The British and Foreign Review: Or, European Quarterly Journal, Volumen14

J. Ridgeway amd sons, 1843

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Página 162 - Equity is a roguish thing ; for law we have a measure, know what to trust to ; equity is according to the conscience of him that is Chancellor, and as that is larger or narrower, so is equity. 'Tis all one as if they should make the standard for the measure we call a foot...
Página 525 - IT is one thing to make an idea clear, and another to make it affecting to the imagination. If I make a drawing of a palace, or a temple, or a landscape, I present a very clear idea of those objects ; but then (allowing for the effect of imitation which is...
Página 18 - By diving for it into their own bosoms. To-day you have thrown off a tyranny That lives but in the torpid acquiescence Of our emasculated souls, the tyranny Of the world's masters, with the musty rules By which they uphold their craft from age to age : You have obeyed the only law that sense Submits to recognize; the immediate law, From the clear light of circumstances, flashed Upon an independent Intellect.
Página 161 - Thus in the first place it is said,(ż) that it is the business of a court of equity in England to abate the rigour of the common law. But no such power is contended for.
Página 522 - Built in the eclipse, and rigg'd with curses dark, That sunk so low that sacred head of thine. Next Camus, reverend sire, went footing slow, His mantle hairy and his bonnet sedge, Inwrought with figures dim, and on the edge Like to that sanguine flower inscribed with woe. "Ah! who hath reft" (quoth he) "my dearest pledge?
Página 19 - Action is transitory — a step, a blow. The motion of a muscle — this way or that — 'Tis done, and in the after-vacancy We wonder at ourselves like men betrayed : Suffering is permanent, obscure and dark, And shares the nature of infinity.
Página 133 - Wordsworth's poetry is never bounding, never ebullient; has little even of the appearance of spontaneousness: the well is never so full that it overflows. There is an air of calm deliberateness about all he writes, which is not characteristic of the poetic temperament: his poetry seems one thing, himself another; he seems to be poetical because he wills to be so, not because he cannot help it: did he will to dismiss poetry, he need never again, it might almost seem, have a poetical thought.
Página 24 - At this dread moment — even so — Might we together Have sate and talked where gowans blow, Or on wild heather. What treasures would have then been placed Within my reach ; of knowledge graced By fancy what a rich repast ! But why go on ? — Oh ! spare to sweep, thou mournful blast, His grave grass-grown.
Página 307 - Thou knowest thy body to be a small part of that wide extended earth which thou everywhere beholdest : the moisture contained in it, thou also knowest to be a small portion of that mighty mass of waters, whereof seas themselves are but a part, while the rest of the elements contribute out of their abundance to thy formation. It is the soul then alone, that intellectual part of us, which is come to thee by some lucky chance, from I know not where. If so...
Página 159 - Equity, then, in its true and genuine meaning, is the soul and spirit of all law: positive law is construed, and rational law is made, by it. In this, equity is synonymous, to justice; in that, to the true sense and sound interpretation of the rule.

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