Imágenes de páginas

the operation of planting is to be performed, both for ever greens and deciduous trees; alfo the method of pruning or preparing the roots and heads of the trees and fhrubs previous to planting, with their management for the first and second years; and concludes with directions how far afunder the trees. fhould be placed from each other. But he obferves that,

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The fhrubs which compofe the front part of the plantation, should be planted at the distance they are intended to remain, at the time they are full grown, which should be so near as at that future period they may touch each other; and these distances must be judged of according to the growths of the different plants; for at first planting, the intermediate spaces between the fhrubs may be occupied by perennial, biennial, and annual flower plants: which, while the fhrubs are growing, will not only fill up the vacancies, but be very ornamental to the new plantation.'

The remaining part of this work is a catalogue of the va rious trees and shrubs, botanically arranged in alphabetical order, and claffed according to their different growths; fpecifying in columns their genera, fpecies, foliage, flower, &c. also the varieties of each, &c. This part appears to be the most useful. As the whole is intended for the pocket, it will be a good affiftant to the curious in trees and fhrubs, and be a means of faving much trouble in overlooking more volumi nous works, exhibiting, as it were, in fhort hand, all that is neceffary to remind any perfon not totally unacquainted with trees and fhrubs.


La Galerie Electorale de Duffeldorff, ou Catalogue Raisonné et Figurê de fes Tableaux, dans lequel on donne une Connoiffance exacte de cette fameuse Collection et de fon local, par des Défcriptions détaillées et par une Suite de trente Planches, contenant trois cens foixante-cinq petites Eftampes rédigées et gravées d'apres ces mêmes Tableaux; par Chré tien de Mechel, Graveur de S. A. S. M. Elect. Palatin, &c. Ouvrage composé dans un Goût nouveau, par Nicolas de Figage, de l'Acad. de S. Luc, à Rome, &c. 2 vols. gr. ato. oblong; one containing the Plates, and the other the Text. Bafil. Price 144 French Livres.

THE famous gallery of Duffeldorff was begun in 1710, by JohnWilliam, elector Palatine, and ever fince increased and adorned by his fucceffors.

The four first plates of the excellent description now before us, exhibit the frontispiece of the work; the plan, elevation, fection, profile of the building, and the pictures on the ftair-cafe' and cieling. The following plates contain the pictures of the gal lery to the number of 358. Each of the plates difplays a front, or part of a front, of a room, furnished with the pictures, in the


fame order in which they are actually arranged, and with the proportional fize reduced to a common fcale; fo that the spectator has, as it were, the whole gallery itfelf under his eye.

The text contains a very full and accurate defcription of the pictures, their dimentions, compofition, and expreffion, the attitude of the figures, their reciprocal pofition, proportions to nature, dreffes, the choice of colours, and the names and native places of the painters.

The work is divided into fix parts: of five divifions, each contains one room of the gallery; and the fixth, the pictures placed on the moveable ftands of the five rooms or halls.

It has been prefented and submitted to the judgment of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture of Paris, and been honoured with the warmest approbation of the committee, appointed by that academy for its examination; who have pronounced that "le ma nufcrit entrant dans un détail approfondi de chaque morceau, ajoute au plaifir que font les eftampes fpirituellement et foigneufement éxécutées; ce qui concourt à former un tout très-intéressant, et qui peut dévenir très-utile aux arts," &c.

Hiftoire naturelle, civile, et politique du Tonquin, par M. l'Abbě Richard. 2 Vols. 12me. Paris.


HIS valuable and elegant natural, civil, and political hiftory of the kingdom of Tonquin has been drawn up from Barons' Relation du Tonquin, whom our author confiders as a fafe guide and Voucher; from a variety of accurate details extant in the collections of the interefting and edifying letters of the miffionaries; and efpecially, from excellent memoirs left by the abbé de S. Phalle, who refided twelve years in Tonquin as miffionary, and died at Paris In 1766.

The Hiftory confifts of two parts: the first contains a Geogra phical Defcription of Tonquin, and an Account of the Manners, Customs, and Ufages of the Inhabitants; of its Population, Industry, Trade, Sciences, Arts, Government, and Revolutions; of the Reve nutes, Riches, and Strength; Taxes; Civil and Penal Laws; and Judicature; and concludes with a Digreffion on the fundamental Laws of China, from which thefe of Tonquin are faid to have been derived. The second part is entirely taken up with the Hiftory of the Millions.


