Imágenes de páginas

service with leave of government; but they are not to serve with the forces of his Catholie Majesty in Spanish America.

The ships Dawson and Emerald, it is said, have sailed from Portsmouth, with about 250 Commissioned and non-commissioned officers, to join the Spanish patriots in SouthAmerica. The ships proceed to St. Thomas'. The following comparative estimate of commitments for crime, is not a little interesting. In Manchester, commitments for crime, on an average of nine years, are computed at 1 in every 140 souls; in London. 1 in 800; in Ireland, 1 in 1600; in Scotland, 1 in 20,000. A result highly creditable to Scotland.

It is a singular fact, that the several lunatics in the Asylum in Castlebar, Ireland, male and female, have been taught to spin fine yarn, and are now constantly and cheerfully employed in doing so.

Died.] At Claremont, on the 7th of November, 1817, in child-bed, her Royal Highness, the Princess Charlotte Augusta, daughter of his Royal Highness, the Prince Regent of England, and consort of his Serene Highness, the Prince Leopold, of Saxe-Coburg, in the 22d year of her age. She was presumptive heir to the crown of Great-Britain.


There appears to have been much interesting and free discussion, in the Chamber of -Deputies, during its recent session, on the subject of the allies and the occupation of France by the allied armies. The king, in his speech on the opening of the session, after faking notice of the death of the child of the duke of Berry, and stating that the treaty with the Pope had been concluded, and alluding to the state of the harvests, and congratulating the house on the prospect that it would not be necessary to increase the taxes to meet the expenses of the coming year, thus expresses himself in regard to the relations with the allies: "The conventions which I signed in 1815, presenting results which could not then be foreseen, have rendered a new begotiation necessary. Every thing leads me to hope, that its issue will be favourable, and that conditions far above our means will be succeeded by others more conformable to equity, to moderation, and to the possibility of sacrifices, which my people support with a constancy that can add nothing to my love for them, but which give them new claims to my gratitude, and to the esteem of all nations.

•Thus, as I had the happiness of announcing to you in the course of last session, the expenses arising from the army of occupation are diminished a fifth, and the period is not far distant, when we may be permitted to hope, thanks to the wisdom and energy of my government, to the love and confidence of my people, and to the friendship of my allies, that those expenses will entirely cease; and that our country will resume among nafions the rank and renown due to the valour of Frenchmen, and their noble character in adversity."

A decree of the king reduces the officers of the navy so that they shall consist of-6 viceadmirals; 16 rear admirals; 20 captains of the 1st class; 40 do. of the 2d do. ; 30 do. of frigates; 40 lieutenants having rank with the chiefs of battalions; 260 lieutenants with companies; 400 ensigns, and 300 midship



Ferdinand appears to be very anxious to conciliate the European powers in his favour, in reference to the contest with the colonies. His resources, bowever,seem to be very small, and his affairs to be growing more entangled. The inquisition is the enormous curse of the country. The bishop of Queypo, in 48 hours after he had been appointed Minister of Justice, was seized by officers of that body; and Yonidale, who was nominated Minister of Finance, was thrown into a dungeon and put to the torture as a traitor to the king.

A London paper states, that the paper money of Spain was at a discount of 74 per cent. notwithstanding the new plans of finance, and the assiduity of the council of ways and means.

The board of health at Alicant, under the sanction of the supreme board, has made it death for any person to land clandestinely from the coast of Africa.


The celebrated Polander, General Kosciusko, has recently died, at Soleure. A funeral ceremony, in his honour, was performed in Paris. After the service was over, the following brief biographical sketch was circulated.

"Thaddeus Kosciusko was born in Lithuania. He was educated at Warsaw, in the corps of cadets. To learn the art of war and of national defence, he went and took service in the rising states of North America. He remained there until the end of the war of independence, and there merited and obtained the friendship of General Washington, of whom he was the companion in arms.

"When the very existence of his country was menaced in 1792, Kosciusko hastened to return to it: he offered it his services and the experience he had acquired in a country. which like Poland, fought for liberty, and had succeeded in establishing it without the sacrifice of order. He made his first campaign, as brigadier general, under the orders of Prince Joseph Poniatowski. In the second, which took place in 1794, it was be who, by the enthusiasm of national honour rallied the army; and Prince Poniatowski then placed himself under his banners.

