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Hand-Books adapted to the "Royal" History of England.

1. ANNALS OF ENGLAND: A Senior Class Date Book of English History. Pp. 120. Price 9d.

2. DATE BOOK OF ENGLISH HISTORY. (For Junior Classes.) Pp. 64. Price 6d.

These Books form part of a Series of "Date Books of History," intended to be used as companions to the several Histories in the ROYAL SCHOOL SERIES. It is the purpose of each of these Date Books to give a bird's-eye view of the history of the country to which it refers. Each will, therefore, be useful both before and after reading the History itself in detail. In the one case it will form a skeleton, or frame-work, which the after-reading will fill up; in the other, it will serve the purpose of an easily-remembered outline, which will suggest the details previously read.


THIS HISTORY OF ENGLAND is divided into Books and Chapters, according to the leading features by which each great period of English History is characterized. This arrangement is important, as showing the continuity of the History of the English People, and the gradual development of the English Constitution. At the same time, the Succession of Dynasties and Reigns of the Sovereigns of England is observed, the commencement and the close of each being distinctly marked.

As in the "Royal" History of Scotland, the "Great Events " of the History are described more in detail, as well as in more graphic style, than the less important incidents.

Geographical references and all other points of difficulty are explained in foot-notes. Exhaustive Questions, which may be used as the basis of Composition Exercises, as well as to test home preparation, are added to each chapter.

The Sketch Maps will be found an invaluable aid in the study of history.

A summary of Contemporary Foreign Events, with Notes and Questions, is given after each chapter or historical period. These summaries form a complete outline of general history, and tend to throw much useful light on the foreign affairs in which England has frequently been so prominently engaged.

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