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Cat. To the bless'd tidings I have just now heard.-I am charmed with Cohenberg's inviolable constancy, and transported with the hope of his Catharine being once more restored to freedom, by the arm of the hero she adores.

Ser. You take so warm an interest in his fortune, that, were he here, I should almost suspect myself reduced into his rival.

Cut. No, my lord; his Catharine will never suffer him to have a rival. [Retires a little, R.

Ser. I hardly comprehend you. [Sits.] But, come, I must send an answer to Cohenberg's letter; and, if you have any kind things to say, in behalf of your friend, I'll be your secretary. Continue those smiles, and [Taking Catharine by the hand, and coming forward, c.] you shall find a Musselman can be as complaisant a lover as any Christendom can boast.-What shall I tell him?

[Seraskier sits, L. of tatble-Catharine, R., occasionally looking at Cohenberg, who is a little up the stage, L. Cat. Tell him—


Of plighted faith so truly kept,
Of all love's dictates tell;
Of restless thoughts, that never slept,
Since when she bid farewell.
The rising sigh, the frequent tear,

The flush of hope, the chilling fear

[The Seraskier rises and comes down, singing to Catharine, R.-Cohenberg advances a little behind him, on L., and attempts to give a letter to Catharine.-The Seraskier unexpectedly steps back, encounters his arm, and turns round, enraged.-Catharine snatches Cohenberg's letter, takes the Seraskier by the arm, and draws off his attention.-Cohenberg stands fixed with folded arms, L.

So may the sympathetic soul

Direct kind fancy's wing,

Where future hours in transport roll,

And love's reward shall bring.

Ser. [Goes to the table, folds the letter, and gives it to Cohenberg.] There's my answer, Christian; and, by our


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[Advances to c., and addresses heaven.] Holy Prophet, I swear faithfully to fulfil its contents.

[Cohenberg gives the letter to Catharine, who attempts to put it into her pocket, but is seen by a white eunuch, who enters, R.; he snatches the letter from her, goes to the Seraskier, and presents it on his knee. Coh. Confusion! all is lost! [Retires up, L. [The white Eunuch orders three black Eunuchs, who enter, R. S. E., to remove the table and stools, L. s. E. -They return, and stand by the white Eunuch, R. Ser. [Reads.]"I have ventured through the Turkish camp in hopes of seeing you, my beloved Catharine.” Catharine! "This very night I will storm the Seraskier's post, and give you liberty. Your true Cohenberg." Slave! a guard!

Enter ISMAEL, and four Turkish Officers, L. Seize him! this instant bear him to his fate!

[Two Officers seize Cohenberg. Cat. Oh, hear me, sir! [Kneels.] Thus, on my kneesSer. No more, dissembler!! Away with her!

Cat. Oh, Cohenberg!

Coh. My Catharine!

[Two Eunuchs seize Catharine.

Cat. I have undone thee.

Ser. Hence! away with her. [Mutes force Catharine off, R.] Slaves! on your lives, guard well this hypocrite! this liar! deep in the darkest dungeon of the fort, chain him down, [Cohenberg attempts to draw his sword, and finds it taken by the Officers.] till the associates of his perfidy shall burst his bonds, and storm the post I guard. Coh. Alike I scorn thy menaces and taunts. I glory, though I failed, in my attempt.-Heap cruelty on cruelty, I can bear them-my darkness is the loss of Catharine's eyes-my galling chains is my despair-to see her and death, were transport to the pangs I feel, from knowing her to be a slave to thee, barbarian!

[Exit, L., guarded by four Officers. Ser. Ismael! see my orders are obeyed.

[Exit Ismael, L.

[blocks in formation]

Whatever thought pursuing !
Where'er I turn my eyes,
Surrounding mists of ruin,
In darkling circles, rise.
In frost and fire, by turns,
My bosom freezes-burns.-
"Tis fixed-my rival finds a grave!
Yet honour bids me save

From death the captive brave.

Confusion! thus, &c. &c. [Exit, R.


