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The Jews will

be return'd

try before the Fall of Rome.

When there fhall be fifteen Kings in A

their own Coun-gypt, and when the Phoenician (Prince) fhall come to his fifth Year, a Nation fhall come deftroying divers Nations, and the unmix'd Tribes of the Hebrews; then one Nation by War fhall make Depredations on another, and the fame fhall defeat the Threats and Arms of the Romans. The flourishing Empire of Rome was loft long fince, who was an old Queen over many Cities round about her. Hereafter thou shalt not couquer the flourishing Country of the Romans, when the Conqueror fhall come with his Army out of Afia. Having done all these things, he fhall come and furprize Rome, who fhall fulfill thrice Three hundred and forty eight Years, when this unlucky Fate shall come and force it to accomplish the Numbers in its Name.

Note, That the Weftern Empire was fer up a gain by the Pope, and fix French Emperors fucceeded of the Charlemaine Family: And after them, another Prince of the fame Family fucceeded in Germany, which Empire is to continue to the laft Ages. Egypt must have fifteen Kings, Selymus was the firft Turkish Emperor there, who conquer'd it ann. 1517; and there had been fifteen Saracen Caliphs before Saracon conquer'd them, and afterwards fifteen Mammaluke Caliphs.

A Phoenician fhall reign in Ægypt, and he fhall plunder many Nations, and the Jews, and defeat the Romans, and at last come out of Afia, and furprize Rome.



Note, the Saracens invaded Italy 829, and in 845. And about 918 the Saracens invaded Apulia, andcame alfo from Africa anno 933, and invaded Genoa, and plunder'd it: And Mahomet the great, not long before his Death, which was anno 1481, took Otranto in Italy, and held it a Year, and plunder'd all the Country: but Providence prevented his farther Conquefts by his Death, and the Wars he had with the Caramanian King, afsisted by the Perfian and Sultan of Egypt.

Achmetes, Mahomet's General, brought his Army from Aulona, a Sea-port in Macedonia, over the Sea to Otranto in Apulia, which is but 60 Miles: And when Rome must fall at laft, the Turks will come from Afia, and furprize Rome: xewis is fundamentum, but nei in the Verfe is fome miftake for a Word fignifying unexpectedly. The P. Greek Name of Rome makes 948, and this Computation must begin from 800, when the Western " Empire began, or the German in 888.

If we feriously confider how many things are to come to pass in the fifth Book of the Oracles, before the fall of the Pope, and Turks, we cannot think that Rome can fall in the 18th Century, for the Jews must return first, the Affyrians invadé Hellefpont; the Egyptians, Macedonia; there must be a civil War in Afia, Italy must become a Defart, and a great War call'd Bellum fallax, and Infidiofum from the end of the World; Wars in the Weft, and in Macedonia, and the Kings must be deftroy'd by Thunder, and then Rome must be destroy'd; and after that, the Turkish Empire. Barbaroffa with the Turkish Veffels plunder'd Italy; and Solyman anno 1537, defign'd to have invaded Italy, but fell on the Venetians, plunder'd Zant and Cythera, and burnt the Islands Agina, Paros, and Naxos.


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Woe is me, miferable when I fhall fee that Day which will be unfortunate to thee, O Rome, but most to all Italy! The Soldiers, inrag'd with Anger, fhall commend him who afcends the Trojan Chariot, (or Ship) and came from Afia, for his hidden Counfels and Ambushes, after he hath passed (or conquer'd) the Ifthmus (Naples) looking upon all as he goes; he fhall change the Sea (by coming to another) and the Beast shall come to black Blood; [that is, the Turk here call'd the Beast shall be flain.] The Dog hath produc'd a Lyon, which fhall kill the Shepherds, [that is, the Dog is fome Confederate's Army, the Shepherd is the Commander, the Lyon is fome Perfon fet up by them, to kill the Commander] and they fhall take away his Kingdom, and he fhall perish.

Note, The Sibyl, like other Poets, fuppofes the faw that Day of Rome's Fall, but none can think the will be alive then; therefore fuch a Fiction of former Sibyls ought not to be objected against their Oracles. The Trojan Chariot fhews, that the Turk will come from thence; or it relates to the Ambush in the Trojan Horse.

The laft Mischief fhall then befal Rhodes, but the greatest; and the Thebans fhall be taken Captive; Egypt fhall be destroy'd thro' the Faults of the Governours; but they who afterwards fhall efcape this excee ding Destruction fhall be exceeding happy, and four times a more happy Man.


Then Rome fhall be Rume [i.e. a small Village, as at firft; it had alfo its Name from Ruma Mamma,] Delos fhall difappear, and Samos become Sand, ['tis obfervable how thefe Words rhime to one another in the Greek.] But laft of all, the Perfians fhall suffer Calamities, and all Injustice shall be deftroy'd for its Pride, and then a pure Prince Chrift reigns, fhall govern all the Earth for all Ages, raifing the Dead.

By these things the Higheft (God) fhall bring the miferable Fate on Rome, and Men fhall perish, with all their Countries, by these things; but they will not obey, tho'

it were much better for them. But when Famine, Plague the evil Day fhall encrease upon all Men, and Tumults. by Famine and Plagues and Tumults not to be appeas'd, then a Prince formerly miferable, fhall call a Counfel, and confult how to destroy. The dry Land fhall appear flourishing with Leaves, [i. e. the Land deftroy'd, fhall begin to recover] but the Heavenly Country fhall appear on a folid Rock [the Church not destroy'd]; then Rain, Fire, and many Tempefts fhall be on the Earth, and on Multitudes of Sheep [who are kill'd by the Tempeft fpread thro' all the Earth: But they who have an impudent Mind, will again do Evil; not fearing the Anger of GOD or Men, they fhall put off all Modefty, and choose Immodefty; unftable Tyrants, violently wicked, Lyars, perfidious, Evil-workers, in nothing fincere, breakers of Leagues, uttering infamous



things in falfe Difcourfes; neither will they be fatisfy'd with Riches, but shamefully gather more, and will perish by their acting the Tyrant.

All the Stars will fall which appear beA Comet before yond the Seas, and thofe on this fide; and a blazing Comet will appear, which Men call a Star, portending great Destruction - by Wars that will happen, and Slaughters. May I not live when Hilara rules, but when the Heavenly Grace (Chrift) shall reign, and when the Holy Child shall deliver Men from the Bonds of all Deceivers; when he opens the Abyss, which is pernicious, and Men return fuddenly to their wooden The Bride in the Houfes [in which they dwelt formerly.]


But when the tenth Generation fhall end, the Power of the Woman's Kingdom fhall be great, during which God himself shall encrease many Evils, when the Woman fhall be crown'd and poffefs a Royal Honour, and all the Year fhall be a mild Seafon; and the Sun, as if running in an obfcure Light, fhall appear; the Stars shall leave the Heavens, and rushing with a great The Refurre&ti-Storm, fhall wafte the Earth. Then fhall be the Resurrection of the Dead, the Lame fhall run fwiftly, and the Deaf hear, and The Paradife in the Blind fee, and the Dumb fpeak; and Provisions shall be common to all, as well as Riches, the Earth fhall be equally free -to all, not divided by Walls and Fences, but it fhall bear more Fruit, and yield Fountains of sweet Wine and white Milk and


the Millennium.

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