Tonquin has two distinct fovereigns; though one only is styled Dova, and wears the peculiar infignia of royalty. In his name laws are enacted, and all orders given; yet he has, in fact, no share in the government, but is a mere phantom of royalty; Thut up his palace, and has only a fmall detachment of troops under his command. He appears annually but twice or three times, in public, for fome particular ceremonies, fuch as the blessing the fields, in imitation of the emperor of China.

The true and defpotic sovereign of Tonquin is the commander of the troops. He exercifes the most unbounded power; and tranfmits it to his defcendants: and this fupreme command has been bereditary in his family these three hundred years. This ftrange partition, by which the appearance of royalty is conferred to one, and its real power invested in another, is now part of the conftitution of the state, and was occafioned by a revolution equally strange. A fifnerman, called Mark, had ufurped the throne; the nation was difcontented; Tring, a robber, availed himfelf of this national dif sontent, and fucceeded in restoring the ancient royal family; but

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referved the title of general of the troops of the ftate to himself and to his defcendants. He appeared, indeed, as the king's first fubject and confidential minifter; but, under all this mark of refpect and attachment, got all the prerogatives of fovereign power annexed to his poft, which the king himself made hereditary in Tring's family, in whofe poffeffion they still remain. The king has never yet attempted to recover and affert the rights of his crown ; while the general of the troops has frequently encroached on the remains of the dova's former power.

FOREIGN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. Additions aux neuf Volumes de Recueils de Médailles de Rois, de Villes, &c. imprimés en 1762, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1768, and 1770, avec des Rémarques fur quelques Medailles déja publiées. 4to, with Cuts. Hague and Paris.

AT the age of ninety-five years, after having loft his fight, M. Pellerin here publishes a continuation of his very learned work on Medals. It is a matter of furprize how he could, in fuch a fituation, undertake and perform a work filled with words of various languages,and with pretty long paffages quoted from ancient authors; he was befides, both little ufed to, and tired of, dictating; and found means to write his work with his own hands. For this purpofe, he employed small, very narrow flips of paper, folded feparately on one another; one of thefe flips he held and guided with his left hand, and with bis right wrote a whole line on each feparate flip. Thefe were afterwards collected by another hand, formed into a whole, and then read to the author. The paffages which he wanted to quote from Greek, Latin, and other writers, were fought and collected for him by M. le Bordays, a learned and skilful medallift.

The performance confifts of Additions to his former Works, Remarks on fome Coins already published, and Answers to Mr. Eckel's Critical Obfervations. The additions relate to twenty coins hitherto unknown, or at least unpublished: concerning Commodus, Julia Domna, Alexander Emilanus, Volkanus Ultor, Alexander king of Epirus, Capua, Tarentum, Sybritus, the Cherfonefus, and Syracufe a very remarkable one among thefe coins was ftruck in Egypt, under the reign of the Ptolemies, and in unknown characters.

Mémoires fur les QQueftions proposées par l'Académie Impériale & Royale des Sciences & Belles Lettres de Bruxelles, qui ont remporté le Prix en 1777, with Cuts. 4to. Bruffels.

The first of these inftructive Memoirs is written in the Flemish tongue, by M. Verhoeven, on the State of Manufactures and Trade during the 13th and 14th Centuries, with an Abstract of twenty pages in French.

The fecond, by father Norton, treats of the Advantage of preferring Oxen to Horfes, both for Agriculture and transporting

Goods in the Netherlands.

The third, by M. Foullé, treats of the Method of draining, cultivating, and improving marfhes. And

The fourth and fifth are a Continuation of the fame Subject; one in French, the other in Flemish.



Grammaire Triglotte, ou Nouvelle Méthode pour faciliter l'Intelligence des Langues Françoise, Latine, & Allemande, &c. 12m0. Maynz. A very short and useful abstract of some of the best French, La tin, and German Grammars,

L'Art du facteur d'Orgues, par D. François Bedos de Celles, Bene-diftin, &c. Fol. with 57 Plates. Paris.

An elaborate and complete treatise on organ-building.

Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque fondée par M. Proufteau, Profeffeur en Droit, &c. Nouvelle Edition, avec des Notes critiques & bibliographiques. 4to. Paris.


The library in queftion appears to be confiderable, and very ufeful; it has had already five learned librarians; and this catalogue is a valuable acceffion to bibliographical knowledge.

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Differtations philofophiques fur plufieurs Sortes de Sujets, comme fur les Idées innées, l'Infini, &c. & autres Matières analogues à celles-là! Récueil où l'on trouve à la Fin un poftcrit fur le Spinoffme. Par M. L. M. D. B. 2 Vols. 4to. Toulouse.


