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A terrible and fhameless King fhall fly This is the from Babylon, whom all Men, efpecially all Flight of the good Men hate, because he kill'd many, and Perfia. Women with Child, and debauch'd marry'd Women, and was born of a corrupt Seed. He fhall come to the Kings of Media and Perfia, whom he most defir'd, and to whom he gives the most Honour, and will enter into League with them against a base People. He took away the Temple built by God, and burnt the Citizens, the People that came thither, whom he justly commended. His appearing in the World, occafion'd the whole Creation to tremble; Kings were deftroy'd, and the Government remain'd in them, and they destroy'd the great City, and the juft People.

Note, That Aladin a Turkish Prince, about anno 1200, fled out of Perfia, from the Tartars, and fettl'd at Sebastia, in Lesser Asia, and after at Iconium: After the laft Aladin, that Kingdom was divided amongst many; he was the Head of the Zelzuccian Family. Solyman alfo fled from Perfia, but was drowned returning into Perfia, Anno 1214, but his Son Etrugal came to Bithynia, and he was the Father of Ottoman, whofe Conquests here are defcrib'd, and those of the Kings fucceeding him: These flew the Eaftern Emperors of Trapezon and Conftantinople, deftroy'd the great and famous Churches, and fet up a new Empire of the Or tomans. Solyman, that fled, fubmitted to the Kings of Perfia, and held but a fmall Principality under the Sultan of it. Cutlumufes at firft fled from Tangrolopix in Perfia, but was afterwards affifted

Comet at the

Tartars into

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by him; and Solyman the Son of Cutlumufes, was affifted by the Perfians, when he fought the Chriftian Princes in the Holy War. Melec and Ducat conquer'd Syria, and took Jerufalem, which the Christians retook: This was in 1097; it had been held by the Saracens from 637, but the Turks and Saracens joyning, they beat the Chriftians, and retook Jerufalem.

I mention all thefe Flights of the Turks, to fhew the Sibylline Character is true of all of them, fugiens veniet; but no part of this Hiftory belongs to this Prophecy, but the Deftruction of Conftantinople and Santa Sophia.

But when a Comet fhall fhine for the Coming of the fourth part of the Year, then he shall come who will destroy all the Earth for his Honour; and he fhall first place himself at the Sea within the Land, (Euxine or Cafpian Sea) and a Star fhall fall into the deep Ocean, and fhall burn Pontus, which is of a high Situation, and Babylon alfo.

Note, That in 1211 a Comer appear'd before the Tartars Irruption into Europe, but that lafted but eighteen Days: Then they conquer'd Ruffia, Moravia, Silefia, Servia, Bulgaria, and then return'd to Tanais. A terrible Comet appear'd 1264, and it lafted three Months, as Camerarius observ'd. The Tartars came into Asia, 1222, and were drove out 1350, and held Afia 128 Years. The Cham of Tartary, in 1202, conquer'd the last King of the Turks in Perfia, 1260: Haolan was the first Tartarian King in Perfia; he utterly deftroy'd Babylon, and then he took the Sultan of Damafcus Prifoner, and flew him before the Town; and the Tartars conquer'd the Turks in Little Afia, and


made them Tributaries. And the Tartars drove the Egyptian Caliph out of Syria, and recover'd Ferufalem, and repair'd it. Caffanes the Tartar came into Syria, 1310.

the Popes pe

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O Italy! by whom many of the holy and About this T faithful Jews are deftroy'd, and the true cuted the Vaz Church; thou fhalt have great Troubles des and Alt amongst the Wicked, but thou fhalt remain reform'd Chan altogether a Wildernefs; whole Ages fhalt thon continue fo, and be a Defart for ever, hating thine own Country, because thou delightest in Poyfons. There are Adulteries amongst you, and unlawful Sodomy; thou art an effeminate, wicked, unjust, most unfortunate City; alas! thou art the most impure, City of all the Land of the Latins; thou art a Mad-Woman, delighting in Vipers; thou fhalt fit a Widow at the Banks of Tiber, and that River shall lament thee, as its Wife: Thou haft a Heart polluted with Slaughter, and a wicked Mind; thou doft not know what God can do, and what is defigning, but thou fayeft, I am alone, and none fhall deftroy me; but God who lives. for ever will destroy thee and thine, and there fhall be no Sign of thee in that Country, as formerly, when the Great God enlarg'd thy Honours. O wicked City! remain alone, without Inhabitant; and thou being burnt, fhalt inhabit the Tartarian unjuft Regions of Hades.

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Note, That Boniface the Eighth was Pope in 1285, who excommunicated the French King, and discharg'd his Subjects from their Obedience; and because of these Troubles, and the Faction of the Guelphs and Gibellines, the Ambaffadors of Caffanes the Tartar to him had no Succefs, for the procuring his Affiftance for the maintaining his Conquefts. Boniface was taken Prisoner by the French, and died in the Caftle of St. Angelo. Rome then nourish'd many Vipers, (the Popes of wicked Lives) fhe was a Widow, is made defolate by inteftine Wars; and the Emperor's Power there was fubverted by the Popes; and the Egyptian Sultan retook Jerufalem,

Now again, O Ægypt! I deplore thy Loffes. Memphis the Author of these Miferies, full of Banks, (like an Ifthmus) against thee the Pyramids fhall speak with a bold Voice. O Python! thou waft anciently a double City, being well built, (or built for Religion) be thou filent for ever, that thou maist ceafe from Wickedness; thou wicked Reproach, the Treafury of Afflicti ons! thy mournful Walls fhall be full of Sufferings and mad Howlings, and thou fhalt be a Widow for ever. Thou art now grown old in the fole Government of the World; but when Barca fhall put on a white Garment upon her fordid one, may I neither be born, nor have any Being.

Note, That Barca is a City in Pentapolis, in E gypt, now Ptolemais, famous for the Oracle of Jupiter Ammon.


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Note, That the Pyramids are near Memphis, and befpeak its Fame in former times. And P thon was famous for its Heathen Oracles. And by thefe the Place of these Calamities are defcrib'd. Memphis was the old Seat of the Egyp tian Kings, and by its Name Cairo is defign'd, which was the Seat of the Turkish Sultan. Cyrene is call'd Barca. Damiata was taken by the Chriftians, ann. 1221, and then may be faid to wear a white Linnen Garment. The Miseries that follow'd were, the Siege of Caire, where the Chriftians Armies were drown'd by the Sluices open'd on them; and Damiata was again furrender'd to the Turk, and Lewis the Ninth of France was beat. Ann. 1249, Damiata was again befieg'd by the Chriftians, and most of its Inhabitants were deftroy'd by the Plague.

In 1245 the Mammalukes feiz'd on Egypt; they were Slaves, and therefore might be defign'd by the fordid Garments, and that the white Garments may represent their better condition. After the killing of the Turks their Mafters, they razed Ptolemais, Tyre, Sidon, Berytus, and drove the Chriftians out of the Eaft, ann. 1291.

O Thebes! where is thy great Power? A barbarous Man fhall deftroy thy People; thou shalt wear black Garments, and shalt miferably lament alone, and fhalt be rewarded for those wicked Works thou haft done; and all fhall obferve thy Lamentation mix'd with impudent Anger. A great Man fhall destroy Syené, and the black Indian's fhall forcibly poffefs Teucharis of the Ethiopians, and at Pentapolis, Soes (a strong Man) fhall lament.

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