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his attainments in his professional studies, conferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Medicine.

"In 1786 he was graduated a doctor of medicine at the university of Edinburgh: upon that occasion he published and defended a Thesis," de animo demisso," to which subject his attention was probably directed by the feelings that constantly found a residence in his own sensitive bosom.

"In February, 1787, after an absence of nearly four years, Dr Wistar returned to Philadelphia, instructed in every branch of medicine, and the physical sciences with which it is most intimately associated he was accordingly prepared to fill any station in which his services might be called for, either as a practitioner, or as a teacher of medicine.


"The first testimony borne to his merits by his fellow citizens upon his return to his native country was, his appointment as a physician to the Philadelphia Dispensary, which had been established in the preceding year. "About that period, the medical school attached to the University of Pennsylvania, and an association denominated the College of Philadelphia, were rival institutions.

"Upon the consolidation of these rival schools. Dr. Wistar was associated with the late celebrated Dr. William Shippen, as an adjunct professor of anatomy and surgery in the University of Pennsylvania.

"I need not say how much his exertions, united with those of his colleagues, have

contributed to elevate that medical school to its present high distinction.

As a literary character, few men held a more elevated rank, in the estimation of all to whom he was known, than Dr. Wistar. Beside those branches of science more immediately connected with the medical profession, as far as his duties as a practitioner permitted, he cultivated, with great industry and success, almost every department of lite rature. His house was the weekly resort of the literati of the city of Philadelphia; and at his hospitable board the learned stranger from every part of the world, of every tongue and nation, received a cordial wel come. His urbanity, his pleasing and instructive conversation, his peculiar talent in discerning and displaying the characteristic merits or acquirements of those with whom he conversed, will be remembered with pleasure by all who have ever enjoyed his society and conversation.

"In 1815 he was elected an Honorary member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York; and, as an evidence of the high estimation in which he was held, both for his learning and his private worth, I may add, that when the presidency of the American Philosophical Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge was vacated, in 1816, Dr. Wistar, by an unanimous suffrage, was elected to fill that honourable station: honourable, having been previously occupied only by his illustrious predecessors, Frank lin, Rittenhouse, and Jefferson.



E have hardly visited the theatre in the past month, and shall not attempt a criticism on the performances. Since our last notice of the stage, a Mr. Finn, a native of this city, but who has played in England, has enacted a few characters in the higher walks both of tragedy and comedy, with approbation. We do not learn that he has made any engagement with the managers.

Mr. Incledon on his return from Boston sang in several operas-but probably the public is sated with singing-at any rate he drew only indifferent houses. Mr. Woodhull has made his appearance again on the boards, but has not manifested much improvement since the last season. A Mr. Hawkshurst, we under stand, has made a decent debut in Pierre,


I vera the corner of the Boulevard stopa

N crossing La Rue de La Paix, I was stopgentleman, who, with all imaginable politeness, held out his hat to me, and requested alms, inquiring at the same time after my health. The novelty of this proceeding surprised me. I threw a glance at the civil mendicant, from whom my inspection forced a smile. He was dressed in a green great coat, nankeen pantaloons, and a blue and white striped waistcoat. A large muslin cravat sustained his double chin, which bad just been shaved; his shoes were fastened by silver clasps, his hair was powdered, and

he held in hand a stick that reminded me of the gold-headed canes carried by footmen. At first I fancied that I was the dupe of a mischievous jest ; and I was beginning to be angry, when my petitioner again extended his hat, and begged that I would not "terminate the happiness of his day."

