Imágenes de páginas


LXIX. Answer to the former. His temper of mind
fince his mother's death. The union of fentiments
in all his acquaintance.

LXX. Concern for his abfence. Of a libel against
bim. Reflections on the behaviour of a worthless


LXXI. Melancholy circumstances of the feparation
of friends. Impertinence of false pretenders to
their friendship. Publishers of flight papers. Of
the Effay on Man, and of the collection of the
Dean's works. Poftfcript by Lord Bolingbroke,
concerning his metaphyfical work.


LXXII. From Dr. Swift. The answer. Of his
own amufements, the Effay on Man, and Lord
B's writings.

LXXIII. Of the pleasures of his converfation: Of
Dr. Arbuthnot's decay of health: Of the na-
ture of moral and philosophical writings.

LXXIV. From Dr. Swift. On the death of

LXXV. From the fame. On the offence taken at
their writings. Of Mr. Pope's Letters. Cha-
racter of Dr. Rundle, Bishop of Derry.

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LXXVI. Concerning the Earl of Peterborow, and
his death at Lifben. Charities of Dr. Swift.
LXXVII. From Dr. Swift. Of writing letters =
Several of the ancients writ them to publifh. Of
his own letters. The care he fhall take of Mr.
Pope's, to prevent their being printed.

LXXVIII. From Dr. Swift. On the death of
friends. What fort of popularity he has in Ire
land. Against the general corruption.

LXXIX. From the fame. His kindness for Mr. P.
and his own infirm condition.

LXXX. Mr. Pope to Dr. Swift. His plan for the
fecond book of Ethic Epifles, of the extent and



limits of human reafon and science; and what
retarded the execution of it.-Of Lord B.'s
writings. New invitations to England.

LXXXI. From Dr. Swift.
ferve Mr. Pope's letters,
difpofal after his death.
tioned in the Ethic Epiftles.
and decays of age.

His Refolution to pre-
and leave them to his
His defire to be men-
Of the lofs of friends,

LXXXII. What fort of letters he now writes, and
the contraction of his correspondence. Of the
buman failings of great genius's, and the al-
lowance to be made them. His high opinion of
Lord Bolingbroke and Dr. Swift as writers.
LXXXIII. From Dr. Swift. Of old age, and
death of friends. More of the Ethic Epiftles.
LXXXIV. Of the complaints of friends.-One of
the best comforts of old age. Some of his let-
ters copied in Ireland, and printed.-Of Lord
Bolingbroke's retirement. Of fome new friends,
and of what fort they are.

LXXXV. The prefent circumstances of his life and
his companions. Wishes that the last part of
their days might be paffed together.

LXXVI. From Dr. Swift. Reasons that obstruct
his coming to England. Defires to be remembered
in Mr. Pope's Epiftles. Many of Mr. Pope's
letters to him loft, and by what means.

LXXXVII. From Dr. Swift. Mention again of
the chafm in the letters. Objections in Ireland to
fome paffages in Mr. Pope's letters published in
England. The Dean's own opinion of them.
LXXXVIII. From Dr. Swift. Of his declining
ftate of health. His opinion of Mr. P's Dia-
logue, intitled, One Thoufand Seven Hun-
dred and Thirty Eight. The entire collection
of his and Mr. Pope's letters, for twenty years





From the Year 1714 to 1737.


Mr. POPE to Dr. SWIFT.


June 18, 1714:

HATEVER Apologies it might become me to make at any other time for writing to you, I fhall ufe none now, to a man who has own'd himself as fplenetic as a Cat in the Country. In that circumftance, I know by experience a letter is a very useful, as well as amufing thing: If you are too bufied in State affairs to read it, yet you may find entertainment in folding it into divers figures, either doubling it into a pyramidical, or twifting it into a ferpentine form: or, if your difpofition should not be so mathematical, in taking it with you to that place where men of studious minds are apt to fit longer than ordinary; where, after an abrupt divifion of the paper, it may not be unpleasant to try to fit and rejoin the broken lines together. All these amufements I am no ftranger VOL. IX. B


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