From that bleak tenement He, many an evening, to his distant home In solitude returning, saw the hills Grow larger in the darkness ; all alone Beheld the stars come out above his head, And travelled through the wood, with no one near To whom he might... Peter's Letters to His Kinsfolk - Página 141por John Gibson Lockhart - 1819Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | William Wordsworth - 1814 - 476 páginas
...Building on a mountain's dreary edge, Far from the sight of City spire, or sound Of Minster clock ! From that bleak Tenement He, many an evening to his distant home c In solitude returning, saw the Hills Grow larger in the darkness, all alone Beheld the stars come... | |
 | 1815 - 612 páginas
...building on a mountain's dreary edge, Far from the sight of city spire, or sound Of minster clock. From that bleak tenement He, many an evening, to his...out above his head, - . - And travell'd through the *ood, with ~nQ orfe neet ' To whom be might confess the things he saw." , • This boy is new an old... | |
 | 1815 - 606 páginas
...building on a mountain's dreary edge, Far from the sight of city spire, or sound Of minster clock. From that bleak tenement He, many an evening, to his...Beheld the stars come out above his head, • And travellM through the wood, with no one near To whom he might confess the things he saw." This boy is... | |
 | Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1815 - 572 páginas
...building on a mountain's dreary edge, Far from the sight of city spire, or sound Of Minster clock ! From that bleak tenement He, many an evening to his...alone Beheld the stars come out above his head, ' And travelled through the wood, with no one near To whom he might confess the things he saw. So the foundations... | |
 | Samuel Greatheed, Daniel Parken, Theophilus Williams, Josiah Conder, Thomas Price, Jonathan Edwards Ryland, Edwin Paxton Hood - 1815 - 702 páginas
...Building on a mountain's dreary edge, Far from the sight of City spire, or sound Of Minster clock! From that bleak Tenement He, many an evening to his...darkness, all alone Beheld the stars come out above his bead, And travelled through the wood, with no one near To whom he might confess the things he saw.... | |
 | 1815 - 670 páginas
...spire, or sound Of Minster clock ! From that bleak Tenement He, many an evening to his distant homo ' In solitude returning, saw the Hills Grow larger in...alone Beheld the stars come out above his head, And travelled through the wood, with no one near To whom he might confess the things he saw. So the foundations... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1827 - 456 páginas
...Sole Building on a mountain's dreary edge, Remote from view of City spire, or sound Of Minster clock ! From that bleak Tenement He, many an evening, to his...head, And travell'd through the wood, with no one near To whom he might confess the things he saw. So the foundations of his mind were laid. In such... | |
 | John Aikin - 1838 - 750 páginas
...Sole building on a mountain's dreary edge. Remote from view of city spire, or sound Of minster clock ! From that bleak tenement He, many an evening, to his...the darkness, all alone Beheld the stars come out ahove his head, And travell'd through the wood, with no one near To whom he might confess the things... | |
 | John Aikin, John Frost - 1838 - 754 páginas
...Sole building on a mountain's dreary edge. Remote from view of city spire, or sound Of minster clock ! From that bleak tenement He, many an evening, to his...Grow larger in the darkness, all alone Beheld the stare come out abeve his head, And travell'd tbrough the wood, with no one near To whom he might confess... | |
 | John Aikin - 1838 - 792 páginas
...mountain's dreary edge, Remote from view of city spire, or sound Of minster clock ! Krom that blenk w o I ld ʕ ?x i՛ V o^ Er ٿ< Ïޏ u C) ? 1 SzB5 " 1 } e M Rjv' $ u m tho darkness, all alor.e Heheld the stars come out above his head, And travell'd through the wood,... | |
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