the fine houses in Belgrade, and the magnificent gardens around it Lil. I own I admire them. Ser. Well. Lil. But my favourite is an humble flower, which I fear I shall not procure, from your highness's garden. Ser. Ay, ay-what's that? Lil. Heart's-ease, my lord. Enter GHITA, L. Ghi. Oh, my lord! my lord! Ser. You are soon returned. [Duet introduced. Ghi. Yes, my lord; ill news, you know, flies apace. The officers are dragging poor Leopold to prison, because he has affronted that wicked old justice, Yuseph. Lil. Alas, my lord! pray have compassion on an unfortunate lover. Ser. [Aside to Lilla.] You must first show me the example. [Aloud.] The law must take its course. Leo. [Without, L.] Don't tell me-I will have justice -I speak as reasonable as any man-I will have justice. Lil. Hark, it is my Leopold's voice. Ser. Lilla! you must retire instantly; I will be obeyed. [Exit Lilla, R. Enter ISMAEL, L., with drawn sword, who crosses behind to R.-YUSEPH follows, and goes to the L. of the Seraskier-LEOPOLD, in chains, between two Officers, comes down, L. C., and PETER comes forward on the R. of Leopold. Yus. Please your highness, here's a most unruly obstropolous country fellow, who has broke open a door, and attempted to knock down a magistrate, all, forsooth, because he is under the influence of the tender passionhe is the most violent, unmannerly Leo. I am not unmannerly-I deny it. Did any man ever see me violent or unmannerly? My lord, I will be heard-1-[Peter prevents his proceeding. Ism. [Aside to the Seraskier.] This poor fellow has an honest heart-the magistrate is a villian. Beware, my lord, how you act; the villagers are already disaffected to us; do not provoke despair by oppression. Subdue them by your justice-your moderation. Ser. I will take your advice for the present-but I am resolved to have the girl, sooner or later.-So, how for my sentence. Ism. Silence! attend to his highness. Ser. You all know my affection for the good people of this village. Leo. [Aside.] Yes; the women know it, I fancy. [Peter stops him. Ser. I consider you all as my children. Leo. [Aside.] Yes; if he were to stay among us, the whole village would be his children in another gene ration. Yus. How dare you mutter, you reprobate! Ser. I would willingly content you all, but that is impossible. Let my sentence be publicly known. [The Curtains at the back of the Tent are drawn up, and discover a view of the country.-Soldiers and Peasants enter, L. R., and through the Tent, and fill the back of the Stage. You, Leopold, are now in love with Lilla, and are beloved by her? Leo. Yes, my lord. Ser. Then marry her.-You, Yuseph, are in love with Lilla, and are not beloved by her? Yus. No, my lord. Ser. Leopold has offered you an affront. Yus. He has, my lord. Ser. You are a man in authority, and ought to set an example of moderation. Ismael! [Makes signs to Ismael, who goes out.] So forgive him the affront, and resign Lilla to Leopold.-Take off his chains. Enter LILLA and ISMAEL, R. Lil. No! be that my task, my duty, my happiness! [She goes to Leopold, L., takes off his chains, and gives them to one of the Officers.-Peter crosses to R. Lil. Cho, FINALE. So kindly condescending, Leo. Lil. Leo. Pet. to Ser. Your highness, please to hear me- Zounds! I'll be cool, don't fear me ! Oh, let us hear his speech! We are bound to you for ever. Ser. No compliment, I pray! Lil. To thank you, I'd endeavour. Ser. [Aside to Lilla.] You soon might learn the way. Cho. So kindly condescending, &c. [Leopold, looking anxiously at Lilla, perceives the Seraskier kiss her hand; he steps into her place, and the Seraskier takes his hand, supposing it to be Lilla's; but, finding his mistake, he is confused and enraged, which he endeavours to conceal.-Leopold is agitated with jealousy during the remainder of the scene. ISMAEL. PETER. GHITA. SERASKIER. LILLA. LEOPOLD. YUSEPH. R.] Soldiers. END OF ACT 1. [L. ACT II. 1 SCENE I.-The Hall of a Convent-A Gothic Arch in the centre. A table, with pen, ink, and paper, and two stools, L. Enter CATHARINE, through the aisle, c. AIR-CATHARINE. My plaint in no one pity moves, And, while she lends her soothing aid, Laments my sorrows and her own. Unhappy as I am, I have still one consolation left,-my Cohenberg knows my heart, and he will never wrong me so far as to suspect myconstancy.-But see! the Seraskier, he treats me with respect, though he is yet ignorant who I am. Enter SERASKier, L. Ser. Alas, madam! must I never have the happiness to see you wear those smiles which nature, prodigal in adorning you, meant as her last gift to perfect your charms. Cat. I am your prisoner, sir.-My indignant heart shrinks while I own it. [Aside. Ser. I am your prisoner, madam-does not my every sigh avow it. Cat. You are a soldier, sir-don't dssgrace your character by insulting a defenceless woman. Enter ISMAEL, L. Ism. My lord, a stranger of no vulgar rank, from the Austrian camp, insists on being admitted to your high ness. ? Cat. From the Austrian camp [Aside. Ser. Conduct him hither. [Exit Ismael, L.] I presume, madam, you will wish to retire. Cat. Ah, sir! I may, perhaps, hear news of my friends.-I-I request you will permit me to remain. Ser. I thank you, madam, for the request, since it at last gives me an opportunity of obliging you. Enter ISMAEL, L., who introduces COHENBERG; then exit, L. Cat. [Aside.] My Cohenberg! Coh. [Aside.] My Catharine ! Coh. An Austrian, sir. Ser. What have you to communicate? Coh. Colonel Cohenberg is not unknown to your highness? Cat. [Aside.] Heavens! what can he mean? Ser. His character is not unknown to me; but what of him? Coh. You once wrote to him as to an exchange of prisoners. Your highness received an answer from the colonel, and consequently know his hand. Ser. Perfectly well. Coh. Here, then, is my commission. [Offers a letter. Ser. [Snatches the letter with contempt, and advances, while Catharine and Cohenberg retire up a little, and act in dumb show.] It is his seal-his writing. [Reads.] "The bearer is in my confidence. If you wish me to aid your cause, let me know the terms on which you are willing to acquire my friendship." Is it possible? shall I be the happy instrument of gaining Cohenberg to the Ottoman Tell the gallant Christian, I deem his friendship invaluable. In the name of my illustrious sovereign, I promise him, as a debt of gratitude, whatever he can require. Do you know this Colonel Cohenberg, madam? Cat. I do, my lord, so well-I have him now before -He married a lady dear to me as I am to myself; the chance of war soon separated them, and Cohenberg now lives to see her in slavery and sorrow. cause! me. Coh. Take comfort, madam,—he loves her more tenderly than ever, and vows he will relieve her, or perish in the attempt. Ser. Speak, Christian! [Goes to the table.] If I write, when may I expect an answer? Coh. Within these few hours you may depend on seeing me again. Cat Indeed! Ser. Heavens, madam! how sudden is the change of your manner. To what shall I attribute these blissful smiles? |