The tone of his voice, the affectation of his expressions, the singularity and neatness of his dress, all inspired me with a feeling of curiosity which I could with difficulty resist. Slipping my hand slowly into my pocket, in the hope of exciting his expectation, I kept clinking a few pieces of money, while I asked him what were the causes that could

have reduced him to practise a profession which so ill accorded with his language and his habit? Charmed with the sound of a few crowns, which in his own mind he already appropriated to himself, our beggar meditated for an instant, and then declared that he merely followed his own judgment and taste. "What," answered I, "of your age (he appeared to be no more than thirty years old) when there are so many ways which would lead you to a peaceful and happy Tife?" "I have travelled them all," he replied, "and I never tasted tranquility, a happiness equal to that which I have enjoyed during the few last months. I have proved all conditions-none suited me. Driven from one post by intrigue. I entered on another through patronage, which I left from caprice. I lost my fort...e in trade, my health in the army. When I was rich exciting envy; when poor calling forth pity; obliged to bend to the wishes of great men, dreading the treachery of little ones: tormented with the desire of adding to what I possessed, or by the fear of losing what I had acquired; compelled to show respect to those whom I hated, employing disreputable stratagems to obtain preferment, and ambiguous means to retain it; continually occupied with anxiety for the future, I passed the greater part of my life in a perpetual agitation; in a mixture of hope and suspense; of short snatches of happiness and vexations, the end of which I could scarcely ever dis cover. One lucky day braving prejudice, which has only the strength that one gives it oneself, scorning shame, which ought not to attach to the beggar on foot more than to the beggar in a coach, I did that which most men do I turned to account the self-love and pride of my fellow creatures; I levied a contribution on all the human passions.Free from the duties which society imposes, from the obligations it commands, without attachment, without family, alone in the midst of all, I created for myself a resource which has never deprived me of my independence. Exempt from the pains, from the bustle which attend fortune and rank, I live without care, without solicitude for the morrow."-"But does it not happen that charity" "I never reckon on charity. My calculations are surer. There is more to be gained by the vices of men than by their virtues. You shall judge for yourself, from the history of one of my days.

"I seldom rise early. However, when that does occur, I go and try my fortune on the Boulevards. You must be well aware that 1 never address those honest artisans whose compassion I might easily awaken, but whose beneficence my habits would deter. Sometimes, however, betrayed by custom, I have accidentally applied to a workman, singing as he goes along to his shop. In almost all such cases I have instantly perceived my mistake; and more than once I have bestowed alms on him from whom I had requested them.

"About nine o'clock I watch for those young girls who, alone and in a morning

dress, walk with a quickness which induces me to suspect that they are in pursuit of pleasure. Their whole minds engrossed by a single idea, they look neither to the right nor to the left. I glide softly after them. My voice, in the mildest tone, strikes their ear with a timid prayer, to which I take care to add with a little more emphasis, these words, which never fail of effect- it will insure your happiness.' Immediately, and without stopping, they open their little purse of green silk, and give me a small piece of money, thanking me, at the same time, by an almost imperceptible smile, for an expression which they have the goodness to regard as a prophecy.

"I return slowly, laughing inwardly at the idle clerk, and the self-important master who are going to their offices. I see the author who racks his brains for a rhyme or a couplet, and the actor who repeats his part in an under tone and without gesture, that he may not incommode passengers. Seldom do I interrupt these honest people. Nevertheless, last week I ventured to implore the aid of a performer of a minor theatre, to whom I bethought myself to lend for a moment the name of our most celebrated tragedian. His countenance sparkled, he made me repeat my request, and paid me for my mistake, like a man who was more pleased than surprised at it. I meet, on my way, the advocate who is going coldly to plead the cause of a client whose pretentions he has himself condemned; the bailiff who hurries to the lodgings of a young man of fashion, against whom he has for six months had a warrant of arrest, the execution of which, in virtue of certain gratuities, he has repeatedly postponed. I have never dared to solicit the pity of this last. To be successful it would be necessary to attack his weak side, and I am always afraid of mistaking it.

"At ten o'clock see me near the Tortoni, or the Cato Anglais. I continue my moral observations; and I find that the cries of misery must not be poured into the ears of a man who has just risen from table.There I am never served until after the waiter, whose eyes dispute with me the remainder of the small change which he has just given, and which is thrown to me with a disdain that relieves me from the necessity of acknowledgment.