"Without funds, without magazines, without fortresses, Kosciusko maintained his ar my for nine months against forces infinitely superior. Poland then existed only in his camp. Devotedness made up for the want of resources, and courage supplied the deficiency of arms; but the general had imparted his noble character to all his soldiers. Like him they knew no danger, they dreaded no fatigues when the honour and liberty of Poland

were depending; like him they endeavoured to lessen the sacrifices which were required of the inhabitants for national independence; and their obedience to their venerated chief was the more praiseworthy, as it was voluntary. He held his authority by no other tenure than that of his virtues.

"That unequal struggle could not, however, last long. Kosciusko was overcome by superior numbers at the battle of Macieyowice. He was wounded, taken prisoner, and conducted to Russia. The Emperor Paul, on his accession to the throne, thought he could not grant the Polish nation a more acceptable favour than to restore to liberty the hero whose loss they regretted. He himself announced to Gen. Kosciusko, that his captivity was at an end. He wished him to accept, moreover, a present of 50,000 ducats of Holland; but the general refused it. Kosciusko preferred rather to depend for subsistence on the recompence to which his services in America had entitled him.

"With this humble fortune, obtained in so honourable a way, he lived for a while in the United States; then in France, near Fontainebleau, in the family of Zeltner; and lastly, in Switzerland. From that time he refused to take any part in the affairs of his country, for fear of endangering the national tranquility, the offers that were made to him being accompanied with no sufficient guarantee. A fall from his horse, by which he was dragged into a precipice not far from Vevey, was the cause of his death, which took place at Soleure, the 15th of October. He was aged upwards of sixty years. He had never been married, and his family is reduced to a single nephew, who lived far distant from him.

"But the Polanders all considered themselves as his children; they encompassed him with respect and love, and presented, with a degree of pride, to other nations, that model of the virtues of their country, so pure, so upright, so great at the head of an army, so modest in private life, so formidable to his enemies in battle, so humane, so kind to the vanquished, so zealous for the glory and independence of his country."


In consequence of a disagreement between the Prince of Orange and the Minister of War, Count Goltz, the latter resigned. The king, however, refused to receive his resignation, whereupon the prince threw up all his military commissions, and appeared afterwards in the theatre in citizen's dress, and was received with great applause. This is the prince whom the late Princess Charlotte of England refused for a husband. He was chief Minister of war and commander in chief. The king is said to have ordered 100,000 florins to be advanced to the linen manufacturers to buy stock. The Dutch revenue for 1818, is calculated at 67,500,000 florins; the expenditures at 74,000,000; so that a loan will be necessary.


The King of Saxony is said to have made a demand on Prussia of 18,000,000 of rix dollars, for expenses during the years 1805 and and 1806, when the greater part of the Prussian armies were stationed in Saxony.

A new general Diet, it is expected, will be soon convoked. Considerable changes have taken place in the ministry.


It appears that a great society, consisting lions, is formed in Prussia, to promote doof 4000 persons, with a capital of many milmestic manufactures, and that British goods are subjected to a duty of 30 cent. per

A letter from Paris states, that Prince Hardenberg, the Prussian Ambassador, has presented an official note, complaining of a passage in his majesty's speech at the opening of the session, and of the address of the chamber of deputies in reply to it. This official has excited a strong sensation in Paris, from the emphatic manner in which the Prussian minister complains of the declaration put forth respecting the treaties, and his demand of an explanation.


Letters from the North state that the Prince Royal of Sweden has refused permission to some Frenchmen, who were obliged to quit France, to take up their residence in Norway. He reminded them of the decision of the allied powers, by which they are compelled to reside in Austria, Russia, or Prussia.


Intelligence from St. Petersburg says that the Russian Asiatic Company had acquainted the government that its latest arrivals from China brought an account of the desire of the Emperor of China to see foreign ambassadors at his court upon the same footing as they are received at the European-sparing

the heads of foreign ambassadors from the nine thumps of the Ko-Ton.

The present population of St. Petersburg is stated at 270,500 inhabitants including the garrison. The proportion of foreigners is estimated at 1-8th thereof. In point of numbers that capital ranks the fifth city in Europe.

The following statement has been laid before his majesty, respecting the destruction of public and private buildings at Moscow, during the French invasion:

Of public buildings destined for Divine Worship, there were 358, of which 348 are now restored, so as to be fit for use.

Of dwelling houses, there were at that time 2,567 of stone, 6,591 of wood-in all, 9,158. On the enemy's retreat, there remained undamaged, of stone, 526, of wood, 2,100; in all, 2,626.

