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raceway-and the conjunction of these inventions renders the power on board very nearly as advantageous as when applied in towing from the land.

On the canals in England, barges carrying 30 tons are drawn 5 miles per hour by one horse through still water-why then should not an equal power, if properly applied, produce nearly an equal result when employed on board? I am conscious it can never do quite so much, because it is impossible to prevent the escape of water about the paddles entirely, but a very near approximation may be obtained.

Navigable Raft-Boats and their machinery may be constructed of various dimensions, at one-fourth the expense of ordinary horse-boats. They may be moved with rapidity by one or more horses, or oxen, according to their size. They will be advantageous for ferries, and the Conveyance of passengers, merchandise of all kinds, and agricultural produce Stores and apartments may be erected

upon them, and stabling for relay horses, if required.

They may be used in numberless instances where the heavy expenses of steam-boats and horse-boats are insupportable. They will avoid the inconveniences of leakage and repairs-they may travel in the shallowest waters, and will be more safe than any hollow vessel can possibly be.

I am, Gentlemen, your very obedient servant. C. A. BUSBY. No. 2, Law Buildings, New-York, February 11.

P. S. A model of the Navigable RaftBoat is prepared for the inspection of those who take interest in the subject.

This invention may also be converted into a Floating Tide Mill-the raceway being in that case made hopper-mouthed, to increase the current acting upon the water-wheel. It may also be applied to military purposes, for the defence of harbours, &c.

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

A. A. B. B. The double Raft-Boat. C. The water-wheel with upright buckets, guard rollers, &c. described in our December number.

D. Two drum-wheels on vertical shafts, or spindles, connected by a band, a second band passes about these drums, and another drum fixed concentrically to the shaft of the water-wheel: horses attached to the first band, by common whiffle-trees, give motion to the front drums, and those drums acting on the second band, communicate their motion to the water-wheel. E. The gutter or raceway (inclosed on VOL. II.-No. v.

[blocks in formation]



NEBRIS Remittens, (Remittent Ferer,) 2;

ment of the Tartar Emetic Ointment, briskly rubbed on the skin, night and morning, till it

Febris Cominua, Continued Fever); produced the usual pustular eruptions, which

Febris Infantum Remittens, (Infantile Remittent Fever,) 3; Ophthalmia, (Inflammation of the Eyes,) 3; Cynanche Tonsillaris, (Inflammation of the Throat,) 4; Catarrhus Acutus, (Acute Catarrh,) 3; Bronchitis, 4; Pneumonia, (Inflammation of the Chest,) 14; Pertussis, (Hooping-Cough,) 2; Rheumatismus Acutus, (Acute Rheumatism,) 4; Rubeola, (Meastes.) 2; Variola, (Small Pox,) 14; Vaccinia, (Kine Pock,) 200.


worms, 4.-Total, 195.

