Imágenes de páginas

Jennings, R. The Natural Elements of Political Economy . 1855.

Ruskin, J. Munera Pulveris, 1862.

Hearn, W. E. Plutology, 1864.


Rogers, J. E. Th. Manual of Political Economy, 1868. Jevons, W. S. The Theory of Political Economy, 1871, with notable additions in edition of 1879.

Cairnes, J. E. Some Leading Principles of Political Economy Newly
Expounded, 1874.

Sidgwick, H. The Principles of Political Economy, 1883.
Marshall, A. Principles of Economics, 1890.

Nicholson, J. S. Principles of Political Economy, 3 vols., 1893–1901.
Hobson, J. A. The Economics of Distribution, 1900.

French, Swiss, and Belgian

Say, J. B. Traité d'Économie Politique, 2 vols, 1803.

Say, J. B. Cours Complet d'Economie Politique Pratique, 6 vols., 1828-30.

Sismondi, J. Ch. Simonde de (Swiss). Nouveaux Principes d'Economie Politique, ou de la Richesse dans ses Rapports avec la Population, 1819.

Saint Simon, H. R. de. Du Système Industriel, 1821.

Dunoyer, Ch. Nouveau Traité d'Économie Sociale, 1830.

Cournot, A. Recherches sur les Principes Mathematiques de la Théorie des Richesses, 1838 (transl. by Bacon, N. T.,.in Economic Classics edited by Ashley, W. J., Macmillan Company, 1897).

Bastiat, F. Harmonies Économiques, 1850.

Molinari, G. de. Cours Usuel d'Économie Politique, 1855-63. Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G. Traité Théoretique et Pratique d'Economie Politique, 2 vols., 1858-59.

Cherbuliez, A. E. (Swiss) Précis de la Science Economique et de ses Principales Applications, 2 vols., 1862.

Walras, L. Elements d'Économie Politique Pure, 1874-77.
Walras, L. Théorie Mathematique de la Richesse Sociale, 1883.
Laveleye, E. de (Belgian). Elements d'Économie Politique, 1882.
Cauwes, P. Cours d'Économie Politique, 4 vols., 1878-1883.
Gide, Ch. Principes d'Économie Politique, 1884. (See also American
text of D. C. Heath and Company, Publishers, based on third
French edition.)

Guyot, Y. La Science Économique, 1885.

Le Play, F. L'Organisation du Travail, 1870, adapted from La Reforme Sociale en France 3 vols., 1864.

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Leroy-Beaulieu, P. Traité Théoretique et Pratique d'Economie Politique, 5 vols., 1895.

Bourgeois, L. La Solidarité, 1897.

Colson, L. C. Cours d'Économie Politique

Sartorius, G.

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6 vols., 1901-08.

German and Austrian

Abhandlungen die Elemente des Nationalreichtums

Betreffend, 1806.

Hufeland, G. Neue Grundlegung der Staatswirtschaftskunst, 1807-13.

Müller, A. Notwendigkeit einer theologischen Grundlage der Staatswissenschaften, 1819.

Thünen, J. H. von. Der Isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirtschaft und Nationalökonomie . . ., 1826-63, 3 vols.

Rau, K. H. Lehrbuch der Politischen Ökonomie, 1826, 3 vols.; editions of the author himself up to 1868.

Herrmann, F. B. W. von. Staatswirtschaftliche Untersuchungen,


List, F. Das Nationale System der Politischen Ökonomie, 1841. Roscher, W. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen über die Staatswissenschaft nach Geschichtlicher Methode, 1843.

Roscher, W. System der Volkswirtschaft, 4 vols., 1854-86.

Knies, K. Die Politische Ökonomie vom Standpunkte der Geschichtlichen Methode, 1853; new edition with changed title in 1881-83.

Gossen, H. H. Die Entwicklung der Gesetze des Menschlichen Verkehrs, 1854.

Marx, K. Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie, 1859.

Marx, K. Das Kapital, 3 vols., 1867-94. The best single volume study of the antecedents of Marx's economics is: Hammacher, F. Das Philosophisch-ökonomische System des Marxismus. 1909.

Schäffle, A. E. F. Die Nationalökonomie, 1861; entitled Das Gesellschaftliche System der Menschlichen Wirtschaft in edition of 1873. Menger, C. Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre, 1871.

Wagner, A. Lehrbuch der Politischen Ökonomie, 8 vols., 1876-92. Wagner, A. Theoretische Sozialökonomik, 1907.

Wieser, F. von. Ursprung und Hauptgesetze des Wirtschaftlichen Werthes, 1884.

Wieser, F. von. Der Natürliche Wert, 1889.

Launhardt, W. Mathematische Begründung der Volkswirtschaftslehre, 1885.

Boehm-Bawerk, E. von. Positive Theorie des Kapitals, 1888.

Philippovich, E. von. Grundriss der Politischen Ökonomie, 1888. Cohn, G. System der Nationalökonomie, 2 vols., 1885-89.

Schmoller, G. Grundriss der Allgemeinen Volkswirtschaftslehre, 2 vols., 1901-04.

Pierson, N. G. Leerboek der Staathuishoudkunde, 2 vols., 1884-90.



Gioja, M. Nuovo Prospetto delle Scienze Economiche, 6 vols., 1815-17. Bianchini, Lod. Della Scienza del ben Vivere Sociale e della Economia degli Stati, 1845-55.

Boccardo, G. Trattato Teorico-Practico d'Economia Politica, 3 vols., 1853.

Nazzani, E. Sunto di Economia Politica, 1873.

