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Carthage defroy'd by the


The Northern invafions.

A Comet appea

of feveral InvaLions.

Alas for thee, O Libya! Alas for the Sea and Land in the Western Nations! you fhall come to the miferable Day, you shall come being exercis'd in a Conflict which will be terrible and difficult; you shall have a fearful Judgment again, and you all are condemn'd to Deftruction, because you have destroy'd the great Temple of the Immortal God, grievoutly grinding it as it were with Iron Teeth: For this caufe thou fhalt fee thy Land fill'd with dead Bodies, fome flain in War, and all the force of evil Spirits; others by Plagues and Famine, and by Men of a barbarous Fury: All thy Land fhall become a Defart, and thy Cities forfaken.

Note, This Prophecy muft come to pass after the Destruction of Ferufalem by Titus; and it feems to me to correfpond with the Deftruction of the Heathen Emperors by Conftantine, defcrib'd in Rev. 6. under the fixth Seal, where 'tis call'd the Day of Wrath: Or this refpects the Northern Invafions.

In the Weft a Star fhall fhine, which is call'd a Comet, and that is accounted among red in 453, a fign Men a Sign of War, Famine, and Death by Plagues, and of the flaughter of great Commanders and Noblemen. And there fhall be other Signs amongst Men; for the Maotic Lake and deep Tanais fhall not continue their flux of Waters, and there shall be a fruitful Land in its Chanel, which shall stop



the course of the River, tho' it be infinitely encreas'd,

There shall be great Openings of the Earth, and vaft Caverns fhall appear, and Men with their Cities fhall be fwallow'd up. Thefe Cities fhall be overthrown in Afia, Colophon, a City Iaffis, Cerbre, Pandonie, Colophon, Ephefus, in lonia, Ephe Nicea, Antiochia, Sinope, Tanagra, Smyrna, fus is in Ionia, Marus; and thefe Towns in Europe, Cyagra, Nicaa, a City in Clitus, Bafilis, Meropea, Antigone, Magnefia, Bithynia. Sinope is a Port Mycene, Pantheia, Hierapoli, wealthy Gaza, in Paphlagonia. and Aftypaloi.

on the Sea.

Note, A great part of Antioch fell by an Earth- 363 Nicomedia quake, Ann. 525. And 458 Antioch was ruin'd by quake, which fell by an Earthan Earthquake; and another happen'd there in overturned Cities 478. Nicea was utterly deftroy'd by an Earth- in Macedonia, Aha, Pontus quake in 372. In 446 an Earthquake threw vide Ammian down the Walls of Conftantinople, and was all Marcellimus. over the World fix months.

Then know the pernicious People of Æ- Diocletian, Ann. gypt are near Destruction, and then the beft 298, befeg'd A lexandria, and Year will be over with the Alexandrians took and punitha When Rome hath receiv'd the Tributes of Rebels with the Egyptian Afia, then Afia fhall receive thrice as much great Severity. Money again from Rome, and fhall repay the fame pernicious Injury to it: And as many as have ferv'd the Italian Families, of thofe that came from Afia, twenty times as many fhall be Slaves in Afia; and the Italians fhall be punish'd with an infinite Poverty.

[blocks in formation]

Tis now a defolate place.

Note, that Conftantine brought all the Riches he could, and many Inhabitants, from old Rome to Conftantinople, and fo the Empire paffed from Europe into Afia; as Lactantius obferves.

O luxurious rich Virgin, the Offspring of Latin Rome! being intoxicated by many celebrated Nuptials, thou, who art a Servant, fhalt not be married to the World; Thy Miftrefs often cuts off thy delicate Hair, inflicting Punishment on thee; fhe throws thee from Heaven to the Earth, and raises thee from the Earth to Heaven again, becaufe thy Inhabitants live unjust and wicked Lives.

Note, That Conftantinople is the Offspring of Latin Rome, and it was call'd New Rome. It was firft built by Paufanias, destroy'd by Severus, rebuilt by Conftantine, and then became after one of the Seats of the Roman Empire. It was befieg'd many times by the Saracens, taken by the Latins, and at laft by the Turks, and now is the chief Seat of their Empire.

Samos fhall become an heap of Sand, and Delas fhall disappear.

Note, Tho' both the Islands remain, yet they might fuffer by Earthquakes, which ruin'd the Buildings, and difpeopled thofe Countries; as it happen'd to Delos, Samos, Hierapolis, Rhodes, Coos, in Auguftus's Reign. Delos was wafted in the time of Mithridates; thofe Ilands are not deftroy'd,


but only made defolate by Earthquakes. Tertul lian quotes this Oracle, Cum inter Infulas, nulla jam Delos, barena Samos, & Sibylla non mendax therefore he had a good Opinion of the Sibyls, who had foretold this Event. St. Ferom mentions an Earthquake, in thefe words, Ann. 369 terræ motu per totum Orbem facto, Mare littus egreditur, & Sicilia multarumq; Infularum Urbes, & innumerabiles populos oppreffit.

Rome fhall become a Ruin, (or a Village) and all things predicted fhall come to país.

Note, Rome became a fmaller City when the Emperor Conftantine remov'd from it; and Rome was oft taken, and fuffer'd by the Invafions of the Heruli, Goths and Vandals, and the Western Empire for many Years destroy'd.

And there fhall be no mention of vindicating the Destruction of Smyrna, but only the ill Counfels and the Treachery of the Go



Peace and Tranquillity fhall happen to This was in Conflentine's the Countries in Afia; then Europe fhall be Days, when he happy, the Seasons fhall be fruitful, fettled, embrac'd Chrz without any Tempeft or Hail, producing all things, Birds, and creeping things on the Earth: That Man or Woman is happy who comes to that time; he will be happy, like the Countryman who fecurely speaks, and fees all about him. All manner of just Laws fhall defcend from Heaven amongst Men, and just administration fhall accompany them; and found Concord, which is

The Goths and
Huns invade


profitable to Men, Love, Faith, Hofpitality: but ill Laws, Envy, Reproach, Anger, Madness, Poverty, Force, Slaughter, pernicious Contentions, cruel Wars, Thefts in the Night, and every evil thing fhall Men avoid in thofe Times.

But Macedonia fhall occafion a great DaThrace, and war mage to Afia. A great Mischief shall befal with the Eastern Europe from the Breed of Saturn, who are Sons of a baftard Servant; and they shall conquer ftrong Babylon, and all Countries which the Sun fhines on: She was formerly call'd Queen; She fhall be deftroy'd by extraordinary Ruin, and fhall not govern her wandring Pofterity.

The Saracens


The Turk's comng into Afia.

Note, The Saracens were the Sons of Hagar by Ifmael; Abraham is Saturn, and thefe conquer'd many of the European Countries, fome Italy, and France, and Spain, Sicily and other Islands, and they fixed their chief Seat at Babylon, and built Bagdat, Ann. 760.

But in time there fhall come a perfidious Man into the happy Country of Afia, being cloath'd in purple Garments (like a Prince) he will be cruel, of ftrange Manners or Laws, of a hot fiery Temper; a flafh of Lightning feems to go before him, and he shall impofe hard Slavery on all Afia, and that Land shall drink much Blood, which will be fhed on it.

Note, that Aladin, of the Zelzuccian Family, A. D. 1200, fled from the Tartars in Perfia, into Afia, and feiz'd on Cilicia, and fettled a Kingdom

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