Imágenes de páginas

leading up to the first scene being afte an explanation, or as a part of a subs between two of the characters. Des attention, but it must be relevant, or i sented by the reader. In most parts ever, movement rather than suspense i is secured by reducing or omitting de ing over details and condensing lesser a much as possible. Especially is move the culmination or principal action is eral, those parts of a narrative which should show it by a hurried manner of

(7) Plausibility and Verisi

This topic has to do mainly with ima Here the story must bear the marks hood or it fails to secure attention. that long explanations are necessary; a climax for which they are intended to nor does it preclude 'surprises,' for t most real and likely things of life. R a more careful planning and outlinin outset and a more careful handling of description and narration.

(8) Helps to Narrat

It has already been indicated that quently used in narratives of all kind

tion forms the introduction of a ԱՐene


ene being afterwards introduced as part of a subsequent conversation aracters. Description detains the relevant, or its introduction is reIn most parts of a narrative, hownan suspense is desirable, and this or omitting descriptions, by hurry. lensing lesser actions and events as cially is movement desirable when pal action is reached, and, in genrrative which portray rapid action ied manner of treatment.

lity and Verisimilitude. ainly with imaginative narratives. r the marks of reality and likeli e attention. This does not mean e necessary; these too often spoil re intended to prepare the reader; 'prises,' for these are among the s of life. Rather does it involve and outlining of details at the 1 handling of the phraseology of

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appreciation of the subsequent ac Contrasts of characters are anothe unlike characters serving to set ea greater distinction to both. Cont helpful: scenes which are full of scenes of a comparatively quiet ch every where important but nowher tion. When to indicate plainly when to leave the change to be in solved by noticing the practice of narratives. Episodes afford relief are introduced into a long narrati are elsewhere out of place: the sh tive of adventure are hindered ra introduction of episodes.

Subjects for longer essays in narration may be tions of a useful exercise in reporting will be found


Exposition has been defined as " eral term as will make clear to the of which it is the sign." It takes for instance, and seeks to explain a music is, what are its essential q cludes, what it excludes, how it di into what kinds it is divided, to discover and set forth an adequ give a logical division into kinds, the various kinds. Or, it takes a as "Education is beneficial in all t without assuming the truth or fa it seeks to answer the question,

analyze it into its elements and t


the proposition is true or false. Thu been defined as training, the various ki ing been determined, and the pursuits classified, the results of the exposition might be outlined as follows:

[blocks in formation]

It is evident that the kind of expositi is useful mainly for planning and outli is concerned with laying the ground-w discussion, description, or narration. divides, and classifies; it plays an imp ning every essay that is written, whethe ration, or argumentation; and for that treated under the headings that follow: tion; Analysis by Division; Exposit Exposition by Similarity and Contrast,presented mainly as helps to planning an These methods may all be included und nation of Scientific Exposition.

There is, however, another kind of e rigidly scientific character, which we Exposition, and under which may be in Essay, the Conversational Essay, and These we shall discuss under the headi taking up the various kinds of Scientific

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Kinds and Uses.

the professions the trades

and commerce.

kind of exposition illustrated above anning and outlining a subject. It g the ground-work for subsequent or narration. It analyzes, defines, it plays an important part in planwritten, whether in description, nar; and for that reason it will be s that follow: Analysis by Parti sion; Exposition by Definition; Jand Contrast,-all of these being to planning and outlining themes. e included under the single desig ition.

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her kind of exposition, of a less , which we shall call Popular ch may be included the Didactic Essay, and the Critical Essay. er the headings indicated, after of Scientific Exposition.

in outlining and planning subjects sense for outlining and planning is structure of all kinds, and the st perform all of the exercises provide heads, with the purpose of improvin outlining.


(1) Analysis by Par

In partition, the theme is a whole the work of exposition demands th rated or analyzed into its componer the theme Tree,' partition separat branches, and fruit; or, on another into woody fiber and sap. It takes a vantages of Railways' and separates follows: 1. Advantages to Individ their knowledge by travel, (b) in their social activity, (c) in widenin business and commercial field. 2. A lic as a whole: (a) in uniting remot (b) in fostering the development of resources, (c) in giving the parts of life.

The work of partition stops with t Treatment of the various headings by any of the processes of narration, mentation, or by the methods of exp further on. The headings of the ou not cover the whole subject. Muc on the subject outlined above than i line. Only so much of any topic as will serve to fulfill the purpose

in view

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In dividing a theme, care must be headings of the outline be selected. Thus, taking the subject Kinds of divided on one principle into 'simple, on another, into 'long and short'; o odic and loose.' To divide sentences and periodic' would obviously lead 1 sion, as more than one principle of div duced. So, when a recent writer spe as 'personal, religious, and political,' double principle of division is present less obvious, on account of the char It is apparent, however, when we consi and political duties are personal dut also, the violation of another law of di headings should of itself cover the divided.

However, the theme may be divided the main headings of the outline, whil headings under each of the main head different principles of division. This

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