were dressed with simple cerate. The following deaths occurred in New-York during the month of December, 1817. Apoplexy, 5-burned, 1-cancer, 1-childbed, 3-cholera morbus, 1-consumption, 38 convulsions, 7--cramp in the stomach, 1— diarrhæa, 1—dropsy, 4-dropsy in the chest, 3-dropsy in the head, 10-drowned, 2— dysentary, 1-epilepsy,1--intermittent fever, 1-Remittent fever, 1-scarlet fever, 1– typhous fever, 11-hæmorrhage, 4-hives or Asthenia, (Debility,) 2; Cephalalgia, (Head- mation of the bowels, 4-inflammation of the croup, 6-hysteria, 1-infanticide, 2-inflamAch,) 3; Dyspepsia, (Indigestion,) 9; Gastro- brain, 3-inflammation of the chest, 16-iadynia, (Pain in the Stomach,) 2; Obstipatio, 5; flammation of the liver, 2--inflammation of the Hysteria, (Hysterics,) 1; Paralysis, (Palsy,) stomach, 2-insanity, 1-intemperance, 2— 1; Hemaplegia, 1; Catarrhus Chronicus, killed or murdered, 1-marasmus, 3-mea(Chronic Calarrh,) 4; Bronchitis Chronica, sles, 2-old age, 10-palsy, 4-pneumonia 2; Asthma et Dyspnæa, 1; Phthesis Pulmoralis, (Pulmonary Consumption,) 3; Pleuro- typhodes, 1-scirrhus of the liver, 1—small cynia, 2; Lumbago, 2; Hæmoptysis, (Spit-1-suicide, 3-teething, 1-unknown, 5— pox, 10-sprue, 1-still born, 6—stranguary, ting of Blood,) 2; Menorrhagia, 1; Hæmorrhois, 1; Diarrhoea, 2; Amenorrhea, 3; Dysuria, (Difficulty of Urine,) 1; Plethora, Vermes, (Worms,) 3; Syphilis, 8; Urithritis Virulenta, 4; Contusio, (Bruise,) 2; Vulnus, (Wound,); Luxation, (Displacement of a Bone) 1; Fractura, (Fracture.) 1; Ustio, (Burn.) 3; Abscessus, (Abscess,) 2; Ulcus, (Ul cer.) 3; Seabies et Prurigo, 19; Porrigo, (Scald Head,) 3; Psoriasis, 1; Eruptiones Variæ, 4. The Winter season, as yet, has been, generally speaking, remarkably fine; but during a few days the cold was severe, and at times, light snow, hail and rain occurred. The highest temperature of this month has been 45°; lowest 7; greatest diurnal variation, 17°; greatest elevation of the mercury in the barometer 30. 92; greatest depression 30. 04. Prevailing winds between north-west and south-west. Quantity of rain and melted snow 2. 3 inches. On one night, towards the last of the month, one or two peals of thunder were heard.

This month has been productive of no remarkable change in the state of diseases, except that the variety of acute disorders has diminished, as is usual during the Winter seaSOG. Diseases of the order Febres have continued to decrease, while those of the Phleg masia have gradually, but slowly, increased. Rheumatisms and affections of the organs of respiration, varying from Slight-Catarrh to Acute Bronchitis, and Pneumonic Inflammation, are the complaints with which the physician has most frequently had to contend. Cases of Hooping-Cough and Measles have also been under treatment. Small-pox, judging from our register, is extending.

the age of one year-16 between 1 and 2 Of this number, there died 36 of and under and 10-14 between 10 and 20-28 between years-14 between 2 and 5-8 between 5 20 and 30-24 between 30 and 40-15, between 40 and 50--15 between 50 and 60--15 between 60 and 70-6 between 70 and 80-4 between 80 and 90.

The bill of mortality for January, 1818, presents 225 deaths from the following dis eases :

Apoplexy, 2-cancer, 1-casualty, 5child-bed, 2-consumption, 54-convulsions, 18-cramp in the stomach, 1-diarrhea, 1— drepsy, 7-dropsy in the chest, 2-dropsy in the head, 9-drowned, 1-fever, 1-bilifever, 7-gout, 3-hives or croup, 8-infanous fever, 1-intermittent fever, 2-typhous ticide, 1-inflammation of the chest, 18inflammation of the bowels, 5-inflammation of the liver, 3-intemperance, 9-jaundice, killed, 1-measles, 4-mortification, 1-old age, 9-palsy, 4-quinsey, 1-rheumatism, 3-rupture, 1-scrofula, 1-small pox, 8sore throat, 1-spasms, 1-still born, 23—— sudden death, 3-suicide, 1-tabes mesenterica, 10-teething, 1-hooping-cough, 2— worms, 2.-Total, 225.

Of which there died 59 of and under the. age of one year-18 between 1 and 2 years 17 between 2 and 5-9 between 5 and 10 -10 between 10 and 20-31 between 20 and 30-37 between 30 and 40-21 between 40 and 50-17 between 50 and 60-5 between 60 and 70-5 between 70 and 80


6 between 80 and 90-2 between 90 and In some cases of Chronic Rheumatism, conJACOB DYCKMAM, M. D. siderable benefit resulted from the employ- New-York, January 31, 1818.


SULPHATE of magnesia and sulphate of lime are both very common in our spring water; the last salt and super-carbonate of lime are the chief cause of what we call hard waters, which are very unwholesome and unfit for washing. When soap is used with these waters a double decomposition takes place; the sulphuric acid of the selenite unites with the alkali of the soap, and forms sulphate of potass or sulphate of soda, which remains in solution, while the magnesia or lime unites with the tallow, and forms an insoluble compound, which swims upon the surface of the water like curds. In this way hard waters require much more soap for any given purpose than rain water, or waters which do not contain these earthly salts. Such waters are also unfit for boiling any esculent vegetable; but they may be rendered soft by adding to them a very little carbonate of soda or carbonate of potass twenty-four hours previous to their use. By this addition, a double decomposition will be effected, and the carbonate of lime, a very insoluble salt, precipitated.