"I then generally visit the garden of the Thuilleries. It affords me a rich harvest on a fine day. If you did but know the value to me of the words, Monsieur le Chevalier,' Monsieur le Baron'- Monsieur le Comte'


addressed to people without title, or, ' Mon Colonel' Mon General-applied to officers with only a single epaulette.' Do I meet, coming from church, one of those good women who have not memory enough to recollect the sermon they have just been hearing, I accost her; and after a refusal, often expressed with acrimony, I reiterate my request, pronouncing aloud the name of Heaven. That name produces a magical effect; and the alms are doubled on account

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of the importance she attaches to the good opinion of those who surround her. There are many persons who exhibit charity only when spectators are at hand to applaud it. "Before the close of the morning I stop at the doors of several of the gaming houses. I salute with respect mingled with sympathy, the unfortunate man who descends with measured steps, and in whose face the disastrous state of his finance is easily read. I address almost laughingly the gambler whom chance favours with good fortune which he did not expect. His gifts are generally beyond my hopes; but, alas! they are too often foans rather than gifts. Frequently have I been asked at night for the half-crown which has been bestowed on me in the morning; and in the hope of a change of luck, I have not hesitated to return it.

"I dine in that part of the town in which I find myself at the dinner hour; but I take care to dine alone, lest it should happen to me to sit at table with one of my customers; whom such a little accident might cause me to lose.

"In the evening, I wander about the Palais Royal, or the Champs-Elysees. I have in reserve a story of misfortunes, of which I avail myself according to the rank or probable sentiments of the person to whom I speak. I ruin myself as I choose; sometimes by fire, sometimes by the revolution, sometimes by the ingratitude of my family, sometimes by the treachery of my friend. I carefully examine my listeners, that I may make no mistake in my history, should they have the patience to hear me a second time. It is seldom that my eloquence is not crowned with happy results; for while I apply for compassion, I never forget self-love." "Nevertheless, you may fail sometimes; and you will allow me to believe that at the moment when you were intrusting to me the secret of your mode of life-" "I adopted the only proper course with you. My confession is a new proof of my skill. I have frequently heard your name. I knew that one of your chief employments is to collect remarks on the manners of the capital; and I thought you would not be displeased at having the materials furnished to you for one of your next dissertations."

I had nothing to reply; so I drew my hand from my pocket and took leave of my interlocutor, who followed, overwhelming me with his thanks.


(Dublin Chronicle.)

LETTERS FROM PARIS IN 1817. From the New Monthly Magazine. April 3. According to ancient custom the theatres will be shut here during the Passion Week. The performances at the larger houses closed on Sunday last, and those at the smaller yesterday. All of them open again on Easter Monday. These holidays are the vacation of the actors. All their engagements commence with Easter and end with Palm-Sun.

day, which of course is the conclusion of the dramatic year. Talma intended at the termination of the present, to withdraw from the Theatre Français unless the terms which he offered to the managers were accepted: the latter thought them rather hard, but upon mature deliberation resolved to comply, that they might not lose their best tragedian. Talma will in consequence obtain a salary of 30 or 40,000 francs, if not more. He has never yet been able to save any thing, and Bonaparte is said to have paid his debts several times. It is scarcely to be expected that he will now learn to be a better manager.

A M. Munito, an actor of a different kind, is at this moment engaging in no small de gree the attention of the Parisians. The house where he exhibits is frequently too small, and it requires considerable patience to wait till you can be admitted to admire his talents. This M. Munito is a dog, a kind of poodle, from the neighbourhood of Milan, who has been taught by his master, an Ital ian, to perform all sorts of curious tricks, and in truth does great credit to his instructions. The writer of the biographical account of this celebrated quadruped, sold at the entrance of the place of exhibition, says: "While we were writing this history we hoped that the account of Munito's talents would stimulate the ambition of indolent children." Accordingly there are few pa rents but take their children to admire this model of cleverness, who is become so general a topic of conversation throughout all Paris, that a person would be thought very meanly of who had not seen him, and could not describe his wonderful performances. He writes and cyphers like the most expert master. Set him a sum for example, upon a slate-he places himself gravely before it, considers for a few minutes, then seeks all the figures that form the answer, out of several sets that lie scattered upon the floor, without receiving the slighest perceptible sign from his master. He writes quite orthographically. A word is mentioned, and he immediately seeks out all the letters that compose it.

