Nothing.] 1573, LIKING-while unconfirmed, easily poi soned by a malicious suggestion. One doth not know How much an ill word may empoison liking. 1574. LOVE sometimes conquers fairly; sometimes by artifice Some Cupids kill by arrows, some by traps. 1575. COMPARISONS invidious. Comparisons are odious. 7 1576. AUDACITY from IGNORANCE. - O what men dare do! What men may do! What men daily do! Not knowing what they do. 1577. НУРOCRISY.. O, what authority and shew of truth 1578. GOOD too frequently neglected while in POSSESSION. That which we have we prize not to the worth While we enjoy it; but being lackt and lost Why then we rack the value; then we find The virtue that possession would not give us. 1579, PATIENCE for the sufferings of others is found in many who, as to their own, have much of IMPATIENCE. Can counsel and speak comfort to that Grief Charm ache with air, and agony with words. 1580. PHILOSOPHY moral-too little applied to PRACTICE. -There seldom has been found Philosopher Night.] That could endure the tooth-ache patiently. 1581. SELF-PRAISE. There is not one wise man among twenty that will praise himself. TWELFTH NIGHT. 1582. MUSIC-the food of LOVE. Music is the food of Love. 1 A 1583. BEAUTY external-not hastily to be trusted. A beauteous wall doth oft close in pollution. 1584. CARE hostile to LIFE. Care is an enemy to Life. 1585. SLANDER is according to the Motive and Character. There is no slander in an allow'd Fool, though he do nothing but rail: nor railing in a known discreet Man, though he do nothing but reprove. 1586. WOMAN should marry an elder than herself. Let 'still the Woman take An elder than herself: so wears she to him; So sways she level in her Husband's heart. 1587. LOVE betrays itself as sure as MURTHER. A murtherous guilt shews not itself more soon Than Love that would seem hid*, 1588. INGRATITUDE most hateful and most contemptible. Ingratitude is more hateful in a man : * Which-ever be the elder, the old English Proverb coincides:: "Love and Murther will out." The latter constitutes the Mot and Subject of one of the most interesting Tales of Mrs. OPIE. : 1589. VIRTUE is BEAUTY! Lost.] In Nature there's no blemish but the Mind; 1 LOVE'S LABOUR LOST. r 1591. FAME-generous Minds look to it beyond the Tomb. Let Fame, that all hunt after in their lives, [edge, 1592. SCIENCE is too dazzling for presumptuous IGNORANCE. Study is like the Heaven's glorious Sun, That will not be deep search'd with saucy looks. 1593, AFFLICTION-we should not indulge it as without hope. Affliction + may one day smile again. 1594. PRIDE. All Pride is willing Pride. most dreadful VICES. 1595, GLORY-the Love of it may lead to the Sometimes *So saith PLATO, and so LAVATER: and thus the sublime AKEN SIDE: "Mind, Mind alone---bear witness Earth and Heaven, "The living fountains in itself contains "Of beauteous and sublime," + Quadrisyllable. Lost.] Glory grows guilty of detested crimes; 1596. YOUTH, liable to be presumptuous and headstrong. 0001 LA Young blood will not obey an old, decree*. 15974 ABSTINENCE excessive; a cause of disease. Abstinence engenders maladies. 1598. STUDY too severe. 1 Universal plodding prisons up Jacmei I The nimble spirits in the arteries As motion and long-during action tires; //) The sinewy vigour of the travellerbeda 1599. CHEARFULNESS favorable to LONGEVITY. A light heart livesdongдільИВОТАУ 1600. FOLLY most noted in the WISE..201 Folly in Fools bears not so strong amote στο As Foolery in the Wise. 1601. GRIEFhas no ear for pompousCONDOLENCE. Honest plain words best pierce the ear of Grief. 1602. MIRTH Out of Season. com azad ed Mirth cannot move a soul in agonyom 19) 0703 1603. JESTS depend on the acceptance of the HEARERHOT 118 bo to buid ted! A Jest's prosperity lives in the ear latrom 10 Of him that bears it; never in the tongue:// Of him that makes it. 1604. GOOD unpalatable after BETTER Jed // The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo. 19dio di me bus owe yuiteen HENRY V. 1 1605. СУРHER. 1 A crooked figure may Attest, in little place, a million. 1606. JESTS misplaced may be fatal. A Jest will savour but of shallow wit, When thousands weep more than did laugh at it*. 1607. PEACE should not make a State neglect it's Security. 1 It is most meet we arm us 'gainst the Foe; 9 1608. EVIL-from it we may extract GOOD! There is some Soul of Goodness in things evil, Would men observingly distil it out. H A 1609. KINGS-how little they possess beyond блою прPOMP and CEREMONY.ύχα What have Kings that privates have not too? What is thy roll of adoration? 0 Art thou aught else but place, degree, and form, Creating awe and fear in other men ? Wherein thou art less happy, being fear'd, Than they in fearing. * Yet some such Jests have been too often uttered by Men in great Places in great Assemblies. |