Since that time there have been built or repaired 3,137 of stone, and 5,561 of woodin all 8,688.

Of booths and shops there were 6,324 of stone, and 2,197 of wood-in all 8,521. Of

these there remained undamaged, 989 of stone, and 379 of wood-in all 1,368.

There have been since rebuilt or repaired 5,102 of stone, and 447 of wood-in all 5,549.

The population of Moscow consists of 197,482 male inhabitants, and 114,518 females-in all $12,000 souls.


Accounts from Pattras, under date of September 8th, state that the harvest, in the Morea, had been very abundant, and that the plague had just ceased its ravages when a new misfortune came to spread terror and desolation. On the 28th of August, about 8 o'clock in the morning, there was heard near Vos tissa, a loud detonation similar to a discharge of artillery; it was followed almost immediately by a violent agitation of the earth, which lasted about a minute and a half. At the same time the sea retired to a considerable distance, leaving the vessels dry that were in the harbour. It then returned with fury, rose fifteen feet above its ordinary level, and covered with its waves an extent of land of almost an hundred feet. It then returned to its accustomed situation.

But the Cape which formed a part of the harbour of Vostissa, and was at the mouth of a river named Gaidou-roup-nietti, after having cast up a very thick smoke, sunk into the sea which near that point was very deep. The town, which contained 800 houses and some public buildings, a mosque, and several churches, was almost entirely destroyed, and 65 of the inhabitants perished in the ruins. The villages of Mourta, Dimitropouto, Lonmuri, and Temeni, near Vostissa, were also destroyed.

During eight days, shocks less violent, but very frequent, succeeded this earthquake. There is still seen, half a league from Vostissa, a great space of earth covered with yellowish water, and deeply furrowed.



The new Dey of Algiers is dead. He died on the 18th of September. This event resulted from the entrance of a Hamburgh prize into port. The English Consul demanded that it should be restored, but the Dey having refused, all the consuls drew up an energetic protest, threatening to depart. This gave rise to a popular commotion. The Dey retired to the palace, but was attacked by the people and strangled. The new Dey was formerly a shoemaker.

By a letter from the French Consul at Cadiz, it appears that the Algerine squadron has been making captures of vessels of different nations, Dutch, Swedish, Russian, and it is added, one English; while they professed to be looking after Prussian and Hamburgh vessels only.


It is said that the Bey of Tripoli has consented to receive a man of science and literature at his court, to reside there, and acquire the language and manners of the country; after which he will give him a military escort

to penetrate into the interior of Africa. In consequence of this, Joseph Ritchie, Esq. now the private secretary of Sir Charles Stuart, is selected as a person highly qualified for this undertaking. He will be appointed consul at Tripoli; and he will travel with the caravan to Tombuctoo. This, after all the unsuccessful expeditions that have taken place, promises to produce the information so much wanted.



Buenos Ayres.

It will be recollected that Buenos Ayres, Chili, and Peru, co-operate in the present contest with the mother country; and that so far as the revolutionary government is established in these provinces, it is in the hands of the supreme director, Puerreydon, and the congress at Buenos Ayres. By the latest advices from these countries, it appears that the royalists are losing ground; that the patriots have recently obtained many advantages in Peru; that in Chili the question is decided in favour of the independents, and that the new government is administered with much vigour and discretion. Puerreydon, it is said, has retired for a few weeks, from the fatigues of government, on account of bad health, and Brigadier-General Asquenega supplies his place.


A letter from Admiral Brion, dated, Augustura, September 29th, says, "It is with the greatest satisfaction that I am enabled to date my letter from this city; the Venezue lian flag now flies triumphant on the whole of the Oronoke, whilst General Bermudaz has marched with a strong division to join General Zaraza and enter Carraccas." Mexico.

The last accounts from Mexico state, that General Mina had been taken and executed, in the vicinity of the city of Mexico; and that in celebration of that event, the city was illuminated. It is also stated, that the followers of Mina were either dispersed or destroyed.


Since our last, Amelia Island has been delivered up to the forces of the United States. Aury and his men were allowed to remain until they could conveniently embark, with whatever might belong to them. They were not permitted to retain their side-arms; and were required to leave behind, when Fernandina should be evacuated, all the public property that was found at its surrender to them.