Ask him for ten or twelve cards and he will instantly pick them out from among a complete pack.-Munito not only exhibits in public every evening at the rate of three francs for each spectator, but is invited to perform before private companies, by which he is well paid. In short, this learned quadruped acquires riches and renown-though strictly speaking the latter only, as the former fall to the share of his


Madame de Genlis will shortly publish an extract from the sixty folio volumes of the Memoires of the Marquis de Dangeau, which are preserved in manuscript in the library of the arsenal. This Marquis de Dangeau be longed to the court of Louis XIV. and is praised by Fontenelle as an able mathematician; nay, more-it was mathematics that gained him the favour of the sovereign.Fontenelle relates, that he was so skilful in

calculating the combinations of the games played at court, as to attract attention, and he was invited to all such games, after it had been ascertained, by Colbert's advice, that his constant success was not owing to any trick, but merely to his skill in calculation. Ten or twelve years ago, Madame de Genlis had prepared for press an extract from these voluminous Memoires, but according to the despotic custom of that time it was necessary that it should be submitted to Buonaparte before it could be printed. Napoleon read the abridged Memoires, and instead of permission to print, he gave this laconic answer;-"The thor of these Memoirs has represented Louis XIV. as too great and too good"-which was tantamount to a prohibition. Madame de Genlis, who was not on bad terms with Buonaparte, could not even get her manuscript returned, so that she has been obliged to transcribe all the extracted passages afresh.

A Mons. Cadet is engaged upon a series of conversations which he had with the celebrated Paoli, on the natural history and political constitutions of Corsica.-Before the revolution, Cadet was sub-delegate of the French government in that island. He has already published several works upon it; some of which have been translated into other languages. As he resided nearly twenty years in Corsica, he is well acquainted with the island and its inhabitants. In his leisure hours he had made a model of the island in relief: Paoli heard of it, and called upon Cadet; hence arose an acquaintance which was highly interesting to both, and led to a familiar intercourse which continued till the breaking out of the French revolution. He related to me a remarkable anecdote of that celebrated leader. M. Cadet was once with him when he was sitting down to dinner. There were several other persons in his company, one of whom was a farmer and another the then obscure Napoleon Buonaparte. Paoli desired the farmer to take a seat near, him, but young Buonaparte was placed at the farther end of the table.-"Do you see that youth yonder?" said he in a whisper to M. Cadet; "if I were to let him sit near me he would soon push me out of my own place."

A singularity of Paoli deserves to be mentioned. I was informed by Cadet that he never cut the nail of one of his little fingers, so that it was of very great length. His object in suffering it to grow was because the same ridiculous notion prevails in Corsica as in China, that long nails are a mark of gentility, as they afford decisive evidence that the owner is not obliged to perform any kind of manual labour.

As I have mentioned M. Cadet, I may without impropriety give you here some curious particulars concerning one of his works.-A French traveller in Egypt had brought back with him a roll of papyrus, 36 feet long, found in the sepulchres of Thebes, and communicated it to M. Cadet. The latter proposed to have it engraved and published, especially as this piece of hieroglyphics, which had for so many ages withstood the ravages of Time, was now so decayed that it could scarcely be touched. This design was, however, attended by various difficulties; but Cadet hoped to surmount them all by patience, care, and perseverance. He first committed the roll to the delicate hands of his wife and daughter. They unrolled it with the utmost caution, and as they proceeded, the unrolled part was stuck with gum upon linen, by which means it was secured from dropping to pieces. After the whole was unrolled, the hieroglyphics were accurately copied-the next business was to get them as acVOL. II. No. v.