Enter ANSLEM aad Six Peasants, L.

Ans. It is too late! it was the colonel-I saw them drag him to the fort. My friend is lost, and all our hopes with him.

First P. What-is there no help, Anslem?

Ans. None, but this-let some of you swim the river, make to the Austrian outposts, inform them of Colonel Cohenberg's danger, and, perhaps, their succour may be in time to rescue him. I will watch here for their arrival, and conduct them, by short and private passes, to

the fort.

Second P. I'll go.

Third P. And I.

Fourth P. And I, if I drown for it.

All. Let's all go!

Ans. Hear me-hear me, friends-you two shall undertake the message to the Austrians, and you remain with me to excite the villagers to rise upon our sideaway-away-my boys, be diligent and bold.

[Exeunt two Peasants, L., Anslem and others, R.

SCENE III.-Outside of Peter's Cottage.

Enter LILLA and GHITA, L.

Lil. Well, Ghita, now we are married at last, I hope our husbands will take their leave of jealousy.

Ghi. Psha! how often must I repeat to you, Lilla, that jealousy follows love like its shadow.

Lil. Then love is a pretty thing with an ugly shadow.

I have seen my shadow in the sun, when it has looked so tall, and so frightful, that I'm sure it could not be like me. I wish our husbands would come home; I begin to be uneasy.

Ghi. [Crosses to L.] I think I see them; there are two men at a distance-let us retire.

[Exeunt Lilla and Ghita, R.

Enter SERASKIER and ISMAEL, disguised as Pilgrims, L.

Ser. Stay, Ismael! tell my followers to keep back for the present.-Let us first try what fair means will do.

Re-enter GHITA and LILLA, R.

Ghi. They are wrapped up in their cloaks, to hide themselves from us.

Lil. Ah, this is another of Leopold's jealous pranksLet us mortify them by taking no notice.

Ghi. [Crosses to L.] I must speak, I can't bear to make him uneasy.


[blocks in formation]

Night thus from me concealing
The form of him I love,
Oh, let his voice, revealing
His truth, my fears remove.
Night thus from me concealing
The form of her I love,
Oh, let her voice, revealing

Her truth, my fears remove.

[Ismael crosses behind, R., and takes hold of Ghita; the


& Ghi.


Seraskier takes hold of Lilla

Oh, heavens! the Seraskier?

A lover's accents hear.
With sympathetic passion
Fond expectation cheer.

Ah, should my husband hear,




[blocks in formation]


Enter LEOPOLD and PETER, arm in arm, R.

& Hark! I'm sure there's some one near us! Pet. S

[The Seraskier and Ismael, on hearing Leopold and Peter, leave Lilla and Ghita, and cross in front to the L. corner, Peter and Leopold advancing behind to c.

Leo. Lilla!

Pet. Ghita!

[blocks in formation]


Lil. Ghi. Leo.







[blocks in formation]


[Peter goes down R. of Women, Leopold L.

Honest peasants, homeward going,
From their labours, I suppose.

How, I pray, are you so knowing,
Whether they are friends or foes?
Jealous fears, perplexing,
Like whelming billows roll,
And rack my tortured soul.
Begone, 'tis thy falsehood
Distracts my tortured soul.
Ah, can my dear suspect me?
My truth he cannot fear.

Suspense in clouds shuts in the day;
Hope, cheering star, afford thy ray
Of silver light, and to our eyes

Oh, bid thy bright creation rise!

[Exeunt Seraskier and Ismael, L.—the rest, R.

SCENE IV.-A Room in Peter's Cottage.-A table, with the cloth spread-two lighted candles-a dish, with a roast fowl-ham-four plates-knives and forks-saltflask of wine-four glasses-four wooden stools discovered in c-two swords hanging on the flats, L.

Enter PETER and LEOPOLD, r.

Pet. Well, Leopold, this is a pretty adventure.
Leo. [Crosses to L] A very pretty adventure.
Pet. And how do you feel upon this occasion?

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