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The ancient Romans honoured with a corona pudicitiæ," or crown of modesty, those who entered but once into the marriage state.

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The Sephiroths are the higher orders of emanative being, in the strange and incomprehensible system of the Jewish Cabbala. They are called by various names, Pity, Beauty, etc. etc.; and their influences are supposed to act through certain canals, which communicate with each other. The reader may judge of the rationality of the system by the following explanation of part of the machinery :-"Les canaux qui sortent de la Miséricorde et de la Force, et qui vont aboutir à la Beauté, sont chargés d'un grand nombre d'Anges. Il y en a trente-cinq sur le canal de la Miséricorde, qui récompensent et qui couronnent la vertu des Saints," etc. ete. For a concise account of the Cabalistic Philosophy, see Enfield's very useful compendium of Brucker.

Page 94.

From that tree Which buds with such eternally. On les représente quelquefois sous la figure d'un arbre l'Ensoph qu’on met au-dessus de l'arbre Sephirotique ou des Splendeurs divines, est l'Infini."L'Histoire des Juifs, liv. ix. 11.

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