The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volumen8Riley, 1806 |
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Página 6
... Pope thought of a different hand , might not be borrowed from the old one . Certainly , however , the general tendency of it must have been very different ; since , as Dr. Johnson observes , there are some expressions in this of ...
... Pope thought of a different hand , might not be borrowed from the old one . Certainly , however , the general tendency of it must have been very different ; since , as Dr. Johnson observes , there are some expressions in this of ...
Página 14
... Pope . " This observation of Mr. Pope's , ( says Mr. Edwards ) hap- pens to be very unluckily placed here , because the context , with- out the inserted rhymes , will not connect at all . Read this pas- sage as it would stand corrected ...
... Pope . " This observation of Mr. Pope's , ( says Mr. Edwards ) hap- pens to be very unluckily placed here , because the context , with- out the inserted rhymes , will not connect at all . Read this pas- sage as it would stand corrected ...
Página 15
... a leper . Steevens . - an I do not , call me villain , and baffle me . " 9- but not change their spots :) The old copies have - his spots . Corrected by Mr. Pope . Malone . And I resign my gage . My dear dear lord KING RICHARD II . 15.
... a leper . Steevens . - an I do not , call me villain , and baffle me . " 9- but not change their spots :) The old copies have - his spots . Corrected by Mr. Pope . Malone . And I resign my gage . My dear dear lord KING RICHARD II . 15.
Página 16
... Pope reads- " Justice decide , " but without necessity . Designo , Lat . signifies to mark out , to point out : " Notat designatque oculis and cædem unumquemque nostrûm . " Cicero in Catilinam . Steevens . To design in our author's time ...
... Pope reads- " Justice decide , " but without necessity . Designo , Lat . signifies to mark out , to point out : " Notat designatque oculis and cædem unumquemque nostrûm . " Cicero in Catilinam . Steevens . To design in our author's time ...
Página 26
... Pope . 5 - set you on ] The old copy reads - on you . Corrected by Mr. Pope . Malone . 6 To wake our peace , Which so rous'd up Might - fright fair peace , ] Thus the sentence stands in the common reading absurdly enough ; which made ...
... Pope . 5 - set you on ] The old copy reads - on you . Corrected by Mr. Pope . Malone . 6 To wake our peace , Which so rous'd up Might - fright fair peace , ] Thus the sentence stands in the common reading absurdly enough ; which made ...
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Términos y frases comunes
ancient arms Aumerle Bagot banish Bardolph Ben Jonson blood Boling Bolingbroke Bushy called castle cousin crown death dost doth Douglas Duch duke Earl earl of Fife earth Enter Exeunt eyes fair Falstaff farewel fear folio Gadshill Gaunt Glend Glendower grace grief hand Harry Harry Percy hath head hear heart heaven Henry VI Hereford Holinshed honour horse Hotspur Johnson King Henry King Henry IV King Richard King Richard II king's Lady land lord majesty Malone Mason means Mortimer never night noble Northumberland old copies Oldcastle passage peace Percy play Poins Pope prince of Wales quarto Queen Rich Ritson royal sack says scene Shakspeare Shakspeare's signifies Sir John Sir John Oldcastle soul speak speech Steevens suppose sweet tell thee Theobald thou art thou hast tongue true uncle villain Warburton Welsh hook word York