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16. And the Turks conquer'd Jerufalem A. D. 1079, the glorious Land which the Saracens took A. D. 637.

17. Axan the Perfian Sultan aflifted Cutlumufes in conquering Media, Armenia, Cappadocia, Pontus, and Bithynia; the upright ones with him were the Chriftians, who joyn'd with him against the Conftantinopolitan Emperors; but they did not long affift him, tho' he corrupted them by the Liberty he gave of many Wives, and Intermarriages betwixt the Children of Axan and Bafilius the Emperor.

18. After this the Turks took fome of the Afian Islands, and conquer'd their corrupt or cowardly Governours. By the Iles the Maritime Towns are defcrib'd, and these were retaken by the Chriftians in the Holy War.

19. Solyman was Cutlumufes's Son, and he was drove out of Afia minor by the Chriftian Armies, who took Nice and Iconium from the Turks.

20. And a Branch of a Kingdom shall arife, and ftand up in his Eftate. A new Kingdom of the Turks fhall arife from them that fled from Perfia under Aladin, who was a Branch of the Zelzuccian Family; and that decay'd by degrees, being, after Aladin II, divided amongst many of his Captains.

21. These Captains of Aladin had not the Honour of the Kingdom of Aladin, tho' they were petty Princes in Afia minor; and were afterwards conquer'd by Ottoman and


his Succeffors. Or, this may relate to the Turkish Sultan at Damafcus, Norradine, who fent Saracon to aflift the Sultan of Egypt against the Chriftians, and he feiz'd Ægypt. And this vile Perfon may be Saracon.

22. And he fhall overflow, and conquer. His Nephew Saladin kill'd the Caliph of Ægypt, 1170; and he conquer'd the Chriftians, and took Guy King of Jerufalem 1187.

23. He made a Truce with the Chriftians for ten Years, and afterwards conquer'd their Cities, dealt deceitfully, and us❜d the Treachery of the Count of Tripoly, thereby breaking the Strength of all the Chriftians in the Eaft. In 1177, Saladin first invaded Paleftine, and was often beat by the Chriftians.

24. After Norradin's Death, Saladin was invited by the Turks at Damafcus to reign, (in the room of Melechfala, the Son of Norradine, whom they defpis'd) and poffefs'd Egypt, dividing the Riches of it amongst his Turkish Soldiers. The Turks kept Ægypt. till the time of the Mammalukes.

25. Saladin left behind him nine Sons, all murder'd by Sephradin. From Sephradin defcended Meladin Sultan of Egypt, and Coradin Sultan of Damafcus. Seladin's Kingdom being now again divided, 1190, Frederic the Emperor beat Sephradin, Seladin's Son. 1191 Ptolemais was taken; the Chriftians took Damiata from Meladin the Agyptian Sultan, and befieg'd Grand Cairo, about 1200. 1248 the King of France took


Damiata in Agypt; Meladin then died, and Melechfala fucceeded him. 1250 the French King was taken Prisoner.

26. At that time the Mammalukes kill'd Melechfala in Egypt, and these are they who were fed as his Janifaries and Slaves : Their Kingdom continued 267 Years, and they afterwards fought with the Chriftians and Tartars.

27. Both these two Kingdoms (Egypt and Damafcus) shall be to do mischief. Coradin raz'd Jerufalem; Frederic the Emperor had fign'd a Truce for ten Years, 1229 the Templars broke it, and the Ægyptian Sultan took Gaza and Askelon, and (Ä. D. 1234) razed Jerufalem, not fparing the Sepulchre; and Melechfala, who fucceeded him, crav'd Aid of the Sultan of Damascus against the French King.

29. At that time the Chriftians under the French King fhall return to the South and Ægypt, and be repuls'd by the Mammalukes.

30. For the Ships of Shittim, the Western Chriftians fhall attack Africa and Egypt; and the Mammalukes, in 1234, prophaned Jerufalem.

Note, All the preceding Prophefies relate to the Zelzuccian Family in Syria and Egypt, and another Branch of it in Afia minor, at firft under Cutlumufes, and another under Aladin. What follows relates to the Ottoman Family, whom the Septuagint calls wipuaļa J1⁄2 dv]š.

31. And

31. And thefe σπέρματα αναςήσονται are the Ottoman Family, who fhall rise up about 1280, and fhall defile the Sanctuary of the Kingdom (i. e. St. Sophia) A. D. 1453, when Conftantinople was taken by Mahomet the Great; and they fhall take away the daily Service of the Chriftians, red, and fhall fet up a falfe Worship in that Church of St. Sophia, by turning it into a Turkish Mofch, which will be the Effect of that Defolation.

32. Othoman and his Succeffors fhall corrupt the Jews and Heathens, who were ignorant of the Christian Covenant; but the true Christians will fight for their Religion.

33. The Chriftians fhall fall by the Sword, by Fire, Captivity, and by Spoil, many Days. That is the time, times, and half a time, mention'd in Chap. 7.

34. During this Oppreffion of the Turkish Empire, was the Holy War; and after that the Cham Caffanes (A. D. 1310) help'd the Christians, and fo did Tamerlane at last. About 1400, thefe defeated the Ægyptian Sultan, and made the Turks of the Zelzuccian Family Tributaries; and Haolan came firft to their help, before the Ottoman Race began, in 1262.

35. Thefe Sufferings were permitted, to try the Patience of the Christians.

36. The Turks of the Oguzian Family fhall tyranize, and exalt themselves above every God(Christ) and all the Heathen Gods,they preferring Mahomet above 'em all, and affu

ming to their Emperors the highest Titles. 37. Neither fhall the Turks, who were Heathens at first, regard the God of their Fathers, for they turn'd Mahometans in Perfia; and they shall not regard the Desire of Women, their Children, nor their Husbands, from whom he allows a divorce, and many Concubines; and he will force all with his Religion, not regarding any other God:

38. But fhall honour Maoffim, Mahomet, the Saracen God of Forces, and make Prefents to his Temple at Mecca.

39. He fhall divide all the Countries conquer'd to his Soldiers, and force all Places of Strength to receive his Religion.

40. The King of the South (the Mammalukes in Ægypt) fhall push at the Turk, (Selymus, 1517) but he, by an Army at Land and a Navy by Sea, conquer'd the Agyptian Sultan.

41. Selymus then enter'd Palestine and Syria, and conquer'd them, but the Arabians efcap'd, who made frequent Incursions on his Army in its march.

42. The Land of Egypt was then fubdu'd

to the Turks.

43. Selymus carried out of Ægypt by Sea all the Riches to Conftantinople, and he fubdu'd the Libyans and Ethiopians.

44. Tidings out of the East and North fhall trouble him, (for Selymus heard a Report, that Ifmael of Perfia would invade him) therefore he fhall defroy many, he being a cruel


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