went through the city by the wicked queen's command, and through three dreadful days and nights slew the Protestants of whatever rank or age. The doors of the houses where they lodged had been marked by white crosses. By a special exemption of the queen, Palissy, among all the Huguenots, was alone to be spared.

For sixteen years longer he lived protected by his famous art. At the end of that time he was seized and thrown into prison as a heretic.

The work of his life was done. The grand saloons of Paris were filled with his lovely art, the exquisite form and colour that Palissy's hand had wrought. They did not need him any more. So, old and feeble, he lay in his prison cell, till nearly two years had past, and then God set him free. He died in the prison of the Bastille, in the year 1590.

H. W. H. W.

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"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge,



nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.'-ECCLES. 9. 10.

ISTEN to the water-mill!
Through the livelong day,

How the clicking of its wheel
Wears the hours away!
Languidly the autumn wind
Stirs the forest leaves;
From the fields the reapers sing,
Binding up their sheaves;
And a proverb haunts my mind
As a spell is cast:
The mill cannot grind

With the water that is past.'

Autumn winds revive no more
Leaves that once are shed,
And the sickle cannot reap
Corn once gathered;
Flows the ruffled streamlet on,
Tranquil, deep, and still,
Never gliding back again
To the water-mill.
Truly speaks that proverb old,
With a meaning vast-
6 The mill cannot grind

With the water that is past.'

Take the lesson to thyself,

True and loving heart;

Golden Youth is fleeting by,
Summer hours depart;

Learn to make the most of life,
Lose no happy day,

Time will never bring thee back
Chances swept away!

Leave no tender word unsaid,
Love while love shall last;
The mill cannot grind

With the water that is past.'

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Work while yet the daylight shines,
Man of strength and will!
Never does the streamlet glide
Useless by the mill;

Wait not till to-morrow's sun
Beams upon thy way,

All that thou canst call thine own
Lies in thy 'to-day';
Power, and intellect, and health
May not always last;
'The mill cannot grind

With the water that is past.'







Y dear young friends,-I have been asked to give you a short account of the Children's Scripture Union, in the belief that you would be interested to know what many boys and girls are doing all over Great Britain, and in many foreign countries, with the Word of God.

In March this year, the thought occurred to some friends, who are constantly doing all they can to make young people happy in Jesus and His love,' that, as the grownup people had two large Bible Unions, the little people ought to have one too. So they asked God's blessing on the work, began in real earnest, and now, as Mr T. B. Bishop, the Honorary Secretary, reports in his yearly account of the Children's Special Service Mission, there are from 20,000 to 25,000 girl and boy members belonging to the Union.

I will tell you how all this is done. Mr Bishop having begun it, invited ladies in many towns and suburbs to take a number of cards whereon the portions of Scripture to be read are printed-from twelve to sixteen verses-beginning with St. Matthew's Gospel on the first of April last, and going on to December, when the young reader will require a new card. Before the boy or girl can become a member, he or she has to fill in his or her name on a

printed invitation issued by the lady who is local secretary of the Branch thus formed; and, on returning it, he or she will receive the card of membership. The reading of God's Holy Word may then be systematically begun; and every Sabbath morning each young member prays for all the other members of the Scripture Union, that the reading may be blessed to them.

There are over 320 of these Branch Unions-some having 25, others 50, others 100 members each; very often weekly meetings are held-one lady having 200 children attending her week-evening service. In the Perthshire Highlands another lady has 100 children at her house on Sunday afternoons; and a lady in York

shire town has three week-evening services, attended by 400 children and young people. Branches are formed in boarding schools, day schools, Sunday schools, and in orphan homes; and others by ladies among their own acquaintance. Then each Branch has its own name, such as the 'Lily,' the 'Immanuel' '-or other distinctive title.

Would you not like to join? To feel that you were reading and praying with 25,000 other boys and girls? And then, if you are an earnest little follower of Jesus, you may do something for Him: you may persuade others to join-those who need a helping hand from their young friends, and who do not yet love God's Book. Wont you try, for Jesus' sake, to do something for others? A little girl in Yorkshire, only eleven years old, has formed a branch of 91 members! Would not you like to do something like this among your little friends? Anything you want to know about the Union you may write down and direct to Mr T. B. Bishop, 71 Thistle Grove, South Kensington, London, S.W., and he will gladly give you all particulars. May the Lord Jesus bless you, and guide you unto Himself!



'He shall go over before.'-Deut. 3. 28.

JOSHUA was a type of Christ in many things. God gave him to be 'a leader and commander of the people.' He was their captain in war, and their saviour from their enemies.

In this verse God told Moses that Joshua should go over before the people into Canaan, and 'cause them to inherit the land.'

This is what the Lord Jesus Christ has

done for us. He has gone before, in front of, the great army of the living God who have crossed or have yet to cross the river of death. His blessed feet have passed that river, and made the crossing easy for us; so that the dark waters shall never overflow one of us, not even a little child.


He has gone before us into the beautiful land to prepare the many mansions for us. He is there, waiting for us, ready to give us His own most sweet and gracious welcome to His own fair country, as soon as our feet have crossed the river.

Will you fear to go where Jesus has gone before? Will you fear to go where He is? You know you must die. You know that even little children die who are much younger than you. And very likely you do not like to think about dying. I do not think you need think at all about lying cold and dead and being put in the grave. When that does come, it will not matter to you in the least. If Jesus is your Saviour, if He takes away your sins, death will only be like being carried in a minute across a narrow stream, and meeting the loving and glorious One on the other side, where He is gone over before. Nay, rather, He will come and fetch you Himself into the 'pleasant land,' and He will 'cause you to inherit' it, so that it will be your own land, your own beautiful and holy and glorious home for ever.

'Praying for His children,
In that blessed place,
Calling them to glory,
Sending them His grace;

"His bright home preparing,
Little ones, for you;

Jesus ever liveth,

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Ever loveth too.' (From 'Little Pillows.') FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERGAL.

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What is it, to be of the world? Psa. 17. 14. Eph. 2. 2, 3, 12.

What gods do they that are of the world

worship? 1 Tim. 6. 10; 5. 6. Phil. 3. 19. Who alone can draw men's hearts away from earthly things? John 12. 32. Mat. 4. 19-22. Luke 19. 5, 8.

By what stronger love does Jesus expel the love of the world from the heart? Mat. 6. 20, 21. Col. 3. 2. Phil. 3. 20. Ruth 1. 16. How does the believer use the things of this world? 1 Tim. 6. 18. 1 Cor. 7. 31. Heb. 13. 16.

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THREE Prizes are offered for the Best Essays on the following subject:

'What evidence have we that the Bible is the inspired Word of God?'

The competitors must not be above 15 years of age. The Essays not to exceed in length three pages of the Dayspring'; and the MSS., accompanied with a sealed envelope, giving the name and address of the competitor, must be addressed to the Rev. JOHN KAY, 2 Cumin Place, Edinburgh, and reach him not later than the 29th of Nov., 1879.

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