The author of thefe metaphyfical differtations feems to be a profound thinker, but an incorrect and obfcure writer.

Lettres fur les Embelliffemens de Paris. 8vo. Paris. Containing a confutation of M. L's scheme for embellishing the quartier, or ward of Luxemburgh; with a variety of hints defigned for the improvement of the different wards of Paris.

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Mémoire contenant des Réflexions fur les Propriétés du Remontoir, fon · Exécution pour les Pendules à Reffort, le Développement des Effets avan tageux de fon Application aux Pendules à Poids, particuliérement à celles qui vont un an fans être montées. Un Echappement naturel dans tous fes Points, les Caufes phyfiques que le rendoient variable, detruites; Maniére de le tracer et de le conftruire. Quantieme perpétuel avec beaucoup de fûreté dans les Effets, et d'une facile Exécution, marquant les Dates du Mois par une Divifion annuelle ou par une de 31. avec, une courte Defcription d'une Pendule dans laqu'elle ces Effets font exécutés. Par M. Robin, Horloger, &c. 8vo. Paris.

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The title is fufficiently minute to inform watch and clock-makers of what they may find in this pamphlet of 61 pages. Mr. Robin's pendulum has been examined and highly approved of by the Parifian Academy of Sciences.

Recherches fur la Pouzzolane, fur la Théorie de la Chaux et fur la Caufe de la dureté du Mortier, avec la Compofition de différens Cimens & la Maniere de les employer tant pour les Baffins, Aqueducs, Réservoirs, Citernes, & autres Ouvrages dans l'Eau, que pour les Terraffes, Bretons, et autres Conftructions en plein Air. Par M. Faujas de Saint Fond. 8vo. Paris.

An excellent abftract of the fame Mr. Faujas' larger work, entitled;

Recherches fur les Volcans éteints du Vivarais, du Vélay, précédées d'un Difcours fur les Volcans brûlans, & de Mémoires Analytiques fur les Schoerls, la Zeolite, le Bazalte, la Pouzzolane, les Laves, fur les dif ferentes Subftances qui s'y trouvent engagées. With as fine Plates. Fol. Paris.

An original and capital performance

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Lottchen's Reifen ins Zuchthaus; or Charlotte's Progrefs to Bridewell. ·2 Vals. 8vo. Leipzig. German.

A pretty good thought, utterly spoiled by the taftelefs and wretched execution.

J. T. Klein, Naturalis Difpofitio Echinodermatum. Accefferunt Lucu bratiuncula de aculeis Echinorum Marinorum & Spicilegium de Belemnitis. Edita & Defcriptionibus novifque inventis et Synonimis Au&arum aucta à N. G. Lefke. 4to. Leipzig.

An elaborate performance, illuftrated with 54 accurate plates.



Nereus's Prophecy: a Sea-Piece, Sketched off Ufhant on the memorable Morning of the 28th of July, 1778. 410. Is. 6d.



ORACE introduces Nereus in the character of a prophet, denouncing to Paris, when he conveyed Helena to Troy, the fatal catastrophe of that city. In the piece before us the author introduces the fame old prognofticator, foretelling the impending deftruction of this country, and traducing the king and the miniftry moft audaciously. The firft lord of the admiralty and Sir H. Pallifer are gibbeted in the title-page. The minority are indebted to the fame writer for the Favorite, Captain Parolles at Minden, and many other fimilar publications.

The Se'er, or the American Prophecy. A Poem. 4to. 2s. 6d. Harrifon, and Co.

A fatire against the king, lord Bute, and feveral perfons in the adminiftration, under the form of a prediction, fuppofed to have been delivered by a feer upon the first landing of the English in America.

The author, who probably is fome angry Bostonian, ufed to tarring and feathering thofe who have been fo unhappy as to offend him, feems to have invoked Alecto, Megæra, and Tifphone, instead of the mufes, when he compofed this virulent production.

Ode to the Naval Officers of Great Britain. By W. Mafon, M. A. 4to. 6d. Cadell.

In this Ode the author purfues the following train of thought: Truth defcends, difpatches Detraction to the infernal regions, diffufes her influence through the nation, and animates the bofoms of thofe British commanders, who prefided at the trial of admiral Keppel, or gave their evidence in his favour. Upon this occafion he tells us,

"Hireling courtiers, venal peers,

View them with faftidious frown,
Yet the Mufe's fmile is their's,
Their's her amaranthine crown.

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