New Phoenix Wings: Reparation in LiteratureRoutledge & K. Paul, 1979 - 189 páginas |
Not alone immured in the brain | 16 |
Embodied semblances | 53 |
The mind is lord and master | 99 |
Derechos de autor | |
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Términos y frases comunes
adult anxiety Aquinas artist aspects attacks Beatrice becomes Benedick Blake Blake's body breast child childhood Christ Claudio concept creative Cyril dead death instinct depressive position destruction Don John dramatises dream earth embodied semblances Enitharmon envy experience external father fear feeling felt friar give Goosey Hanna Segal hence Hero historical Holy human idealisation impulses infant inner world internal internalised Lamb Little Boy Lost live Lucy meaning Melanie Klein mind mother mourning nature Night VIIA Northrop Frye object Oothoon parents passage Passion phantasies Plate poem poet Prelude present prompts psychic Raskolnikov reality relation reparation restoration resurrection rhyme ritual seems seen sense sexual Shakespeare Songs of Experience Songs of Innocence soul spectre spirit stanza story suggest superego Svidrigaïlov symbolising symbols terror thee thou thought of grief Tintern Abbey tree unconscious universal Urizen Urthona Vala virgin vision whole wholly William Blake Wordsworth writing zoas