Imágenes de páginas

31, 47, 82; 134, 5, 72, 4,
5; 244,62,80; 413,32,58,
74, 90;561; 602, 5, 26,
9;784; 984.3006, 20, 5;
188; 201; 398; 401, 47,
83, 5, 9; 534, 60, 3, 87;
774; 811, 24, 72; 935.
4006, 77, 83, 92; 108, 15

Vision, 2006
Visor, 1830. 3528
Vocation, 3095; 447
Voice, 1400. 2145

for Opinion or Vote, 3335;

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Watching, 3030
Water, 3701

--s, 1640
Waves (v. Life) 1948
Way (v. Conversation) 425
Weal, Public (v. Happiness)

1 3969

Wealth, 818. 1512. 2196;
414, 61; 605; 904. 3402
Weapons, 1092; 444.3427
Weariness, 1330

Weather (v. Prognostics) 2328;

754. 3535
Wedlock(v. Marriage) 3402,3
Wedge, 3808
Weeds, 3536
Weeks (v. Time) 3474
Welcome, 3820
Whale, 3226
Wherefore, "2197
Whim, 988
Why, 2197
Wickedness, 1529.2647;753,

Want (v. Friendship) 1806.

3707, 55

92.3305, 21;408; 749.
4112, 3
Widow, 3458

--8, 3755

Widowhood, 301, 78. 735

[blocks in formation]

Wife (v. Husband) 810, 15.
1180, 92; 725, 56,8; 899.
2220; 326; 540. 3126.

46, 50, 73, 89. 3007, 21,
38,9; 133,8, 80, 1; 207, Will, 1126; 695. 2154; 610

[blocks in formation]

Divine (v. GOD) 3276.


Human, 3358
--ingness, 3508, 83
Wind, 1666.2484;958.3497;

Wine, 2038; 557.3627.4087,


Wings, 3455
Winter, 2298; 587. 3899

Wisdom, 499. 506. 1165;
228; 985, 8. 2100, 59.
3091; 111, 84; 366, 72;
496;811; 927. 4046; 122
perverted, the worst

Folly, 2359/
Wishes, 594.1049.2548.3922
Wit, 38. 165.2272; 311,3,5,
6; 628,87.3092;162; 224
Affectation of it, 2284;
312,3; 461,2; 628,83
--ness, 273.691

Woe (v. Grief, Sorrow) 1108;
913, 36. 3067; 467
Wolf, 2693. 3170
Woman (v. Kindness, Beauty,
Love, Constancy) 229. 300.
542, 65, 80, 2. 1149; 211,
29,57;458; 916-8.2039;
153, 60, 74; 391; 542,
3,97,8; 646, 61,5; 921.
3335;669; 846;923

Modesty her best

Dower, 2078; 514

Word, 3086

---s (v. Actions) 1214, 25;
323;448; 908, 27. 2210;
460; 672,84,5; 768; 983.
3280; 419, 20; 567; 648;
828,66; 922, 69. 4044


[blocks in formation]

Work (v. Labour, Perform- Zeal, false (v. Bigotry) 3725
ance) 3057; 461


As the Plays are distributed into two Divisions by this List, the Aphorisms of any one Play may be found with

much ease.

[blocks in formation]



380 85

29. Midsummer Night's Dream

189,90 -269-75

[blocks in formation]

June 11, 1812.- On a visit to the Church of Stratford upon Avon, where a book is kept of the names of those who pay this tribute to Shakespeare's Memory, the following lines were written therein, in consequence of the late Mr. Malone having recently caused the ancient Monument and Bust to be daubed with paint, which we copy without comment.

Stranger! to whom this Monument is shewn,
Invoke the Poet's curse upon Malone,
Whose meddling zeal his barbarous taste displays,
And smears his tomb-stone as he marr'd his plays.
Oct. 2, 1810.


P. xxxiv. in the Introduction, for Harterius, read Haterius. Characters-before'Aphorism applied, add this x



206, for Mercy, r. MERIT.
248, add Tit. CHURCHMEN.

488, H. IV. Pt. II.
669, for less, r. ' more.'
735, AW. T. E. W.
787, Title, BLESSING

939, HABIT.

953, HAPPINESS domestic. 954, JULIUS CÆSAR. 963, IRRITATION.

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