Imágenes de páginas

ing for the defence of her independance. Under these circumstances, lieutenant-general sir D. Baird, commander of the British division in Castile and Leon, informs the royal subjects of these kingdoms, that he has just received orders from his excellency sir J. Moore, cominander in chief of his Britannic majesty's army in Spain, to unite his forces with those of the said general, without loss of time, by the road of Portugal. The object of this movement is in no respect to evacuate Spain, or to abandon a cause so dear to Great Britain. The only design is to combine the whole of the British forces, in order to enable them to act in a situation where they can render their services more beneficial. Gallicia, strong by natare, does not require for its protection a more numerous army, nor ean it possess a more gallant one than the army of the left; composed principally of the courageous youth of the kingdom (province) which is now united in Leon under the orders of the highly distinguished commander his excellency the marquis de la Romana. The resort of more troops, in the present circumstances, in the defiles of the mountains, would be prejudicial, since they would consume the provisions and other resources of the country, without increasing its security. To the worthy inhabitants of these kingdoms the most grateful acknowledgments are due from the British forces, for the hospitality and friendship with which they have been treated in every situation: and the lieutenant-general hopes that the feelings of reciprocal attachment and respect will prevail, not only now, but that they will continue to animate both nations to the latest

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posterity.-In taking leave of the subjects of this part of the Peninsula, the lieutenant-general feels it to be his duty to exhort them, by the loyalty they owe to their sovereign, by the affection they bear to their families, and by all that is saered in religion, to unite for the protection of their country. Unless the government and the people combine their utmost efforts in this just and honourable cause, Spain will be exposed to the most serious danger; but if these endeavours be not wanting, under the direction of Divine Providence, all will terminate in victory and happiness.

Palafox's Dispatch to the Central


Junta December 3, 1808. SEIGNOR-This capital has recently given an additional proof of that heroic patriotism and attachment to its sovereign which distins guish and characterise it. On the 30th of November, in the dusk of the evening, the enemy, being about 12,000 men in number, made their appearance in the quarter of Torrero and Casa Blanca, having come by Muel and Muria, on the roads from Madrid and Valencia. Part of them took post on the road, on a height situated between the hermitages of Soledad and Santa Barba-, ra, and commanding La Casa Blanca; the rest ascended, under cover of the Ravine de la Muerre which covers Torrero, and took possession of the Carthusian monastery of Conception. They had a considerable body at Alagon, and we were informed that 3000 men were advanicing by way of Tauste and Castejon. de Baldejussa a Zuera, in order to attack us at four points. The whole of the garrison were immediately


ordered under arms, and the heroes of Saragossa also took up their mus kets. All the posts were occupied, and the whole of the inhabitants went out with alacrity and enthusiasm to be spectators of the glorious action which was impending. On the first of December, at day-break, the enemy were dislodged from the Carthusian monastery, and compelled to fall back through the Ravine, when they took post in five columns on the heights that command Torrero, with the decided intention of making their attack in that quarter. They, manoeuvred until 10 o'clock, A. M. at which hour they commenced their most decisive and vigorous attack in the direction of Casa Blanca. It was received on our side with a very brisk fire of musquetry and cannon, which lasted until two o'clock, when the whole of the enemy's army in Soledad fell back, shamefully abandoning Torrero.

The country demands great sacrifices. She calls us to her assistance; she sees no other defenders but her children; we are her only support. We should violate our duty to her, and to ourselves, did we not employ our arms, and risk our lives and property, in order to save her. Noble Arragonese! brave Soldiers! ever ready to shed your blood to defend her and your King, it is unnecessary for me to remind you of sacred duties which you have never forgotten, but the important charge which you have confided to me, and my anxious desires to fulfil my duty, and to make a just return to your attachment, do not permit me to leave unemployed any means that may contribute to deliver you from those perfidious wretches who, already setting themselves in opposition to our determinations, already indiffer

ent to the grand cause which we are defending,give utterance tosentiments little conformable to our tried loyalty. I therefore ordain and command:

1. That all the inhabitants of this city, of every rank and condition, shall consider themelves bound to devote to its defence their persons, property and lives :the rich and great lending a helping hand to the poor, fostering and assisting them, contributing to cover their nakedness, and to enable them to maintain their respective posts; thus performing a sacred duty, enjoined by natural affection, recommended by the holy religion, which we profess; and, at the same time, remunerating them for the zeal with which they defend their lives, their estates, and their common country. Should any man be so unnatural as to disown their obligation, he shall be fined in proportion to the magnitude of his offence, and the amount of the fine shall be appropri ated to the subsistence of the army.

