Thefe many fummers in a fea of glory; But far beyond my depth; my high-blown pride More Cardinal Wolfey's Speech to Cromwell. Cromwell, I did not think to shed a tear And fleep in dull cold marble, where no mention (8) Love leaves and bloffoms: fo that Mr. Warburton's criticism is unneceffary. See Love's Labour Loft. (7) Cromwell, &c.] In the fecond part of Henry VI. A. 1. S. 4. the duke of Glofter fays to his wife, Banifh the canker of ambitious thoughts. (8) Love thyfelf last: cherish those hearts, that hate thee: Corruption wins not more than honesty. Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, To filence envious tongues. (9) Be juft, and fear not. Let all the ends thou aim'ft at be thy country's, Thy God's, and truth's; then if thou fall'it, O Crom well, Thou fall'it a blessed martyr. Serve the king ; And (8) Love, &c.] The whole meaning of this advice feems to be this: "Pay lefs regard to your own intereft than to that of your friends; love them firft, yourself last, nay, even after your enemies; for it is neceffary for you to cherish thofe that hate you, to heap favours on them, and thereby make 'em your friends; for even corruption and bribery itself wins not more than honefty and open-dealing." There feems a peculiar excellence in this advice of Wolfey, whofe pride had occafioned him to defpife his enemies, and contemn all their feeble efforts, as he judg'd, to harm him and inftead of loving himself last, he had placed there his first and fole affection. So that Mr. Warburton's criticifm falls to the ground, who, obferving, "that this, tho' an admirable precept for our conduct in private life, was never defign'd for the magistrate or public minister,, gives his opinion the poet wrote; Cherish thofe hearts that wait thee. Sir T. Hanmer flattens the line by reading it,. Cherish ev'n the hearts that hate thee. This paffage appears with double propriety, when we confider it comes from the mouth of a divine, who may be fuppofed to have had this verfe of St. Matthew in view. Love your enemies, bless them that curfe you, do good to them that hate you. Chap. v. ver. 44. (9) Be juft, &c.] The power and bleffing of a good heart, and confcience, are mentioned in the 40th page foregoing. Milton, in his Comus, fpeaks thus excellently of a virtuous man. He that has light within his own clear breaft, And, pr'ythee, lead me in There take an inventory of all I have; To the laft penny, 'tis the king's. My robe, I dare now call mine own. O Cromwell! Cromwell! ACT IV. SCENE I Applaufe. -Such a noife arose As the shrouds make at sea in a stiff tempeft, SCENE II. Cardinal Wolfey's Death At laft with eafy roads he came to Leicester; Is come to lay his weary bones among you, Foretold, Foretold, should be his laft,) full of repentance, So may His Vices and Virtues. he reft, his faults lie gently on him! Of an unbounded ftomach, ever ranking Both (10) One that, &c.] Mr. Warburton explains this paffage thus, "One that by giving the king pernicious counfel, ty'd or enAav'd the kingdom.' And he obferves, that Shakespear uses the word fuggeftion, with a great propriety and feeming knowledge of the Latin tongue. For the late Roman writers and their gloffes agree to give this fenfe to it; Suggeftio, eft cum magiftratus quilibet principi falubre confilium fuggerit. A fuggeftion, is, when a magiftrate gives a prince wholefome counfel. "So that nothing could be feverer than this reflection, that that wholesome. counfel, which it is the minifter's duty to give his prince, was fo impoifoned by him, as to produce flavery to his country." The commentator here (with great shew of reason) seems to strike out a meaning his author moft probably never meant; if the reading be juft, the paffage is plain and easy, fhould we take fuggeftion in its vulgar acceptation; but it feems very exceptionable, nor can I be fatisfied withity'd, especially when I confider the words immediately following; indeed, it may be faid, she is particularizing his vices without any connection: The Oxford editor reads tyth'd, which is too forc'd, and unwarrantable: Wolfey certainly had great fway in the kingdom by means of the high credit he was in with the king, but he could not be faid properly, I think, by fuggeftion, by underhand dealings, or by pernicious counfel (which you will,) to tye the kingdom, pro-perly; the word is printed very imperfectly in the old editions; perhaps it was fway'd; but I pretend not to fay any thing cer tain; the judicious reader will foon fee whether the explication. given fatisfies him. Both in his words and meaning. He was never, His promises were, as he then was, mighty; Griff. Noble Madam, (11) Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues We write in water. * * * * * * * * * * *. This cardinal, Tho' from an humble ftock, undoubtedly ACT (11) Men's, &c.] Beaumont and Fletcher borrowed this fentiment from Shakespear in their Philafter. A& 5. All your better deeds Shall be in water writ, but this in marble. |