The Archduchess Leopoldine, wife to the hereditary prince of Portugal, has arrived at Rio Janeiro. Her arrival was hailed by the people as a very happy event; for, from her talents and amiable character, it was anticipated that she would be instrumental in softening the rough nature of the prince, from which the Brazilians appear to think they have much to fear.

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The citizens of Quebec have petitioned the provincial Legislature for an incorporation of that city, by which the government shall be vested in a common council, consisting of a Mayor and twelve Aldermen-the Mayor and Aldermen to have no salary, and any person duly qualified, who shall be elected Mayor, and shall refuse to serve, to pay a fine of £500; an alderman in like manner refusing, a fine of £250.

A spring of Saline water has been discovered near the village of St. Catherines, which has proved by experiment to produce

salt of a very excellent quality.

Among the exports from Lower Canada, during the year 1817, were 109,071 cwt. ashes; 145,660 bushels wheat; 38,047 bbls. flour; 10,477 bushels flaxseed; 350,000 skins, furs; 36,023 pieces masts, spars and other timbers; 1,897,446 pieces staves and heading; and 1,955 bbls. pork. Among the imports were, 1,125,848 gallons rum; 44,660 gallons brandy; 12,616 gallons gin; 225,000 gallons wine; 2,310,967 lbs. muscovado, and 609,170 lbs. refined sugar; 35,995 lbs. coffee; 254.248 lbs. tea; 186,247 minots salt; 376, 634 lbs. leaf tobacco, and merchandise pay ing an advalorem duty of 6 1-2 per cent. of the value of 672,8761.

The number of vessels which entered was 332, of 77,115 tons, and with 3,629 men. Cleared, 334 vessels, 76,559 tons, 3,950 men.




Monday, Dec. 22. The Senate was principally occupied with Executive business, which is always acted upon with closed doors.

Tuesday, Dec. 23. Nothing of importance occured during this day's session.

Wednesday, Dec. 24. The resolution proposed by Mr. Dickerson, for amending the constitution, so as to provide for the election of representatives and electors in the several states, by districts, was read a second time, and committed to Messrs. Dickerson, King, Daggett, Macon, and Stokes, to consider and report thereon.

of augmenting the pay of the militia when called into the service of the United States.

Tuesday, Dec. 30. The motion submitted by Mr. Tait yesterday was called up and agreed to.

The bill to provide for certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army was received from the house of representatives, and passed to a second reading.

Mr. Daggett submitted the following resolution for consideration.


Resolved, That the president of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before the senate a statement of the proceedings which may have been had under the act of congress, passed the 3d of March, 1817, entitled an act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands for the encouragemeut of the cultivation of the vine and olive." Also, that the president be requested to give to the senate such information as he may possess in relation to any location of land, or settlement made by any individuals under the aforesaid act.

Wednesday, Dec. 31 Mr. Burrill submitted for consideration the following motion: referred the petition of the committee of the Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends at Baltimore, be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the laws of the United States on the subject of the African slave trade, as more effectually to prevent said trade from being carried on by citizens of the United States, under foreign flags; and also into the expediency of the United States, taking measures, in concert with other nations, for the entire abolition of said trade.

Resolved, That the committee to whom was

Friday, Jan. 2. Mr. Burrill's motion submitted on Wednesday last, to inquire into the expediency of amending the laws prohibiting the African Slave Trade, and of taking measures in concert with other nations for its entire abolition, was taken up, and after an interesting debate, in which the mover, Messrs. Troup, King, and Campbell were engaged, the consideration of the resolution was postponed to Monday.

Monday, Dec. 5. Mr. Burrill's resolution, in respect to the Slave Trade, was on his motion further postponed to Monday next.

Tuesday, Jan 6. No public business of importance was transacted in the senate this day. Wednesday, Jan. 7. Mr. Campbell submitted the following motion for conside ration :

Resolved, That the committee on military affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of requiring, by law, the nominations of Agents to Indian tribes, to be submitted to the Senate for their consent and approbation, in like manner as nominations of other offcers now are.

Thursday, Jan. 8. The resolution proposed yesterday by Mr. Campbell was taken up, and after some desultory remarks and

The senate adjourned to Monday. Monday, Dec. 29. Mr. Tait offered the fol- propositions to amend it, the consideration lowing motion for consideration :

Resolved, That the committee on the militia be instructed to inquire into the expediency

of it was postponed till to-morrow.