curately engraved. Cadet then resided at Strasburg, where he held some public office. Just at this time the public attention was strongly excited by a criminal process against several persons imprisoned at Strasburg for issuing forged notes of the bank of Vienna. At the head of these culprits was one Lefevre, who had engraved the notes, and that with such accuracy that the forged paper could not, without great difficulty, be distinguished from the genuine. M. Cadet conceived that such a clever scoundrel would be able to produce an exact fac simile of the Egyptian hieroglyphics. He communicated this idea to the procurator of the court, who was his friend, and who accompanied him to the prison, where be agreed with Lefevre respecting the engraving of the plates. From this time the prisoner was daily escoed by a gens d'arme to the residence of M. Cadet;ore he worked regularly at the hieroglyphics, was supplied with food and clothing by his employer, and reumed every evening to his prison. In this manner he shed the plates, 19 or 20 in number, of which the roll consists. Meanwhile the time for the trial approached. M. Cadet had observed the character of Lefevre; and perceived from his conversation that this poor fellow, who was not a bad man at the bottom, had fallen into the snares of subtle rogues, and fearful of punishment for a first, though slight offence, had not been able to extricate himself from their toils. M. Cadet promised to intercede with the court in his behalf, and he faithfully kept his word. When the trial came on he represented whatever was calculated to palliate the offence of Lefevre, who was in consequence only placed under the surveillance of the police, whereas his colleagues were condemned to the galleys. To snatch him completely from his vicious courses. and afford him opportunity for amendment, M. Cadet procured him constant employment in engraving maps for an engineer. Unfortunately Lefevre had sunk too low to be worthy of this kindness. He plunged into debauchery, and soon afterwards died miserably. His performanco was published by M. Cadet with a brief description, and it will ever be distinguished as a faithful copy of one of the greatest hieroglyphic monuments of Egypt.

April 15.

Since my last, Massena's death has been the principal event at Paris. We are filled with astonishment when we reflect that a man of mean birth should have raised himself from the lowest rank in the service to the highest, merely by his genius, and have filled all Europe with the fame of his exploits, so that even the enemies who were opposed to him honoured his merits. This admiration, however, is soon lost in a painful feeling, when we recollect that these military achievements tended only to desolate Europe, and to consolidate the despotism of an insatiable ruler. When we farther consider how basely this renowned general behaved in 1815, and how scandalously he sported with the oath of allegiance, the respect due to his military talents dwindles to nothing. At the place of interment, to which his remains were attended by an innumerable multitude of officer : of the old army, General Thiebault delivered n pompous eulogy on the deceased, taking special care to pass over in silence whatever did not redound to Massena's honour. The campaign in Portugal involved the orator in a dilemma from which. he extricated himself in an extraordinary manner. He observed that this campaign had not been productive of the results which might have been expected from Massena's name alone; " but," added he, "those who are able duly to appre 5:0

ciate the obstacles and the means, find in his conduct a proof that he was capable of executing great things with few resources, but not of performing impossibilities." This is very true, but he ought to have intimated that these impossibilities originated in the genius of his antagonist, the Duke of Wellington. A circumstance which shows that Massena was far from considering the conquest of Portugal as impracticable, is the following. It is well known at Paris that before Massena set out from that capital for this campaign, he was invited to breakfast by Buonaparte. Here he met the emperor and empress alone, who loaded him with flatteries and caresses; he was even promised the kingdom of Portugal, and departed, fondly dreaming that he should on mount a throne. If his dreams were no realized, he had nobody to blame for hisappointment but the Duke of Welling; though Massena himself did not manifest in this campaign his former impetuon courage, nor strive to push for ward with his accustomed vigour. It is fortunate for mankind that Massena's fame was wrecked before the lines of Torres Vedras. How different, perhaps,would now have been the fate of Europe, had he succeeded in the attempt to usurp the throne of Portugal!