Lampertico, F. Economia dei Populi e degli Stati, 4 vols., 1874-84. Cossa, L. Elemente di Economia Politica, 1876.

Pantaleoni, M. Principii di Economia Pura, 1889; English translation by Bruce, T. B., 1898.

Cossa, E. Le Forme Naturale della Economia Sociale, 1890.

Loria, A. La Terra ed il Sistema Sociale, 1892.
Pareto, V. Cours d'Economie Politique, 1896.

American (Up to 1910)

Raymond, D. Political Economy, 1820.

Rae, J. Statement of Some New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy, Exposing the Fallacies of the System of Freetrade. 1834; reprinted under editorship of Dr. Mixter, C. W., under title of The Sociological Theory of Capital, 1905. Wayland, F. Elements of Political Economy, 1837.

Carey, H. C.

Smith, E. P. Bowen, F. 1870.

Principles of Political Economy, 3 vols., 1837-40.
Manual of Political Economy, 1853.

Principles of Political Economy, 1856; under new title,

Perry, A. L. Elements of Political Economy, 1866; under new title, 1891, 20. edit.

George, H. Progress and Poverty, 1879.

George, H. Science of Political Economy, 2 vols., 1898 (posthumous and unfinished).

Walker, F. A. Political Economy, 1883.

Newcomb, S. Principles of Political Economy, 1885.

Clark, J. B. The Philosophy of Wealth, 1886.

Clark, J. B. The Distribution of Wealth, 1899.

Ely, R. T. Introduction to Political Economy, 1889.

Ely, R. T. Outlines of Economics, 1893; enlarged editions of 1908 and 1916, in collaboration with Adams, Th. S., Lorenz, M. O., and Young, A. A.

Patten, S. N. Consumption of Wealth, 1889.

Patten, S. N.
Patten, S. N.

Commons, J. R.

Dynamic Economics, 1892.
The Theory of Prosperity, 1902.
The Distribution of Wealth, 1893.

Davenport, H. J. Outlines of Economic Theory, 1896.

Bullock, C. J.

Carver, Th. N.
Seager, H. R.


Fetter, F. A.

Introduction to the Study of Economics, 1897.
The Distribution of Wealth, 1904.

Introduction to Economics, 1904; under new title in

Principles of Economics, 1904.

Veblen, Th. B. The Theory of Business Enterprise, 1904.

Seligman, E. R. A. Principles of Economics, 1905.

Taussig, F. W. Principles of Economics, 2 vols., 1911 (revised edit.

1914, 3. edit. 1921).


Ago-theory of interest, 310
economics, rise of,

244 ff.
Association of ideas, basis for
ethics, 37, 251,-2

Bacon, F., on induction, 81
Bastiat, on natural harmonies,

Bentham, his hedonism, 123-4
Influence on Thompson, W.,

Boehm-Bawerk, defining capital,


on interest rates, 310

Bowen, F., on premises of eco-
nomics, 149

Cairnes, on Laissez Faire
Capital, according to Physio-
crats and Smith, 165

as savings, 178

according to Socialists, 205
according to Marginists, 291-2
Carlyle, Th., on competitive
régime, 198

Carey on mathematical method,

Causes, Mill, J. S., on composi-
tion of, 132, 135-8

as price determinant, 301-2
Chalmers, defining economics, 159
Circulating capital, 165-6
Clark, J. B., on natural value,

Collectivism defined, 186

in France since 1750, 189 ff.
Comte, influence on J. S. Mill,

and Historical School, 209
on social science method, 274

[blocks in formation]

Dynamics, in Historism, 209
according to Clark, J. B., 276
according to Fetter, 277

Economic interpretation of his-
tory stated, 5-6
rejected, 6 ff.

Marxian view, 2012
"Economic man," Ricardian no-
tion, 119

Economists as philosophers, 102-3
Economics, systematized by Say,

as catallactics, 145-6

as a hedonistic calculus, 255-6
Economics, theory and commer-
cial policy, 180
Empiricism, doctrine, 29

bearing on rise of economics,

Epicureanism, chief points, 40
influence on economics, 42
Ethics, according to Hobbes,

according to Locke, 45-6

in relation to economic theory,
120, 156 ff.

according to Historism, 217-19
according to Marginism, 260 ff.
Expenses, not equal to price, 303
defined, 303-4

[blocks in formation]

German economists and Smith,

Godwin, W., on private property,


Gossen, chief doctrines, Table 3,
236 ff.

opposed to imputation, 239
discussing price-levels, 240-1
Greek ethics and eighteenth cen-
tury thot, 39-41

Hartley, ethical views, 121-3
Hedonism, in Hobbes, 42-5
in Locke, 45-6

and French materialism, 123

in Jennings' economics, 251-2
either ethical or psychological,


as basis of Marginism, 259
Hegel, genetic views, 103-5

influence on Marx, 199-201
Historiography, rise of, 59
Historism, as economics, 186-7
on ethics, 188

relation to Socialism, 205-7
its roots, 207-9

chief economic doctrines, 212 ff.
its organic view of society, 214-
6; 230-1

as a German national move-
ment, 220-1

its general contributions, 225
Historical vs. deductive method
(Menger), 271-2

Hobbes, as materialist, 31
as psychologist, 32-4
on ethics, 42-5

on logic, 81-2

on subjectivity of value, 250
Hodgskin, critic of Utilitarian-
ism, 195

Human motives, according to
Wagner, 219

according to Jevons, 278
Hume, on psychology, 36 ff.
on ethics, 47

on scientific method, 83

Ideas, derived thru senses, 32-5
according to Hume, 36

as basis of desire, 255

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