From the New Monthly London Magazine. MR. EDITOR,

I have no doubt you will with promptitude give a place in your columns to any means for ameliorating the condition of the poor, and therefore send you the experiments of an old gardner thirty years ago. Death interrupted his labours in the fifth year; and scarcity had not given importance to such discoveries; so the facts are revived from almost oblivion. If accepted I shall send you the management of bees by this votary of agricultural science, who supported his old age by the profits of his apiary.

Botanists have proved by experience that any delicate exotics may be rendered so hardy as to stand the rigour of our winters in the open air, if the plants have been raised from seed; but it generally takes fourteen years to inure them to a cold climate. This fact in natural history may be applied to an improved method in the culture of that valuable root the potatoe. Allowing that fourteen years should be requisite before raising it from seed can enable it to resist our frosts, the labourer would be well repaid. All farmers, and even every cottager who has a garden, should each spring set a few seeds, vulgarly termed potatoe-apples. Let the farmer look through his potatoe-fields, and gather such pods as are first ripened. The stalk should be cut so long as to admit tying them in pairs, to be thrown over a rope, when the imperfect seed have been picked off. There the seed remain till spring; but it must be observed that the rope should be extended where, without much artificial heat, frosts may be excluded; and where none of the clusters shall touch the wall, or each other for a free circulation of air is necessary. A piece of well manured ground

should be prepared in November, and left at, winter in ridges. Choose a southern aspect, as far from lakes, rivers, ditches, or marshes, as may be; for proximity to much moisture occasions the early frost blight. Early in February, level as much of your prepared ground as will receive twelve seed pods, two inches deep in the earth, and half a foot asunder. Repeat this operation, if the weather permits, every fortnight, till the time when your general crop should be planted; and then let all your seed pods be set. Keep the plants very clear of weeds, and treat them in all respects as your common potatoes. In autumn ga ber the roots. They will be very smail, but are the germs of new potatoes, perhaps of new varieties. Plant them in spring, as directed above, and continue in the saine way till they produce seed, which is to be treated as already detailed, progressively for many years. Till the potatoes raised from seed answer your expectation in quality and quantity, it will be proper to gather a few from the common kind, and to manage them according to the preceding rules. The returns made by all kinds of potatoes might be much greater, if when first used in autumn the leading roots were never unsettled. The largest bulbs should be picked off with the hand, uncovering them cautiously with a forked stick. Many seemingly insignificant protuberances will soon swell when the principal fibres are not disturbed, and when the plant is well earthed up, the removal of its largest produce wil hasten the perfection of what remains, by leaving more nourishment. Every peasant knows how to prepare potatoe four or starch. It makes palatable bread, in the proportion of one third with wheat, rye, or barley-meal, or with the potatoe roots fresh boiled and mashed; well kneaded and baked into thin cakes. Potatoc-flour keeps several years.

August, 1817.

B. G.

Seed Corn.-A respectable farmer bas communicated to us a successful method of preventing his corn being pulled up by birds and other enemies of the young plant. It is simply to give the seed a coat of tar before planting; and if afterwards rolled in plaster, so much the better. Neither bird, squirrel, nor insect will then eat it. Thin your tar by a moderate heat, and turn it on the seed;

only take care not to have it so warm as to destroy the germinating principle.

A new method of preserving wood from tùe effects of the weather.

Take three parts of air slacked lime, two parts of wood ashes, and one part of fine sand; sift the whole, and add as much linseed oil as is necessary to form a mass that can be laid on with a paintbrush. To make this mixture perfect and more durable, it wil

be well to grind it on marble. Two coats of it are all that are necessary; the first should be rather light, but the second must be put on as thick as the brush will permit. This composition well prepared is impenetrable to water; resists both the influence of the weather, and the action of the sun, which hardens it and makes it more durable. The government of France has ordered that all gun carriages should be washed with this composition.