Friday, Jan. 9. The resolution of Mr. Campbell was taken up, and after receiving

some modifications enlarging its scope, was agreed to.

Some Executive business was transacted, and the Senate adjourned to Monday.

Monday, Jan. 12. Mr. Burrill's resolution on the subject of the African slave trade was taken up for consideration. It was support ed by Mr. Burrill. Mr. Barbour spoke in favour of the first, and in opposition to the second clause of the resolution. Mr. Troup also opposed the second clause. Mr. Wilson, calling for a division of the question, Mr. Barbour observed, that a motion he was about to make would supersede the call made by the gentleman from New-Jersey; and accordingly moved to strike out the latter clause of the resolution. This motion was opposed by Mr. Morrill and Mr. King, and advocated by Mr. Lacock.

The question was taken on motion of Mr. Troup, by Yeas and Nays-Ayes 16, Noes 17; and the resolution then agreed to.

Tuesday, Jan. 13. The Senate was chiefly engaged in Executive business this day.

Wednesday, Jan. 14. But little business was done in the Senate to-day. A bill was reported to divide the State of Pennsylvania into two judicial districts; and one or two reports on private claims were acted on.

Thursday, Jan. 15. The Senate was principally engaged in Executive business this day; and adjourned to Monday to give an opportunity to make some repairs in their Chamber.


Monday, Dec. 22. Mr. Robertson of Louisiana, from the select committee to whom the subject had been referred, reported a bill providing the manner in which the right of citizenship may be relinquished.

[The bill proposes to provide that when any citizen, by application in writing to the District Court of any district of the United States, in open court, and there to be record ed, shall declare that he relinquishes the character of a citizen, and means to depart out of the United States, he shall be thenceforth considered as having exercised the rights of expatriation, and as being no longer a citizen of the U. States; that such person shall be held as an alien for ever after, and shall not resume the rights of citizenship without going through the same process of naturalization as other citizens.]

The bill was twice read and committed. Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, offered the following resolution :

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Resolved, That the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing, by law, for clothing the army and navy of the United States exclusively in American Manufactures.

In offering this motion, Mr. J. said it would not be proper for him to detail the facts, or advance the reasoning which led him to the conclusion that the measure he proposed to inquire into was expedient. But he should say that he should not have thought of in

troducing this resolution if he did not believe

the cloth of American manufacture could be obtained at a reasonable rate. One of the objections to making a provision by law such as he contemplated, and the only objection which appeared to him to have any force, was that, by destroying the competition between domestic and foreign articles, the government would be obliged to pay higher for the same articles than they now do; but it would be seen by gentlemen that such augmentation could only be momentary; and, Mr. J. said, the competition of the manufacturers among themselves would be so great, he had no doubt, as to give the article to the government at the lowest possible price. The practice of the war department, already, was to give a preference to the domestic fabric; but that preference was given with reference to the cost of the article-a system which produced not only uncertainty, because of the fluctuating state of the foreign market, but uncertainty, consequently to the calculations of the manufacturer. In relation to the navy, Mr. J. said, he did not know that his project was practicable; if it was, it would be necessary perhaps to give a discretionary power on this head to the commanders, when on foreign stations. But he hoped no objection would be made to an inquiry on the subject, and that the committee would favour the house with an early report.

The motion was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. M'Coy of Virginia, it was Resolved, That the committee on public lands be instructed to inquire into the expediency of increasing the price at which said lands should be sold hereafter.

On this question there was a division: the resolution was agreed to by a majority of twenty or thirty votes.

On motion of Mr. Basset, of Virginia, it


Resolved, That the secretary of the navy be required to communicate to this house the measures taken, if any, to give effect to the act passed on the 26th February, 1811, for the establishment of navy hospitals; if nothing has been done, to show the cause why the statute has been neglected, and whether it be necessary to repeal the same.

A report was received from the secretary at war, in which the actual force of our present peace establishment is estimated at 8,221 including officers.

The remainder of this day's sitting was spent in committee of the whole on the bill concerning the surviving officers and soldiers of the revolution There was much debate, occasionally eloquent, but generally desul tory, on amendments proposed to the bill, but involving also its principle. Messrs. Bloomfield, Walker, Garnett, Harrison, Strother, Comstock, Palmer, Livermore, Trimble, and Rhea successively joined in the debate. We cannot find room for a detail of all that took place at this sitting; we regret that our limits do not allow us to give even a sketch of a debate on a subject to which national feeling is so much alive.

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