31, 47, 82; 134, 5, 72, 4, Vision, 2006 for Opinion or Vote, 3335; Watching, 3030 --s, 1640 1 3969 Wealth, 818. 1512. 2196; Weather (v. Prognostics) 2328; 754. 3535 Want (v. Friendship) 1806. 3707, 55 92.3305, 21;408; 749. --8, 3755 Widowhood, 301, 78. 735 Wife (v. Husband) 810, 15. 46, 50, 73, 89. 3007, 21, Divine (v. GOD) 3276. 4026 Human, 3358 Wine, 2038; 557.3627.4087, 91 Wings, 3455 Wisdom, 499. 506. 1165; Folly, 2359/ Woe (v. Grief, Sorrow) 1108; Modesty her best Dower, 2078; 514 Word, 3086 ---s (v. Actions) 1214, 25; 1 Work (v. Labour, Perform- Zeal, false (v. Bigotry) 3725 WHENCE THE APHORISMS ARE TAKEN. As the Plays are distributed into two Divisions by this List, the Aphorisms of any one Play may be found with much ease. 3d 185-8 380 85 29. Midsummer Night's Dream 189,90 -269-75 June 11, 1812.- On a visit to the Church of Stratford upon Avon, where a book is kept of the names of those who pay this tribute to Shakespeare's Memory, the following lines were written therein, in consequence of the late Mr. Malone having recently caused the ancient Monument and Bust to be daubed with paint, which we copy without comment. Stranger! to whom this Monument is shewn, ERRATA. P. xxxiv. in the Introduction, for Harterius, read Haterius. Characters-before'Aphorism applied, add this x APH. IN THE TITLES. 149, CORIOLANUS. 488, H. IV. Pt. II. 939, HABIT. 953, HAPPINESS domestic. 954, JULIUS CÆSAR. 963, IRRITATION. |