Roman Cement.-A sort of plaster so called, which well withstands our moist climate, is made by mixing one bushel of lime slacked with 3 lbs. of green cupperas, 15 gallons of water, and half a bushel of fine gravel sand. The copperas should be dissolved in hot water; it must be stirred with a stick, and kept stirring while in use. Care should be taken to mix at once as much as may be requisite for one entire front, as it is very difficult to match the colour again, and it ought to be mixed the same day it is used,

A Chemist of Copenhagen has discovered a brilliant yellow matter for dying in potatoe tops. The mode of obtaining it is by cutting the top when it is in flower, and bruising and pressing it, to extract the juice. Linen or woolen kept in this liquor 48 hours, takes a fine, solid and permanent yellow colour. If the cloth be aftewards plunged in a blue dye, it then acquires a beautiful permanent green colour.

A new discovery has just been made on

the potatoe, very precious for the art of making paper. The dregs of the tubercle, grated and cleared of its flowry substance, it appears, mixes itself easily with the common preparation, or paste, with which the paper is made.

Receipt for making paper fire proof-Immerse any kind of paper in a strong solution of allum water-thoroughly dry it, immerse and dry it again—and neither fire nor candle will burn it.

It has been proved by several series of experiments, that, for feeding cattle, and in particularly milch cows, during the winter, the water ought to have the chill taken off; as when in the state of freezing, or nearly so, it creates a general chill throughout the frame, and suspends, instead of assists, the functions of digestion. It has been found, by adopting this method, and giving cows their hay saturated with salt-water, they yield onethird more milk.

M. Peschire, to remove the musty flavour of injured wheat, has tried a solution of from 3 to 4 lbs. of potash of commerce for every cwt. of wheat with three times its bulk of water. The wheat is next repeatedly washed, agitated aud dried quickly; and that which was not only musty, but very sour, acquired its natural properties by this method, and served to make excellent brown bread, in which a slight bitter taste was the only inconvenience remaining. The loss in weight amounts to one fifth of the whole.


It is with feelings of concern for the public loss, as well as of individual regret, that we record the death of General Humphreys. Not having the materials of a full acount of his life and labours at band, we present our readers with the following brief biographical sketch taken from the New Haven Journal.

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JED, in this city very suddenly, on Saturday the 21st inst. a quarter before 12 o'clock, General David Humphreys, aged 66. Although for a few weeks past he had not enjoyed his usual health, he was not considered in very immediate danger; be found himself in the morning quite as well as he had been for a number of days preceding; he walked out several time, conversed very cheerfully, and was in cheerful company not more than twelve minutes before he expired; his company happened to leave the room, no one saw him for the space of three or four minutes, at the end of which time a visible alteration appeared in his countenance, and In eight minutes he had breathed his last without a struggle. His disorder was an organic affection of the heart, and we are in formed, was the first serious illness he ever experienced.

Gen. Humphreys was son to the Rev. Daniel Humphreys of Derby, Connecticut;

and was born in July, 1752. He was admitted into Yale College in 1767, and having honourably acquitted himself in his studies, received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1771. In college he paid his addresses successfully to the Muses, and contracted a particular intimacy with their favourite, the late lamented Dr. Dwight.

On leaving college he went to reside in the family of Col. Philips, in the State of NewYork, and while there, is said to have addressed a poetical letter to his friend, in which he displayed his future plans, hopes, and prospects, with much ease and elegance; that letter we believe has never been published, and perhaps cannot now be found.

He first entered the army in capacity of a captain, but at what time we are not informed; in 1773, however, he was Aid to General Putnam with the rank of Major.

Two years after, he proved the successful candidate of four, for the office of Aid-DeCamp to the Commander in Chief-his competitors were Col. Talmadge, Gen. Wm. Hull, and Roger Alden. From this time he continued with General Washington till the end of the war, and afterwards accompanied him to Virginia. While aid-de-camp to General Washington, his rank was that of Colonel, and for his signal services at the

siege of York, Congress voted him an elegant sword in testimony of their high estimation of his fidelity and valour.