2. That such towns as do not contribute all in their power to the relief of our present necessities, shall be treated as enemies to our king whose sovereign rights we defend, and their inhabitants of every rank shall be punished as traitors."

3.That every individual of the army of reserve, and the recruits of Arragon, already enrolled and regimented, who shall not join his corps, within the space of six days thereof, shall be treated as a deserter in time of war, and as such shall suffer the pains of law.

4.That the alcaides shall scrupulously examine the soldiers in their respective wards, who may not have so joined, and make a return of their names and the corps they belong to; and that the justices of the kingdom


of Arragon, under the responsibility of person aud property, transmit an exact list of all the individuals of their jurisdiction, who have served in the army, distinguishing the cavalry from the infantry, and remarking their state of health and personal vigour.

5. That all who profess want of confidence in the chiefs of the people or the army, who make pasquinades, excite riots or disturbances, shall be immediately apprehended, and carried before the newly-appointed judge of the police, Don Santiago Penicela, who will pass judgment according to the times and critical circumstances in which the country is placed, and suitable to their crimes; imposing the punishment of death he shall consult me.

6. That all the measures adopted shall be obeyed with religious respect, since they all are directed to the good of the country, which will recompense in more happy times the sacrifices we make, and which are so pleasing to God and the celestial protectress who guards us.

7. That all the houses shall be well supplied with cisterns and vessels of water, in order to be ready to assist in extinguishing any fire which may occur: and that the Alcaides de Barrio shall in particular superintend this important preparation.

S. That the entrance and departure of persons by the gates shall be watched with the greatest care, recollecting that the enemy even assume our dress, and resort to every artifice, because they do not trust entirely to their force, though greatly superior in numbers.

9. That precisely three days shall be allowed for the departure of all the women, old men arrived at sixty,

and all the boys not able to carry eartridges, with moderate equipages, for whose convenience orders have been issued to all the towns and villages, to receive them with kindness, and to supply their wants.

10. That all Frenchmen, who may happen to be within the city, shall be presented to the judge of the police, in order to be removed without the walls. All the wonen and children of the same nation shall be removed with their husbands and fathers; as also all the prisoners and deserters from the enemy's army, to places appointed for their reception.

11. To prevent those persons, whose virtue is respected by every catholic from being exposed to insult, I permit the nuns to proceed to occupy other convents, without the limits of the city and suburbs, where they may have an opportunity of devoting themselves, without inter ruption, to their holy exercises.

Capitulation of the Town of Rosas. Rosas, Dec. 5 1808.

Capitulation of the town of Rosas and of the castle of the Trinity, ens tered into between messrs. the adju tant in chief Dombrowski, chief of the staff of the Italian division, com→ manded by general Pino, and chevalier Pio, colonel commandant of the 2d French regiment of the line, appointed by general of division Reille, aid-de-camp of his majesty the Emperor and king, on the one part, and messrs. col. Don Pedro O'Daly, governor commandant of the fortress of Rosas, and of the cas tle of the Trinity, and Don Manuel Lemaur, col. of engineers, on the other part.

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Art. 1.-The town and the fort shall be delivered in the course of


the day, to the troops of his majesty the Emperor and King.

2. The garrison shall lay down their arms upon the glacis of the place, shall be prisoners of war, and conducted into France. The officers shall keep all that belongs to them.

3. Immediately after the signature of the present capitulation, one gate of the town of Rosas, and one gate of the castle of the Trinity, shall be given up to two companies of grenadiers.


JEAN DOMBROWSKI, AdjutantCommandant, Chief of the Etat Major.

Pro, Colonel Major.


sexes, together with the respect due to the churches, all in conformity to our laws and customs, ANS. Granted.