Among the persons of some note whom the literary world has lost, is M. Chanlaire, who published, in association with Mentelle, the Atlas national de la France, and with Peuchet the topographical and statistical Description of France, in numbers, each containing a department. As he devoted himself more especially to the topography of the French empire, he has produced some good works in that fine, though indeed not free from errors. One of the rooms in his house was fitted up all round with large drawers. These drawers were as numerous as the departments of the French empire some years ago, and

upon each was inscribed the name of a depart


Whatever appeared on the subject of the topography, statistics, or history of any department was immediately procured by M. Chanlaire, and put into the proper drawer; and as he had pursued this practice for at least twenty years, he had collected a tolerable complete library, which was of great use to him in the compilation of his great Description of France. It is a subject of regret that this work, which he published at his own expense, was scarcely finished; since he was obliged to relinquish the undertaking for want of encouragement. The statistical form is too dry for the generality of readers. Besides the above-mentioned works, M. Chanlaire was employed upon several considerable collections of maps, as the Map of the South of Europe in 45 sheets, the Map of the Seat of War in the East in 3 large sheets, the Map of Belgium in 69 sheets, from Ferrari's. He also contributed a number of sheets to Men

telle's Atlas universel in 169 sheets.


The following facts, gleaned from a foreign journal, will probably be new to most of our readers, as they were to ourselves. We are assured that they are authentic-Mr. Meredith, a private gentleman of London, who, in his patronage of science, displays a munificence worthy of a prince, is printing, at his own expense, Taylor's translation of Proclus' work on Plato. The printing of Taylor's Aristotle cost the same gentleman

£2000. Of the first nine volumes of this work only 50 copies were taken off, and of the tenth 300. Out of these 50 copies Mr. Meredith presented the translator with 26; and as each copy sells for £50, the value of the whole amounts to £1300. The 24 copies which he retained for bitself, were destined solely for presents to his friends. He has moreover settled on Mr. Taylor a life annuity of 100 guineas. Taylor's works belong to the class of rare books, as not more than 50 copies of most of thein have been printed. Customs and Manners in Modern Holland.

The following general view of the customs and manners of the Dutch, is from a very recent work of Mr. Campbell :-The natives of the United Provinces are of good stature, and inclined to be corpulent, but they are remarkable in general for a heavy awkward mein; their features are regular, and their complexions fair. The better sort of people imitate the French fashions in their dress; but those addicted to ancient habits never fail to load themselves with an enormous in

cumbrance of clothes. The hats of those women are nearly as large as tea boards, projecting forwards, and on each side, so as to overshadow both face and body: these are chiefly of straw, with two broad ribbons, not tied, but pendant from the sides. Both men and women wear at least two waistcoats, with as many coats, and the former cover their limbs with double trowsers; but the dress of the young girls is the most singular, especially at any festival or holiday.

of inundation is habitually frugal. His The Dutchman, living in continual dread foresight admirable, his perseverance not to be conquered, and his labours, unless seen, cannot be credited. This astonishes the more when the phlegm of his temper and the slowness of his manners are considered. View the minuteness of bis economy, the solicitude of his precaution, and the inflexibility of his methodical prudence, who would prise? He builds himself a dwelling: it is not pronounce him incapable of great enteran hut in size, it is a palace in neatness; it is necessarily situated among damps, and perhaps behind the banks of a sluggish ca nal; yet he writes upon it Myngenoege, my delight; Land lust, country pleasure; Land zigt, country prospect; or some other inscription that might characterize the Vale of Tempe, or the Garden of Eden! He still cuts his trees into fantastic forms, hangs his awnings round with small bells, and decorates his Sunday jacket with dozens of little buttons. Too provident to waste his sweets, he puts a bit of sugar-candy in his mouth, and drinks his tea as it melts.

The Dutch are usually distinguished into five classes: the peasants and farmers, seafaring men, merchants and tradesmen, those who live upon their estates or the interest of their money, and military officers. The pea sants are industrious, and only managed by fair language. The seafaring men are a plain, rough, and hardy race, seldom using

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