On Mr. Jefferson's appointment as ambassador to France Col. Humphreys was nominated his secretary, and sailed for Europe, in company with the brave and unfortunate Kosciusko in 1784. Soon after his return from France in '86, he was sent a representative from Derby, to the legislature of Connecticut, and honourably acquitted himself in that situation for two years, when he was appointed to the command of a regiment raised for the Western service. Dur

ing this appointment his time was princi-
pally spent at Hartford, and with Trumbull,
Barlow, and Hopkins, he assisted in the pub-
lication of the Anarchiad. On the reduction
of his regiment he repaired to Mount Ver-
non, and continued with Gen. Washington
till 1790, when he received an appointment
to the court of Portugal; in '94 he visited
America, but very soon returned to Lisbon
he was afterwards appointed to the court of
Spain. In '97 he formed a matrimonial
connexion with an English lady, daughter
of John Bulkly, Esq. a very wealthy mer-
chant in Lisbon-with her he went to reside
at Madrid, where he continued till 1802,
when he returned to America.

Here ends general Humphrey's public career-since his return to America his attention has been principally given to objects of public utility. His introduction of merino sheep into this country has very much improved the quality of wool, and will doubtless prove a lasting benefit to domestic manufactures. He has done much also for the promotion of agriculture; this seemed to be a favourite pursuit; and he was making strong exertions to form a society for the purpose of producing an agricultural farm for experiment.

He had also formed a plan for obtaining and publishing the Biography of the distinguished men who have flourished in Connecticut, and had made applications to a number of literary gentlemen in the State to aid in the design. It is much to be regretted that this plan was not carried into execution before his death. Gen. Humphreys had a fund of information, adapted to a purpose of this kind, which could never be collected from any other source; few have had a better acquaintance with men and manners than he, or have possessed more of that kind of information which is derived from extensive intercourse with the world.

Gen. Humphrey's literary merit is well known; though he has produced no work of magnitude, what he has written has usually done him credit.

He first distinguished himself as a poet, by his address to the armies of the U. States, In addition to that, he has written

A poem on the happines of America,
A poem on the future glory of the U. S.
A poem on the industry of the U. S.
A poem on the love of country.

A poem on the death of General Washington.
Occasional poems, epistles, &c.

The widow of Malabar, a tragedy transla. ted from the French, first played at the Philadelphia theatre. He has written an essay on the life of Gen. Putnam, and several politi. cal tracts, and an oration delivered before the Cincinnati of Connecticut at the dissolution of their society.

We noticed in a late number the death of Dr. Wistar, of Philadelphia. The following sketch of his life and character is from the pen of Dr. David Hosack, of New-York. Dr. Hosack took an opportunity, in the course of his medical lectures, in the University, to introduce an eulogy on the deceased, which was published at the request of the students of the college of physicians and surgeons,and from which we have made our extracts:

"Dr. Caspar Wistar was a native of that city, [Philadelphia,] which he adorned by his learning, and enriched by his labours: he was born in the year 1760: his parents were of German extraction, and belonged to the society of friends, of which they were highly respected members.

"Dr. Wistar received his elementary education at the celebrated grammar school that had been originally established in the city of Philadelphia by William Penn. At that seminary he received an excellent English and classical education, the institution being at that time under the direction of Mr. John Thompson, an eminent scholar, and very able teacher of the Latin and Greek languages, and now a respectable merchant in the city of Philadelphia. With the preparatory knowledge thus acquired, young Wistar resolved to study medicine as the business of his future life: for this purpose he entered as a private pupil of the late Dr. John Redman, then one of the most eminent practitioners of physic în the city of Philadelphia. While he was thus acquiring the advantages of much practical information in the office of his preceptor, he also diligently availed himself of every opportunity of instruction that his native city then afforded, by attendance upon the medical lectures of Drs. Morgan, Shippen, Rush, and Kuhn.


Stimulated by the success and distinction which those eminent teachers and practitioners of medicine had derived from a visit to Europe, and an attendance upon the celebrated schools of Leyden, Edinburgh, and London; always animated by the desire of excelling in whatever he undertook, and of rendering himself most useful in his profession, he proceeded to Europe for the purpose of improving his acquisitions in medicine, and of extending bis researches in those branches of science which are most nearly connected with it, and in which he afterwards excelled.

In the spring of 1784, shortly after his departure for Europe, the trustees of the medical school of Philadelphia, as an evidence of

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