3. The lives and properties of all military officers, of rank, are likewise to be safe. Ans.-Granted.

4. No person shall be liable to persecution, on account of their political opinions or writings, any more than those employed in a public capacity, for what they may have done hitherto in the exercise of their employments, or in obedience to the former government; nor shall the people suffer for the efforts which they have made for their defence. Ans.-Granted.

5. No other contributions shall be exacted beyond the ordinary ones that have hitherto been paid.

The present Capitulation is appro- Ans.-Granted, till the realm shall

ved of.

REILLE. General of Division commanding the siege,

CAPITULATION OF MADRID.— From the Madrid Gazette, Dec. 7, 1808.-Capitulation proposed by the Military and Civil Junta of Madrid, to his Imperial and Royal Majesty the Emperor of

the French.

Article 1. The preservation of the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Religion, without any other being legally tolerated. Aus.-Granted.

2. The liberty and security of the lives and properties of the citi zens and other persons residing in Madrid, as well as of those in public employments: the preservation of their situations, or the option of their retiring from this court, if they should prefer it. Likewise, the lives, privileges and properties of the secular and regular ecclesiastics of both

difinitively be organized.

6. Our laws, customs, and courts of justice shall be preserved in their present constitution. Ans.-Granted until the kingdom undergoes its definitive organization.

7. The French troops and their officers shall not be quartered in private houses, but in military lodging houses and tents, and by no means in convents or monasteries; the privileges allowed to the respective classes by the laws being preserved. Ans.-Granted; it being well understood that both the officers and privates must have quarters and tents that are furnished conformably to the military regulations, unless the said buildings be insufficient.

8. The troops shall march out of the town with the honours of war, and be at liberty to retire whithersoeverthey choose. Ans.--The troops shall march out with the honours of war; they shall march off by files

to day

to day at four o'clock in the afternoon, and leave their arms and cannon; the armed peasants shall also leave their arms and artillery; after which the inhabitants shall retire to their houses, and those from without the town, to their villages. All the individuals that have enlisted among the troops of the line, four months ago, shall be free from their engagements, and retire to their villages. All the rest shall continue prisoners of war till an exchange takes place, which will commence immediately between equal numibers, and rank for rank.

9. The public debts and engagements of the state shall be faithfully and constantly discharged. Ans. This being a political object, belongs to the cognizance of the Assembly of the Realm, and depends on the general administration.


10. Those generals who wish to continue in the capital, shall preserve their rank; and such as are desirous of quitting it, shall be at liberty so to do. Ans.--Granted: they shall remain in their station, although their pay can only con tinue till the kingdom receives its ultimate organization.

Additional Art. 11. A detach ment of guards shall this day, at four o'clock, take possession of the palace gates. The different gates of the city shall about the same time be delivered up to the French army. The guard-house of the body guards and the general hospital, shall be surrendered at the same time. At the same hour the park of artillery, and the arsenals, together with the engineers, shall be surrendered to the French artillery and engineers. The works and entrenchments shall be levelled, and the streets repaired. The French officer about to take the command of Madrid, shall

about mid-day repair, under a mili tary guard, to the house of the prin→ cipal (governor) in order to concert with government, regulations of po lice, and measures for the re-estab lishment of good order and public security in all parts of the town.

We, the undersigned commissioners, authorised by full powers for settling and signing the present capitulation, have agreed upon the faithful and entire execution of the above measure.



Imperial Camp, Madrid, the 4th. of December 1808.

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"In consequence of the actual situation of this city, threatened with a siege by the enemy, it has been until now found impossible to lay before the public an official account of the details of the attack and obstinate battle fought at Tudela on the 23d ult.; a battle equally fatal and glorious to this army, which, supported only by its own strength and its own valour, maintained the contest for eight hours in the midst of the most dreadful fire. It is impossible to convey an adequate idea of the number of heroic achievements performed by the officers and soldiers, whilst one-half of the army was defending their posts with discharges of musketry, and the other were maintaining the contest with the bayonet, until the number of the slain on both sides left scarcely room for action, and both the contending ar mies retired.-The captain-general



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